Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 26, 1968, p. 10

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extra half million eases county rd work backlog hilton county eufineerint department ha n additional 9500000 od hand for the road work this year as a reault of a change in the road mill rate the increase is enabling us to make a good start on reduc ing the backlog of needed work on our roads says county en gineer dj corbett in the 38th annual engineering report pres ented to county council this week higher costs ealing into the windfall how ever will be repairs necessitated by an unusallv severe winter last year maintenance costs am ounled t 00 000 compared to the prevjous 3qp repairs to pavement damage amounted to 50380 and cornell predicted hr will have to spend another u 0g0 jn 168 several major construction jobs were begun or completed during the period these included two bridges at stewarttown and glen wullamx trafabar read workmen began reconstruction of trafalgar road from the queen elizabeth way to upper middle roaj early thli week completion dale is july i960 now twolanea trafafffar will be mldeoed to four total cost of the milelong stretch li eati matettar 610 000 work has started on 223 miles of construction on the seventh line of esqueaing township east and north of hornby in june and the job will be com pie ted by early november ac cording to corbett rail crossings he reported installation of railway cross injta on county road number 19 and 8 should be nnohedi late this year or early next year all county roads will then be protected by automatic crossings corbett urged a needs study be started not later than early october to update the last one done in 1014 in making tils recommends lion the county engineer ald the data from the 1064 mtidy u not considered miflicitntly ac curate to use for developini li napcial policies and programs for the period of 1070 to 1974 the mail bag hospital news by l- clark well vacition thme is over fend once again the busy fall season approaches although haspitalwise it will not be as tisy as ue bad anticipated with plans for the new addition very much behind schedule at least in our opinion last november a firm of architects was chosen to draft plans for the addition and lh hope was that this fall would aee us well into construction however this has long slnc- gone by the way and as yet there are no concrete plans tbe hospital commission u still undecided about the use and hat would seem a more sen aible date to begin construction would be the spring of 1070 a date which we might point out to readers will compound the very serious orcroudwg of the hospital that exists at the present time however until the plans are received and approved the board cannot act in the very important fields of finance and planning we trust that the whole pro ject will gain momentum this winter and get underway in 60 the profusion of roses in the hospital over the past few months hae been the gift of the nughes brothers and their tjraeslde farms this has eer tainly added to the surround tigs and has no doubt cheered those who wers in the building as well as tha patients we regret thit fred whitta iter had to male an unscbdul ed trip to england dua to a death in his immediate family the board rejrrels very much mr whitukers loss a number of small donation have been reeived and aro as always much appreciated john chenk our gardener has the grounds looking their very best of note particularly ip foundation plantings he has placed around the base of the ornamental gates placed thepe recently by lhe arts and crafts of georgetown ths firat fall meeting of the board will be held this evening normally held on the third thursday of each month it was held hack for one week to allow mr whltlukcr to be pre asnt exposure charge hospital treatment a penetam maji tas order ed to report for treatment at the ontario hosbital when he appeared in magistrates court last wednesday chaned with indecent t pot lire says herald missed facts in residents complaint 63 edward street a iw months liutcc wi jrc fac iept 20th 163 dear slr i am enclosing a copy of the etter read to council ori mon day sepl 10th in hope tht you will find space to print it i do this because i believe your reporting of same was inade quale and compltely missed the important facts that can af feet all residential taxpayers in georgetown w luaigwi l uwif- town police junes and plead ti guilty he said 1m wanted to take treatment but could not afford it magistrate j h black order d him to report back to tha tart ocrfubar 16 for sentencing mr mayor and councillors dear sir i would like to draw ou- at tcntion to a state tit affairs that exists on delrex blvd north ofl this lot a large uooden garage has ben erected con forming inslxe to the letter of the by laws but not in iplnt however as you well know peo ple in the area have been fight ing to keep this district single family residential in character this structure at present hou aes two half ton commercial vehicles plus storag space for bottles contents of which ae hot specified and could have a safety bearing to those in the neighbourhood my wife and i noticed a larg steel tank outiide the strut ture and you can imagine our astonishment when we were informed that the owner had tended same for gasoline stor age i don t believe the operation of a commercial enterprise from a residential ton is within our prcnt bylanw and past exper leac hi uugm us that to allow anything ukv this to continue cd with a fait accompli and another noncon forming husi iiem has been established in a residential area i was at council uiuhi j sjf- ty committee was decided upon when anoif could lut mo red 500 gallon of iasoline in their backward without couiuil being auarc of it jiws a ijv lty in iaf ty iimttcr that is unbelievable th lack of judgment and consideration for others by the individual who ton t mi pi jt id putting in this jasolinc tank n excelled onl l til- lack of vi gilance by our council mem hers this m itself is abvjlut ely inexcusable from th- ijfely factor alone bottles are to lw stored in this building bottles of what chlorine napthj jas nitro jy cerine perhaju i respectfully reluct an in eatig3tion he made into tint whole business and the findings be made public so that ill can be acquainted of their rijjin in a residential area please let me repeat if this is a business operation then it should not be allowed to operate in a resi dential area and the person responsible should be to lufor roed officially yours sincereh james bvtutt local business firms sponsor showmanship one of tha features in che dairy and beef classes at geor gel own fair will be the show manship class for boys and girls this class has always been well filled and attracts a largo gathering of show people john boughton jewellers and the canadian imperial bank of commerce will provide wrist watches fur the winnners in tho two classes with the fair board gjving ccsh prlrcs or the bal anco of thr entrants all oon tcstants get a prise the awards will b presented at the judges stand at 4 p m also it the dairy class the itoyal bank will provide the trophy for the best jersey herd at the show s noknui review many good works of hornby wi members thanksgiving d y is till nia1 public houdav outlines health unit work in talk to council of women mrs i- rank jamieon senior mirse uith ilalton health unit outlined the set up of the unit to member of the local coun cil of women on rriday ater noon the council was holding its opening meeting of the sea son at the homo tf mrs ern ilmmpaon u pruio clurlr drive after detailing the total scope of the unit its general set up personnel and services she wnt on to describe its spec ul urn wind is concentration n three liclds maternal ana in jfnl hyucne preschoolers and their particular problems and adult mental health she spt ke of- the nfore urgent needs tuc as a visiting home nuking service and the prov ision f day nursery care for children of working mother aid won tangible recognition of the heeds of seuor citizens all of whrh ure held up by lack of sufficient funds she spoke of the value and importance of an informed in crested nd active support on the part of individuals and fur thems tlie work of the unit in all lib arious phases mn a m sutherland tliank ed the speaker at the close of her intcrestmc and informative uddrei mrs anne pritchard the president was ui the cliair for the mectinc mrs cb dick gae the re port of the canadian asvociat ion of consumers tea hostesses were mrs jack kerr mrs flor la nod u ell and mrs sutherland the annual meeting of the north trafalgar community club was held recently at the home of mrs martin codt the meeting was opened with he ode followed by the roll cdl which was answered by twenty members the secretary mra john hannah read the annual report the club has a member ship of 21 and three of the members jjrs dave dowlin- mrs llison ball and mm nor man sparling have attended cv ery meeting during the past year a lucky luncheon was held last novem her in the united church hall a euchre was held in the trin ity anglican church hall in february and in april prog rams for the year included a speaker from the cancer 5ocety and one from the leper mis sion an auction sale slides etc gifts and cards were- sent to members and other a don atlon was given to a needy fa rally ot christinas to the unit ahan services canadian men tal hoahh haltoii tb peel tb scott fresh air mission oak vi lie christmas bureau and the club members canvassed for the cancer society mrs maybelle mav was asked to take the chair for the clett ion of officers liars alfred mc crscken convener of the nom iriatlng committee read the slate of officers for 1068 69 the retiring president mrs davo dowlfng thanked the officers and members for their help atid cooperation during the pjst year and then passed the chah over to the new president mrs john cordingley tho mimbcri are asked to make at least one hospital gown for tho leper hospital which ere to be hand ed in at the next meeting a dessert luncheon and euchre is being planned for tuesday af ternoon november 12 in the trinity anglican church hall ww members of eden united church gathered at the north trafalgar community centre on friday night sept 20 to hon our a bride to be miss ruth msson who will be married on saturday oct id to ldw ad walter of brampton the first part of the evening was spent phing euchre with mrs lena hamilton and mr ihomas wj ter being the winners lunch was served by those in charge of the evonlng mrs leslie rut ledge and mrs bill hlli following lunch mrs bill hill called the young couple to their special chairs whera lcs lie itutlcdifc read a very appro priate poem referring to how ruth will be missed at edeu where she was a very faithful choir leader and organist fol lowing the address a lovely bri dge tabic and chairs were presented to the young couple who both extended tlielr sin cere thanks to all the remin der of tho evonlgg was enjoyed by watching a coloured fibn of the 100 tb4nnl vcrsary kden united church which was shown by jack fries eden united church anhlv orsary services will be held on sunday september 29 at 2 0 pm tlji jucst speaker will be bcv wj rogers of erindale united church mr rogers was former minister of ldcn corigratufations to dina rrcd erick of it i hornby who was the winner of a 500 schol arship and geld medal at the white oik- secondary school mm jim hamilton i kali thi oioroitown h1kald thursday sift wh 196t page 10 relic of past comes to georgetown fair one of the oldeit hay baler ilill to be in operating condi hon will be ihown at georie town fair on saturday october bth thla baler which was manu factured back in the 1800 a waa aecured up in northern ontario by the monarch hunt club and brought to halton where ii waa first on display at the steam era irt milton curly this month the baler is operated by horse power and it is hoped to have it operating fair day clarence carey is custodian of this ancient machine were fast sand oravkl fill topsoil asphalt paving driveways parking lets etc excavating sodding landscaping hasty haulage llillaburfh tan guarantee fast efficient service hasty haulage hlllsburgh ms43t7 grand valley 92s21u operated by dave gututeher 840 l mbrown 0d optometrist- at 36 mill street poorgetown phone 873671 ust off main strael another reason most people listen to tjtj john bradshaw free norway spruce tree 3 to 4 kxy sim vaiue 4 00 or more for children undttt 75 wilfi every purchase of 5 or more and a cl pping of this ad and if you can t find 5 worth to your liking we ii qive you tho tpruco irce 0 meadowlands nursery ltd half mile north of 401 on mjssissauga road le olker specials on sau at thla areas oldit nursery rebuilt engines chev pontiac 6 cyl 285 ford 6 233 co in 285 falcon 6 cyl engines 295 european specialists prices qlioted include installation financing ashancud s nothing dow ta uhittln guajtanitl vrte couruiy cars providnl ulien available we have tie most modern equipped ihop in peel county that 11 why v have the futest aervlce when we quote a price for j r built enuinc imcn tlilt includes block diorsasid bored oversize new pistons rings pins rkground crank new lifters rebuilt oil pump valve job only like every good business we operate itraiiiht and aliovc hojrd 1 ins u cailad uon esty couple that with good service and you have our compjny ill the right pers pectlve a quality engine at a reasonable coat tucked by a vntten guarantee brampton engine rebuilders 1 aaafcaaea aaaa m malii tamn lnjlum umim l ftiail pejll coontya lrjl end motl fully equipped service specialists 350 queen st west under the dixlecup phonc 43osla toronto line 6771 m2 31 jsilb come sec the cars viththe comecloser look new lopsjl uiolina old m deua u royala ttmyr dtyautcbmhoub tjoalcrs right now captivating cats uk this ajtnow delta 88 royalo yo4ancmolb thinklnsi in a bid beautiful package spoftw aookinfl vinyl totthafs young mobile ttiukantf lonear ctboier ridiitfl 1244ncfa wheslbase thrfaiycmancjraoblaotrjnlkirrcisouthocusloni j vtmupanfrm sldo windows to say nothing of a hrxjt 455 vtrro standard on royals aiong whh tho new gm safety features thwa van an inoantous kuiuthaft dovtco to keep your delta 68 noyatoyoorceha88rtoyajstoplnaoorl sm ajj tha caw with tha eomahcloaer look tbayvw o display and waiting for you right now escape bum the oaaiitaryaatjorm oukmobtie dealers iwooirinaravmdcatjtsu 442 idlassvisfckiiisc itmty oljviublu lua la aafcaf j hahrilm thi se ydur local authorized oldsm0bile dealer andrew murray motors limited 45 moonlalnvuw road s oora4own phena t77a44

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