Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 5, 1968, p. 4

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rv j vt lr i georgetown herald pubdtlmcl by horn nwfprm ummd 22 main street south georgetown ontario w c biihn svibueher page 4 thursday december 5th 196b editorial comment fi new council j municipal elections are now in the past and georgetown has a now council fecdy to take office in january j this yoars contest was particularly interesting malching thro seasoned pollti ciam in tho raco for tha mayoralty and a fjodsolociion of candidate some with experience some cornpletoly new for oth er council posts i wo concjralulato the winners wljjle cxlcnding appreciation to all who offered thuir services not everyone canwin and ihu lobars an take solace in the fact that by entering the raco they gave voters a boiler choico made victory that much more sweet for those who topped tho polls and gave georgetown what should be one of its best councils those who are entering council for tho first time will find as those who have served already know that they are in for iru ntfharrl work and a lot of criticism a now councillor in trulh will never bo more popular than he is at the present timo for solomon himsotf would accumu late political enomios some deserved some not if ho held the iob tho now council will have as its most important business a decision on the bru- mac proposal for large scale residential de velopment it has a consultants report a counteroffer from the brumac firm and past experience of rapid town growth to help in a final decision this will occupy much of the new councils initial time while getting on with the routino business of setting budgols establishing a tax rate and dealing wilh the normal oporation of town affairs streamlining council procedure and more recreation facilities seemed to be i main planks in almost every candidates platforms the first- is easier said than donenjt canbe approached in small steps the second is easy jo about but is tied into the tax budget and we dont ex pect lo see any radical innovations in the next year actually to our mind george town- is quite well served with three park locations an drone and swimming pool and school playgrounds capable of after- hours use plus three gymnasiums in the high school there jias boon much talk too of a town manager clerk administrator or whatever you want to term him our sug gestion horo is that the town is already quite well supplied with responsible em- ployeis who if given the authority their position desorves can accomplish a flood deal of the streamlining we talk about there arts many minor matters which do not need to come before council at all oporation of a town the size of georgeown is big business and it should be quite pos sible for council lo operate as a board of immigrants who will make a managers setting policy deciding on ma- i maximum contribution to our or matters while letting paid officials do economic growth at the same their jobs with a minimum of interference the question of a manager for a town this size has manyandlos and cost is one of them councillors should first try making the best use of the staff they have- before plunging into a twenty or twentyfive thousand dollars a year man and the staff that ho would demand they might be surprised what talent is right on the spot the 10tteh that grew up time due consideration is also liven to th humanitarian u- pecls involving family relation- a hips ami the plight of rcfug- ms another atlea of kctlvity in the immigration programme involves the movement of pers on other than immigrant into and out of canada canadian citizens and residents returning from abroad and those of other ovlcn professional triumph sugar and spice by bill smiley dear mrs p0povich well never forget mrs fop spot of faith healing tho news echoes rrm ft hataids of 10 and 20 year ago 1938 a the robin hood float complete wilh castle moat and drewbrldgo and including maid marlon friar tuck lit tle john and of course robin caught the admiring eye of the iudges and was awarded the lions club trophy for best floaj in tho santa claus parade saturday en tered by the georgetown chamber of commerce it won over some 15 other floats a the chrlstnan reformed church has boon without their own minister since the opening of the church tjirf- ar- rangements have now been made and they are expect ing that rov lot wll orrivo from holland in match to take over the work herp georgetowns 1959 council will soe only one change a new councillor will be mrs anno currio wiio in hor second bid for office tallied 599 voles for fiflh place in tho standing john guqri garfiold mcgllvray em hyde john elliott an tut harrison were the qlhors elec ted as councillors in tho 13man race mayor jack arm- strong reove dug sargent and deputy reeve walter gray were acclaimed 0 a banquot in tho mcglbbon hotel on monday evening marked the inauguration of two local chapters of the provincial paper quarler century club momborship is composed of mod and women who havo boon 25 yoars or more in the employ of tho company gold pocket watches were presented to 41 men and silver trays to four ladies who qualified for momborship tho two local chaptors are the barber coating chapter and tho barber paper division ward 3 elected william mcnally and thomas l lyons to council in mondays municipal elections third man in the race was ray whilmee acclaimod were mayor jo seph gibbons roovo jack armstrong dputy reove james goodlot ward 1 councillors arthur herbert and vern mccumber and ward two councillors cecil david son and norman hill elected to tho now board of ed ucation wore walter biehn dr j b milne riley bre- thour john bell edwin wilson mrs anno watkins rid syd orr your poor old mothar onto a what a paradox all those bus whan aha cant ayan walk wall fed wall clothad wall- whar bind of paopla are you looking people tat thare and v watched as though it war 1 guea this ui because my h wife kissed her koodbye am l wh j paled her houlder a id this b m h hirtv voice said- who going to hjv help her off the bus h j wr and weve bein haunted ever alnco by her dark sad my wife phoned from slirine is closed in the winter eyes and that sweet smile and a certain levito was mug ged rolled and left to die two of his- own race passed ono kteta other day no pries no services just 1 that indomitable aplrlt if 1 1 j d iimttiniyii frnn hfr ufrltlv 11 if lnvlc rnlf e in itmi i tni lra hni ll k h i kv temporary amis place a heavy workload on the staff of the tm- just home from atlnt at college he bui weekly big dark- cold church im in a terrible mess i dont keep going ill be in 1 was f h h wheelchair for the rest of mvi life thoso who misiod globe productions orcsentation of my fair lady in brampton fajt wcok missed the entertainment treat of tho year it is seldom that an amateur produc tion reaches tho fully professional stand ards met by the company this year more than ont of the audience who had seen the show when it played the okeeftr cen- 1r some years back remarked that it meas ured up in almost every way to the tour ing broadway show the acting was uniformly wxcellen inging with an odd exception first rate nd chris fishers direction tied the show movement is incrcasink trem- causa iha cant climb itaoa stage settings endoualy and in ib7 involved- to cut lono itory short iha arranoad for hot food andcoldncss and tho caker curloai tv j ll o hi dlnki to ba brouoht to hr ity of the onlookers the only j and found him inn inlo a neat package th were outstanding costuming most of this designed by the performers themselves was beautiful and ihe stage crew was par ticularly efficient in rapid changes so there was a minimum of delay between scenes add to this the fact that an unforlun- i puuuoii ate motor accident suffered by musical dll reclor ralph ursel had mrs irene wheeler j liitt fill in for him a the last moment while n m magistrate what kot both of us was the- and a samaritan on allan haard his groahs arid said oy boy whats with you you den increaalng movement must be christian charily or plain vlilld har mad hr- promlia person who ottered aid tliol w handled with efficiency and des- humanity and wound up with to phona hr daughtar to comaj chap who helped me carry her waiwowan l problam that would hav and o har i onto the bus was a rouuh-look- and was probably charfed canadas immigration prog- isda ai samaritan taki i inn character who was obvious- for practicing without a llo- rammc brlnas to this country mt h w1 a i ly a junkie or an alcoholic hcicnse i often wonder what bc- ajmroxlmalely 1- of our exist- i il 1j mi loolc came of the good samaritan urn ken harrison volunteered to play the diffi cult piano score and you realize what tal ent abounds in this district fair lady now pases a real problem for the globe players where will they find a musical to equal this year an extra christmas gift next monday georgetown district people have a chance to give a christmas gift lo someone they dont know and will never see which is the true spirit of christmas the red cross blood donor clinic is planned for that day at holy cross church end the local assoclaliaon is anxious to con tinue doing its part in this important life- iaving activity healthy persons regardless of blood group and betwoen agas 18 and 65 are accepted at tntr clinic and those betweon 17 and 10 can donate providing written consent of their parents is produced ihe blood clinic is one of the most im portant jobs undertaken by the local red cross and one in which every resident can take a part in addition to those who don- ale there is roam for a number of helpers typists attendants nurses enrolment has been good in the clinics to date but there is constant need for new donors and new er residents aro particularly urged to vol unteer all information is contained in adver tisements olsewhere in this issue of the herald everyones a judge peraona appearing in court from now on- will no longer be i ell eoufused as to whether to call a magistrate your honour c starting monday december all magistrates courts in the province became provlncialjud- ks courts and all magistrates mrs popovicli hia parkin- h cad la ten minutes to sons disease she can walk by net her- into or out of a car inches on a good lay she told e cabbie to come back ihiilllit travel 10 feel in 40 wo hours door of church minute possiblv fallini flat w locked she sat for two ion her face twice during the hours high on a hilltop in a procedure bleak november wind on tho steps of the shrine my wlfa halpadhar onto th y four days 1st hr sutvdty chclilno by orw w tok hr to th w practically hurud your worship or 6nto a bu blcu fo th shrin- twa hour hard ubor i church like a holy bam business directory in the intervening time she was a thorn in ih de a scorpion in our minds experienced a corresponding mme change they arc now ad- drcjad as your honour in short wi worried lik about her she did bejjln lo sou that it was all it bit fruitless- and spiritual akrocr to take n hus hack to the citron monday after an hell hours strunfile we not her onto tho bun which is three j sh is hd th hni from the motel xn- i iitit fa ix ua s ar 1 ot chap und i carried her at the same time salaries lh h ol a wro raised to 2l000 a yearl hutrtqur artd itubbom i brlniilnc them in line wltlt sular- wuu cane baofliiti purte all in ies of county court judges j place and the but drlvava she had come here to visit look tald loud and clear how the aim of ralsini the nalar- the shrine with a view to nca you be to rotten at to pour es is to encourake moro exper- lenced lawyers to accept ap- general introduced governments the prime minis- pointments in the lower courts sla newlojilslatlon pertailter stated that it is the govern- c0rbett chiropractic clinic spinal xray service available tiy appolntmaht s77o31 f mill st old post offlca 1 haltonmp j reports a mom of the cltango really wont alter our status although perhaps the new name may make us a bit more dignified the senior magistrate in hal 1 1 caused by many factors some j to l kenneth m langdnn of have their origin in ihe source georgetown who is also judge countries of hilton family counv a hilton county magistrate l0 expropriations of prtv now judge jamea dlaclt said lc umls ntroduclng the i of selecting immigrants can adas economic situation reflec ted in our labour market infor mation ls made known to our immigration oftlceni throughout tlvc world and this knowledge u used in their selection and couuaelling of potential imml- grants in this way the chang- since comikfi lo oltawaoiilso in atlendance standing l demand for labour in turn eat many people who are hhi committees of the house of results in a comparable change themselves have commons urc comprised f in the rate of lmmlgrantacom- ii- tiinljir im octoiielt 107 new regl smile illations were introduced by the department regarding methods voir ware awfully drunk last emigrants iiuiiifiiluriiu lied tn tho iti anotiikil significant factor ancc in bringing their famlllos les represented in tho house lo canada and all jlembcra are free to iqiiwtlon ilia mlnlater and his lh immlbruiit movement is i was pleased to bo apj omdlluj uboul my u f the lh ereaae in tho number of pointed a number of the staiito jdln cummilteo on labour manpower and immigration us last yeait 23000 lmitiig- this will afford me an opportu- rants came to canada this was jnlty to become moro knowledge- mora thuii any poit war year jiblc in tho working of thl deolhcr than 1037 wherf m2000 jparlmejil and consequently- i wore admitted indluullons are feel i will be able to be of lhl- evoii with the current more mtibunce to those pcop- cjech refugee movement j p 0 imnilgrutils in 1068 will bu aomewhut reduced from 1907 over 136000 immig rants had arrived by the end of september nearly 3300 ciech who come to roe seeking help this sutk the committed been examining the revised estimate of the lanmlgration nch at obese cowmltteo up heads of depart- nuida preeent and on two itlotv tbe mlouter the hon- a luoeaofato u refugees have arrived in can ada by tho end of october of this year tho reduced move ment of immuiranu to canada aure that we continue to rtcel- krciich speaking immigrants who are coming to canada the number coming from france alone has increased from less than 3000 in losstn more than 10000 lu 1017 aa immigrants are now being selected on a un iversal basis they alu arriving in canada from other fruucb- ajeuklng countriea in addition lu france belgium and switzer land immigration regulations nave to be modified from lima to time to ensure that they arrvo tho objectives for which they were designed and u en- nlgbt ai why i only had one glass ono glass impossible- no they kept filling it up all the time the prime minister announ ced on friday that ho wishes to proceed immediately with se cond reading and committee study of this bill so that the new proprlulinn art can re- jelvoloyul assunt before the olixulmas recess halton hast mp menti intention to proceed with the implementation of hccional governments in areas where sufllcienl study hos taken piaco and informatiunis available mr bill mr wishart sold instead of simply giving a person enough to buy the same home in the same area we licllevc it is only itobarts also stated that in the just to provide sufficient funds very near future the llonorublu that bo can relocate in a slight- darcoy mckeough minister of ly better area the mill gllaran- municipal alfalrs will be makj tees home owners market value ing a further slatenlenl on hei for their home plus allowances gional government and will boj for iiiiivini legal fees and spc- outlining the piioiily areas to clal difficulties in relocation walker currie optometrists 12 main sl s brampton phone4slm7l hours 0 am to 6 pm tuesday to saturday friday 0 rm to 0 pm evenings by appointment barragers cutirishir laindrr 8373279 18 main s 108 guelph all work dons on premue wallace thompson 3rd division courr 1775943 clark a commissioner lids ial bill was introd- be given first consideration on friday morning the house adjourned early in order that all members of thu government could participate in the cerem onies tukuii place in front of legislative lluildings and the laying of u wreath in honour of the 150th anniversary of tho honourable george drown ono of out- fathers of confederation robert r hamilton optomtewist lit mounlainvicw road south currctnl bldb for appointment 8773971 w h carr profasilonal engineer m consultlno englnaar ontario land surveyor office 8772211 774300 ham uced by tho minister of muni- e founder and publisher clpal atfalrii perlulnlng to the of the globe newspaper tin operation of municipal elect ions tills bill received three tildl l fe mvyliiiiv jim snow reports in reporting on the first full week of this silting of tho leg islature there aro aeveral items that i feel may be of major interest to the residents of hal- ton east i usil j iird4swn tan a an on monday november 28 entlons regarding the establish tho honourable arthur wishart i ment of a aytem of regional pasi on monday afternoon i pres ented my resolution which was put on the orderpaper the pre vious week calling for ull gov ernment of onturlu buildings and buildings subsidized by the government to be built mi the modular coordinated building principle this hill was debated and after- my presentation to the house was supported by belli speakers for the upnnslliuil parties v on thursday ufteiiinnu while speaking on the thrunu debate tbu prhno minister made a m- ther complete statement on tbu governments position und hit- predecessor of todays globe mail georrjetown herald published by home nwpspn limited georgetown ontario wallr c blhn publubor garllld mccllvray iroduclluu superintendent frank mullln j advertising munagor ivrry llnrlry alleen bradley nows editor accountant valerie tost anne currle reporter lyisllu lark dave hustings mylus gilsou juhu mcclomenur george young optometrist l m brown 0 6 asj ml i ii suite 1 per appointment phone 8773471 repair isehvice official bulova accutron srvlc cntr john b0ught0n jiwillirs certified wetchmekera s main si n 1774311 mcbairl and hulme ontario land surveyors wlllowdale 2530534 lc milussse ols h77tti75 residence monuments pollock campbell designs on ilequest inspect our work in greenwood cemetery seaaaai phbnl water street north g a l t koller construction is now installing aluminum sidino windows t doofts all work guaranteed free ostlmalot call t779102 a

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