Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 31, 1968, p. 17

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the evelyn shoppe jantzen for tkierscurlersskaters i jantzen sweaters with matching and coordinated tapered pont colours black char brown treellne green char navy golden rod oatmeal sizes 10 20 l5 to 25 jantzcn sleeveless vest wool mohair and aplaca green gold lo aa only sizes s m l 3l0uu jantzen pullovers turtle node luxury lisle long sleeve pullovers while gold sofl greon 700 the evelyn shoppe 7 main street north 1774831 notice notice of the clotlng of tha allowance fer road between concession 3 fend 3 in front lot is township ol esue- sing notice of a proposed by jgyt no 27c8 for stopping up allowance for road betueen onresslons 2 and 3 m front of ot 15 of the township of quesirtg and for authorizing be conveyance of the portion stopped up to the adjoining pawner or owner and whereas council la des ouj of stopping up the allow knee for the above road and of onveyintf ihe portions so btop- up to the adjoining owners owner nou therefore the coun of the municipal cor oration of the tdwn op esquesing enacts yoxows from and after the passing of this by law tha allow ance for road described herein shall be closed and stopped up and conveyed to th adjoining owners or owner description of jurt of rrud llowinca between cons 1 and in front qf lot lfl lvp of sins all and singular that ain parcel or tract of land rid premises situate lying and einjf in the lownmilp of us queahig in the county of hal ami province of ontario being composed of part of ttho original road allowance be fctween concekiions 2 and 3 in rorvt of lot 13 in the said ivnship containing by ad fmeaaur ement 1 flt acres be the taame more or lea- and which rcald pare of land is more par tlcularly described as follow premising that the outh li ilt of the kings highwjy pnwnw 25 u shown on regl mtered plii ndmbu- 421 on file the registry office for the m r ft tfiiu numim pin tot tha west half of said lot is pin aald concession 3 has a hear j log of north 77d 2i 15 vfait ftitronomlc and relating all bearing herein thereto xomimenclng at the point of intersection of the north st limit of the said road at jlowsnce being also the south i we limit of the west half of iftid lot 16 in said concession jj with a ufie drawn parallel to and moo feet in peryliidku lur diitan measured north westerly from the aouthist li mit of the west half of said lot 15 in said concession 3 said point of intersection being du tant bfl 41 feet more or loss mi a sured north westerly along the said northeast limit of the said road allowance from the south angle of the west half of said lot 15 in said concession 3 thence north 4di8 west along the said northeast limit of the said allowance 1008 39 fleet more or less to its point of intersection with the southwest limit of the kings highway number 25 as shown on registered plan number 421 on file in the registry office for the said county arid cross ing part of the west half of said lot 15 in said concession 3 thence north westerly al ong the northwesterly produc tion of the said muthwrst limit or the kings highway number 25 bcinj along a curve to the right having a radius of 1195 02 i ert a chord distance of 117 62 1 cct more or less on a chord heann of north 50do334 ucst to the point of intersec tion of tha said north westerly production of the said south west limit with the northeast crly production of the line of a fence running south westerly thence south sotl 50 10 wcj1 along the said north easterly production of the line of the said fence 37 10 keet more or less to the point of intersection of the line of the said fenct with the southwest limit of the said road allowance being alio the northcast limit of the east half of said lot 15 in the aforesaid eoncctsimi t1ience south 44dib30 east along the said south west limit of the said road allowance 116 40 veot more orjrsatoa point therein dlsurifft 43 feet measured north westerly al ong the said south west limit of the said wvid allowance from funeral service for mrs walter mcmurdo vuneral service was held at the harold c mcclure uneral home on october 17th for vrs walter m mcmurdo 73 mrs mcmurdo wa a member of the reorganised church of christ of latter day saints and rev william archer conducted ihe service- pallbearers were george and gary mcmurdo malton joseph parnla rexdale thonrae weir sudbury ermer 9tlf and olen thompson grandaons were flower bearers grant and peter mcmurdo richard thompson and david and john anderson interment was in greenwood comelery the former jean pride she wu a native of dundadc daugh ter of george pride and jennie rogers following their marri age in 19k mr and mrs mc murdo farmed lb pro on and egrempnt townships since mtv ing to glen wlluiwre mrs mc hurdo had been employed at avro donng trie war with beaumont knitting co ud and apple roducht she leavm four rfiildren mrs jack delia anderson mikon lloyd of malton mm norma thompson and 111 11 of georgetown and ib crandchil drcn shfj was predeceased by brothers david ind william m british columbia and a sister helen of chicago thi fmoroattown hiralb thursday octomr 31 19m page 2 alriois limehouse si on 2 1henck north 3dd 34 20 east 3j22 eeet more or less to tin point of intersection at the cmnv line of the said road allowance with the aforesaid linn drawn parallel to and bd 00 feet in perpendicular distance measured north sweater ly from tha aforesaid southeast limit of the west half of aid lot 15 in the aforesaid concession 3 tilence north 38dt30 india missionaries speak at limthouse the lwnehouse presbyterian wmb held their fall thankoff tnng meeting m the church on sunday evening with mi f sanford in the chair she mtro- duced rev and mrs john mur ray of caledon east who show ed a large number of very clear and intereitingslide of india where they were missionaries for thlry years each comment ing alternately mrs booth read scripture and mrs gisby led m prayer with mrs roughlcy at the organ mrs don hincork sang two lftvel solos rs a w uanton thanked all contnb utlnjf to a successful evening and rev murray rronounccd the benediction a plasant social ho ir convened by mrs j cnchton and mrs a pat terson wis held downstairs af the youhg people s group held their meeting and a youth film jhowuvg at the karris in glen williams on sunday even ing program convener mrs way ne lister was a delegate with acting president of georgcoun ywcv mrs wakefield ford at the 75 til annual mcctkng of the ywca of canada at the inn on the park for four days last week the w v met at the church on tueidav evening congratulation to mr and mrs bert benton on the iaie arrival of john arjiur a guelph general hospital early on october 23 mrs a benton auction sale on saturday november 2 at 1 sum eharv for mr victor ostrander con 11 let 17 tewmhls of esq o ting one mile east gorotown two miles nerfh ef nerval of class and pine antiques household furnishings dining room buffet 6 dining room chairs twd round dining room tables t gramaphone old pine kitchen table old upright chair settee and chair old pi aho stool old walnut dresser and matching was hs land man tel clocks vcrosks beaver seal ers small pine tables picture ironies knitting machine two pfcc modern cheiterfield suite metal wardrobe record player old baby crib blanket box su piece set bedroom dishes and other assorted pieces satin glass cocoa et comport old cups and saucers mustache cup and other old glass and china 1009 japanese vase several rugs quantity of books school books one cannon ball bicycle undedwood typewriter quantity old lumber this is the first sale in three generations a sale for every collector plan to attend owner or auctioneer not r sponsible for accidents day of sale alfred r spence auctioneer evaluator rr georgetown onfaru services personal upholfitbuco turnltun rec overed acd repaired quality workmanship -r- t h bruca stowerttowa 8770312 tl for rent unhijtnished room tot rnd lady only dtlrw aro 877 hum ski cottages for mrt or sale riasnlable on mile wwt of gtorcian peak road mow pbuii ed 4510218 10120 j i hmiild bed atlaii room anil kitchen in private home will reit to a clean qulea par- ion only flev payable weekly large downtown apart- men for rent suitable for four adults ample parkuig immed iate possesion priori b77- 2209 or 877 s231 tf two bedroom modern apart ment heat hydro water fridge and stove 130 monthly dee ember lit po4settslon call h fobert ileal ertrle ltd itealtor 877 5213 mhchdvat souper mades chosen as 4 h club name souper mades is the name chosen by the ashgrove 4 h girls for their club projec thu year at their third meeting last saturday 13 members answered roll call by naming their favour it fish dish the cover desijn created by janet nurse was chosen kathleen nd louisi kitely prepared salmon loaf and ttraco bird mie a chicken idlad at he previous- meeting roll call uas answered by tha main meal of the day mrs brown ridge explained how to do a sour milk check jdheet ihen the girls moved to the kitchen to watch ann mcckiro make quicat burgers janet nurbe western sandwiches and ami uill iotw ato soup avis rent a car and truck rentals 8775323 special weekend rates free delivery do you hav a service to offmk t tell the public by advertising- it in the services column of hie georifctown herald kut aloof the aald parallel una 53 21 teet more or ilhi to the point of coinmenctmcnt taki not1ck that tho uun iclpal council of the townahlp of kaquealntf will take into con alderatlon of tho rpansinu and if approved will pax ot itn ineeillb to be held on tueiday november lotli ldot at the hour of 7 30 oclock in the ev enlng at tbe municipal cham bcr of the aald township of esquealnf a by law stopping up tm jtim twirihd property in the said townlhlp and the council will at that time and place hear in parson or by his counsel solicitor or agent any person who claims that his land wll he prejudicial ly affected by the by law and who applied la be heard dated at ksqueslntf the 21st day of october a d 10w1 k c unoaay ontario clerk of the township of knquosln 11 7 ontario housing corporation development proposals are invited por construction op 24 senior citizens units of ontario housing in tha town op georgetown tha raqulrad units are te be tiled on land ewn ky the corporation lvoposal forms specificai- ioni aiul lnfotniation may bo obtained from the offices of tin corporation and pro- posalh will be physically re uy t wif m eiilor of onurio housina cor uration los unlvsrslly ave toronto 1 not later than 2 pm lisl monday nov 2sth 1ix1h the lowiht or any proposal will not nccceaarlly he acce-p- ud ontario housing corporation bahauluh br nt ana un prisonnier dana una fortreiae turque en terra saint annonce un nou veil rve uoo de dleu son nora euit babaullah sea let ires aux hols aont indubita- blement lej documcdts les plua remarquablee de lhlatoire rclls lauae plusieura miillonj de per- aobaes oat nuinteneat reponaa e san appek le clerfe region al de toutea les croyencea vlent de recevolr une offre dir mesaae de rahaullah nous vous recpmmandooi fortement de vous en rendre compte solt par leritreoils de eolre pa- teur ou p ou aolt en crlvant bahal sier postal 164 oakvllle georgetown upholstery loweat pricea arorkmananjp guaranteed 5 years term can be arranfed 8774408 tf decorating to express uuli rlduallty artistic interior ano extorter craltamsn in the trade c a crarjt r b 8 tieorgetoern 8773781 tf omce skbvices book keeplnf typing income lax etc prompt accurate mrs l clark motor vehicles office it malnjst south if notice to creditors and othera in hie estate of donald benjamin forster doceav ed all persons having clairns a galralt the estate of donald benjamin forster 1 of the town of georgetown in the county of hauon who died on or about tha 27th da of jour 4tj are hereby notifed to send particulars of same a the unuenirned on or before the 21it day of november 1968 after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only o the claims of which the un deraicned vlll not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice dated at georgetown thn 24th day of october 1068 arthur m helton admlnlst rsor by his solicitors helton and langooii 11 mollniajnview rd south georgetown ontario 1114 notice to creditors in the estate f the late john leni dteatw all persons havine claims c alnst the estate of john leni late o the town of georgetown in the county of hallon elect rician who died on or about the 9tb day of august a d lbf are hereby notified to send in to the underalgned ex ecutrlx of the said estate on or before the 18th day of novem ber 1b68 full paruurs r their claim after which dale the estate will be dlatributed having regard only to the claims of which the executrix shall then have notice dated at georgetown ont ario the lftth day of october ad 1968 grata lenr executrix by her solicitor m e mander son qc 132 guelph street georgetown ontario 117 notice to creditors in the estate el cln dar aid wrlhr late of 7 william street in the tewn el cerae tewn in the ceunty sf ualten peraman all persons having claims ag aintt the estate of glen derald wright who died on the 23th of may 1b68 are required to rile proof of same with the undersigned administratrix on or before the 15th day of nov ember 1m8 after that dale the adrninlstretictx will proceed ta distribute the aald estae having regard only to the claims of which she ahall then have notice dated at georgetown thl 21t day of october a d 19ob marie antoinette wright ad mlnlttratrlx of the estate of glen derald wright by her lollcltors dodokin and srplnka b james street giorgatoun onterld painting decorating complete interior and exterior painting all work guaranteed satisfactory we are expert paperhangers norco painting and decorating call i7siu nerval onlarl ii ward br0wnridge licensed auctioneer farm livestock furniture sales in nrnnhtown 7s7so tree service sor expert removal or tummlng of trees fully insured pttenet iftusi evenings 8 to 8 pro 1111 rent chain saws ladders pumps rototlllers vuk sham pooers floor senders belt and disc sanders and- pfehy goods- mcleans rentaj 4 sales centre 27 queen sl e brampton 4505781 tf vacuum cleaner service and repair filter queen electrolux eureka lewyt krnmore general elec trie and most other makes norms repair service 7m7tl h tile work srwclallxinc on cermlc marble wall tile floor tile vinyl asbestos fireplaces call ralph collect 114 7492971 117 walter amaral carpenter spcel sllxing in recreation rooms remodeling repairs alterations etc u wilton drive brampton ontario 4som evenlnt ts eleqric comnserclal domestic wiring industrial maintenance 74 hour service terry peer 1771413 plumbing heating industrial residential and commercial bill garbutt plumbing heating ltb u ei st 17713 tf chris a schouten auctioneer sales of all types conducted anywhere 72s7 r r 3 milton georgetown automotive 55 mill st 177iso ea brake drums turned a brake shea arcing complete siock brake linings and parts tile work ceramic mosaic vinyl asbes tos stone vencer on house fronts printers fireplaces etc steps landings patios 459 4648 dave williams electric heating limited registered bended matter electrician 1 lpctrlc heating and water healers rurnaces chrysler airtemp i77u73 1 elaln st tf in the hands of experience halton auto collision 77lll cemplete collision service f spray painting insurance werk pree istlmatea acreee from a yeustg st leglea hall georgetown wiring commercial 1 domeatic ray lenz electrical contractor 77j414 tf appliances and refrigeration service quallflod technicians same dsy service able appliance service 4515571 it r conn plumbing j mill st 177 274 hot waier nd steam heating hot water heaters fa and electric tf ken nash plumbing heating water softeners water syttems repairs and alterations tr 72842 r beeney plumbing heating tinsmithind 8779362 h il 1 go40town tf ed mcmullen contractor cmnr ploort sicuwallctj stoptv chlmfmy puttrir0 ropalrtv stucco work firoplac hwvi acton 8531818 carpentry hob morrow 47 moor park cr come tomorrow fcor todays job phone b775760 ti lath and plaster general repairs edmond carriere rr 1 georgetown ont 770020 monuments markers cemetery inscriptions greenwood monument company 245 guelph st georgetown peter pew 77505 painting decorating walter bergsma 57 charles street 8774028 compee collision a refinishnig insurance eatlmetes infra red baked finish e financing arranged ask for bestway towing service ex 8772466 bestway auto body 25 king st east near cnr station rad repairs welding spring service lawn mower sharpening and tuneup georgetown weldino 3 guelph st 177 7951 haltonpeel building maintenance co commarclaf industrial institutional complete janitorial service folly bonded insured 774092 the dept op labour protects you by issuing cvrtificatm of qualifications to campsnint and aitparloncad tv service tochnlclans call 877 0706 ryders tv sales service 4tt main street north jims service centre sala followed by rvlc lawn mowers by toro and lawn boy chain law pioneer sum homllt authorixsd dsalar in all small engines service mnd sharpening all makes of sews and mowrs saw and illur rtntals comer 2nd line w and no 7 hwy 45141371 robertson electric industrial commercial and residential phona 877 2024 georgetown radiators repaired and clashed peel radiator service lie helton st w bremnhm rear of dm e cup phono 451 7177 tf marij coiffure s1a main st north in tha woodrex dldrj three top hair styli5vs to serve you phone b7s5 tl delrex photography 47 duncan drive ceargetown i77v713 a portrait conunercial child studies harry hygenaar phofogrephef zorge construqion co ltd s9 rbxway drive phone s772841 phone general contractors t industrial sulldlnya aa quality homea aarlcoltural bulldlngt wmninhifi a as k mm m vw m 1 failed expctt servics on all makes colo tv our workmanship is tops and our charges modest w have up-le-lhe- minute knowledge the latest equipment and top quality replacement parts te service your sel t a i- si main north wigo tv appliances mw after hours call 77sa96

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