Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 19, 1968, p. 1

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ads that pay vtejat eite m ml in mm rmw er kbka file htnw i where m ww ftake the rerarhi yes georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing the qt hanu ha aetreed gemvmmm ew4 dfatrlc beat in fine inlntlasj astd mot in as o ontario tlieaa o 19th 19a 9l0o par yetef oagla copy priom ten cn c1iiuns miss ethel brownrldge left end the geli old elf chatting with them at the senior gtizens teinment is arranged annually by georgetowns rotary club mrs sparling are really unior citizens when compered to dinner in knox church hajl recently the dinner and enter- tulsa firm building canadian plant here mcnally construction has started work on a 18000 so ft factory on armstrong ave nue for t d williamson tcan ada limited the company with head office in tulsa ok lahoma is the fifth american- based firm mcnally has located here in the past 18 months as well as building the plant the local una is handling tl and engineering it is hoped the williamson company which makes compo nent parts for transmission pipe lines will go into production in april mcnally construction is cur renty negotiating with two oth cr companies one which would build a 125 000 square foot plant and the other a 35 000 square foot plant here seek expropriation tor reservoir development halloa region conservation authority may seek to expropri ate 25 acres of land owned by bruce frame of ilk 3 milton for the scotch block reservoir project the project has been delayed while engineers attempt to de- vise a more economic type of structure for the dan the full authority aext tucs day will be asked to approve an executive recommenda tlon to ask a county judge for permission to expropriate the parcel the authority already nas approval to expropriate 67 acres owned by three other per- eons for the project the executive decided to seek expropriation after solicitors for frame asked that a new clause be added to the proposed agree nsent 6f sale permitting him to o onto the property to obtain water the solicitors said frame has been unable to llnd sufficient wsler on the remaining proper iy where he is building a house and has an orchard we have to have the proper ty but the terms and conditions for that sale set down in live pages are impossible to meet resources manager dave mur ray told the executive last week three injured in twocar collision friday jacqueline hills 23 and bil ly and terry ililts age three and four all of rsl 1 george town were injured in a broad side twocat accident at the guelph mountainvicw inter section friday a police report said jaequel ine suffered a bruised right side terry a bruised rluit side and see and bill a bleeding nose when the car they were riding in driven by barbara may service 105 park st glen williams was in collision with a car driven by michael j uroomhcad of 14 victoria crescent police said the service car was crossing guelph st and the broomhead car was eastbound on the hu hway constable jim powell placed damage at 1 000 no trace here yet of dread hong kong flu the hong kong flu has not arrived in hilton yet r l m stuart director of the halton county health unit said although there is a fair amount of influenza going ar- ound the unit has not been notified of any cases of hong kong flu he said individual doctors who have conducted tests on patients may have come ac cross cases of the hong kong flu but that he has not heard of any tho flu hu already affected a number of united stales res ououli idents alter killing a number of du people in hong kong dr ed ward 0 itourke new york city health commissioner has pre dieted the flu will take 300 to i0o lives in that city this winter students attempt protest an attempt by an unknown number of georgetown hlyh school students to demonstrate against the onuria department of educations move to extend the school term hu apparently ful to qia tho sijdjjort of tho student body the protester walked out of classes first thing wednesday morning a spokesman told the herald that as many as three hundred may have been involv ed but high school principal michael furlong said at press time he knew of no more thsn eiuil dr stuart said with the open border between canada and the united states the flu will naturally h carried up here he said the unit has received no word from the ontario minister of health regarding the use ot preventative vaccines town roadsarmy set for winters worst the town works force is rvady for its annual battle with winter snow and ico two thousand torn of sand rolled with one hundred and twuily live tons of salt ore atockpiled in the town yard an extra iwmtv five tons of airtight salt is there too ready to corrode tlie car fenderv this year the twenty three man force lias an added fif teen miles of road to maintain since the now subdivision toads have been taken over by the town tenders are being called for two tall hate bprtadcrs to aupplement the existing big sand apnutlcr 1 lie town has one truck mounted snowplough and is callini lenders on another in addition they now have front end loaders for loading the a grader with wings is rented on a standby basis 10 en sure the town can go about its business in a heavy storm the anowploughs are now radio equipped so they- can be called to the worst spots in u hurry please keep your cars olf the road is the plea of the works depsrment no they can o about their business of clear lntf the way for others along with other duties the townmen will maintain four outdoor akalng rinks this ycir the boards are built and ready to be installed rinks will be built and floodllj at cedarvale park school harrison school and at the new park on wober drive hkm should all be in operation for tho christmas boll water supplies to be piped from lakeshore three years and three months of negotiations ended tuesday as five peel county municipal hies agreed to participate in the largest project in ontario water resources commission history under the milliou scheme the owrc will supply peel county s five southern municip al iti mlssisitauga port cret it strccuvllle brampton and the urban area of chlneuacou ny township with a municipal water supply piped from like ontario and accept sanitary se wage from the five for treat meat and disposal the owftc announced the 20 year project august 24 1063 and at that time it carried a price tag of 67 million lhe scheme will cover a 480squar mile area from fhe western border of metropolitan toronto to oakville anil north from lake ontario a distance of about 20 miles under the scheme the owhc will tako over msjor water purlticat- a iib a ffrtfc iwr plants and msjor trunk mains now owned by the municipality costs will he borne by the ow ltc with the munulpautics pay ing on a user basis the initial source will be the existing lake view water filtration plant sewage will be handled at existing treatment plants in lake view ancf clark son first construction will be a major addition to the lakcv- vluw sewajce treatment ptanl continued on page 17 he said a few attempted to return to school in the after- uoon but were told they would be readmitted when they pro duced letters from their par nta ex their absence one of the protesting students said tho extra two weeks on the school term would affect stud nts chances at getting summer jobs he said the protest was spontaneous some placards were made but nobody chose to carry them ninth line crash kills passenger november building permits exceed million dollars a whopping big total or 1 331746 in building permits was issued in town during the month of november with only two exceptions the permits were for houses the two exceptions were 10 000 office t deltacrafts and a 10 000 car wash on guelph street free hour parking for holiday shoppers in a spirit of good will tow ard the long suffering car own er council monday decided to have the meters covereflr fro from december 17th till 27th as originally intended but to dec 31st parking will be limited to one hour with the police keep ing an eye or a piece of chalk on the situation cr hoy ballentlne claiming it caused vith store employee 11 day opposed problems parking reverse procedure husbands serve dinner christmas is a time for ban quels and so it was at maple avenue baptist church when sixty women fathered for the most successful and talked ab out banquet ever to be held by the women s missionary society robert scott dies in car plunge north of glen what made it so- the way in which the walters husbands with so much charm and professional manner served hors doeuvres and punch fol lowed by delicious turkey din ner the good time of carol sinking the christmas akit presented by some of the ladles the word of god as it was presented by robert wakfer husband of the retiring president and the fellowship enjoyed in a special way the maltre d ruaaell armstrong was appre ciated as he led the waiters in their work and made it a pers onal duty to see that all the guests were made welcome the new executive for the coming year was introduced mrs hoyden swim president mrs val stein vice president mrs fred mack treasurer and mrs hoes ltntun treasurer extend canvass area for march of dimes mrs mary cooper who heads the local march of dimes ort childrens concert by candle glow christmas in other lands was the theme of a seasonal prog ram presented by the senior classes of the sunday school with narration by dr brure duff in first baptist church sunday evening december lb the church was darkened as the costumed youngsters port rayed the peoples of other countries as they observed their unique customs and traditions at christmas time part of the service vas con ducted in candlelight refreshments were served in the sunday school hall at the program s conclusion junior sunday school class- held their- christmas prog rata two weeks earlier anlxatlon held a get together with captains at cedarvale com mimlty centra recently slides of the sheltered work ahops throughout ontario were tshown also the products of the rehabilitation industries that are made by the disabled for last minute christmas shoppers and a truly canadian gift mrs coqper has available a selection ot eskimo dolls and plush stuffed animals modestly priced the area to be canvassed next year has been greatly enlarged and now includes ashiro ve hornby huttonville lime house stewarttown norval glen williams and georgetown volunteers are still being sought for the canvass planned for january 27 the march of dimos is the fund raising arm of the rehab ilitation foundation for the dis abled robert scott 27 of toronto is dead as the result of a single car accident on the 9th line of esqueslng north of glen willi am saturday night he was passenger in his own car which was being drlv en by patricia ann cooper 22 also of toronto the couple were driving south on the oth line when the driver- lost control on a steep hill with a curve the car left the road and hit a tree killing mr scott instantly he appar ently died of massup cheat la- juries r miss cooper suffered a hip injury and was treated at ge orgetown and district memor ial hospital and released north halton opp constable hon hudd investigated the crash and pmkcd damage to the car at 1 600 police were notified of4he accident at 10 30 mailing volume down for christmas cards the reason is debatable but tho volume of christmas cards mailed locally is down it could be the hike in stamp prices has discouraged the well wishers or simply a delayed christmas spirit which will suddenly catch fire if this does happen it means frantic last raiputc chaos for the postal employees who will have to move a mountain of mail just before christmas day seventeen extra employees have been hired for the season but if the delayed christmas rush bursts forth more will be needed no resident of town win have to walk to pick up their christmas malt even the new est sections of town now have door to door delivery financing not approved delay water contract a motion to award a 10 805 contract to ftutledge water wells for the installation of no 5 well on princess anne drive was defeated monday night on the grounds the financing had not been approved cr hoy ballentlne reminded council approval had not been received from the omb for the financing of no 4 well fajf less no s well i feel the omb would rajj council if we apply for approval after we bring the well into production especial ly since we havent had no 4 well approved and it is in pro duction he maintained the cost would have to be debentur ed since it could not be i inane ed out of current revenue deputy rcevo art speight forecast an increase in water rates would be necessary to take care of it this will be the first prob lem facing the new water com mission remarked mayorelect steamer emmerson they will have to decide how it will be fi nanced whether four and five wlu be debentured together or one debentured and the other financed out of current reven ue in conclusion he urged coun cil to wait two or three week for the water commission to have a chance to investigate the motion was defeated with crs francis and hole and dep uty reeve speight in favour ice unsafe ice which has formed on loc al streams and ponds is a haz dont buy speight advice to council deputy reeve art spelelit ac cused halton county of trylnj to unload a front end loader ard to tho safety of children on any unwlttini municipality warn them at council monday ulklit diblh art- uaator chci of the terra cotu inn itaff pull the finlahlns touches on one of his apeclaltlca truly almost too beautiful to eat chef akona trained in hk native sriteriiid then travelled to lima peru vhere he worked for a bwtad hotel later in uma he esuhuihed hia own bakery bualneaa after fourteen yeara in ieru he became chef at a british columbia hotej from there he ceme to the terra cotta inn where he has been for the past five years he is the pastry chef who con cocu all the fancy desserts weddinsl cakes rolls arid decorations or cold buffets ills wife is head cook at the terra cotta inn where they nd their two children live all year round t adam ihecwephy county engineer j corbett in a letter to the town asked if they would like to bid on 1054 caterpillar front end load er which the county planned to sell a motion to have the engin eer and works superintendent look at the piece of equipment passed over the objectlonof cr hole and deputy reeve speight cr steamer emmerson point ed out the town has been rent ing a front end loader at 450 a month for the sanitary land fill site and wondered if this would servo the same purpose it is fourteen years old and would at least need a major overhaul stated the deputy reeve why do you think the county ls disposal of it he uked you should know you go to the county shot hack cr w smith w has outlived its usefulness replied the deputy ujeve and the eounty wants to unload it iteevc w hunter the warden of halton county splained this tractor had not been used as much as gomo others and had mainly been used in stock piling sand and salt i was told it could be fixed up for three to ave thousand dollars he added cr kmmerson emphasbted it was not a motion to buy but hllllllj tu w nun costs between forty and fifty thousand dollars i think ita worth taking a look the engineer and works sup erintendent will take a look next issue tuesday morning dicm v

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