Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 30, 1969, p. 1

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ads that pay you can place ah ad in mm haramv classlfiad paow by phoning ctxtol buying or sailing tha herahjla wheina you will fhtdth multt you want the home newspaper tor georgetown and district printing publishing the gocrgttown tforald has served georgetown and district as printers and pubuthm for r a century offering the asf tn fine printing and news coverage authorized as second class mall post office dapt ottawa and for paymant of postage in cash georgetown ontario thursday january 30th 1969 500 per year single copy price tea cents reasoned traveller child six year old bradley snowdon must be the most seasoned at lantic traveller for his age not only la georgetown but prob ably in the- whole country the son- oil mr and mrs ter ry snowdon 82 prince charles drive whostarted his auantlc hopping ajjthe age of four months has accumulated 80066 miles in 98 hours of air travel which must be a record mr snowdon is a passenger agent with air canada which al lows him two free atlantic crossings every year plus free trips to the caribbean and air ports in the united states and canada the family has used the at lantic trips to make frequent visits to mrs snowdons par ents mr and mrs henry gore of kings gardens wyke road trowbridge bradley has two small broth ers who are also piling up the miles at a very tender age phil ip at 2tt has logged 30000 mil es and baby patrick 8 months has 6000 miles the world seemsjanjawfully small place to bradley snowden charlse drive who at age six lias travelled 8d000 miles philip background who is just 2 has already logged 30000 miles extensive renovations- underway at st johns united church services at st johns united i tower nursery ladies parlour chufch are being conducted in and church hall the church hall for the duration of a renovation program now a new heating system cort- nnderwa ng some 3500 will be instal- led with zone valves to regu- when completed in six to late temperatures in both the eight weeks time the church sanctuary and church ball and basement will present a new and attracuve setting fori considerable renwatlng wl worship and midweek activities i p m 5 basement of the churehv where hawes and the entire cost of renovating nelson will be the contractors wil be in the neighbourhood oi u uc iu w s- y rooms un the main 55000 a large part of which has been given by its members toward a building fund initiated a few years ago and a bequest from the estate of the late sybil bennett miss bennett a georgetown lawyer was federal member of parliament for hal ton at the time of her death some years- ago the annual meeting of the georgetown horticultural soc iety was held in knox church hall wednesday january 15 with a fine turnout of members contract for the sanctuary and j friends presid- will completely redesign the nt jf dufficld conducted the channel and choir areas the business part of the meeting tloor in this area will be lower- ed and the entire front of the r- s barber chairman of the i church ropihclled the panel- flower show committee gave a i ling at the rear will also be in comprehensive report of the keeping with that of the front i activities and achievements of j the past year a spring flower the entrance to the church sbow was held for the first time proper b being redesigned also i which creatcd exceptional in- with new ceilings plastered icrcst together with the annual walls new doors indirect light- and september shows ov- ing handrails above the stair- entrance will be put into use as senior and junior choir rooms and will be redecorated the washrooms will be enlarg ed with new fixtures and light ing the cbngregation of st johns ratified the extensive renovat ion at a recent meeting and is happy tosee the work progres sing after being postponed on several occasions horticulturists choose douglas cole president cr 450 entries were placed and judged the society has accumu lated many fine trophies and awards which will create more interest in future shows h j herder reported on mem bership revealing the society had a 20 increase during 68 bringing membership for that year up to 141 ho urged all members to continue their ef forts in building the society d n cole reported on the operation of the society bullet in shon electronic organs of in indicating a new format will burlington tho organ wiluue be attempted in the hope of the newest in electronic music making-it- niore than a notlco generating tones similiar to a of nuetings with the recent plpeorganlt will be two manu- increase of mailing cosls tho al 17 straight ranks of ljiowletin content should be in tone generators 180 amplifier creased to tho maximum channels each with its owri speaker j norman bird society acc- 1 k retarytresraret gavea very also proposed ts a small am- complete report of all his vest- plifier system fbr use in the ed duties in the society the auditorium with outputs to the auditors report indicated the ways will be space for amplifier storage memdrial bookcase and planter the floor in the sanctuary will be wall to wall carpet and in the entrance outdoor and in door type carpet the pews will be refinished and the walls and ceiling redecorated in suitable colours included in the estimated cost will be an 10000 electron ic organ manufactured by a i ou financial setup was correct and complete president duffield gave a short state of the society re port heaping much praise and thanks on all who had in any way contributed to the success of the past year tho meeting was then turned over to the secretary to conduct the election qf officers and board members for the new year working from a nominating committee report handed to him jn bird after giving am ple opportunity for further nominations declared and in troduced the following slate of officers for 1969 president d n cole lat vice president h j herder 2nd vice president mrs j f duffield board members for a two year term mrs wr norton rs barber c renwick k powell and jf duffield board members for a one year term- mrs wm boylo mrs w ioiison jlrs hj her der jl colter bruce harley jn bird on behalf of the board and membership spoke of the untiring efforts of retir ing president j f duffield in the growth of the society in creased activities and interest in general as indicated by well attended meetings during his two year term of office dm wlngroveand kcjhop continued on pago radio personality jack thompson dies in ottawa o of a hot tine show on cktm radio ottawa jack thompson succumbed to a hea att at his home 25 arundel avenue on saturday he was 53 mr thompson whose father the late archdeacon wgo thompson was rector of st gebfges and st albans glen williams anglican churches for 25 yeaffi spent his boyhood in town in high school he was promin ent in debating and on the school year book he was a radio announcer in tor onto and hamilton and between stints in radio work he returned to town to open a gift and book store which he called phoenix house the business was later purchased by mr and mrs paul barber and became the present barbers jewellers he was prominent in little theatre work in town and was one of the organizers of a little theatre group which presented plajjs in the old town hall in the forties he sang inst ge orges choir for years going to ottawa several years ago mr thompson started a weekly newspaper the west end times which he operated for several years then returned to radio work i he leaves his wife the former sccond n joan mcmastcr of orangeville and three children chris ker ry and robert john funeral service in ottawa on tuesday was followed with cre mation store location to disappear in banks a familiar landmark will dis- during the yeanjong project appear around the beginning of with parking provided at the april when the canadian im- rear the new structure will not perial bank of commerce and extend as far along mill st garners store at the corner of thus eliminating the janitors main and mill streets willbe apartment torn down patterned after imperial bank at no 10 queen st in bebuilt on the a new bank the canadian of commerce highway and brampton will site the new building though two storeys high will be of high- ceiling design and not have a it will probably have to be built around the present bank where business will continue garners name and prior to that was operated for over half a century by the late john mc- bean mr garner also operated a store in erin for several years may drop council approval for signs the policy which has been in effect for the past few years of having all signs approved by council may be changed as a result of comments by the en gineer gordon fancy in a let ter he sent to council monday night the engineer approved the erection of flushmounted signs in moore park shopping area which he pointed out already conformed to the bylaw he al so stated that the sign compan ies frequently have to change their work schedules when they find out they cant get a permit without council approval in answer to cr ern hydes question mayor wheldon em- morson explained that council approval of signs had started back when many nonconform ing signs wefe being erected while there was no full time engineer or building inspector cr william smith suggested this was the time to review this procedure making it a simple matter of receiving a permit when applied for providing the sign conformed with the by law discount drug store one of planned plaza stores march of dimes total nearing 2500 target georgetowns march of dim- ten to twelve new stores are planned for the moore park plaza according to owner j frisch regional plan makes new metro of haltonpeel counties credit lodge now on the third floor of the bank building will 1 move into their own new tem ple on highway 7 at the west ern town limits at the moment gordon gar ner owner of garners store has no definite plans for reloc ating his business the store has been in operation at this location since 1950 under mrcisjon of the 15odd municipal an historic announcement by darcy mckeough ontario min ister of municipal affairs last wednesday forecast the disap pearance of georgetown as a selfcontained municipality with in two years if mr mckeoughs regional government for halton and peel counties comes into being and the minister left no doubt that it will preferably by de- councils involved but if not by a government edict george town will become part of a completely new area composed of georgetown acton and the large part of esquesing town ship around the two communi ties mr mckeough revealed de tails of the governments plan in a speech to councillors from the affected areas and mem bers of the press 1 the scheme is completely on- when the existing stores arc j posite to the plunkett report all rented which he hopes to a costly study which recom- cs campaign after 2 nights has be by march 31 a new lshaped j mended a onetier government breezed past last years totalj building will be built on the for the two counties split into take and i well on tbeway toesting one housing the addit- urban and rural divisions topping the new target figure i iona stores of 2500 the new building wiu facc campaign chairman mrs into the courtyard with the mary cooper told the herald lend of the building toward the the new structure plan is a twotier yesterday returns had reached 1656 with six districts plus commercial and industrial can vasses still to be added last year the march dimes organization aimed 1500 in the georgetown can vass and collected 1650 the canvassers report they r1 to bp ln were generally well received j c and made to feel welcome mrs i cooper commented the good response made it worth going out on a cold night she said mrs cooper said canvassers found householders actually waiting to be called on and in many cases they had their do nations ready at the door the doorknocking army of marching mothers was 200 strong including 27 area capt another 8 will call on industry and commercial businesses highway if present plans materialize a discount drug store will take up the space of three stores ofithisis the reason tho number at of stores to be built is still ingional government doubt the complete plaza is expect march of dimes money is us ed to rehabilitate the disabled there would be seven local municipalities created out of the present 15odd largest would be mississauga which would have seven representat ives on a 17 or 21 member re- the geor getown acton esquesipg combination would have one member as would miltonjnassa- gawcya oakville would have 3 brampton chinguacousy tor onto gore 4 and burlington which mr mckeough said is still in doubt and could end up being in a hamilton complex the shrill and distinct scream would have 4 another new group this comprising albion caledon orangeville and pos sibly part of erin would also have one member operation before steam whistle heard again of the steam whistle drew rail road buffs to the georgetown cn yard like moths to a flame sunday to see one of the few remaining steam locomotives pass through the 13car train was on an excursion from toronto to ham ilton lynden gait guelph and back to toronto the trip was sponsored by the upper canada railway society of toronto- each of the 7 municipalities would have its own local gov ernment each would be rep resented on the regional gov ernment by appointees from the elected councils in numbers as outlined above at the regional level mr mckeough said councils would deal with such matters as ad ministration of assessment tax billing and capital borrow ing water and sewer projects parks and recreation and plan ning would be regional he said local responsibilities would include collection of garbage street lighting sidewalks and local roads the first regional chairman would be appointed by the gov ernment with council deciding later on procedure for choosing future chairmen his purpose in creating the new region mr mckeough said is because the land lies in the same watershed and has a sen se of community identity in economic and geographical characteristics there is a financial base ad equate to carry out regional pro grams and the 900 square mil es involved wil mk eeonnii not possible at present in the two counties he asked the halton and peel county councils to each ap point three members to a com mittee which will meet with him to iron out details of the move he stressed that he hoped negotiations will be cordial i should stress that we are not extending to each municipality the right of veto over a legis lative program to which this province is committed he warned indicating that what ever the discussions the union is an absolute following mr oickeoughs speech he announced a question period but stressed that this was only for clarification of his talk not for debate on the mer its of the plan despite this extreme dissat isfaction was expressed by councillors from nassagaweya and caledon who object to be ing swallowed up in a region where they will have no voice in administration some of the queries q what about the other part of nassagaweya a it appears logical for it to be part of guelph q local hydro commissions a no policy formulated on this as yet q when population changes would this change representat ion i a perhaps add one member per 20000 residents this could be reviewed perhaps every five years q education has just been set up on a county basis with 2 units at present what will hap pen here a this is provincewide on a county structure and will not necessarily be changed will union take q when place v a earliest date january 1971 would be q present debenture debt a youve already inherited debenture debt for education it depends where the- debt would fit the pattern local or regional q what about any present annexation v a these will all be vetoed fantasy on ice from lert are heather aaoorei as grethel leanne lewis as trie witch and kerri hlegstrbm as hansel major character in the georgetown figure skating clubs annuaj iceshow which played la large audiences salujaw aftefnobnand evening v i tided j j-

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