Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 24, 1968, p. 4

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georgetown herald iljj- aja ft mbamaav ay iipm nnnvii imiiuvu 2j mln slraat south gaotytawn ontario w cibhamnkm page 4 thursday october 24th 1968 editorial comment landmarks disappearing georgetown physical link with the patt have been doing disappearing act these pat few yeas wm by deign 1 othen by accident obstruction by fire of the old town hall on he highway removes yet another link ifytlh history following dtoiely on the grand stand at the park in similarfainton luckily the old town bell had been removed tome fears ago and its prominent position in ront cf the fireball will keep us m mind of fhose days wheri the budding was a focal jomt of the towns community life t the town hahi will now foin the high chool demolished over a decade ago now jo make way for a brand new edifice and jhe old radial station where the new mal- fon peril trust building now stands in his tory s ghost town j other past links which have given way to progress are tho creelman building on its a big land i a holiday motor trip to the east coast ihould be a must on everyone s travel list if only to impress on canadians the fnagnitudc of this land in which we live we travelled the gaspe peninsula oute visiting prince edward island and cape breton then on to halifax the a na pahs valley and back to new brunswick or a glimpse of saint john and fredencton it is a perfect time of year for the trav eller who can delay his vacation until the fall leaves were at just the right turning oint and weather was that perfect late jjulumn warm those prcc ous in between jays before frost makes its i roads on the flowers like every ontario resident who makes hie trip we came home filled with de- main street once flourishing industry replaced by m new block of stores the white rose tervice station across the road for a similar purpose the clay products building on king street razed by fire gone loo is the creamery building on lite highway with only portions remaining after a fire the roxy theatre on mill st now only a fire scarred shell and soon got ting them will be a house on aain st north which was once a brewery and the old white bridge itself mo be replaced by a jnor modern structure if tear n to be shed perhaps rnost shoull fall for the town hall j town fathers of days past can be con suredy perhaps for allowing it to reach the concttion it did there was a fine auditor ium with perfect acoustics the building had an impressive took and should have been kept in repair rather than allowed to crum ble away and become a pigeons roost hghtful scenery but somewhat sad to find hat our province of plenty is not typical of the eastern part of our dominion scenery is fine for the visitor but you can t eat il at times in the maritime we wondered wkat would happen if road bull ding stopped and school buses ceaed to operate for these seemed to be among the main industries the famed annapolis valley is lush in contrast to tne topography a few miles away but to an eye accustomed to western ontario s fine farmland seemed less than the parad se we had pictured the cap breton highlands provided spectacular views and supero tourist accommodation but pity the man who tr cd to farm those barren fields ffin idl hal irucjl reports pag this week i ww appointed to two committees of the house of commoni by the honourabl donald macdonald resident of the privy council and the mln later responsible for assigning members to the various com mitteu i will be servitfi on the comrnitteo for regional de velopment and the labour man power and immigration com- mltte in uif nrar future i expect to bo appointed to addi tional committees which i hope will be the commit ft on iloiu ln and the comnnttce on con aunier affairs t am vwty pleasrd to be a member of thr tteiional dove opment committer because it whole new concept in revised scouting program with matters which affect peo ple in my ludinfi canada powejl b the iuc- ccsjwr lo the national employ ment service this dfparvoent has oxpanded its facilities in order to keep pace with our eic pandinjt economy there are 331 canada manpower centre se rosa the country which are ad- miimtwrpd and financed by the federal government in oak- villc thu centre is located in tho todcrjl duiwmfi untier the direction of iss hvelyn hart- well ustints are obtained by the centre from rrnployera of job opportunities and exper ience requirements for lhe jrtu in tiksluc milton poh pi t has many areas of responsibility of the town of misauiiugi which are or great intn3t to icrwms nkldinl in cejrjicn a me fv rkimple regional dev i arid acton should go to the elopment eif rcsponsblr for manpower centre in brampton ahda agriculture itohahiuta land persons resident in erin tion development act and should deal with the centre in krkd oiinrls for rural fccono guelpfi mle development part of the y sqv jjuufc and mlun regional development work hc grorcctfwn lau vair very much concerned uith soil h and water conservation ax nu t ag u hfc ny of ou know i u a mom h thc il u tn hundreds of vuhom enjoyrd yeryauo authority nd held oursc vfry much mr k hat powtion uilw eltc preudcnt o lhc geor ted to parliament last june k as fajl as the lakxjr man i commiltw are to be tmcer- powerand immieration commit l commended for a splendid tee is concerned again i jurr pleased to be a member be cause of the kreat intercut thi committra will have for many rm u people in iraiton iudin in georgetown herald can trend be reversed the thought kept recurn g as we iour- ad the eait is there not some way we can reverse the trend robbing the mantimes of onen whose ancestral roots are deep fun nelling them into ontario because they want to eat want their children to have a future which the east can t give them as more and more easterners come here wo aggravate our housing problems inflate our property values create desperate conditions in our cities with the only answer staggering subsidies so more and more hou ses can be bult lo hquse more and more people would it not be better for our govern nnent to consider channelling these subsid ies in t ie other direct on eourag ng in tfustry to settle in the east where there are already established communities where people want to stay would it be any more expensive to pay industry to locate there than to pour millions into housing subsid es and as western ontario grows bring increasing expendtures on highways on social welfare on municipal admims iraticn hstoncall it is he ambitious who emigrate so it is i icely that we are robbing the est of men with the most ambition the most skill wh ch must be creating a snowballing problem in government reliefi costs i scouting tio hat a dynamic nea program for the bojs in green ihf aims and purpose are still essentially thoje of foun dcr lord rdenpowfll in 1b08 but ajter three yearn of studv and lsling the nat lonal scouting txeculie met in winnipeg last ortoiwr to put niu life in a program thil lu rtmaincd mrtually unchantd for three gener- atioru i cone m the semi miliury atttude tnuards scouting and the stagnant irade ttm tl badgea and cord iicoutm 68 is more bo orientated uilli flexibility and challenge for all types of bos aong with the ntw promise and ntw lau corner a dlvis ion of members into scouts 11 14 ears and venturer 14 17 year- there i a slight m sugar and spice by bill smiley an apology from smiley rirv o oflfn i tt mvself rto such a lind thai j razor bljc and a tub of hut hater serin the only honourible uay out the jolc reaboi i am still wilh yoi is that either my uife pak just ruined mv hst blade shviii her u or everybody in the fcuiibc hjj juit lud j pjh jnl there s no hot uater un i m in oh tif thw now fclind that la hat bath pint ef hll the sovakt ir aftr m n a recent column abeut tha iechj i 0td hot lndvrt nmy the phrasa thou louy slovaks i of my 12 slovakian fe nli i s took exleption read in jc it out of context ai people iys do tthen they ujitlt o jju sceplion no iria a pvtn than leult coric twtrmlary of th slovak prfiatit soiuty road my arti- l by chanc by chanc my sroot it wa ofcvloutly tnt to jilm by torn louty ckah h jwrot u lttr to tho odltor ikwhlch ondl with th intrlgulntj to ud l hate will find himmlf o kd a hati hatrod wa a row and have ngt leen nor ever expect to be a nazi i unouily this letter too l contains the expression if you arc jioinji to need llvr you will lind veurself in a hatred collusion what wall 0jd slovaks id your ladui i apolofllir if ur oduc atlortal lyitom wt hy tood yopai hv known what i msnt th original tald kre yu f a feood honil hohvmlah 1 ckoch afir wofu war i yu ar throwrt in with thau lousy slovaks and told you are now a ck4chsiovklan i it 1 cfuit je that make it readr here you ar a kwhj honest sbvak after world war i you are throurt in witli those lousy bohemians and totd nu are now a creeho slo vakiaft and thats about what hay think ef h othar divide and conquor i lwy uy hut now ill hava the cwcha ir m th nut balkan war mya foooht right kr in canada with yourt truly slap ry tho trilddl tho only way oukthat i j la fc w aiuilhcr latter to the editor slunci bv alx blovak veterana utauilej tbt i wa toot only jlgnohamt but a number of nine nails sic ccajantiattail iwel id rathrr be louiv than jboth ignorant anil u nlzi i m ignorant w loujy when 1 i ikaati us i i hv te make a pch ta the womans inituut i would i rather walk barofoot ever a glowing bad of rd hot oooal jlru than maka tho ph howvr its my own fault their secretary wmle tne lat jtin nskint me to peak j i i ignored the letter hoping it i would fio cua or that id the i i then came the tisil strike thought i was safe no sr i karh septpinber he urote aifain sharply reminding me stiil i ttfllad but ne us it wain my m of hbnor that mda ma tccabt it was the fact tht tht sacrotarys daughttr was in my hem form vrry day sha sat and lookod at me with hut roeraachful yt finally i broke and blurtrd ah rioht marsha all rlyhtl tall your mom im do it sh baamad hr laach hadn t let hr down 1 what in the holy old nil eved woild dors one say ta a group of first class womtn uhoj jhave already heard a peikir on every possible topic wl i have my opanlng pra uraph rtiady it hkv thu th womons inttltula khould b wbd out with flro and sword if nofoltary spkk irt as a man i would ilk to see avrry branch smaihod all records put to vha fumos and any ekcutlva mombors who might bo caught sent to can to tho hoxt ball iptnmriil by th suvak ranallt secuty bui even the vision of wv erioj slovaka and choking cxechs seeking toy blood doesnt bother dm nearly as much as the next oadei in toy current bind id rather face 100 of them barehanded than o tin it uj h with il 1350 appeals as farmers protest new assessments the hall on committee of ad ju inient will iwyin sittings oc tobr 10 to hear the first of 1 ljl ippeals against ssifh mcnls in the count v this sear i county ajsessor rolert ileachl said this week that 3s0 farmei ar amot time viho have ap pealed th r assessment raised thu ear through ccunts wlde re assessment th assessors tried to brine land tssessments up t approximately one third of their market value with the result iome assessments douh led and some increased as muchi aa 10 times i beich said the counts has bei n tcit in 000 appeals a yeir but tlus ears figure tat ill represents onlv two aiuf a half per cent of the more thin v i 000 prnpirtiis m the county most fariitc who lne ap peah d are fn m the south of the county few farmer in 1s questing and naisagaweya tups appealed lhc farmers were supported in lhc halton federation of at ru ul lure which held a series of jut clingy to acquaint thein with the new asessment valutas hi in applied in he county hit isseiors attended some meetings to explain how the re ass ssment works iiil federation ins apiunntrd a elect committee to push for assessment reform through the onljrio fedratlon of auneul nr lliev plan to carrv their protestii to the ontario munlcl pj board if necedsary oirrlaip in ates lo emhle the boys to move up when they feel ready th new procnm realties that oldr twvi inio different nitereils and nbili ties and leaves room foicon sidcration of school prides nutunty prtioiw friend ihips and intercuts under the ni w conc pt a palrol is a natural grouping of lws of similar at ind physical development cuse frundtar no loni er split up in the name of tinner al fellowship the rnpe of iiii ities will take placo within a patrol a troop uill consist of one or more pjlrols jnd it is recommended that the tronp meet al least onco i nu nth greater emphasis 1 lo he placed on slured ind mui i tional kadership at th xmo time some 1k leaders uill lw elected or chos n b dif ferent methods vinhin the patrol to hold a r pi t for any set length of time patrols will operato under conditions which will most encnunj e e acli m mhi r to share in the leadership dull leadership could hi t he described wlutecr anv person does to hlp u pitrol or troop lilernnne what it wjnts to do ind how it w nils to do it the lump scouler will ik rt pnrisibm for the operation of one or i it the most two patrols there ib room in the pro- inm for leadership b peo ple out sid of scout i nt specific projects and activi tic net achievement badue ind award scheme replacei th vis line grade level o 1 1 ndcrfoot si cond cliss and i irst i with tioneer vo- ni ur and pathfinder aw iids tins ire ichicved thru the e unin of combinations of ii evemenl bidte ma in i quire thr p irticipation of two or more scouts or an entire p itrol i ii s now st m enables a hi to enter scoutmj at any t ind moe directk into a suit hie st ie of achievement in chill no badge and w nd oheme replaces the old eord and indue system it focuses on vocations hob hn s tiui intrrests on both ill rou nd the individual lew i v i u tine hai met uilh consistent succe s v here it ji s 1 en tested iloys hive nil t it d it presents a lrea i tii ehallr l and encourages i icu i einent 1 he deiee of pitrol self di trrnini ition and the wider i v it ii i uf ictivitie kivcs the nr nu ition in excitm new innl hi it can ontimie to ch mgo with the turn s the past few months since i hav been our member of parliament a great nuny pco pie who ire immigrants thorn selves have come to me with problems relating to findint jobs fitting themselves into th labour force and asking for as ststance in bringing theikfam ilies to canada lc t vew immigrants to ha ton income excellent canadian citizens and are usually vers pleased with the many opportu nities which canida offers them and it is understandable that f tiiey want lo bring their finu les to share in their good for i tune of course there arc imn problems associated with ijh our manpower and immigra tion and therefore a y our member of parliament i will take an acliva part in dealmii published by homo kjowspapors llmltod georgetown ontario waltar c buhn publisher garflald mcgiivray production superintendent terry harley aileen bridle hews belitor accountant aleric tost anne currle rteporter trank mullin advertising manager leslio clark dave hastings mylcs gilson john mcciements george young business directory corbett chiropractic clinic spinal x ray service available by appolhtktant 6774431 a mill st old pott ohk barrager s cleanars shirt laundrra 877 227 1g main s 166 guelph am work done on prmlts news echoes from the heralds of 10 and 30 years ago i l i ti i l f tbalr llvas maklntf motions and resolution and phenay es kimo carving and hat eiklno poopta fa speak to tham on second thought knaybe id belter take n the entire creeho slovak population of i canada nt get it ovti with quickly georgetown herald 32 main st 5 ceorvatewn phone 77 3201 1958 j a georqctovn woman ins been appointed assistant dir ector of nurse at tho johns hopkins hospital in balti 1 more miss dons armstrong rn will assume her new position on december 1st 0 the 1958 59 exreut ve- of tho georgetown boys band has been elected the president is fred armstrong vice president art herbert treasurer mrt vern mccumber and secretiry mrs john cummins on the executive committee are mrs harold whoeler ernie lorgrave ha rold henry and gerry mccrae poorly disguised as the tnditional practical okc van dalism crept into tho halloween celebrations locally and caused wilful d mi ige ippro ichinq si 000 perpe trators foiled a number of the new scotch lite street signs and a 500 sloro window was smashed with an ink boltle a i irge tract of land in tho p irk district will be the site of the proposed georgetown hospital the hospital board announced the loc ition this week liter complel ing negotiations with harold cleave for pirl of his farm at the west end of princes ann drive tho land is in esquesing township nt the town limit 1948 0 a bun on the 9th line owned by the inghs brothers george and james was dcstroyedby fire this morning the barn winch was empty was on the properly knovi n as will logan s lop firm purchased by the two brother since no wind wis blowing the fhmes were no threat to tht firm houi occupied by mr and mrs archie walker currie optometrists 12 uiln st s brampton phone 451wt iloura 0am to 6 p vu tuesday to saturday jrldy 0 am to 9 pju kveuluga by appointment robert r hamilton optomtehist 11g mounlainwiw iload south carrctal mile for appointmant 173971 wallace thompson 3rd division court 177 2963 clark jl cowhiiuiohar w h cam lrotlonl ernln4f w conaultlrtd enginaar ontario land survaych ohica- 177 12u 773300 horn mcbain and hulme ontario land survayora willowdala 2111su lc milltfasi ols 87775 residence mw conilahlo riiy schi kr lias brl n truniftrrocl lo georgo town from hamilton lo om tliu local lined iian cjolachj merit uliicli is iwndfd by corporal j w sheffield ho replaced conslable jim aacnivun with tfie appropriate cermiknis ihn rwjw csqueslnrj township hall wai oponetl al mowirttown ust wednes day evenlnrj with j a carroll amonq the principal apeakers kccvo gt orrjp lluavowas cluirnun optomethist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st er apelnttitanta fhena 77s47 offlclal bulova acutron sarvlc centra john b0ught0n jewellers cikid watchmallara 5 main st 4 1774313 monuments pollock ft campbell designs on ittqui st insptct our work in greenwood cemetery phone 451 7s0 u2 water blurt jorth o a l t roller construction la now initalling alumitjum siding windows doors all work guaranteed fre flslimates call 177 i0i tf

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