Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 21, 1968, p. 6

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presentation to dr harry harley t liberal annual meeting friday dave butler elected new county president in recognition of id al to bi extremely brief other outsta jtwn u halton i objectives which the associat- p dr hairy harley iu the ion mat during tho year were fecipitnt of a presentation at these membership doubled to fe annual mooting of the approximately 7s0 eulbluty ballon and halloa eam liber- latudy carried out resulting in ad association laat friday ev formation of womena libera emlnf navtttraa a twin pen association efforts made to desk ill preeldent for the form an assoeiatlrrn of ymini b3t year terry kennedy alto liberals resulting in the for expressed beat wlahes of the matlon of thia countrys ilnl 300 uberala present to dr i action canada group a regu- hirley on hie recent appoint- 1 lar newsletter the halton ll- beralctnauiurted public re lations efjoris increased resuf- ting in pees coverage totaling in the thousands of column lnchea policy committee foi menl aa assistant medical visor for the crown lite aurance co ad- in- 1 the office of secretary which wu alao conteatad by hurray halealer and joe smith waa won by mr smith of oakvllla and michael ledwlth muton waa acclaimed treaaurer by ac clamation there waa a good repreaent- atloa from georgetown with bid gray earning on the nom inating commlttee coffee and donuts were ser ved at the cloae hospital news survey team gives excellent report by ua clark mrs harley and the wife of the present up rud whiting were alao preaented with a bouquet of roses mr whiting apoke briefly the gathering expressing the college of phyaiclini and surgeons and he ontario hos pital association are cooperal- medto aet the basis for fur n a new program to aid ther alrong and active involve capitals with fewer than mo ment in liberal policy plal- the cost of the new er- forma mrs irene krempulec spoke alc- vice is borne jointly by the college and association the program is designed to offer concrete aid and auggstipne to small hospitals in the province tyis thanka to all thos who had for the hallon womens worked so hard for his elect- j aociation and asked that more inn and cited aomc of the women from the norlli end nf highlights of being an xp in the riding associate llicinselvts ottawa later during the bal- with the organilalion which joujfg he answered questions has been quite active during i pson with hospital adminls fibm the floor i the last few months dave live experience the doctors jones of the young canada -ac- rr course selected by the in his report in the conven- lion group outlined the object- college and the fourth by lhc sen president terry kennedy ives of his organization and said oiia l ld o jf i tl potrajn is the iul- is spreading across canada not hxh for hallon liberals has a entirely liberal group f jeen ayear of ireat success in du canada action action meeting the objectives it set group forth to rneelf and a year hch the halton liberals di vormcr ccorgrlnwncr fevered many new and import- llle tornnlo district j jnt objectives to set and to i liberal association of which- fneet during 1060 halton is affiliated chaired the- i meeting for tile election of the the 4 man survey teams con- sist of three physicians and a of a aeries of meetings n lhc two groups and is an earnest undeavour to up gride the hospital and medical don i services the girls are hoping for he big- gest and bait yet we hope that these ladles will once again have a real big affair with ev eryone supporting thia grand organisation details of thli af fair art elsewhere in this issue but be sure and get your tick- els now for december 6th officers for lbbo georgetown hospital had its survey by the hospital inspec tors on november 3th and it was indeed a satisfsctory one i dr w l c mcgill dr 0 z three members of last years younghusband arid dr h s executive john height treas- duggan and mr l bateman lurer and ernie zechman sec- spent a day in the hoapital as- aa th numher on fer with newcomer i eeaslng procedures and facili- te the number one meson for r bu nrm ties and records dr pena- idents chair baker as chief of staff was pre- sent to receive a report on the already famous for lie visit and survey and said lhat voles there was a tie for sec- the team were extremely well ond place on ihe first ballot pleased with all they saw ihrou- without butler having a clear ghoul ihe hospital and with j overall majority a run off the high quality of patient care ballot between haight and given the visiting experts zechman saw haight- win only found patient charts in ex- lo lose to buller on the next cellent condition and found the ballot medical histories very well done they found nothing they iv ice presidents or tesms ol various- nominated mrs k rnbson iii ii adership candidates were of nit 2 georgetown george p among the most active ii ca- jackson milton maureen the visitors also visited each iadian liberals assixialed with sweelman oakville and peler department of the hospital frc convention jwaters oakville elected andwerc weilpieased with the j smooth functioning of the ti various departmehls the advis- fj ory commitlee was most gratl- ilfied with the whole report ii j in fact the board a a whole jl are most gratified to know the r j excelleni results of the jepnit ve will go into detaiu of the report at a future date one objective we didnt for- fee at ihe tairt of the yearj eaas the nomination and elect ion of a new halton liberal i ffember of parliament this file existence of a political pciation and when the time arrived more than 1000 hal- in liberals took part in the siccesful campaign to elect ud whiting to his ottawa fast 1 w did jiiiticielr a iridrr- bip cotivftition to rlect j new jjlional liberal itadrr and im halton dlcbat tnovt of nm held key poitiotu in tbej paign photos news clippings in church corner stone the corner itohc wag let in place at the new hlllcrcst uni ted church on the 7th lino of kaqlteflntf mulh nf aihurove sunday november 3 with iho ehalrnhan of halton presbytery rev fred joblin tort credit offlclatink a bsc behind th corner tone contains historical records photos and newspaper clipping about the merger of ajihrove and hornby conxrefiatlons and the start of cnalruction the two villaje churches will be doaed when the new itructure u rvady for occupancy the new hiucrest church will feature a beautiful utictuiry with curving openbeam ceil- iniw and larfin lower floor for chrutiin education work broke halton jail gives himself up the laat member of a party of four halton jail prisoners who broke out i couple of months ago baa bean caught the escapee turned la to bait lake city police plaining he was cold and hung ry tolice traced bun at the man wanted for escaping from halton jail ha and the three that panlad him in the breakout an all being held in hamilton jail they will be brought back to halton to face jailbraakinf charges two of them were rounded up shortly after their sunday night escape and the third waa caught aeveral houn later as he attem pted to drive a stolen car away from the campbollvtlle area tha fourth member waa brotlght to tha canadian bor der by immigration officials and there ha was met arid aires ted by milton police officer con stable keith ttobertson who was accompanied by an opp official and inspector jack layman president mens iciub at st johns at thv october waatliii at 8t jobaa aot3 meme oak a nw alatai tt offlcen mm poaad and elected tot the tog year ateuriai pr johnltodd aaatnetad tha eaukutrf aaatatm by sr bob scrinna zzzns i i 1 niwiiimiiiii i n let s play bridge rr by bill coats mrrxrxrzrr a few of the local duplicate j helped a brest deal by the ace layers journeyed to lohdonjkin or queen from partner 4si weekend for the western ontario bridge tournament this tournament drew 240 ta ffies of keen bridge fver the four days that once more the social event of the year is alrnost here we dlavrsl hmrt honors declarer i nf course to the annual it was kl i cart lead run to his ausillary dance and this year wrtt is most unfortunate to find declarer with all thetiot fteld this i 44 flian the largest ver held in londmi tables more hand declarer decided to tt- tournament jhliih his diniond suit he a fu h entered dummy wilh ihe tpade komce uttlcers ulscuss queen and led a low diamond the local players including finessing the nine i ftuke wilson bob dickson bill gvaldel and bill coats didnt w uln5 h i the mutual problem of re ring home any pris but lhfy h m during death and injury accid adayed average bridge while m f i t particularly where pre redaction in accidents tins or jack of hearts and he 31 couldnt find a hand from j could- not heat dummys spade 0m london tnurnainent worth queen declarer lux attacked writinj abaut but her u one jorti the acton bridge club yith both sides vulnerabv south dealt ihe following i sq 10 c 0 6 west sj fl 7 5 d q 10 8 5 li q 7 c q 4 3 kast ii 7 4 u k b 3 itchnor a4d elementary acliool chndretai- concerned attract ed traffic safety officers from various police departments ac ross the province to the rea- way hotel toronto for the on tario traffic conferences 7th annual traffic safety officers workshop on thursday novem- all this teems simple on pa- her 7th attending from geor- ner n you tell me how come nf- gelown police department were the three declarer in two no i chief harley lowe and traffic trump two made their contract safely conitable a vanclief when your attack is one suit is the diamond the only conclusl ion is that clubs is the suit to i lead west shniildlrad hie elnh queen and continue riuhs de- clarer fiofk down to defeat 3 obviously not workinj a switch is called for winners at acton hiide under the chairmanship of constable harry artlnlan tf the st catharines police depart ment a numlir nf intcresliny c akj t 5 pair duke wibon jloria coats view in the traffic safety ileld south s a k 4 3 uk j d a 10 d z c 10 8 2 the bidding iouth wkst nottm rjr 1 nt vi 3 nt all paw eninfillead 3of hearti players hav mty hridue adopted the ttrithji approach to fto trump about one half the flitie you can mike a gmtt at fto trump ou 25 poinu hehc 9ie british dropped the open- pit one no trump to lvt px vhue leaving tha rrjtponar the umr thin will account for fbulit openihlone no trump is iojnb north ft hold 8 points count- 9 suit norths raise to two p ssed out stnoe south haa f minimum opener i west has a choice of two four fiuits to lead when faced a choice ask yourself thia hon which suit win a e honour in partners hand the mosjt in this case it at hearts any one of the tee king or- ek will help up your suit and grobably not grv anything to aiirlaiar apxloa would not be were discussed during the work shop new ideas involving ihe dlse of model cars for classroom in struction in teaching traffic safely to school children were outlined by members of the ontario ivovlnclal police ac cident prevention branch kcltiuil authorities havn co- k u u i n operated through ihe year by 12lh wlh fifteen tallies in kroii time and aiaittanre lym margery mackrniie i m traffic safely ofncera in and miss olive ugan were presenting educational nrog- flrat eastwest winners rams for school children other northsouth winners weru w wandel j kalll hvost w hamilton it londay vcrc as follows 1st 2nd pair hill wandel cam sin clair 3rd pair ilrv iallullii bob imxnn 4th pair belly ash- ley glenn hanks bridge club j zahara and haynionil were flrt north south pair at the georgetown duplicate ilrul ii- print gam sinclair mrs mary hooper and george kargcnl kantwent mrs helen hyde mm bv pat- tullo thomas warnes flayton itarlkiur tied for fourth ami fifth pat william muriel l len and mr and mrs waller biehji condrbt gkavtl building sand road okavcl fill and top soil cakkiit bud haines olen wlllm 1773 j02 flowers for all occasions w1ddino mstanoimintf i e specialty cut flowers and funeral delirjril we wu flowen rosedale ftoral w alkert si tk mtjl building committee chairman claude picket donated the ditadulls and atone and halton mpp james chilcn ad snows construction company in deaths doing ihe work steward wan i emergency brownrldge and elder cliff j visits wrigglesworlh assisted in the operations corner stone laying ceremony i performad 41 october births at x local hospital last month was one of the busiest ones in the george town district memorials ma ternity ward where 41 newborn brought the occupancy up to over 50 percent for the first time in years in october- of 1067 there were just 21 biclhi the number of births at the hospital during the first ten months of the yetr totals 262 according to a report on tha hospitals operation in october just released the report shows that octo ber wasa busy- month through- outthe hospital with an average of 78 per cent general occupan cy compared to 714 per cent for the same month laat year occupancy in the medical and surgical wards remained high at 00 per cent- other figures contained in the report oct vr 1 rfat ibs 2 3 lrus 15 thursday nov 31 at 1m fags 7ava km tow convftnhnci wt cmm tt your home to jmvat you 0 shampoo and set rotmanents f tint bueach styling haitc cut frosting ail professional solutfdns heading the saw win be jack layman pastai- dent gaorga arakage qrat taca garfield jlctjflvrey aee- ondwce dick whetter sec retary alex berilnah treas urer tha waya nd mcaha casa- jsdttee bmdad by cec dail- aon reported that the dub would agai be aslung qnriat- aoaa trees and nuta and hoped for the support of all ben- at tha november meeting kenneth langdon jr of the firm of helson a langdon apoke to the club on making wills andestaito tases the becember meeting will take th form of a games night and the men themselres will provide a buffet of turkey and ham and ell the trimm ings- draper dobie co ltd thal ttmonto stock ixchanol stock and bonp skoiuks ywar mi eel bwanch office he tem owaaa pew r malice and teranfa 771717 orajarawtt and vicinity dawaial caaaagaaa a tha01ai know bftapwevftowli mm i awty adams photography wcodimcs fassports general photography custom plnfshln 40 pkincs charlss dr halton cooperative medkal care pun dcor- cajts xrays uclawa aajor medical r r a or smployees may enroll at any time of the veer revised ratee aonthly sl sina saontkly- 1jj2 cwala aonthly s1s23 family s ai or yeerly famaaj f of 10 beys maltom coop tasdical services its main st e mitten dial o7t71s please send me information no obligation nailk ahobess 77jtm lines by arnold blacfiford your telwrrjaparjer y try in draw a telehnne dial from memory including all the fmger holes numbers and letters you probably eant do it on tha first try most people cant fortunately you dont myitotrst lo memory whan it comes to making telephone calls the telephone book is a great source not just of jihone numbers but of all aorta of valuable information lite area codes details of how to make special types of calls aifd of course all fliaje businesses and services listed in the yellow pages why not take time now to become familiar wilh your telephones best friend just about everybody his heard or read itwieasboul telephone operators helping to avert tragedies saving livu and property hut its the little things that really ihow the demands placed upon our operators ingenuity lika tho summer bachelor who called an operator to find out how best to cook spaghetti or the exhausted mother who riewf to placate a hidtempered child by dialinglm and ordering her truculent offspring to stop crying and iiy hello to granny the christmas season normally a joyoua aeason for overyone else can become a very heavy work time for our information group so many calls are received from chil dren wanting to talk lo santa in toyland that operators begin to wonder if the jolly old gentleman really does eilsl there are over 707000 calls to bell canada informa tion operators during an average working diy and while such queries as ihifsennutlinwl above represent a relatively amall percentage af ihe total they still must be answered end lhey do take time information operators arerequlrel to use their good judgment in handling noimarcustomer calls and courtesy with even a bit of humour when they receive unusual re- quails for general information du you know the wtluss in you thlemiones spuing coiid iiavk no spiung at aiji the cord has a permanent wave the spring in the cord comes entirely from the cords outer plaalle jacket which la heat treated to set it into a tverotanent reelllant coil everything inside the outer jacket la designed lo be ai flexible aa possible o it wont fight against tha epring set inthe plastic and wont lend lo break from con- slant flexing jut another example of ihe planning behind your telephone lakeview discount centre 12 main n acton point wallpaper propwshod panels pboring carpets free mijveky open sot to xjm pm house with a diffemnt atmosphere house tannenhof restaurant tavern mleilioo rd tenneeiy srreehvllle rd huttanvlllo opcm 7 days a week for eujsrrensmens luncheons and dinners supper dance each friday a saturday until saturday novembsr 13rd domt watt sook now ror cajnimas day new years eve celebrations and cnrutma banejueui serving 10 to 100 coop dates am sttll avaeuabl coll coeiiiofor iwtormarmn sossoto i pram your local trust company jl is you pace nidi the wan or the house couldnt remember tho phone rmimber ho wanted to call so receiver in hand he toyed wilh the telephone dial while looking through the directory suddenly his face turned beetred ilia wife noticed and asked anxiously is something the malterr no h aald grlnhing aheejilahly the operator jiuf- asked me if my mother knew that i wu playing with uu phone i- guaranteed investment certificates excellent interest on your money i amounts frorn 1 of to 1 00000 interest pd halfvwarly by cheque ear it cambodepositoxltoyotnsaxnraxounll 7 for 2 e 3 yj 7 for 1 4 5 ytar come in for further details to our office in y s ccoarotrrowm m mu stree north s77u60 mkn a cower monaatr local tllkrxtoh johm it- halujul north halton advisory eoard john t armstrong cnairwan he lord gardhoue- uaurico c heaty michael lenwith john coy lkr b i young lome skuce ulfjurjiujii u pica huijn- won thurs boo 500 lvidays til boo hood oosoe oakville- otw orteoe linuipin prljiji siaacor brlhi ookiville milton dundas halton peel trust avwcs qlllwpailt rtmmtm tkint huraa efw 11 m tturt off v v t

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