Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 19, 1968, p. 4

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georgetown herald t 22 main sanaa south gaortjakown ontario wcnbm page 4 thursday deceaaber 19th 1968 editorial comment r required reading parents houd put two items in k daily press on their required reading lists both appeared in- the toronto globe aaal parents with children oj elementary ichool ege and younger will be interested in an article m the saturday magaxine sec tton about an experimental public school where children decide what theyswajlklo am and whenanderixogcljllass to slass they take the notion the school has ro formal classrooms just movable semi par trtionsl teachers prepare no standard tes sons and ae finding that they need extra help to handle their young charges sort of a return to the one room country schoott house with the variation that there ere no lesson preparations parents who hope to send their chll rjren to university particularly toronto should put js- riews item on the front page tof the globe mail on their muit list it describes the new cooperative residence college on bloor st there is no governing body no formal classes no itudenl coon cil when trouble occurs end it does resi dents fend for themselves at best they can why should you be interested i we have heard rumours that in geor getown particularly in the planned aaoore park school this hew experiment in elem entary education wih be inaugurated those who are sending youngsters on to university will want to carefully choose the environment in which they wan their sons and daughters placed and isn t it getting time that every taxpayer started asking questions about where our expensive education system is heading experimental schools cooperative residences are not built with private funds a urge chunk of our tax dollar is being poured into what we consider to be dan gerous proecti wh ch can only end in heartache for parents and disaster for youth season of good cheer the christme iseason while essentially christmas rehg out observance has be came a season of good cheer for people of every faith christmas carols most of which have religtous connotation are enjoyed by everyone churchgoer or not gift giving nd exchange of holiday greeting cards it widespread and the christmas spirit ex ends in a charitable way into the secular wohd the joy m christmas for many people h in oo rvj a little extra something for people who need a hand tnote who need help most are fa rly weu looked after by established organiza tions a towviervice club coop churches sooal groups usually make a point of seeing that no one has an empty larder or a home elevotd of gifts herald helpers during the next two weeks the her ld will have some extra help utt like many other businesses a group of women have been en 0cjed to assist in gathering items for the 3ooal and person column a task which has become too big for the herald staff m thf rap dly gowing commun ty most residents will be receiving a call asking that their holiday vint and visitor be included in tne social columns of the next few issues but even more important to remember ere those people who are not charity cases who have had a tough break and tempor arily are up against it these are proud people whose names on a list p ontvme plfttt vdoulo last ah- vfe j roumd n sugar and spice by bill smiley a club you can join christmas card season there arfc many other re vision to the procedures in the committers report i have dealt with only a few it might be interesting to note at the op it il enlng of this session of iarlia ii newer bob up tment that the vernment pre scnted a list of 47 legislative it the mail bag news media important in manpower program many thoughtful people make a point i ma we hoped would be enacted 24 quetn st las suite 03 brampton ontario onr of the itatlonj will be a nuclear plant and construction will begin next year beside the rxlnting nuclear plant at doug las point and will have a capa city of 3 000 000 kilowatts the other plant will be built near bath ontario about 13o miles east of toronto on the lake shore construction of this plant will begin in 170 i l i i j it in mis session jo aaie uiny a of gmng helprnfl hand usually enony hlve plsjd w l0 mr mow it isnt hard to find thoso who canlrry through our legislative th tnd use it everyone lnoi a fmly i gramme 1 u very zzz of thankm that reforms in procedure must opportunity f thanking where the husband ha been sick whera ie you for your excellent public an accident hat mad mroodl on a budget service coopcrjtlnn during the 4 b i i i lin w1ll bt mv l co pastier in its efforts to match where a toaycheck has bean ost or a man k l11 7 umn before the holiday season illr with jobi the dcpt of has boen oat of work for a few weeks and luould like to take this op- manpower and immigration a few dollars discreetly donated here portunlty to extend to all my hrouih the canada manpower i i constituents my sincere food dependent upon the jiturlavr january 16 next year an have far reaching effects for these merry chrutmu loodlllll of 10 communkatlons thi conference will be conduct ed along the same lines u pre lout conferences in vlneland your coowratinn has promp in iwjti and will be held at the ud our residents to brcome seiuay toaers hotel in foron more awre of the aaibhiiltyto of mploient and of thr ar the honourable a stewart minister of agriculture and tood announced 4hat the report of ontario s special committee on i- arm income will be tabled for dluruislon during a three day conference in toronto be tinning on thursday friday and the type of people who when they get on and happy and prosperous mpj their uppers will follow the old rhyme have you had a kindness jhown ss it on in the mail bag scores police chases dangerous to others the idea started list year met with great success it is a time of year when we 11 rexway drive georgetown ont bear sir i uould drau the attention like to include as many names as poss ble of cenrtelovwiers and police to a id we ask readers to cooperate with our r ln wt we j detailing a uild truck chie herald helpers s should you not be contacted or should th t ttl th wan not stopped at alow speed you wish to phone your personals directly i in the downtown area but sped to the offee the women will be credited f th hib i itook up the chase and stayed with tha we hope wtn your help to w1 the fleeing truck at high ions manpoufsr profianu drsig ned to avist them sinccrrlv i u tullird matuger turn out some newsy hoi day issues of happy holiday items in the mail bag a puzzlement lvercrren pastoral hargc united church of tinada box filfl mayerlhorpe allwrta dear sir here ue sit like tuo llttlet full i speeds 8tf mllea per hour at birds in the uildcrnpss anxious finance also of interest to hal ton s farmers will be two new one hour television programs which will be broadcast in january by the cbc the programs are en titled this bualneja of i- arm ing and ere scheduled for broadcast at 10 30 am on jan 7 and jan 8 these film have been produced by the ontario department of agriculture and tood in conjunction with the cbc the first show entitled grain from field to feed is of particular interest to live i stock producers the aecond film money makers deals farm management and wall 1 that atd christmas eplrit uat bubbline liwa your de you chuckle away avlth shear brimming lev of your fallow man as you do your shopping are your eyes gleaming with glee as you look at your christ mas card list what it unt you don f they re not what s the matter with you anyway have you organised your aloerfodoor carol singing group for christmas bvo have you made plana for a family of 8 on welfare share your christmas- dinner you harven l you say you grunt and bunt and sweat dnd curse as you stagger through the stores your eyea are shin ing with pure hftred as you look over your christmas card list welcome to the group were growing with increasing rapid ity on of these yoars we ii havo a majority and will rise up with one mighty shout thrlstmes bahl hum bog i and if the current tiny tim that creature one sees these day on television ahake hack hu long curly lockn open his made up mouth and starts war bling god hless us all every one hrll probably jret it right between the eyes with one of those cast iron christina tree stands that never works but we muttn t carp the great day will arrive whan christmas is torn out of the grasp of the hucksters and re turned to the people after all chruitmas u a tune of ood cheer even though much o it comes out of a crock and after all tis a sea on to be jolly and most of us are jolly well nick of the whole business by thr time the sacred day itself arrives one of the founding rrwrv- bors of acsa the antlchrlst masspiht association was king wencoslsus the good was tackod on by the court minstrel on the okpllclt orders plant of wencoslau himself who we trying to improve his irrt age for the history books ceslaus was neither and he had the gout he saw a poor nun ga thering fuel though tne frost wu cruel and w half tie actual ry said wwcet that lousy bum ofjt my property hes stealing christmas trees and so a le gend was born another prominent memlmt of acsa was charles dlckanl dickens really hated christmas because be always had a wret chad struggle getting the tree up and whan he did his wife invariably said sweetly if crooked doar ifs leaning ov- eo he wrote a sardonic paro dy of the whole starry eyed christmas mush he cast him self as scrooge a jolly old gent but one who dldnt believe in santa claus bob cratchit scrooge s setnl literate clerk ma stealing from the petty cash ao that tie could get bom bed on chnsmas eve and go and watch his son tiny tim tht one with the phoney limp play his ukelele and sing for pehniei at the slap and tickle a sordid london pub in the original version kind ly old mr scrooge said for get it bob gov him a christ- mas goose and added realist that he wasrbut the lira will bo around for you on boxing day dickens editor however a grasping flint hearted old skin flint knew hi victorian read ers would never accept such realism he made the author recite the story into the slop pily sentimental a christmas carol which has nauseated all aosa members from that day to thlsj dlclfan got his revenge he rewrote the character of scrooge as a caricature of hi editor than he hit the punch bowl the editor and the road he was bitter he disappeared until after new years they found him dragging a yule log soaked in kerosene into the ht of hl1 publish just a couple of examples out of thousands to ahow you he looked out ooe night and that youare not alone join shuddered within his ermine acsa no membership fee no robes rti snow lay round ab- annual infecting nothing re out deep and crisp and even quired except a resounding a great night for skiers and humbug when the signal snowmobile friends but wen goes oul business directory -it- one point the police pulled al ly auaitini thr cwction results ong aide hut were aldeswiped inland the december 5th herald an attempt to force a halt thewhrn what tp nur uonderini haltmmp irudomiitirig 4 reports ottawa ihe basic idea of the program i tlut farming is big husnexsi aod mrilm 11 the variouj ti j lou d am lhl m 1 j a finhce billi uould he referred h lruck xmni he n bl ber to a committee of the who truck spun 1h a eompmeutl 1067 edition j circle and 8pd 6uth etc the legislative proceu at p v la relation to public bill- the he vn i reaolution kta in committee u bow have three vehicle of the whole houe which u tcls hroth our alreeta dl required in respect to a bill in t 0h volvmb the expenditure of man drv nn ey ahould be eliminated tin i fv h j ln hl clitlon ajiplicd in operating a farm the proper uie of credit fam so we e learnrd uhat a trat ilj budtetlntf life insurance and thlni it would he for the don estate planning will be dtxcuu comaek singer to nrne lantled march about the mpondmc re tirement of iank pelcli w 1 hiv b j well ou cun look up uhat v a l con rrmnu for in that centennial emblem n v impor ant iilbunej between municipal official and government representative on c0rbett chiropractic clinic spinal x ray service available by appointment i771 4 mill st old port office coniutent with the recommen n lruom hiybwayl thdubhl ynu mll hp lnlcr weln de 8 mnrtlent datlons to abolish the commit df p k lo know ah atlvel of the town of oakvllle tees of supply and way andl maillni foulup ilcsulcs it eavp nlef wlt the honourable r f ii l tii nrniinirn i vfm hr dmu of a th tr is finall cornered u opportunily to write a g e gomma minister of idurero cfuwref m the dmer frantic byl hrstma erect tthlch timb they tahleltt leek tmanll r 1 j lion for m re nn nothing k lo al1 will present their revised brief j k 1 1 r r woud bill bid for freedom and u vo doing i gor nnnal glen highway matter in the sl r r- 2 v l br tune and print rams another parked truck h williams aid 01 bles you lnw of okvllle rams another parked truck ih f if this pasws then second nohce arrest the rtilnrit cruiny of these kihuh redln would take place and if parties vhert a detail would be carried out policy de s w u rrlmta bates would uil he carried out to s rommlttre after n the house of cornmons indi r taxation meai would lake place orf allotted u fo on h bud days on motions lututed by lh fornu bm d ub w ihe opposition iupply minor till- commii itr of supply migh continue to he dealt with the import cosausuttev ou taw itouxe walr auad ts boh bei sxyssat length in the house litis of all coasuxutlee jitned last sep ed tesaber and beld ic twenty aax fcneetlnx tv eboari terms of referen tm spsvn this all party commit ism sas to introduce measures txs promote the more exped atioua despatch of the business f use house in other words votes money the committee- of in committee of the whole to apeed up the business of lie ways and means considers ways n r et at ih same time it and me of raising such mon j ajfevrds all menilrs ample cy lludtetry and other taxation i s n b u tin lo drluile and nuestl in nieasurcs originate in this f i his stage under legislat ninmltue upon a motion o w kules however rhird the minister of hnance under l b ihe pr sent procedure the hud iiclal debating stage in the till heroin conliins many le plaojsjjpn a motion that c hy controversial lauvreacjuos proposals mi h iw the spukr tjavo the ihair in this could be carried out an i 1 or lhal ne lloust should re would like in dlacuas tome of ilu lnl the conllilltte ike committee recommenda o w and means this is an a identical tody to the committee thb cxjmuittti recommen pp compos that th committee of sup bud proposal ar preposcxl government this i not an isolated cate it happens frequently in our towns and citiel with devastat ing results we were fortunate this time but innocent by stan dr are involved maim ml or killed in these wild ehasei it would appear our respon ability as a citizen lies in bringing about amendment to the highuay traffic act nahling our police ti invextlgato theie incidents and others in a con trollrd maimer i sincru k mil l and loin i 01 j halton east m k hill 1 hiv m keojilbm i m ihi t of this committee is to reduce or refuse the j ys requested by the cov ret for a department or bmp in the speaker leaves th tiawr and the total membrv f aafcif ef uw uouse reviews lh ayasntlaig t of the de attaaeau endcr dicussiod not be kbi are qoaations asked fast fpedlv expendlturea de m aamauiy lavolve question olicy urn a lakmi p4 t fo in the meantime do we have to contend with till actuation wk moil controversial por nr t p n tlon of th commlttaaa report duct their investigations in is the amendment to standing mnr pial order ida dealing with pros r dings thu deals with allocation time in planning the work nfl t g cordon af ume in planning th inelloiisescommiltef jim snow reports a major announcement in the aaialalllao uu liak ulau on tliurirclay ttc 10 again representatives of th oakvllle municipal council and staff u ill meet with tha honourable darcy mckoough minister of munic i pal affairs to present the views of the municipality on lie llonal government tentative armrigemenu have been mad for a meeting on rviday december 20th between the honourable darcy me heough minister of municipal affairs and re presents uvea ofj halton county council to dlscuu regional govornmont for halton county this meeting la the re suit of a request from the iui ton county council by way of resolution for tha minister to embark on a program of he glonal government for the coun t robert r hamilton octomtbrist us mountalnvlew koad south carretal bidg appelntrritht tr optometrist l m brown 0 d 47 main st n suilct i per appointment bhons 77j7l wallace thompson 3rd division court 17 wi3 l s clark commissioner w h car profoaslonal cntflnaer consultlna englnoer onlrlo land surveyor omic 877 2211 t77u00 hem mcbain and hulme ontario land suivyor wlllowdl ill ism lc milllsst o i s uvvbivs residence barragers cleaner shirt launderers 18 main s 166 guelph all work done en premises monuments pollock a campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery chonb u sad 02 water street north ijalt commit tr opportunities house a committee rum u i i u i i ilowd of the house leader a m further debute on the budget i i w u i e formed a qtibrum la to coiulst of the member or mem proposals are provided by th various utagea of the bills which are introduced following the adoption of the ways and means resolutions the ilkioht suggests that thisscommittea be abolished and the business of ways and means be transferred to the house and would be conducted with tha speaker in the cbalr after fors in attendance at any meet ing when the house leaders cannot agree on a specific bill or the allocation of time u de bale a bill then the govern ruent house leader makes the decision this can be debated for a maximum of two hours in the house of offlmoni before it is voted on georgetown herald fubllthed by heme rlowspapera llmlfed georgetown ontario walter c blhn publliher garrleld mcglivray production superintendent rvank mullln advertising manager of enrrgy and resources minis ter honourable john it sim onett who annouuetd ontario hydros detiiion to build two new generating station dtxigu ed to genrmte o mx 000 kilo watts of power the total output of thy two proposed gf nt ratliik stations will supply more than double the combined prt sent peak load demand of lulro toronto and hamilton piny the oakvllle and county delegations in thefr meetlnga with the minkttrs as this will be my last week ly report to be published prior to the joyous christmas season i would like to take this opport unity of wishing all residents of my riding a very merry hrktmss and a happy and pro mperohi new year from bar bar a jamie julie jeffrey jennifer nd myself k ifpjtm erv1ce offleulbulova accutren service centre john b0ught0n jiwillers certlllod watthmakara t main st n 1774311 roller construction is now installing aluminum siding windows a doom all work guaranteed frets stlmatei call 1779103 m

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