Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 17, 1968, p. 1

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ads that pay ye can alaca an ad in the harahra q aa by kkankaa 0mui buying or aallln tha haram la atfiara yea will find the raaulta yeo georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing tha oeoraetewn harald haa aarvad qaorgetewn and dlatrlca a prlntere and publlahara far ovar a eanfvry effarfng tha heat in flna prlntlnt and naaaj aefcai m second daaa mall peat offka dap ottawa and for payiftent of paa in caah j ontario thuraday october 17th 196 5x0 par yean single copy price tan carta ises 5w tcj tfit adams photography buy blood pressure unit mts clifford burt loft worthy matron of tho peaco rose chapter no 315 order of tho eastern star presonlsa cheque to mrs c doupagrve director of nursing at geor getown district memorial hospital which will be used to buy a baumanorrrtof stand by blood pressure unit complete with inflation system this piece of equipment is a very important diagnostic instrument young presses action says garage illegal the juosban of the legality of a 25 x 35 garage on dclrex blvd wat again raised by cr jim young at council on tues day lie claimed that a garage in a residential area could not be used to house commercial veh ides he pointed out that this faxage u in addition to the at tached grage used far a priv ate car cr john hole chimed build ing inspector walter pacholok stated it could hot be used to bouse trucks or the 500 gal lon tank of gasoline uhich had originally been intended cr hole added the gasoline tanks j had not been installed hut the trucks ucre bang parked therli overnight cr young originally aked the planning board to invctig ate however cr francii stitcd council did not hae to go any uhere cither the police or the zoning administrator are supposed to lk after violat ions of our bylau ho added cr w smith agreed urging the byhw he tested similarly cr llallcntino felt xl was an op en and shut case we should gno mr picholok a motion to take legal action cr youni withdrew his mo lion to ak planning boirds advice ulien the nnior suggest ed he ask the buildn inspector to check on any tuch violations and lay charges if necessary sign squeeks through on 54 council vote on a five to four vote lues now commented cr jin day council approved an ap young plication from walter zuber for a sign at 100 guclph street saying wally s auto body cr koy ballentine explained it was the service station form cr john hole claimed this sin uuuld renlace an existing the rmyor the deputy reeve irly known as lincoln motors and crs lyancij and youn there are four signs there i oppos d raiders draw first blood in milton seasons opener requiem mass for young victim of city accident requiem mass was held in holy cross church on tuesday morning october 8th for lich ael william jeffrey 0 gairey drive michael los his life in a toronto accident the previous saturday when the car he was driving v as in collision on dun- das street with another vehicle driven by cooksvillo man a passenger murray pew of 245 guclph street was injured in the crash michael who was the un of william and marion jeffrey was born in toronto lived hero for two year when he was a baby later in acton until 10g3 and since then in georgetown he attended m z bennett public school acton and george kennedy public school and lat er georgetown district high i school he had been employed with phillips chrysler dodge and for i the pjst year with the abitibi provincial paper mill bolides his parents he leaves five brothers and meters sheila j richard mark david and lisa ant hts grandmother mm wit ham jeffrey 5 emery street father otger devent conduc ted the funeral mass mrs il i burko was soloist and mrs george uewson organist fall- bearers uere jim and leroy pew donald york stephen i rayner and john holmes and gordon payne of bramnlea inerment was in greenwood cemetery georgetown f a lot of the faces on both the 10 00 mark teams were new but the mil ton merchants and the george town haiders went at eich otiui in t same old exciting a friday ntidd the uldcrs edied the m r chants 03 in a suburbcn junior c content in milton with a to tal of 30 minor penalties lwing doled out to the two- clubs the merchants and haiders have had a grcnt rivalry down through the ycats and the nnny new players trying out fir apots on both team uppmently have caught the fcvei the haiders jumped off to a 20 lead in the first period and made jt 1 0 with two more quieu tauletniarly in the second befur the merchants sparked by some members of la t years juvenile team got rolling marty seeds gary naylopand bon chuchmach all scored in j tow for the merchants lurrou big the count to 13 at thv iud of 40 minuted hick cole who iiid a od shot wih the hamilton junioi a hed wingn earlier tied the li i kim got two jouls for lor i gt tou n the defending ontario junior c champ while jim mutr boh stoddard georce chapman and bradley go the otlltm gralnm hern was hie top play maker in the game foi the mcr chants as he set up three of their goals retires mill foreman presented with gifts dlfts from the staff and un ion local w ie presonuwl to tom upon 10 byron sheet on his retirenu n fioni domuir s go orietiuii mill oetober 1 imr kisor has bet n nt the mill for iii year- the la t 27 an general foiennn on his idst div buperintend ent ron mendham on behalf of the stud presented him with a thiee pitce lugg it ti t and mrs a korjk for the local pr iiled hi m with u lay ly eh i i at ilia l y fi the third period but frank kin scored to put the hnidera mil top again i seeds combined with nuyloi and graham aturii to tie the fame 35 with lu tlian three mimrttas to ifo in the game he lore larry bradley tcored the vlnniiig gears etown nurktr at m anil mi r em a georgetown high mrhool teithtir luve a son jott in gt idi ll and a dughtbr mr mjiatet felee ahto of town poppy day leiiun 1oppy diy li en sat- uiduy november u this year was misunderstanding not razing berwick people who li ivc expressed alarm atthenews thfcthistoric berwick hall an apartment building on main street south would be rarcd to make room for a new building van rent as sured tlie nunslortllkc house- wilt stay part of the george town scene for many jears to come owner harold fohert told tlie herald this week ho has no intention of taking tho hoitte down for at least ten year nd it may well be the until it fully down ho added ho uaftl the story that berwick hall was to be raxed grew out of a misunderstanding lie raid lie had only nought to have the area re zoned so that tlie build ings existing uie conforms tlie rexoning application was dealt wlh at lah weeks coun cil meeting aid it was council lors commonts at that time that formed the hasu for the story headed berwiek hull willgo lor new buildug mxm jerseys about 50 head of jersey caj- tie will leave georgetown frl day to 5 old a shipment of five hundred head bound from montreal to peru corner acquisition is last for new bridge the last piece of land involv ed in tho main street bridge widening was dealt with by council tuesday night the i corner lot owned by mr and mrs s jacoletu knom as club 7 restaurant baa to be changed considerably in order to widen the approach to tho bridge the gas pumps and storage tanks will hc relocated and piece of land acquired council approved an offer of 4000 for the necessary piece of land including the cost of gra veiling and grading plus 1100 for the relocation of the xas pumps and tanks in return for a 20 x 120 strip pf land ab utting the westerly urn it of the property which the town would deed to tho jacolcttls- the town reduced the offer by 1020 from the appraised price cr steamer emmernon felt council should bo looking ahead to the complete reconstruction of tho corner but cr smith ex plained that thii desifm could be incorporated in any of the four future plan for tlie corn almost 400 start school days in georgetown kp moms hit their lower lip and remembered a toddler just lear ning to walk not very many years ago and teacher shook their heads positive tho crop of kindergarten pupils gets younger looking every term thats tho way it was when elose to 400 of georgetowns smallest citizens took the giant step from the playroom to the bottom rung of tlie education ladder commencing a whole new way of life now six weeks later the young veterans of the treadmill confidently burst from tho front door and join the stream of classmates and oldcx pupils en route to the learning routine ahd tho fact that the crndc eighter in tho crowd tower at leaat 12 feet over their head doesnt scare them a bit listed on page 11 are names of the kindergarten pupils at georgetowns wx elementary schools kennedy harrison wrlgglesworth chapel street park and holy cross since the climb is such a long one its not tat late to wish thorn all well on the way to tlie top struck by car pedestrian dies jumps almost 2000 population now 14528 gcorgptovvn population jum ped almost two thousand over the lit year the exact fig urcs released by assessor mar shall ban show a total popula tion of 14s2fl a jump of 1028 over last september 30s roll which showed a total of 12600 the a hai the popula tion distribution broken down by ago groups as well as by wards tho age breakdown show ward three has by far the lar gest number of children under the age of three 4ol ward two has tho largest teenage pop ulation 502 and ward one the largest number of residents over the age of 70 2fiu y seeking 11000 only 1500 in yet only 1500 of the 11000 goal of the ymca campaign has been received to date ac cording to a ymca official many of the results residen tial industrial and some com mercial have not yet been re turned hut they are not com ing the wav we hoped said joan agg 1151 residential chair man the budgetvaled for 3300 residential 2500 opeclal nam es 1006 commercial and 4000 industrial but hopes are dim ming that they will be realized three hundred and twenty canvasrrs are covering the town stowarttown glen wil liams nerval and limehousc if the 11000 objective is not reached some of the y pro grams may have to be dropped stop pussyfooting apartment applicant stop pussy footing around and mike a decision a letter from steve emmcrson mount aihvicw hoad mklsed council tuesday night he was commenting on his application for a 23 suito ap artment which he said had leen turned down by the planning board the planning board cant turn down they can only recommend said the letter so make a decision its a coun cil decision he went on to state tliat the only tlung council had dune was raiso the null rate and the assessment with such a frien dly group around the table uho needs enemies he con eluded james wilfred price killed crossing highway 7 sunday apedestrjan was killed sun day night when hit by a car while crossing ijighway 7 near his home between the 5th and 6th lines of esquesing town ship james wilfred jimmy price 63 was pronounced dead on ar rival at georgetown district memorial hospital by coroner dr j it chamberlain driver of the east bound car was gino cad own 20 of guclph north halton ow corvstablc james hodgson was the investp gating officer v mr prices destination at the time of tho 8 30 psn accident in patchy fog and heavy traffic is not known but according to friends he may have been head ing for stan matthews farm across the road where ho was a frequent visitor mrs mat thews made the hospital trip with her neighbour following tho georgetown volunteer am bulance by car mr price a beard more tan nery employee lived with his 93 year old father howard he is survived by one idster mrs carrie bevam of brampton the funeral was held at the harold c mccluro funeral home in georgetown yester day and interment was in greenwood cemetery wants junk garbage cleaned up by builder sparked by a letter from a w powell 4 chipper court protesting the litter in the area council tuesday night decided to write stop it brothers ask ing them to clean up the area between chipper court and sar gent road where they are con structing houses mr powell claimed junk and garbago blow a all over resid ents gardens deputy reeve art speight stated tlie problem was common to all construction areas and it would disappear when the bull- ding was completed cr bob francis contended our friend skopit leaves a trail of garbage all over tho egst end he told of cement bags uttering the whole area and a neighbours front steps cr steamer emmerson told of an incident where the pouce made a builder clean up an area so it is possible to en force he concluded cr young suggested a copy of tho letter go to budding in- ipoctor walter pacholok mattress doused a firo which required geor getown firefighters attention early saundaeenjjigwas of a minor nature firemen tossed a smouldering mattress out the front door of a main st north home and doused it in the drive way old house shelter for family of nine walls come tumbling down a vance demolition workman sheers rows of bricks from ftlop tho old town holl which itancjs as hie last evidence that e twostorey brick building once occupied the cross street site the demolition company erased most of tho historic old structure on tho weekend three weeks after a fie gulled t shelter in a damaged old house that is to be demolished has been found for a family of nine persons who were living in a two man army tent in a north halton bush lot near georgetown the parents their five boys and two girls age four to 15 had only one bed and two mat tresses on tho floor they got water from a creek and cooked on a camp stovo the tent leak ed childrens aid the house winch was located by the halton cluldrcns aid society is said to be 100 years old it is on land owned by the credit valley conservation authority which intends to wreck it in order to make way for a recreation area the building is without elec tricity or running water and la heated by a quebec heater doors inside fixtures lights and light switches have been stolen and windows broken by vandals when tho family moved into the house last week tho father covered the openings with plas tic sheeting drinking water ls delivered to tlie family daily by a goorpotown dairy and paid for by tho childrens aid soc iety if we can mako tho house more liveable than it is i dont see why they should move fiuit dr gordon askwith dir ector of tho chlldrena aid so ciety this week it is q very substantial house we re go lug to woik towaids getting something done last month tho family d plight camo to the uttentton of the society early lat month when one of the lioyn who is mentally re tarded was found wandering in tho hush tlie house was lu cated with tho autanco of maglulralo kenneth m lang don and welfare groups v3he fathci un unskilled labourtr is now employed and h paying wnue rent to the socletj while m the ontario mi hm heei n cod homiiu ml umilys need lor per manent quartern childrans aid society omciahj do not think it very likely the eorpor- atiott will he able to supply it there is no ontario housing lu the ikirthurn part of halton if hie house the family is now i occupyimi is to be liveable for the winter months more heat- ing equipment will bo needed besides beds and mattresses to ensure a satisfactory water sup ply a well v111 have to be dug george bentley secretary trea surer of the credit valley con- servatlon authority said that while the authority was willing to help the family as much as possible it could not guarantee that they could remain in the houie after the winter mrs helen archer heads lawn bowling league mrs helen archer was elect ed chairman of tho georgctoun lawn bowlers ladies section at their annual meeting and din ner tuesday october 8 wiv marjory wilson was m the chair for the election of officers tlie first vice president is mrs fredu hunter 2nd vice president mia sarah edwards secretary mrs florence cleave troajurer mr margaret hunt er press flower and car con vener mrs myrtle pattenden games convener mrs jessio dick and her usijants mrs gladys jtohlnsoji mrs violet ainsworth irs bdna renwick the prize committee i made up of mrs lena pond mrs marj ory wilson md mrs hilda pcnrue lunch anil social com mittee mrs nn pntchml mrs ellrahoth buck miss luenj campbell mr mao cleave and mrs florence wiliaiison aud itors mrs lv winjnnc md miss surah kduirds mrs freda hunter ua tho season s top scorvr followed by air dladvs bohinson and mjj florence wiuiimson lhe membership lliij eir in cluded 23 members ami thieu associate members mot were on hand for the pot luck supper which preceded tho election of officers prior to that he mem bers placed three greens of doublet in tho uitopnoon they n will stay u iff lug a series of euchres together obey bus signals north halton opi have recei ved complaints of motorists dis obeying the flashing signals atop it tapped school buses th signala say do not pass

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