Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 31, 1968, p. 4

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georgetown herald nfcr iii i by hmm ntmhpm umltd a 23 malnislraat south georgetown ontario w c mnn pufefaw page 4 thursday october 3ht 1968 editorial comment fax breaking point 5 as politician via for election then is txa to fulfil iome of lkir election womisei we often woqdcr just what the nd will be pledged lo national medicare tystem dlong with all the other pet protects of our federal government it was a foregone con tusion that tw 1969 budget would include in incorne tax increase nowthe ogtarro government can hard ly wait to get into the act and is investigate hg what they think will be the irfast pain- fjl wayro extract more morley from the populace whether it will be tax on income an increased lales tax or a less obvious means is stit anybodys guess you could tay we have it coming to us for we are far past the day when most voters ihmk tax money grows on trees we all know what the outcome will be each time a round of promises starts yet we go blindly ahead hoping that by some miracle vve will be able to at least hold the tax line if not get a chanceto spend a liltle more of our pay in our own way spending other peoples money has become a political disaase and the only cure would seem to be a new political party altogether one which would pledge itself to hire some astute businessmen stop pro mising the moon get down to brass tacks end set a budget which it could follow nd stop the inflationary spiral which is bringing us closer and closer lo the dark days o the thirties the latest tax increase particularly for the family man who earns in the 5 000 to 6000 a year bracket is nothing short of criminal he is going to be gouged another dollar or two weekly to supposedly make up some of canada s huge deficit but al ready this is being spoken of as a social development tax undoubtedly for yet ano thor new proect which will increase go- ernment spending a fine arena georgetown owes a debt of gratitude to a hard working parks board for the fine arena which we boast those who visited the saturday open house could not help but be proud of such fine recreational building which most certainly is on a par with any such facility in a town this size in the province several year back it was nip and tuck whether the town would have an are na at all the building had fallen into dis repair was practically condemned as a fire trap was supposed to have structural de factwvhich it would not be profitable to correct we have commented previously on the outlandish civil service jobs advertised almost daily in the city newspapers surely our government couw start economizing by putting a ceiling on hse number of econom tsts wrjich they seem to be seeking the more we hire the less accurate our budge forecasts become we could save hundreds of thousands of dollars by combining government de partments income tax sales tax hospital services unemployment insurance work roiyis compensation all operate at federal or provincial levels with huge departments which could well be consolidated the sav- jng in auditing alone would be enormous for each lias a staff which must check on busmesssmon local politicians despite being several rungs above their senior counterparts in the sane use of tax money are subject at times to the same jdisease witness the current highway bridge project which star ted with a simple widening idea and end ed with destruction of sevrral houses the paving of deadend streets which were quite satisfactory as they were yet when a municipal tax increase contemplated it is ustified wjrh such pi tudes as everyone expects it because ev rrything else is going up we dont know where the breaking point is maybe we have passed it already what we do know is that if a man earns ssooo and spends 6 000 he can operate v w artisti pa mte thrown acrot tha court successfully only as long as he can borrow ry u ciy pr of k qciahmr the extra thousand dollars yearly and kana and mood i each year he is adding to his expenses with there s i rjuiclenins nf the increasng income- payments when the day pt th it mhils cnonr pall i lain thoii stubborn relics n of reckoning comes his standard of living a pioneer da ndd i heir vpec the one we had in mind w more rosecovered is c sa pretlj ain t if anl irisjinun nuiihl ay in w i ut ir id huns if hi dump el a rnnhou ill but the bluoj inlu our wond and the blue ik has flung entirely m to our uiter l haltonmp rudkwhiting reports j ottawa must drastically suffer bankrupt is a nation a province different and or he goes the nnhl workinsi of the aspects of industrial relation canada department of labour it ah ins an exceptionally lar al fljvor pandts ind pumpkin wire explained to some mm lie periodical section containing put hot dogs and hoise races ke n parliament including labour relations journals from and the warm ellnw uine of myself ihu week uhui th h nver the world a nudum oclitwr dj are un honourable bnce macknsi 1hf actuai structure of town any f took us on a in ltd tour of the department anil its methods liu depnrtment of progrmmmg utre later ex himtars 90 into their tpaclal this tour uai the fir t in pbincd a a dinner given by tram in this month thay 3 series and bimd pnnripilk the minister before we returned crouch in duck blinds thy on hou infornntinn is gathered to the houc of commons for crawl through fancai thay curia and distributed the evening session thair rutins and tomatlmti 1hkpuhiic ttehtinns ind ii more ministers uould take thair mltiums who cant ua information strvieis iir ini h the time as did the honourable ht point of it ill including it dirihulion ntre m- mackasey to invite fellow through it all the parks board plugged was cxpijimd in dl m nllr m mberi of parliament and es along improving where it could the addi lf 10 oofv in october v the media illations mi picially new members to tour desp ritil trmc to get in the ton uhcll i a pn ns tbnr respective departmenli it 1lst feu rnunls losin- hills by r cs an1 sinu llrnt tlu wo hi a great help to us in ozen among the filkn lea upnpra mfonnation mciiiui familiarizing ourelv with the and prjymg for one more w pamp ind hwilki functmnb of the various depart miod lekind eitphmtn hrmch and dipirt mints nf governnent and the saillna anlhuuailf tntch v menu proramme are unit n re n behird the leeuution ry chine td ot eut in that tllp aulin sl12 anrl promotion piu forth by theiie departments rfec wiillmr h month so f 1 m1 tlp y j v m m oltn provides nc brow induslna rations hln for letter government warm un wafer so blu- lthran is uell us dim jlps i was vfcry pteaaeil o hear mk youe hirt up and se trri and all ivpjv of advert hut about thirty people from cold it mak vour hand ach j 1 lhp rublicatons tc cton a unded the recent hear ition uhirh urites and compiles in on the closing of the cnr october is ecstasy for the the english and 1 rench editions stuiion m that community i sport fun world series pro or the labour irrtte am most appreciative to mr thf tour also 1s1ted tlu bill cuats for presenting my departruent i ibrnry considered brief to the committee i uant tionof artificial ice was tremendous boost yn facilities and a sound business moe th for it increased revenue to allow further xr improvements then came new seating concrete block walls concrete flooring to add roller skating to the facilities last year it was el ectnc heatinq for skater comfort and fin ally a complete new modern lobby with assistance from the kinsmen club the town should be grateful to the board arena manager don gosling and hisij anj football at us staff and the kinsmen for providing such height he can sit staring at the first class facilities how abouf full hoifses georgetown little theatre which suf fered such a bitter blow with loss of all its props in the old town hall fire is still on the go and- it presenting a top broad way play this friday and saturday in the high school auditorium thlittl thr itprohsiiional in ery way and has presented dozens of top calibre plays well performed and wll rec ived during the past few years only one thing has been lacking full houses for its shows each time we attend we wonder where all those people are who lay georgetown ahould have a movie theatre if thay won t attend a liva performance three or four times a season how can they hope some optimist will put his money into a house so they can stay away from it too it is an axiom that the more people at a show the better the actors perform the belter the audience reacts for theatre par ticularly when it is live entertainment dep ends on a rapport between actors and aud icnce just for once let s give the little the at re performers a boost even better than the money we are donating to put them hack on their fet and restore their fire destroyed equipment let s give them two sellout houses for their friday and satur day shows it will be a dollar and a half well pent and we guarantee you ii onpy the evening thoroughly ni it ne until he neirs ieniht 1 and h is to be spoon fed i great month for th student h hat got through that muddla i of sapfembur and cm now tat tl down to the tenout butlniti of falling in lova falling behind movie in hli work ind falling into one of the op fue lihour lib to istiire thcrcsidents of acton raries in north anurica not tint i uill do everything i can only doc the library lnve sonu to help them retain railroad ser 80101 honks deiling uith til ices in tneir community set polling stations december elections poltina xlmtlotu hiv boeti e ubluhcd for georgetown dc cembw election in wril 1 there will be ihrn- polu it st john united church two in the fire hill unit one at the municipal building with othen in private hom w jlw juu and s ken rfcharcuon ward 2 will lue knox 1re byterian church maple uaptut church and the metro hilton building ward 3 polu will t at st paula bapliit and st andrew a united- churche and at th home of un bobert mcnelllr ad advance poll la alio plan bed for the municipal building october i love you m ha ir m iiw mim iv affair with sptmbr- iliim it i to hit tw spot fan mall tioublw from twd to four ithan i even rwd a dacl raheti ia frmtn a lady who hall tw njtwla 19ut october i another mat ier i think we ranadlami iovk it la a different way ihu niot glorious month of theytar 11 the month when we wake up come alive feel the blood cour ut nhattarlng ftxprlnc for somoh from anothar country to vitit canada in oc lo bar thay ara uaad to a chansa in tha fall thalr laavaa turn pallid beown and yallowa but whan thyaaa a vlata of woods and watar on a goldan canadian octobaf aay thay ara lltamlly itrlckan twaathlati daap watar in that ordar a then there s the burnin of the leaves a ritual which hnuld he in the canadian coat of arms there 1 a tremendous lalisfjltinn is stooping up bu shtl jabtccls of tiry leaves piling them on the fire on a duaky oc oborove and eejni the or anue ind yellow flqinei speir xkvuard te jriiij the telephone wirei cvary yaar i fl a ping of pity for tha apartmant dwallar with no laavaa to burn hai lika a kid who nvr gats a firecracker of his own to sat off on tha 34th bf may and when dnei the cityduu ler ever j 1 1 the sheer human satisfaction of teeinc a spiiffh tly nortnwtst hn ee pick all thit uaves off bus bun and de posit tin m jiuiratelv on the lawn of jus m ijjhbour who hutcs hnes nut is iwnys try iuj to ktip hi lawn raked i and tha ihrill ef ilia appu cropi tha toft llttla fruiu ol sapumbar tha pacha and paar that go roltan no tjulcklyj ara gona and you drlva thro th orchard cbuntry and you pick up a buthal of pia and wpu hlta an tly luci iouri tlht thouuior food mttmnm ymtt sign i li lommvobicomtli attlouhkinnancbyoueottliofcfalinclflglrb5bror1 you bojrow tho cost of your loan fcrspe4lod out clearly and i simply in dollars and cants no oxtra nohlddon chargax no surprises later on every year rnorn than 2v million people coma to hfc for money help when you need a loan borrow with confidence from household finance where you know in advance what your loan will cost in thi mail bao hospital helpful in emergency 2381 alma dale ave burlington ontario dear sir we feu it necessary to con ttruct a letter of appreciation to the georgetown hospital staff for their efficient and offec five execution- of an emergency situation in which our son ua recently involved doc torn duff and hemming nurae sharron woods and the georgetown volunteer ambut ance tervlce deserve special mention to these public serv ants loo eidom mentioned for the contribution made to a coir munity sincere thank you liv ajid mrs howard parents appreciated hockey instruction z0 wizabeth street dear sir a parenu of a hoy who has just completed hockey school at the georgetown arna wc with to express our thtnka and admiration to all the wonderlul men who organized the school nd were at tke arena iury evening while the classes car ncd on a very special thanks lo th young men who acted aa in s true tors to the aspiring young hockoy players their kindness and patience with tho young slcrs will long be appreciated thank you in one and all tony and mid brurwkl georgetown herald published by home hjewspapars li ml tad georgetown ontario walter c blhn publisher 1 garfield mcgllvra production superintendent frank mullin advertising manager terry itnrlry allecrl bradley ncwi jditor acdountant valerie tost anue currlc iteporter leslie clark dave hastings mylci gihpa john mcclemenu george young riuht over your thou for th gods provtdad thalr taath ara not falalai and llu u s just nmirh jil hs iu ottolw r ueais its end land ilai uiortt n ami trer hue u itiomy novem inr puul his rta nmy tosf ovir yotir khouldnf to hilyjilin all th jos of mhl mbsvrtmarli ibli i inn lb nut tu ijvi it vonulhiii i i di lyulv inidiaii 11 11 distinttl miu ta mm 4 apatwt jl taka up to 60 montais to mapoy all nbooi crwdu ufa lriutmnc ort hmnt w jbw ipoitp falti household getown p georgetown 41 main street north telephone 8775221 itout to silver daparfmant 5lor k u jm i tannic jwun news echoes from the heralds of 10 end 20 years ago t958 0 sandy best conservative mp said in an interview with tha herald today that ho had notification by tha postal department at ottawa that another survey of ths num ber of houses in town will bo made and if the required number has been reached door to door delivery it a certainty 0 the rabies plague uweeping across southern ontario has reached georgetown first indication that the dreaded disease was in the area came from the sykes tool cor poration at tho eastern entrance to town on wednesday where two employees killed a fox winch was actmb in an erratic manner the animal was running in circu on a lot behind the factory children have been warned by police to exercise caution around theirpeiv 1948 fc georgetown lawn bowling club has elected its new offi cers they are president william cromar vice president r h ireland secretarytreasurer walter gray aames chairman claude kentret grounds chairman wilfred lavoie entertainment chairman hugh dickie ay ernie crawford of toronto is the new manager of the roxy theatre rplacing jack polly who resigned hn position last week georgetown public school stiff were in their rooms to greet pupils parents at an open house at tho school thursday members of the staff are principal howard wngglsworth mr george bale mrs edna tapp mrs joseph dwyor miss may langan miss hazel harrison miss laura scott miss wilma stull miss mario lindsay and miss beatrice hume business directory c0rbett chiropractic clinic spinal x ray service available by appolntmnl i77m3i tv mill st old polt otllc barragers claaners shirt laundarans 87722 79 18 main s lgfl guelph all work dona on p rami as walker currie omombtwsts 13 main st s brampton phonn 4s1m74 houra 0 am to 6 pu tufcidiy to saturday friday to 0 pja evfluinej by appointment robert r hamilton optomterist 118 mountalnview koad south carretal bldk per appointment lyys z wallace thompson 3rd dlvlilbn caurt tn1963 curk jl chihiitilohr w h cash prfftlonal enfllnr consulting ennlnr ontarla land survtyw omiei i77u11 1773300 horn optometrist l jul brown 0 d 35 mill st fr appointment phone 1773471 mcbain and hulme ofitarla land surveyor wlllowdala 111 3s36 tc mllxksse ols 877215 rcaldonco repair service official bulova- accotron sarvlca cantra john boughton jewbulers crthi h vat ion s main si ij i3u monuments pollock ft campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenuood cemetery phone 42 1 7s80 tu water street north c a l t jttet ko cotih la now inttalllnpj aluminum sidino windows ft doors all work guaranteei i roo ajlimrftc call b77v102 tt

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