Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 30, 1969, p. 4

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fk v pvbsdmd by hn newspapers limited 22 main street south georgetown ontario w c wanrs8sw m f- page 4 thursday january 30th 1969 jfie end 1s coming yvith startling suddenness we learned iest week that georgetown as we now icrtow it will be disappearing within ftje nect two years for cbmbinitjg two established tovvns into one is a tremendous break with tradition whether the advantages of a larger 2- cbunty government with a smaller ntmber we- attended e meeting at queeni of localised jrunajs outw k perk in which darcy mckeough minister of municipal affairs unveiled thegovern- ments plan for a haltonand peel regional government andwrtile this had been anticipated it was a shock to learn that a complete new system of municipalities is planned with georgetown acton and a large pert of es- quesing becoming one municipality other present county boundaries will change too but in these cases only one ur- ban community is involved and there will not- be the loss of community identity that we will feel in this part of the county milton oakville and burlington will be the focal ppints of other municipalities and will be the naturar centre for civic services in this area there will be some sorting out expensive schooling tremendous costs which will be involved is something which every resident shouw be pondering deeply queens park has just sold us a bill of goods in a county school doard which in the initial publicity was going to save us money while providing better education for all before the county school board is even off the ground we find that the scale of sau aries and board remuneration has been set at such a high level thatit threatens to upset the already fragile equilibrium in todays toflomy the vast bureaucracy which a twotier regional government can create may yet make the school board look like small pot atoes tifatfpfy jz t those winter carnivals aside from the changes whidi a ien- tral county school board will make in our education system we cant help but be dis turbed by an advertisement which ran in saturdays globe mail for positions in haltons new school system already the county has engaged a dir ector of education at the somewhat start ling salary of 31500 plus an assistant and three superintendents well up in the high income brackets saturdays advertisement calls for five coordinators to serve under the superin tendent of program for i communication arts 2 social sciences 3 pure and applied sciences 4 physical and health education and 5 creative arts besides this the board is seeking six assistant coordinators with varied duties to work under the coordina tors t in the same issue of the globe another advertisement offers positions of superin- tendent of special education and student j services coordinator of guidance services and consultant for counselling attendance i and social work v and as a rider to the advertisement j the board tells us that depending upon need and in keeping with boarct policy consultants will be appointed to work in each of the above areas outlining duties the ad continues canadians unlike scandinav ians dont commit suicide dur ing the long cold dark winter months at least not more than the usual number haying their faces well washed in snow for at least a month after that we didnt hate each other instead they just themselves by attending a win ter carnival this makes them feel so rotten for the following week that theyre so glad to be alive again that they wouldnt even contemplate suicide jlve iseenpeople age so years during a winter carnival don talk to me about the october bearfast in munich or the carnival of the bulls in pamplpna or the mardl gras in new orleans those things go on for week or a month and fheroi lots of inditcrimin- ating kissing and dancing in the streets and drinking we canadians hardy lot that we are compress the whole bacchanalian orgy into a weekend the winter carnival every selfrespecting canad ian town has a winter carnival of some sort and ifthe govern ment had any brains it would declare a national festival for about the first week in febru ary i went in the snowshoe rtee halfklllfand finished 21st went in a tugowar and was dragged 40 yards through the- a exuberant yelping students women invade tavern news item weather review for 68 by roger smith and david warron i preceded by 087 of ice rain the fury on july 9th guelph the year 1968 had something the chief responsibility of a coordinator j everybody 4 abnormally cold rfionths 4 unusually warm months and 4 nearnormal t months the result was that 1968 had a mean temperature of 446 degrees or 03 degrees below normal it was quite a wet year with 20 surplus precipitation jan- uarv augu and november have some supervisory respon- werc main periods of heavy sugared snow the combina tion of amounts made it a rec ord we had 174 snow jan 23 1966 2 february 1 129 rain causing floods in sw ontario bad 33 in only 2 hours it would be a great pres surereliever no work all play wed get rid of our win ter frustrations our hatred of cold and snow we might look and feel like skeletons when it three years ago on hugh laden with school yrittk and music and not doing tab well in either begged to- be aliowedt to go to the quebec winter car nival he was onlvlt after the usual soul-search- ing hedging aw predictions of disaster we let him go he was entranced all those que- becois dancing in the streets being merry loving one anoth er he came home went to work pulled up bis marks by 12 percent and passed his per formers music exam therapy now kim has been invited to- a winter carnival at a univers ity by the jajtbird i mentioned recently should she go shes 18 or near enough in another country shed be mar- ried with at least one kid in canada shes just a baby with years of education aheadof her before she could ever think of marriage let alone babies it win all sort out but i think the winter carnival is a great institution when its all was over but wed be purged ove j husbands-took- of our hangups 3 march 12 11 8 snow- heaviest in march since 1876 combination of freezing rain will be the development of program from kindergarten to grade 13 in his own area he will work toward a logical and sequen tial development of the curriculum through out the grades he should introduce inno vations in his area and will be largely re sponsible for inservice training in that area he will ro eu- werc he maln periods of neavy 5may 14i6 slowmoving sibility but he will not be involved in for- precipitation despite this how- storm with rain fog drizzle ever april july and october jt caused severe tornadoes in were quite dry at the station i which is located in the western part of georgetown persons 6 vay 2730 highly unusual living in nearby rural districts storm with easterly gale and consulting these figures should cold 48 d temperature personally id be willing to kiss practically anybody and dance in the streets should it 9 august 5 a sensational be 12 below and drink almost anything except antifreeze if i bad a weeks carnival to look forward to and back on end to civic holiday 193 rain in 2 hours very early on the 6th day lasts until 200 am for weather purposes 10 august 22 the most sev ere thunderstorm in 30 years 254 in one evening thanks 4 2 j herald employee mrs v tost for recording the amount and snow mal evaluation of teachers in any way what pay is involved salaries are under consideration by the board and will be competitive ends the advertise ment so there we have it the new hal- ton education system with its director sup erintendents coordinators assistants and the considerable office staffs which all this involves will cost in the neighbourhood of half a million dollars annually before we think of the individual schools with the necessary staff teaching and clerical which will remain at its present level i cant it be stopped like a voice in the wilderness we men tion frequently in our editorails about gov ernment spending deficit budgeting and the seeming inability of our senior govern ment sto use even the simplest rules of business in conducting our public affairs last week premier robarts sounded off in a speech that ontario must be given a larger share of tax money collected by ot tawa or he wjll be forced to levy more taxes himself he didnt explain where ot tawa was going to get the money wouldnt it be better for mr robarts to take a look at what some of his ambi tious young cabinet ministers are doing with our tax money education minister bill davis for one who must take the blarhe in the mail bag 11 september 56 over one inch fell during the passage of this lowpressure area much of it in a noisy thunderstorm ov ernight r 12 november 28 a daylong fall of 173rain beginning as freezing rain in the mail bag sunshine for todays astronomical education costs while mr robarts expresses concern about deficits out of one corner of his mouth out of the other he talks about bi lingual high schools he allowed a ridicu lous system of tax rebates to property own- warmest day june 9 ers and tenants which cost extra thousands to set up departments to deal with com plaints he set ub pay scales for elected officials of municipalities and school boards which are completely absurd isnt it timeour provincial government took a long hard look ahead and a long hard look back to the days before we had a 5 sales tax on top of an 11 sales tax it might be refreshing for a change to be able to announce a tax reduction remember to subtract up to 2 j 25 t63 rain fell on degrees in the summer 1 deg- day thank 1e decay- dumber 2628 a total ree sprng and fall no correct- hurricane texa of 132 snow fell and another ion in winter from the figures 6 inches was spared us when it listed and should also be aware 8 july 59 severe storms all changed to icerain this was that summer rainfall is highly over the district with hail the finishing touch to our variable over short distances i july 5th we missed most of christmas card christmas our estimation of sunshine for the year was 517 of the pos- siblc total which is near norm- al but less than in previous years following are some of the most important annual statistics 1968 mean temperature 445 degrees precipitation rain 2965 spow 768 thanks legion for sparking fire fund dear sir may i on behalf of the in the mail bag georgetown little theatre publicly thank the local branch of the canadian legion for the proceeds of the fire fund i 1 says rochdale jotal 3733 proceeds of uie fire runaj 2271 hrs 5175 which was presented to us onjmlflority 10gsi1 t of possible thursday january 23 spotl colleqe 80 prince charles dr 95 de in thanking the legion for thcj coldest day jan 8 16 dej thought and effort that wcntl krostf ree season ofay 8oct 3 into this project we are natj sir overboard on salaries sdys school board critic 128 rexway drive mr bodna whom we believed to the editor i am writing this in protest at election time was an intcllig- over hie excessive salaries sclent and experienced organizer recently for top administrators justifies his action by stating by the halton county board of j that such men as the top admin education the top annual salistrator are singularly gifted ary of 831500 is the price of ajtoo long have education offlo better than average new homcials stilled the voices of bewild- or a good one hundred acrccrcd taxpayers with the slogan farm this will cause a demand we want the best for our chll- zie s concern over the new board not having sufficient funds to pay salaries was amus ing to saythe least since when was it wrong to be against a wrong judge ord is to be encourag- e1 on the stand that he takes to our gergetown representative protest this motion the fears for an increase in already high salaries in the educational field just when we anticipated thai the new county board would hold the loe on spiralling educ ation costs we and instead that their initial act was to pass drcn the citizens who are on fixed incomes and the education lax burdensome the men and women who have so recently given of their time and effort without remiin eration in the administration of i zktt8s wonder that the people who pas sively accept such high salaries are reported aa being embarras sed we find that public officials in their desire to be magnanim ous- often when flrat elected co overboard in thafr apending of public funds iai w supplanted by the new board must be disappointed indeed some members of our george town council are to be com mended on their criticism of the new county board even to with holding in protest initial funds cr denisons and cr macken- of those who regretted the loss of local autonomy in educat ional matters have not been un founded percy west georgetown herald published by home newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c biehn publisher garfield mtoltvray production superintendent frank mullln advertising news editor accountant terry barley ailcen bradley valerie test anne currie reporter leslie clark dave hastings styles gllson john afcclamenu george voung 151 days greatest departure from normal temperature warmth april 13 24 d cold jan 8 29 greatest 24 hour precipitation 254 thunderstorm aug 22 10 snowfall 132 jan 1415 118 march 12 112 dec 2728 of ally also thanking those pcoi in answer to your it weeks pie and groups who had donatj pjoriai bout rochdale col- ed to this fund lcge wny ai1 tne fug it i while struggling to maintain a small minority group buck- our economic equilibrium in tne svtem the financial quicksands of these i there are 840 residents three times we will endeavour toj of hem g0 to outside continue our operation under j universities or colleges i have our current budget and will re- t spoken to students and if- they arc misfits i envy it would break the bony ri gid back of winter wed just be climbing back into our ruts about valentines day and there would be spring right around the corner two years ago as a centen nial project our school had a frosty frolic it was beautiful there was no organization at all which is the secret of a good time one bright white febru ary day we marched down to the park teachers and students in step for once behind an im promptu band and had a bell of a time skidoo races tug-o- wars and teachers being over powered by mobs of kids and carnival ing for wives and vice versa there are people who have gone through the ice on a ski- doo and saved their lives only by a hasty application of toddy to the tummy the winter carnival has something for everybody far the kids there is the exctte- mant and hi colour and the chanco of being run over by a snowmobile for hw swinging sst hwra are wild rides through the woods and the par ties and the breaking of bones on hi ski hill for the middle- aged thr is curling and com panionship and remembering hi good old days before those noisy damned snowmobiles were nventod long live the winter carniv al but lets spread it out a lit tle forty eight hours of kissing and dancing and drinking brings even a sturdy canadian o his knees see you at the business directory c0rbett chiropractic clinic spinal xray service available by appointment s77o63i mill st old post office record temperatures febgaai this money as an emergen 1914 onward set or tied in cy fund 1968 warm 1 february 2 46 d 2 april 13 79 d tie 3 april 14 77 d 4 june 0 93 d 5 july 14 92 d 6 july 15 92 d 7 july 16 94 d 8 july 17 93 d 9 august 24 91 d tie colo 1 january 1 10 d 2 january 8 16 d tie 3 july 30 41 d 4 december 25 it d the july heatwave was not of the intensity to set so many records but just happened to occur during a weak place in the record for example the re cord for july 13 is 103 set in 1936 jn toronto the records for this period come from 1856 1854 snd 1887 before a sta tion was in existence here there were many days in sum mer that were only a few deg rees from setting low records july 4 with a low of 42 d was one toronto set a new record of 82 d for oct 1st it was 78d here 2 d short of our record march 31 at 70 d was only 1 d short of the 1867 record major storms pf 1961 1 january 1415 132 snow thank you again this year we have again en tcred the dominion drama fes tival only this time as member of the central ontario drama league and not of the western section our original entry of come back little sheba has un fortunately been abandoned due mainly to casting problems and in its place we are enter ing private lives this switch in entries with just three weeks to prepare i next week wednesday feb 5 will be our dress rehearsal and adjudication night fol lowed by our regular playing nights thursday friday and saturday with so many appeals going the rounds these days perhaps i could make one too why not hake next week the one where you support little theatre a possible herald headline for the following week clashing of hockey sticks in arena drowned out by theatre applause in high school it could happen give it a chance thank you chris fisher president them rochdale morals are no worse than you would and in any other apartment of young adults in any other town or city many rochdalers have nev er taken drugs and think free love is strictly for the animals so you can hardly run down the college for the few f a hardy of most photos appearing in the herald may be ordtred at the offlca 22 main st s r by phoning 8772201 optometrist r r hamilton od 116 mountainview south carretal building for appointment 8773971 optometrist l m brown 0 d 47 main st n suite 1 for appointments phon 773471 barragers cuanersshlrt laundersra 877227 18 main s 166 guelph all work done oirpremtoes accutron service centre wallace thompson 3rd division court 8774963 clerk a commissioner w hcam professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyer office 8772211 8774300 heme mcbain and hulme ontario land surveyors wlllowdate 2222536 lc miujssk oxs 8776275 residence monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 6217580 62 water street north g a lt j0hnb0ught0n jewellers certified watchmakers 5 main st n 877313 koller construction is now installing aluminum simno windows ft doors all work guaranteed free ajstirnetba call 8774101 at i api rrym

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