Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 14, 1968, p. 4

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georgetown herald pubfchid by hwn nmnaupw umltd 22 main slraat south georgetown ontario w c mfhn pubfelwr page 4 thursday november 14th 1968 editorial comment iprevaknce of candidates v with two- declared mayoralty candid i etes and six councillor none of the j councillor timing members v of council it n apparent that the municipal election on tpeenibcr 2nd are going to be keen it is certain that at leant a jercehtage of the- present council will seek office again and elections seern a certaitty in all fc council wards and for at least two of the i ico three council posts i the 1968 election will be unique for several reasons for the first time voters will elect a water commission until now this has baon a council department operating under a j committee set up big decisions ahead the nine persons who will be elected to guide georgetown s destiny for the next m two years should be prepared to devote a good deal of thought to their obs foremost on their agenda will be a decision on the brumae firms proposal for full scale development of a large tract of residential building land the matter is un der study by the present council but it rould seem doubtful that any decision will be made at this late date in councils poll tical life they will have the usual routine busi noss deal with upkeep of roads fire end police services industrial promotion municipal staffing they will be facing a continually ex ponding administration and works staff not as bad as seemed for the first time also there will be no elections for public and separate school board members on a local basis a new county sysem allows one georgetown member for each of the new county boards and only one seat on each is available for balloters and while noi entirely unique the unaccust6med procedure of having a slate of candidates backed by a citizens group is adding a different note to the elections this has been attejnpied on a couple of occasions in fhe past to our recollection the most recent beinrj when a national pol itical party decided to enter the municipal scene with an association backed slate dealing with the employees u i on and the police association they will be cons denng extensions tcttecreational facilities with heavy pres sure from the oast end for a park and play ground sites and they will be deciding on a tax rate which provides the essentials a few extras and yet does not pass the po nt news echoes fran llw harald of 10 and 20 yaart ago 195s approximately 500 in cash was netted by safocxmcera in a break in at the iga food liner over the wrffnd entry wj gained through a hole knocked in the jof of the building by a railroad sledge hammer the mives dropped to the floor and knocked the diet off thi iafo with the sledge cordrte was inserted in the dlauppace to blow the door about 200 of the 670 in tha safe wos destroyed by the blast t only one now face will appear in esquesirlg politics next year arthur roy r r 1 georgetown was elected by acclamation for a two year term on the school area board at nominations monday night ho will ripjaco james kirkwoootyrho declined nomination ending five years of service rev lockhart royal was also renamed to the board east georgetown ratepayers elected new officer ihls week they are rjolicjnv roy warwick vice prafrdenf george macaulaylwcretary mrs bryanjosllng treasur er chris fisher and neighbourhood representatives ted francis slggy slgyrdson and murray- parsons ton kit chen as publicity director and members at largo sid hordie and bemfcd cassell a 1948 this years christmas stamp is based on an eskimo design where residents are crippled by burden the tax in the mail bag it is an interesting and demanding agree with sllllleys term of office as anyone who has served rt views on remembrance on a town council can tell you we hope all candidates are prepared to serve their town as well as those before them have giving their best to keep georgetown pro gressive and prosperous for its residents individually and collectively sugar and spice iej by bill smiley good old stanley wy0nch last week in common with rrany other newspapers we had some strong words to say about the prevalence of hal loween shellouts containing razor blades pins and other things dangerous to the young recipients z scarcely was the ink dry when a ham ilton news story explained some of the incidents in that city coreful checking by the police led to the conclusion that of el- leven cases there eight children had con ifessed that they themselve were the cul pntsr 11 lwlntf street the editor it waskool o read hill smiley a pamraph once acaln in our weekly hcrild re item rmbrance day keep it up bill it ictmi that all too many of i its deer hunting time ajifl ur t drrr hunter m rnc whole canadian have short memor and though i ve n ver be n world has come out in print irs rcfiardmj the freedom that known as the drcr 1 vcr i elnrj inp that i am the worst uas bought for us b the mcti have been under altack the deer hunter in the world 111 fie of those uho founht ind not bt shndercd like that died for us the imtr luel thlourl tun h hc kmm columbus am c y skinny ive the dout pointed nut be a graatjst en from the ihjh una filler ever ud in t rmwtpapar business piano pupils o miss marion hepburn appeared in recital last friday night in the sunday school room at the bap tist church those who played were marlone komsheid marilyn roid paulone watson marilyn barm maureen hepburn kenneth beam betty lucas joan gambclt judy mccumbcr jacqueline lucas gail mcgilvray glo ria bain barbara thompson ross mcgllvray marna mac kenzie shirley gambol gail king betty jean anderson sandra scolt neil benton irene fogg john winftcld alice henry bob lucas elizabeth ireland donna thomp on richard sienko anne chalker barbara cromar and ralph peck at the regular convocation held in the masonic hall last friday evening ex comp elmer dron was elected first principal of halton chapter ram others named to office walter rigg j lucas e l arnold kenneth whitworth jack addy j d kelly w j cleave wm cromar a hunter l traccy j mccaig h burrows and e hall this would lead one to believe that the publ city given to such stores is en couragmg a percentage of kiddies to adapt world wars and we often wish w assisted b ii i i u i j that the enerev used by those of tht catholic youth or aniza aln ai i w p ther world of make believe to modern jj viet march tion who dul the cimassin fr this was th time and what more logical attention get es q p could be better i v dent ter than to t e in w th the stories of booby used in defence against lhocl school were oho akcd to as trapped candy lu1 uouli mer nin our coun ilst in thl i s sm quite possible thl one or two y a on of h ivbvp disturbed adults could play a cruel oke on vietnam the trick and treators but the hamilton investigation sets our mind at rest some what tnat the maonty of the trouble can be la d on the doorstep of the youngsters speech halton mp criticizes cnrs i station closing in commons v filler is a little i un u cd in m wsp ipi rs t plu i hoe would liki ri j cin nin u to i lines to commend those students ind but lh tint he ar shorter it takes but a small imounticyo members uho came out thin trie when we wen des of energy to join a peace mirch on t dismal niny ni lit to pmu f a one liner to fill a but it takes the test ox couram undertake this tisk i vcr st i hne on the frontpi one time as a man to defend the landldent whom i contacted readilv u stuck in skinn uvnodi in which ue live and tnjoy s a rttd to canvass evtn thou h his tht j nit and h dul llel many of the good thingj ofuomc of them ind otlur more cnuldn t lii sut us tt time life whether we like it or not important thini 1 do tint u utn fnntic for a or iinir ktonnbound foe four extra days on a de ert island the others catinj like dots uin ed to cook that last roast of boef but i uas in charge of food rationim when i finally decided to unwrap it it turnd out to be five pound of cheese rather than beef but nobody starved somo of us have fore sirht some hindsight and h c complly forgot un that trip horn from the uland aft tn dy ef 40- tnlu hour wind nd mow my wf ii kill me wii th plalntlv whimtxr i knw it w too hita for that i ftnawi uin would boil m in ell but jt their urini these manly hunters e took off into the pitchdark in a snowstorm i 12 foot waves a leaking boat five deer on the lop deck and the electric pump on the bum mer thy lay in tfialr bunks grn nd groaning while th old fightspilot th wlwrllu r and th mlddlgd guide uvd thvlr sklni no sense of direction indeed you rhould have keen mo steering throujth that black wiowstorra while john got up on the peedeclc no poop decic on this boot to take n look into the nothing and tecmy manned the jpumps i dont mind him goukopj prid trying to bolster hi go but i runt it whan ha ihowi no gratitude tor th p pl who uved hu life the war with communism our war and uooner or liter we shall be called upon to fiuit it or jiurrender lest we forcct katherlne cordiro afraid of the my bed ensign is one communis skinny wvnoch a ain an j he ps of several bill that will flj hcrt in town evenini too often ue adults u jn crttd ire ready to condemn our jo ah bns the out with students of tins cilibrt did livini in our midst need ut b future f oui now probably suffering d from c b hat written kurrilout article in wlnci k business directory ottawa spli to the herld the proirrm of the om to close out its sutlons in nnilur centres under its mas nkcncy pln vu triuclcikl fin the commons friday after tnoon by rud whitlne lhalton onlce in gueloh folloiiini a purchaser muit lime a doun trial period the mtttr as to be payment of 10 000 and earn an reviewed but mr whltlni said income if ovtr 8 000 o quallf that no users of the railway for an niia mortcagc but tlic were aiked to ive any facts or average family inlome in oak express their views as to the ef vllle uas fl 233 the highest feet of the rearrangement o in canada a man carmni m 5 000 a car and aavini 10 making his maiden speeh i per cent of his income for fn- mr whiting said the step ta he noted that a public meet jlar could only afford a houe lien by the railway were belnlm had been held at acton 12500 done under the ulse of econ but the people were told that ltlfd uway transport commit wtb eudgct cin lb railway was proposini was tee 1 umievuopp i submit that this procedure prune land such a tax would is not democratic and i challen be a deterrent to persons who no worry for future with these teenagers 14 durham street dear sir last thursday evening the arthritic and liheumathun soc iety held their blitz night in georgetown tlifj was sponsored iiincerelj jours dal dfntremont smile beatt around every conceivable bush including the mu borry fend i wouldn t be surprised if he d been into fhe mulberry i which would give him the mirj how do jou like this a qqe t that 1 dress i houuit it on the in worie der tl han slallment plan john will oud iwtter p this is n t onh lii e he pi back and kit a couple more cilhn tlil kittle bliia it is installments then are chip like one politician cl nninj tint c0rbett chiropractic clinic spinal x ray service available by appointment 87764j1 9 mill st old poll ohic barragers clinr shirt letrnderer 18 main s igq guelph am work danm on premltes not alwijs m the lest inlpress of the people it did not prov id mon efllcirnt serviev ip he lmtltai7zk rluu of cominlltcc buy and ll land without cot llevetwould rpreclably u to keep this matter secret rbullnl to the development of prove th financial position if the railway mr whltlni referred bpw ifi clly to th removal of th ad edtoperator at acton and aij that if the cu apiilication uas successful it would mean thi ce it alfttts the future or a the country town and its people mr whit infi declared i iuguest that thu meetinii should have been out process betan these problem must be solved b uoveriuneut action uhich must be critical of oh isoletc mctliods a land aiiautib fly construction ftnairelnj and hl saidteopit uere unanlm ubsldirinr a broad and en vwuat7o otrailuavwrvicd levin that the dec j whencd jlcou the problem yinubi loss oi railway service 1b required but the government to the community i rviuu applltlon mul not uit until all contin nliia is a tobimunlty uhichiin plte of uhat transpired jl utl considered lite should havri lncraid railway the bieetlntf time to act u now tmi whltlni h service not lesn mr whljlnji ur argued if the cwtt would ulve their decision haj in fact this communlt commuter serheui reached bfort they came vice undoubtedly people would knove here from the congealed j mtvtu of toronto but wtuld con tinue to uorv la the city ttie to acton in other vvordi the public bo damned mr whit ln charged i i it in turning to the hou ng ue removal of railway kervlce will mt m t 1 ion the halton ml uajd that have an adverse effect on the more money must i alocjtid f a m imllillitfllininu m 1 llii un be tellll georaetown herald publtht by hbm nwtplrs lllnlud georketown ontario wllr- c blhn runiiilm erons at thiti part -1- his oppoiunt is thin h 1 bir lnr halton mp m j reports r arom d ottaway in the budgin debate uh in debate from the throne bjech a sjwaker docs not have to confine his remarks to any one particular subject i or this reason many new member uu either of these two occasions to make their maiden speech ii givhs a member an op port unity to talk about his own constituency and iti many ftnc points but a number can a ho talk about somo of tht prob lama that might bo local to or of pr hilng concern to the pao pie of liu constituency i won ted to muke my maiden speech lumikh r thlpv q mnul till nr advised act m tlily wislud to close tht stutum undtr their mtjilli ajtncy plan and that the business of the hallway would we consoh dated in guelph before putlin the idea into praclile the cmt promised theri would bt- it tiiil r period after which a public jsottiejo thoie pantlei along meeting would be held to dis were afraid to get their feet cum the merits of the plan amt wt utt beceuite it was nov skinny now tits in my old editorial chair onco occupied by the tectmd worit daer hunt er in tha world now by tht wont in a recent arhclr gout intplred obvioutly he recalled the time we d gone huntlnj to gel iter as fji us it u is in ins na lure hi told tht truth ibout mi he siul i hid no sense of direction in the bush well any damn fool can f t lost in the i bush ind t huus inds do i vtr yt ii hint proves nothing t he taid i dldit t know how toi chop wood so vrwhet i didnt hire on at woodchopper he aid i fell in th lake every time we cllmbad into the klf o crjis the bight to the laland walker currie ofrtomvrisys 12 main sl s brampton phone 4514474 lours dam t 0 pm tuesday to saturday friday oam to 0 p m- evenings by appointment wallace thompson 3rd dlvlilon court 877 wm clerk cortimltilohor robert r hamilton optomtckist lit mountainvicw itoad south carretal buil for appointment m773971 w h cartt trofiilorta engineer coniulflng engineer ontario land surveyor owice 77a2ll 8775300 home how it affected both the nil uay and tho town ember and lie su jies ted that i put this public mpiuiu was t55 nflt h in lis in john des hi hi in october hit rjllvv i iuhns j2 nflt iliat h ia llo had all their plans complolid it vi is lei my wru lit s jo jt and had taken tu pa to put the plan into effect it umctj nnj n unnn men tottatciffc lloue of commons auurcrjhat autociatie behavior i till pos diblo if not curbed on tlil qulbllon of hnus ujl there uie a numbrr ot uu pie in helton who uiu ifivln tho matier u lot of tliuuuht and have sonn wood idius to olfer aifmln i thought it wise to lit parliament know that the no are people in haljoit who are very concerned about thu aubject ut there are hi all pari of can da hut l inrrl bat llflma na bee itx optometrist l al brown 0 d 35 mill st for aprmlhtmnt hon trrurl mcbain ahd hulme ontario land surveyor wlllowdl jm 3534 lc millesse o i s xrrmri residence monuments pollock campbell dlsigns on ilequkst irlspect our work hi greenwood cemetery phone 42l75ftd 02 wuter street norjb g a l t quire the facilities provided by the railway t the halton mp aald he took exception to the cavalier tneth- oda uad by the railway prior to maklnf formal application to th canadian tranaport com mission he aald it waa just ov mr m year ago that the railway advised jhat it waa putting into affect the flrat stages of its mu ter agency plan tndudlng put ting ail aipra trelgkt and arrlea k t cot of housing must be ye due i ed by stsndardiilnu buildiiti cmlcb and ktatulardb across ca j liada the national itesearch council could approve new building ma terials and they would be ac ceptable lnunedlately any whine in canada today municipal of ficlals ofwn avoided taking thd reaponslblllty of approving new methods and materials mr wblung aald that to buy a tauuo house in oekylue the cerfild mcgllvray iloduetion superintendent liltik mullln advcrtulng msniger terry 1 tar ley ajleen bradley nous ldkor accountant valeria tost anne currie heporter leslie clark dave kiistliii llyles gllson john mccleiueiiu george voting should l t to liii fet t at the earliest opportunity in otdtr that the house should know there u such a plinis v ton and that halton bsj some one who li tepresentln them in the houhe i rook thi opportunity to speuk lubt friday afternoon and i chose to talk about ho us lug in halton and in canada and the cavalier attitude of the cnr in c login if tho acton ru way atauoi bl hit mtriory has become potklbly uoiit induced about the important thlno we dldn t mntion that he rvr once fired hig guii at a moving tar 0t he shot et a tree cuce and very nearly hit it but i actual ly fired twice at a deer about 40 talonds after he had disap peared into the cedars i think it was a dear ll hua not seeped back into liix eonselousnts how i solved tho food problem we were v service official bulova accutron service centre john boughton jewillirs cartlfl watchmulcara i main si n 77u koller construction u now inaialllna aluminum siding windows dooks all work gusrantsej fretf estimates call 1771m tf

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