Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 23, 1969, p. 4

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i t rrr a i m- a-r- v rhifarshaci by horn nywtpapm umitad 22 main stroat south georgetown ontario n page4 thursday january 23rd 1969 e jfochdtile qiscister t in these ttftv6f spiralling taxes hen the axrerago man js shelling out imoredfftore ojf is jrnoneyfor education lriairlarjyit rnaices one reach a boiling jbhrli ljgein toronto aptly described in- the oakyille jour- slrecord as v halfway house for social hisfits it would be bad enough if roch- b private insti jhe inmates which were paying for what they are getting or not getting depencling an how ypu look at it t but when it is revealed that the five million dollar building in toronto was heav ily financed by a government agency cen- 2a i mortgage and housing and that some its leaders are subsidized by the com i fjany of young canadapans also a govern ment agency then we think it is past tme that mr averageman rise in wrath i and ask just what ourlegislators are think ing about j whafs wrong with rochdale it would take more than a page of the herald to itemize it is a freewheeling cooperative res idence completely lacking iri supervision or ostensibly allowing its ents to study anything or- nothing live their private lives in any way they deem it caters to sexual freedom antiamer icanism antiestablishment antipractkally anything which its leaders take a notion it derides universities as turning out robots who are fit only to go out and make a liv ing as the oakville paper sums it up it is an education in how not to run a col lege and one which ought to teach the public about the dangers of letting the free- education concept get out of hand get out of control of the educators the admin- isrators and the public trustees rochdale has demonstrated that a stu dents place is in the classroombut not at the head of the class nor running the show lecond ti around haltons most senior politician has be- gjjn a term as county warden j but its no new experience to esques- iags george currie in 1936 he was awar ded a similar honour a difficult post to at tain even once in a lifetime and a rare oc currence to happen twice it is unlikely that many more will be accorded this double honour for municipal government is in for some radical changes afsci its municipalities like halton which al- vjays are used in new experiments a regional government which could see many present county boundaries disappear is in the talking stage following study of 1 i- by bill smiley the good old days you know those people who have been going around for the past 20 years complaining remember the good old days when we used to have real win ters with lots of snow7 its sort of tun driving in pd jifce jo catch jnext jjsl sluk tkaugbi0iftujuul person who says it ana stick tbecossack in the mildest 55h tiivva isvwlijfn mntnn aihiiauia a wilj i orphan of the storm the plunkett report yesterday municipal representatives met with government ofta cials in toronto in preliminary discussions about the future of government in halton and peel counties with education centralized in a rapid government move last year a change in municipal government could come as fast it is quite possible that mr currie could be the very last warden of halton county as we know it today if so then halton will be well served for his 43 years in politics has made mr currie wellknown and wellrespected throughout the county tracker barrel politics j contemplated action by the post office department in inaugurating five days only rrjail delivery in towns while retaining the sq day delivery to rural residents smacks ol a cracker barrel philosophy which should be as extinct in ontario as the horse and tggy dropping a days mail delivery will work minor hardship on town residents but we hive heard no particular complaints for it is geared to save money and help put the ppst office department on a breakeven ba- sljs 1 the saturday delivery could be drop- ped to country residents at the same time with no more hardship and urban people have a right to censure our politicians for so blatantly favouring our rural friends an important letter is an important letter whether it bears a town or country address why then should it suddenly become so important that a farmer receive if on saturday but a town resident should wait until monday the matter should resolve itself then into black and white either saturday mail is too important to drop delivery or the savings involved will far outweigh the mi nor inconveniences if no mail is received on saturdays seeing the world part 4 blue mosque worthwhile attraction at isan istanbul ri continuing a series of letline otheri got quite a few as ters home from janice carter well and then went shopping to her parents mr and mrslin tacsin which is the major 1 ormie carter describing a shopping area of istanbul we globetrotting tour which she i went in one shop that had- all is taking with karen korrickjkinds of turkish and persian of den williams and a couple ceramics and they were quite of english girls ciieap but there is no way real- ly that i can carry that type nov 22nd- 1 968 of thing and postage is quite istanbul expensive over here we spent quite a lot of time in a little side street full of music shops as sheila was looking for a turkish saz to buy for her col lection of musical instruments daf everybody another week has passed we have had fantastic ups and rrdowns mostly having to do wjth our vehicle and also sheila has been very sick with an ab- friend demlr he is the one who cess on her tooth cold etc we li tennis champion of turkey appear to be on our way again land wc bought food to make ins vehicle as our engine ro- supper at his friends house is- at 600 we met our turkish f fused to go and we couldnt 1 i rjslc getting stuck on thelran ian desert in the middle of win- l tir we will take the train in brzuratnfor about 53 turkish ifra 425 and from- there we vill take whatever is the cheap- t method of transport teh- i f eran is our next major atop lfcj w have contacts there rel- ajives of our carpel trader friend in istanbul i think the day i wrote or finished writing was november th in which case i can fill jpu in from there we went ninning into the british consul t mall and i got scads of it -two- or threes letters from the deaconess plus another couple double hea from mom i bad jim and money for stage i would write to every- however well we sat and read otntjettari as tanbul is beautiful in the even ing as it i built oh hills around the bosphorus and sea of mar mora we walked down to the ferry across the top of tacsin and could see the other two sides of the city all lit up we went across to uskudar to a a muse built right oh the edge oftthe sea the ferries pas jwithin yards of it we had a really nice evening although sheila was very ill and couldnt enjoy herself at all patti made spaghetti and sa lad for all of us nine all told since in addition to demlr a in the afternoon in search and his riend levant two boya came over and joined in lev ant is some kind of representa tive for an import firm and is a male model as well for thihgs like outdoor sports arid even wag in one advertisement in time- magazine for turkish wine isan is an economics stud ent at the universityn and the other wjiose name icaht re member exactly has finished law school and has started to practice demir and the law yer spoke english levant on ly turkish and isan knew quite a lot of french nevertheless we managed to converse quite well the lawyer read me some turkish poetry but could not translate it bo isan translated it into french for me and i was able to get some meaning from it and of course we listened to records for a while as pop ular music seems to be uni versal and then home to eufppe for bed uskudar is on the asian side of istanbul thenext day we wen to the- blue mosque and wdre very lu cky to meet a boy named hus sein who is studying geophys ics at university who offered to give us a- guided tour and to talk to us about islam in or der to improve his english he was a real wealth of informa tion as he had studied all the historical background of the mosque and showed us small- details that most people would not see like the three holy stones at the front and very beautiful rug in a rich emerald green that was given to the turkish people by the king of egypt the whole of the interior is covered in carpets of all colors and designs and then the dome of the mosque anil the sur rounding half and quarter and eighth domes have all different designs as well the majo dome is pale diue representing heaven and the deeper blues of the lower domes represent the sea we were there for the major prayer time around 5 pjti and heard the muezzins chant and watched the people pray all the time hussein explained details to us we really would have v liked to have had more time to spend with him as he was very inter esting and his english was ex cellent he said that by going to historical places and being helpful he had met people from all over the world but we had to go back as abbas was taking us out or a farewell dinner however first of all we com mandeered his chauffeur our friend hussein and made him take us to the hilton hotel so that we could change a travel lers cheque as our mopey had run out again and the banks were all closed karen and christ and i went in with abbas and barged in on a fancy dress reception for the socially elite we noticed a two star general and a lot of military fuss since we were wearing our blue jeans and grotty old sweaters we attrac ted more stares than anybody it is a vry posh hotel the most expensive in istanbul 1 think this didnt bother abbas he ushered us around flamboy antly shouting out in german all the points of interest esszimrmr dining room where i they were holding the dinner cabaret toilette etcl then we had dinner at a ke- hap restaurant it wu very good turkish kehap tastes a lot like harveys hamburgers which is a little disturbing as there was a cat wandering around in there i afterwards we had to sing for abbas friends again and then escape home by 11 abbas ever the business man changed money in the taxi into silver and thxi unloaded some of that on tha poor desk clerk the desk clerk at our hotel was very very kind to us and told us half in sign language that he would miss us and that on our way back we must phone from ankara jmd the would have our room ready for us lawyers seeking change in dates for court sessions halton county law society seeks an amendment to the statutory dates for holding gen eral sessions of the peace in county court outgoing presid ent of the society peter mc- wllliams revealed this week a resolution drafted at the law societys annual meeting last week asks for new trial da tes more convenient for jury men and the legal profession currently jury criminals and clvtt trial sittings start at tha county courthouse in milton the first monday in june and the first monday in december holiday periods with the increasing number of criminal and civil cases mr mcwilliams said these sittings are running on for many days into respectively the summer and christmas holiday periods the reason for the current dates goes baoka long way he haltonmb rtrilvfoiting f from this being my first column in the new year i hope that you all had a pleasant holiday season and that 1969 will he a happy and prosperous year for all parliament reconven ed on tuesday 14th janiary after a three week recess the recess gave me a further op portunity to visit with many people in the riding who have problems which come under the jurisdiction of the federal gov ernment i feel that in many cases i can get a better insight into their problems by calling on these people personally during the holidays i at tended several social functions which were held throughout the riding it was my pleasure to be invited to mayor wheldon em- mersons inauguration dinner n georgetown he and his council begin their term of of fice in january and i wish them well in their deliberations dur ing the next two years if i can be of assistance to them at any time 1 hope they will feel free to contact me i was asked to address the georgetown lions club and spent a most enjoyable even ing with them my remarks were about my personal involve ment in politics i related some of the problems i had to face even before i was nominated as the liberal candidate it is a big jump from being a par ty member to being a candi date there are a number of things which are important at the time you make this decis ion these include your fam ily life your job situation the support you can garner from association members and last but not least is what kind of competition you will face at no mination meeting i also told- them about some of the humorous experien ces i encountered during the campaign before leaving this subject i would like to mention one incident which occurred the day after the election we had a victory celebration at my home on election night which lasted into the small hours of the morning at 700 oclock in the morning the phone rang and a voice said mr whiting now that you arc a member of parliament i have a problem and i want to know what you are going to do about it said and was originally for the least inconvenience to to farming community since the face of the county has changed since that time the society feels it would be more convenient for all concerned if the summer sitting started jn may and the wlnte flltttnirln november december sitting the december sitting at mil ton was one of the heaviest cal endars the court has ha j there were too many cases for county judge alan b spraguc to han dle and relief judge wuliam macdcl of guclph was called in to help dispose of the heavy case load c the remainder of this session of parliament has all the appearances of being an extremely busy one the house is working under the new rules which were passed out before the christmas recess this is except rule 16a dealing with the allocation of time for each bill this particular section caused much controversy am ong opposition parties and wo referred back to committee for further study these chancesin proce dure will enable parliament to deal with legislation in a more expeditious manner and will place more emphasis on the work of the standing commit tees the new procedures i believe will give the back ben ch members more influence in the formation of the various departmental policies at present there are 40 pieces of government legisla tion outstanding and we hope to deal with these in 84 sitting days this legislation is essen tially the program laid down in the speech from the throne which opened first session of the 28th parliament on septem ber 12ut 196a recentty i made represen tations on behalf of the resi dents of palermo to th post master general the hon eric kierans for rural mail deliv ery i am very pleased to an nounce that this service has been approved and those resi dents living a half mile beyond the present post office in pal ermo will receive tfhjsj service commencing in april next week t expect to he in miami florida for three days speaking at the national crushed stone convention u as many of you know prior to mv election to parliament i was actively engaged in this indus try as an employee of nelson crushed stone other guest speakers at this convention will be the senator from the state of west virginia the hon jen- nings randolph and mr win- ton m blount president the chamber of commerce of the united states and recently ap pointed postmaster general by prcsidentelect nixon i am looking forward to participating in this convention because there are located in halton ma ny quarries and my remarks to the convention deal with the need for the quarries to be good corporate citizens and this is achieved in part by having a plan of conservation and site bcautification whichever he has an unerring instinct for cleaning the driver way just three minutes before the town anowplow comes along and fills it in again did you know t if an automobile electrical failure occurs it is possible that a fuse has burned out this can happen anywhere and the hac recommends that car owners memorize where the ught fuse or fuses are located on their cars and how to rep lace one thai has burned out carry a few inexpensive spare fuses in the glove compart ment him upside down anywhere in our backyard ah you would see would be two feet trying to semaphore sos and you wouldnt even see that unless htwejsixfeejllajlormore quit a winter tn our town you can park the car in front of the house and you wouldnt know it was there except for tha radio aerial because of the flu and my had back and all those warn ing about heart attacks and bone laziness ive been hiring boys to shovel our front and back sidewalks about ninety yards of them remember the good old days when you offered to sho vel somebodys walk and wor ked like allttle beaver for two hours knocked at the door when you were finished hon ing for a dime or maybe even a quarter and some gentl little old lady would say than you little boy and give you a cookie things have changed the kids now work for a straight dollar an hour if you can find one small enough so that he hasnt been cprrupted hythestexdot snow shovellers union how ever it hasnt coat me much yet tvj hired five and three of them havent been seen since they started work on the front walk well probably find them in the spring smiling serapfcl- ally among the rotted oak lea ves and fallen branches but one of them a rosyfaced urchin called jerry is going to go places hes right on the job if theres a gentle snow falling and theres about an inch of it and its seven oclock on a sunday morning he phones to see if i want him if its snow ing as if there was a big hole in the sky and blowing like a banshee and drifting deep you couldnt get hold of that kid if you got the whole police force looking for him much the same happens with the chap who plows the drive way if theres three inches of light snow hes right there if theres eight inches pf heavy snow ill swear he just goes home and sits by the fire and motorists first you eye the pheof snow at the mouth of your driveway looks fairly light and only two feet deep you get um old crock geftng usually start slowly backwards out of the garage then give it the gun and try to buck through thp drift on sheer raw courage and plain stupidity sometimes you even make it sometimes theres a foot of iron ice under that surface of huffy stuff but its the nearest modern equivalent to a cavalry charge that i know except that youre going- backwards what gives it a little extra spice is that because of the huge banks you cant- at s thing in either direction astjou hit that enemy line the other day i nearly tallied two anow- mobiles that were whizzing past and the nextday an oil truck would have got me ex cept that jhis was one of the times i didnt break through thedrift j you cant beat the modern methods ofsnow removal tbo they used tojug it away in trucks and dump it on some patch of wasteland today jn snowblower and in hi spring whan the snow is all ana you a out with first a shovel then a rak and finally a stiff bream and rmpv about four car loads of salt and sand from what uwd to b your nic groan lawn its our own fault of coarse people used to put the beasts up on blocks in november to day hs not only vital but a matter of pride to keep the car in action even though the drive is only three blocks to work were caught on the horns of our own dilemma and its pain ful but it certainly keeps us on our toes when winter de cides that theres a lot of life in the old boy yet and proceeds to prove u dont miss the ice carnival this saturday at the arena business directory chirop cqrbett iractic clinic spinal xray service available by appointment 8776631 49 mill st old post offlea optometrist r r hamilton od 116 mountainview south carretal building for appointment 8773971 optometrist lm brown od 47 main st n suite 1 for appointments phone 773671 barragers cuantrsshlrt laundtrer 8772279 18 main s 166 guelph all work don on premises johnboughton jewellers certified watchmaker f 5 main st n t7743l wallace thompson 3rd division court 1 s772yo3 clark a commlulomr w h cam professional inalneer consulting bnginoar ontario land surveyor offlea 8774211 773300 home mcbaih and hulme ontario land surveyors whiowdal 2222536 lc miixesse oxs 8776275 residence monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery ph0nb 62175so 62 water street north gut koller construction is now installing aluminum siding windows tl poors all work guaranteed v i free estimates call 1774102 x 1l c 21 iilfcitifl ugjbvi

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