Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 21, 1968, p. 12

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georgetown nominations continued from pje 1 creation facilities must bo ex tended to all areas at town he said he would be no yes man is mayor and opined that people are tired of soft inef- irctivc leadership raavo acclalmad serving as ilalioit minty warden during his ninth year icorjjpfmvn councillor klndt of plana made and money pent wisely for professional information this year 1 he foresees a partly paid fire department in the near future aas recommended in a report om fhe ontario klre marshal a soccpr pitying field at cedarvale park has been add ed thl year and a bandshell is in the planning stage for next season he said v when he said it is a sad reflec tion that more hasnt been done for recreation in the past he wouldlprovldo more without in- creasinlh the tax burden he said tm disturbed by the way the proved road town has been run this year i two miles of fplly surfaced water problems lack of recrcat- roads the largext in the towns jon and the turmoil over the history have been completed in bus routehc raid a five year plan under his chairmanship said wr bill georgetown must have a pro- smith x councillor for six u seeking reelection 2 councillor william y hunter will serve j fessional administrator and ycars j for another iwuyear term tu must deal with developers in a vf 2 reeve he was unopposed for i food faith with negotiations noli the pt excessively drawn out he said mr smith reviewed some pf subdivisions shouldnt cost pre councils achievements while he mr hunter said thai had he w rns anything he said wrf in office arena irnprovo- had opposition he would- be ments park lighting cedarvale foreseeing a continual rapid running for mayor low centre outdoor ukatlng rinks jjrowllv he said newcomers arc there has to lo a substantial the mountalnview bridge and looking for decisive leadership leal joke be said but- thai only political jokes 1 know were elected to council last year lie particularly criticized the deputy reeve for lack of lead ership in the water department and said if is inconceivable that he should be seeking a return to office ho asked how council could justify paving deadend streets like parkview when major streets like sargent and main are desperately in need of repairs he said his four years univ ersity study course in commcr- cewould help equip him for a council position bilingual sooch philip siddall ward 3 candi date added a new touch to a nomination meeting when he repeated part of his apecch in kronen afealnhl a town manager mr hunter favours a clcrk-adrolni- l reduction or we regoai stralur thccounty has one bc vrrv heavily w j kaidi an laws is council has held up an addition the f h said it is marked to the rast end shopping plaa i that corgduwn do itimie- ow the main street- hridgc tiecimnly lias one he- l ill j program hu nd his ability to writoyby- r m aniiincr warn i l- cvmnlctlv ciiulhecred he anaict he denied that i council candidate dc cmpieiciy cnjint crca nr an l ucnica uian said with improvement car- provenic for maple charles tiers n said ho would welcome a rett planning or- it and uountainvlew kern wi have a plan imposed ondti- oelrex shrlley larger one which would more people shopping gelown u l a water pipeline from lake ontario is coming up to no 17 sidcroad within a few miles of town he stated and georgetown should he investigating hooking into this if possible council should take a day or two and visit itramalea vic i said pointing out that chinguj acousy township has just re- leased fiooo building lots there villi a suhdividcr paying eleven million in cash plus a unit fee of 40 to cover unforeseen ca pital costs saokt sat again tcor- visions georgetown atul ksj quesing and possibly acton and milton as well as one commun ity withyity slalus this would got away from county govern ment which he termed baggage orderly dvalopmant planning and recreation facill tlcs shrinking industrial assess ment st hich is now only 30of total assessment ern he said ai boosted to 40- a veal cohc this should be its time for ideas he said cr lik volvcil change of and ncwcom- toy self must become in- in town business as orderly development of sub division lands witl no hardship councillor- and on other boards on present residents is a major he has v been an industrial problem facing the coming commissioner for a year he excess i councilsaid jim young cattdi- id and feels he can represent dale for reelection in ward 2 his ward as a councillor as public works chairman lie- want high ri reviewed a sewer program which is underway with an ev entual cost or 600000 a lift station on john street is inad equate for planned apart ments in that district and will require mr tyrrell who said he has l served on the ambulance scrv- i ice and on the towns safety itegional government is ano- comm wants more and bet- ther problem and georgetown t rccrca facilities snd a must not become a dormitory i manager of parks he would in- town for the south part of the vestigalr low rental housing and m i v collll hc said atld hr w rapid transit improvements for of 14600 hc spoke of the cry- the town to acquire more indusj commuters he answered criticism of his l ior mor rcation trialland he is against a two year coun cil term and said it wouldnt he a backward step to return to yearly elections want rvllon while individuals have done tome good work council does councils decision next year lie not function well as a iwvdy sa high rise apartments which would boost tax revenue will be sought by krank tyrrell a ward 3 candidate if he is a member of council said sandy mackenzie ward 1 council aspirant j with several others he pro- ration more suitable to a town arthur speight for reelection candidate jab as water chairman and said facilities more industrial acre that an elevated water storage and a transportation and tank and iron removal plant watrr stutv wcre improvements made dur ing his tenure of office he cit ed 23000 in revenue from buil ders for meter charges as an ad dition to the town treasury at years his suggestion but he doubted that such ma jor improvements as a second swimming pool and arena will bc possible in the next few the towns water supply is sufficient for present demand he said and with development of a new well in the hospital i georgetown s area and rehabilitation- of ani r n thcr the town will have 3 mil lion gallons daily to meet an anticipated demand of 2imil lion gallons next year i kxplnratinn is cn tinning in other parts of loun hc siid tu meet future needs policy only jlaifry jlevy a ward 3 candi date envisions council as a po licy making body only with an administrator tn run the towns business council chamber is no place for pctly squabbling he said nor should ratepayers ex pect councillors to he experts in all matters two man ftac georgetowns seat on the new halton countybwd of edu cation wjlt b contested by two men both with local school board experience ernie bodnar reminded the audience ibat they will be- vot ing for a man who will be one voice in 18 on the board which will have a 40 million dollar budget he said his experience on the high school board is needed he js vice chairman this year he is concerned that profes sional sdminlstrstora should not 4sk over from elected board members snd wants changes in school curriculum carefully re searched before instituting them in the schools gudnl sig sigurdsonuid ihst his ten months as a ninv ber of the interim wnjbnftwr for orgsnixingj the new ard hj given him s valuable back ground to represent the town on the new board he is public school board chairman w the- new system gives equal opportunity for all students ho said and- he u sirnevthat the southern board members will be conscious of this snd not be regional in their thinking sak rc seats two men are eontestm the one scat on the new county ho- man catholic soparate school board william ben hoyle chajrj man of the present school boird f said his experience on ttstnt- erim organisation committee for the new board would be valj uable for him ss a member i ed hayes said he is seeking a seat because he li hot satis- 1 fied with the education his chil dren ire receiving though he puts- no blame on the present board of teachers i acclamations john t armstrong and gerj aid mccallum were returned by acclamation as hydro commis sioners the new water commis sion was also chosen by acclam ation itoy ballentine and win ston smith mr armstrong cava warning that hyatcttatea will be going up because ontario hydro is increasing the charge to muni cipalities he cited the growth here in 12 years from zflotf to 4680 customers and mention ed the addition of an assistant manager hugh campbell to the staff recently hr hocsllum ssld he is plea sed to continue as a commission er lending his 22 years exper ience as superintendent to this post with his work load as a bell telephone employece making it impossible to continue in court ell roy ballentine said he would not bo seeking hisward 3 council seat again but he feels qualified to help estsblish the new water commission he aid mr smith said hl experien ce in the mechanical electrical and business acids his led him to offer his service on the water commission not running only three candidates declin ed their nominations kenriley withdrew his nom ination as a ward 3 councillor at the meeting mrs anne currle who served tm osonoarrowm fimbnl thursday nov 21st 1 page 1z m previous council term told the heraldthat after considera tion she could not do justice to both council and her job as a herald reporter since jwth c n- reqoire attendance- st evening f p j boird rrtietlnas clincd his nomination for new county separate schi hartley sherk a member of board 1 lets be sure to have a voice in local affairs elect phil siddall councillor do it now ward 3 woman candidal a houseuife and mother mrs donna dennison is the third woman to seek council ofliie in history she is running in ward 2 she too stressed the need for ideational facilities a profesional administrator mentioned the possibility of a recreation director ami sjid careful planning mul hr done so that present residents tin not planning for future expansion which includes industrial land negotiation with developers ad equate water supply and more his hard hihint shoulder the costs ot toun ex- as a retired businessman- pansion mr speight said he has the she wants one board to hand- necessary time indcvoletn thele all recreation and a enmmu- double job of town ant county ty centre for all age groups in a hard hilling speech rich ard hick morrow said if every voter had sat in tor five min utes al a council meeting he wouldnt need to campaign i stiould start with a polit- thank you extending siner appreciation en my acclamation as water commissioner and th opporiunify to serv you in 19ob to 1970 winston wyn smith seasons greetings to ail in the interest of sound administration your vote and support is solicited to elect me to council for ward 3 j f tyrrell councillor deputy candidal kxperiencc in subdivision negotiations will be valuable is a councillor said william sun- nucks who will oppose mr speight for the deputys posit ion he would hire a town ad ministrator streamline council procedure with emphasis on planning roads water and sew ers and he is interested in- annexing industrial land he had helped prepare a sub mission on the plunkctt report for local realtors hc said and is familiar with the proposals for regional government which council must face in the years ahead more recreation michael foot a ward 1 coun cil candidate drew applause john strt subway the john street subway was one of my babies when i was a councillor and still nothing has been done said jim km- merson ward 2 candidate during his four years on council he had studied the problem and is convinced the railway was there before the road and thus an improved sul- way is the railways responsib ility he said he is proud of the fact that his efforts were rcsponsihlc for provincial grants for retarded childrens schools when lie was a councillor mr kmmcrson la ter was a member of the town planning hoard lots of planninu weve heard lots about plin ning tonight said john hole seekingreturn to his ward 2 council seal theres been all vote emmerson mayor fot proven leadership ability initiative w 0 ideas m enthusiasm m the ability to work well with others 0 experience 3 yrs on council 1947m finance chairman a sincere worker on council for transportation call 8776131 your support and influence is solicited for jim emmerson for council ward 2 vote john w044 for councillor ward 2 rlmnj and careful admlnjtllon for information and transportation 774ms reelect a businessman to represent you at county council reelect arthur r art speight as deputy reeve 1 yr a prtht dpuly rv 4yuri prvi6ua council xprunc prtht county rprntllv ort gcroown and dltlrict mtnorial hotpital board a yaupayer and rotldant of gorglowri for ovr 40 yari a luccaisful buinatman h will bring hound builn udgmn1 to dal with civic probuml w ha th tlm and nrgy nacoitary to apnd for lh votri bnfit on all procu let us keep georgetown in t lead vote as you like but vote phone 772764 for ant furthir information decemur 2nd reelect w r bill smith councillor ward t 6 years council xrericncio cdmtnuatlori of tninnt mid curb hd wr tro4rm lhtitutd undr my chairmshihip slimuul udrthlp tht will wu your council fen b ntxl ahicunt they mlritf body centinu to proou irtd iwprv hcratl6h and community fellitlt a wlcunt of ward 3 yitansporyaylon to the polls 773043 your continued support is respectfully solicited to reelect jim young our ndpridantrtpr4mrttaliv on coutuil ilnca 19o2 fait counly council ouiarunca fait chairman of induitrui and town planning cornmlh ft blrocior orbiown llonttub knd cubhiaiur pfimint rnrnbr of afihl board rubllc work commlhoa ckalrman sowag nd sanitation commitua continued program of kmparuncad judantaht p lannad yown growth modern baclalvo marugiamnt i councillor for ward ii

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