Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 3, 1968, p. 4

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v fct- lr georgetown herald pubfohwl by htm hnpptn unkl 22 main slrmt south gor0atown ontario w c uihn puummt page a october 3rd 1968 i opinions of others itwo miles too much 1 jf seems we the parents rm betng paid back for handing so many ttiinps on ilver platters to our youngsters it wan jharo to believe that high school students tiadn t thp gumption to walk to school last monday and tuesday when their bus was late s more students turned up at the beat ty fleming public school pick up point than the buses there coold hold the school board was aware of this and had already provide sn additional biis but rtharl arrived on monday and tuejrcfay at 9 a m instead of considering there might be a mix up on tuesday the students planned a demonstration whenl wr saw tho front page picture of the stgdents they looked so well fed so in good health that it hardly seemed pos- tible a twqmile walk would faze theml shades of oxfam last mayl and shades of those beuchanaland students who walk half the niqht to school one of our leach rs jim potior could loll them more about that brampton times what it make you wonder however it for whom do they go to school don i they go for their own sokes are they com pletely unaware that schooling is a privilege denied to halt the world a children ii seems to small ma her to make a fust about even jf their rights are involved at chinguaoousy council meeting thu week reeve cyril clark spoke of the p ur of wlkirig 3s miles every da to school in his youth during the seven years hi was privileged to attend i would gladly have walked five miles a day said the reeve had i been able to stay at school after i was 12 much more youthful murray judge who only ceased his school days a few years back also recalled long walk i did close lo three mile a day and it kept me fit which makes us wonder whether the youngsters living over the road from the school will need piggyback rides in 197b so don t say you weron t warned well in advance a twosided coin milton champion newsrechoes from the heralds of 10 and jb years atjo 1948 esquesing township counc i has a re potation of being astute and when it wds proposed to that group recently that they go into the water business to serve milton heights and millon brick they were not quick to accept or reect the proposal the very valid suggestion was presen ted to the township councillor at offering an opportunity for the towrvhip s mapr industry to expand there was some con cern that the proposed tapping of the m i ton well at kelso would not offer enough of a supply to accommodate this move dav elopment of an independent source r wai suggested would provide a supply uu restricted by another municipality there s more than digging a hole of course to going into the water bus ness township councillors are undoubtedly aw are of such problem which could affect a study in fa5cinat16n is this peter jones photo the childri other village in the municipality boun daries the township is also undoubtedly aware of the problems which develop if a number of acres is suddenly put on the market for housing esqueting has a tough policy on this but the provision of water in an area can often weaken the defenses it is essential that those present resi dents n the milton heights area have wa ter supplies that are not polluted it is clear that all supplies are not polluted but the problem is one which must be resolved if the availability of water howeverj be comes a spur to further res dential develop ment the townships economy will suffer through mounting demands for schools and other urban services en s taces mirror spell of awe and bewilderment cast by a maglaan on his young audienc vetenl performance at holy cross auditorium the during a haltonmp riid lmu ting f reports 7 ottawa jitjkul the poll story guelph mereur we all have read complaints aboui ie little interest taken by people n mat ters of public interest to study the gallup polls s an edify ing matter in a recent one the number of people who stated can t say thereby express ng indifference or ignorancj amounted to 47 per ceni of the persons consulted on the and that i exactly what it turned out to tw when ian drove up and pjrked it in the driveway and hi parents found out what hod done there wis som conversation all right ha wn told in no uncertain farms that ha had mad a grav rror that ha d takan on a stiff proposition and that this was hot a motorblkv but a haarsa of a different color but the dinyc wjs done the menacing black hearse had i amfioinfi to begin tin lit vi c0ufm of the been seen in the drivewav the column in making sonic ohsrrv creditiste is a very humourous phone iwan to ring the nueh atmns on the speeches mite bylspeakr who waves hi arms hors starli d nkinj up j collec various members who particirut like a umdmill i found i could r flouirs the potato ed n the throne speech drhitc understand him uithout theaid uho calls regularlv with of translnfun a h spoke in produce tapped timidly at the thk tiinonfc speech debate french and then repeated him back door hat on his breast ifives members an opportunitv i in lngluh and vice versa tears in his eves and jaid bro- tn speak on ju t about any sub kenh i didn t know whether i ject the uish of course thnic honourable donald ja i should call toda when you in opposition seize upon thu to mieson minister o defence have had a adrvss in the fa cnticne the government for production was one of the very milj ubiect v and wn apeaker o did not read llhllkuill errors of crmmissinn and oni his speech nor did he have any 7 the matter in question was an extreme i tlu v then ln notes vet mr jamieson spoke a u it homo thl y mportant one it enquired of the persons 1 the mam virtues of their own eloquently and factually on the t wa m him n t consulted f they thought the new liberal constituencies and the marv problems of the atlantic region k m fc i problem which exist ini in government would make an effective com 1 ftme clses thpv cw n ofipr snh b nation to handle the various problems i tions to these problems mem i with the cooperation of jocal industries who hav agreed to each shut down one day weefdy and domestic ijnd commercial users the focal hydro commission is hope ful that power interruptions will be avoided the commir that power interruptions will be avoided the commis sion has been ordered to pull switches if anyone ex ceeds their quota of twothirds of normal consumption during the curretit hydro shortage 1 bits and pieces bob caldwell has taken ownership of the former long s confectionery he will also be gray coach agent dr f r watson has moved rp office from main streej above the bell telephone office 16 his home on edith street albert stmson is about to open a photography studio in the diggins building on main street 1958 action to make ewmg street safer for over a hundred school children who walk it enroute to chapel st reel school was urged monday when mrs joe emmerson and james mcbryde addressed council speaking for the home and school association mrs emmerson said parents in the swanek area wont the speed limit on the street cut to 15 miles per hour and a sidewalk in stalled two busloads of young people travelled to kitchener saturday afternoon to be featured op a ckcotv chan nel 13 telecast the trip was organized by club mid- town and include dancing before the cameras in the sta tions bandstand studio president jake spence and secretary lynda korrack were introduced on the shovy and presented with lp records and in a lucky draw margaret eason won a sweater and brian hyatt an lp a georgetown dentist dr jack kerby set a new high mark n league bowling here when he rolled a 44 single in the industrial league this week probably the oldest building in the downtown business section and possibly in the entire town was levelled this week when it came under the sledge of the st clair wrecking co most recently hswsing ollies taxi the historic old building has existed on mill st almost as long as the street itself demolition of the building has sparked rumours of everything from a department store to a new theatre had trouble with the handbrake the clufch or something took a leap forward and staved in the side of the teachers car the bumper of another one hal across the road from the school but upon the completion of the addition beinj built by orfie coii will return hooie the addition consjsu nat raiults hlitory taachar classroom kindergarten has a 100 body rapair bill loo- small hbrarv bringing mine am hysterical tnor scnool up to ten rooms felt woru than if sh had ttoun a cmy but it was a qood ida of a and tha satellite class back in school in two months since he site 1 limited in sire this will probably he the last addition to the film school tmevicw school is the next one scheduled for an addition but at present is adequate fhe lsquesini school hoard b the end of ovember all thm students of glen william tmated a schoo population of school should be back under one 1 september and nme r verv close with 1 ml turning up we re managing to keep t present the grade i art 1 even commented upervisintf houed in the old glen town i pnnc pal eric hal kind business directory lincoln ajjexandetl of houw paopla chasad him away confronting the country little need be added to tn s besides its pitiful in the mail kag christian truths once in a while after a on trying day at school has the jet age the answer writer asks 3 jftoydan place dear sir the opinion you stated the progressive conservative parly was one of the new mem her who spoke and uas very well received jils partisan re marks were for the most part quite humorous but he did de vote a portion of his time to his j race and this was verv moving amov till sptaurs whrtnd he received the attention impressed me with thvrliv th hmi bers of the nvernment usuillv omit nnv criticism of ttip propo i sed legisalion but the too do not hemtale to brin forth tin problt ms inch ovist in their respective ridmqs ind eciuns whan ha triad to park in front of thair nomas and se it want tha round of tha bay and thair- pa rants it is now hfijuvh behind the cottage 0 onp 0 tbe families deep in the woods but the hov5 undaunted bv ghost lv or gruesome ajiocla tinns ire planning some fine it would appear that our mad pleasure seeking jet set society on behalf of tha gortfuwn inandcmfniof mitenatul tin wnm flf fishinif trios m it s desperate condition and public school staff i would th ld nn nrces ariu u j f r n ned of a peaceful happy like lo commeni tha george rep wlth tn latl r ttja davi 7 risil off life toun board for lhair very kwd of the ndi mr 1 pw corbm frnm new nrunsuicl on invitation to an excellent din hfl a nfn nulpl an fne approach rirlit up o the verv instant he strikes i here corbett chiropractic clinic spinal x ray service available by appolnlmnl 77u3 m mill si old port omu barragers cianrsbiirt launderara ib main s 163 guelph all work dona on pramltas could u possibly lie that some npr and m fine tvtn 0 to of the simple people have an jjethemess answer i twlieve so and th and len merchant from bntsh columbia received deserved i tha tacond ineidant occurred compliment from 11 members hi th dsyi taachars ara trying all john in the mail bag an excellent beginning yours sincerely i it j mcmillan in the mail bag sayteacheritoolike print tpl as outlined your necent editorial regardirn flnd n um makt religion and the state of the church today begs comment a number of your conclus jons ivear little resemblance lo the fjcu you stair that tin re w as i day when the church hi id it members thmiigh a coinhiiidtiou of fear and boredom uith some people this nu t true hut to rather one enjoys abundant to lfit their hair dowh i life joy and peace of mind through faith in christ jesus you jlso state hut pcoplp who take their itible stories literally ut s nrf to the feorielown are simple people irpate docs school houd lhe finally broke cot pet mil but one mull pio flnvn ind 2av a supci duper vide ou will quite j list of dinner for he cooigetown tea prominent intelligent individ chcr stafl on tliursdav even uau who hive contiibuledj intf at the north halton golf a i greatly in society hut who miml i counh v t iuh be regarded as simpl- pi ople whit spjrked this invitation i if one is 1 1 jet i pi our opin 1v uill a mystery to nut bill ions is outlined in the editorial tha evenin wa sti h a success vou also in r that tin jmjwhv worry over trvlal matters i ae has brought us toa uuper a to why we wul invited mrs d moffat no doubt but that he is one of phis coming saturnav mv i rls novel wathods to maka the most itble debaters in the familv and i will be i itingl laarnlno coma alive soma llnitsl of comnujns georgetown fair where asphalt flows in expensive m hepteml er 30 lor relitlnua climate our prs jvin thev niu t now realiie jiit woild tondttion cause one in th s evt r proresm world to qurktion your statement i f oirs lejhrs too sre that few churches today i hu nan lwinir inianne my preach hell fire and damnation surprise to arrive at the col lhib for ditiiu r jud find tea chen mingling with one another some with drinks in their hands with mile on their faces and amimatelv on some subject or other i was almost certain i had arriyid at tho wrong party ltd couldn t b a group of leach era making so much noua nd anprar tn ml rvry j ia true but do you really lv i have our society u a better 1 place lp which to live because of it aij around us u boredom i fear and moootony has tlw jt the answer to these prob- llanu votl also infer that aclanca cbangloa our laterprautlpa fhiqbt tqumtnt jjgrjuj h mi mtnim umt 1i do rather coo- oi liiatork ihiyu el ti perhaps the georgetown board hat come to realize w teachers are like other peopln who like to let their hair down 50 charles street georgetown ont i september 3d 1066 i dfir mr editor the following inspiration sum a up my view on the local road improvement program nr more properly road deteriora tion program h i entitled inequity revisited yours truly r steve save o pleasure i derive as i pass by rxway dm ivo or four times each day whc a the asphalt flow in expensive little rows and you know who ha to pay how repulsivtf i reflected all thus dollar thy ve eol lecled kroin the ratepayers in other parts of town 4 what a terrible fate for the general rale which should be spread all aroun though local improvements are rare they exist hare nd there and that vit u hmrrt tn hat thoyll surely start existing when it come time to pave my street sugar and spice by bill smiley ian is a quiet lad young popla howavar rina thalr athleal standard have knack of oattlng thamsalves and innocant jystandara into soma unholy messas harawllh couple of euamplas our neighlwrs boy ian is a good lad he s clean honest polite and law abiding lie a about as normal a young f how as you d meet 1 ikes urn plays football and works hard at ov erylhlng except school ha and his otf msd ab out motors motor blka and cars occupy much of thalr wak- lnj tlma uh had a honda than volkc and this surmnar twoght a convartlbla for wo m run l4ist week his group was out cruising around locking at used cara ihey had no money to buy one just looking and t jwn ig tilooded car lover couitt it jrma m hoaraai a black 1950 cadillac haarsa if s p 5ajlc hednt baan atrippad down into a variable truck or somathlno of tha sort it was a tanutna raady for work har complete with purple upholttary and av ary dotail rlflht down to a cru clfu think of the history in that black behomnth a year of uerv ice lhlnk of all the iood souls who had uvur first and tast ride in a cadillac m that long sonibre body i dont think tha boys potv dord much on tk thlrtfl bui bay war hook ad theyd have th coouit transport a tlovt in own and a cadillac hut what did it was th price otto hundred dollars ian the only one with any money in the bank wrote a cheque on the spot rh other were to cuiiit in on share when they raistd tha money work soma don t j one of our voting history teachers had carefully planned a motk trial lit arranged for one of his students a girl wih a beginners driving luinse to steal his cai taui it tn the students pailtini lot ind tiy to drive it out of tlurt at noon which is veihoten she was to b apprehandad in tha falony by a datactlva tha vicaprinclpal quotwonad than turnad over to bar class mats for trial ml went well she got the car stirted the teacher had it pointed in the nuit direction rhtii all hell broke loose she walker currie optometrists 12 mun sl s brampton phone 4s1h74 houri oam to 6 p to tueidiy to sturdiy vldiy oam to 0 p in kvnluf by appointment robert r hamilton optomtcrist 118 mountainview road south carretal bldg for appointment 773wi wallace thompson 3rd divitleh court 177 31 clark a cernrrtitilermf w h cawt prf4sj6rial ehglrir cttniulllno ertdlnatar onlarld land survy ohic 1772211 1773300 horn georaetown herald pubtllhad by honia uiwipip limited georeelown ontario wakr c blhr publiiher grllld mccllvray produclion buperinttiiili nt terry itarley alleen bradley neus rlilor accountant valine toat anno currie ittpoittr frank mullln adverhiing manager ir ra fal hav bwghr it ifo ciuk d hajtlnga a a mmomi car for my wlfa ii would certainly b a tonvr- ml cllaon john ucclementa lion puaa ccorsa youns 1 v optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st par appolnlmante khn 77sa71 mtbain and hulme ontario land surveyor wlllewdala 3m35j4 lc mil1jessl ols 877827s realdence ul aculran frvic canlr john boughton jiwmawirs cartfhad warchmakara i main 774ji j monuments pollock a campbell df signs on request inspect our work in greenuood cemetery phone ml 750 s ftj water street north ft a l t roller construction la now inauuing aluminum siding windows a doom frw mtlnwtm v 1

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