Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 20, 1969, p. 4

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u- etown pubottud by horn rwaapat limited 22 main strait south georgetown ontario w c biihn publisher page 4 thursday february 20th 1969 djtorlai comment association with a difference ifrialtpn hilfiratapayer association proceeds along its present path it should haye a good future and a longer one than any of its predecessors we attended a meeting recently and vwera impressed with the fine organization of their civic night and the thought which tad been put into making the night worth- whole for those attending with almost thirty years gone by a reporter can get jaded and tired and we havent trie same enthusiasm for night meetings that we had in our younger days when one has sat in on municipal council meetings weekly for all those years it is hardly a thrill t6 watchpoliticians a second week night nor did the other fea tures talks on horticulture ambulance dont over organize volunteers hospital giva us too much in centive to attend for as an older george- tpwner- we knowthese details already but so weir was th meeting organized and so ably did each speaker present his story that we found our evening went fast leaned a few things we didnt know beforehand thoroughly enjoyed the time spent so often a ratepayers group tends to become a protest movement continually criticizing politicians in office active at el ection time then fading into oblivion when election fever is gone halton hills is proving that there is a place for a ratepayers group in a new town area and that it can play an important func tion in informing new residents about what georgetown has to offer them without trying to put a crimp into groups who devote their time to providing organized recreation for area young peo- jple we think there is an equal need to give youngsters some free rein of the type we had a generation back scouts and guides hockey and baseball j teams all have their place and we would neyer advocate that they dont do a good j job for youth but if is a paradox that today when selfexpression seems to be taking over our society and authorities tell us that our school system must radically change when university students are demanding a say jin what they will study when parents are t being advised to give their children more head we are tending af the same time to put organized recreation on a pedestal x how many times do we hear adults i say theres nothing for young people to tdo in georgetown intrepid promoter l georgetown could use more men like redasselfine i years back when the idea of a ban- tarn hockey tournament was conceived by i jack gudgeon the idea was peddled to service clubs and other organizations all i were for if but no onerwevldtajceantie tonerous task of organizing i no one that is until red appeared jon the scene and almost singlehanded got jit underway t the tournament now with the added title international has been a growing success story since then red atid his crew carried on until a year ago when the kins jmen club shouldered the job like all success stories the tournament jdidnt just happen it was the result of a jlot of hard work by a lot of people all jof if sparked by the energy and ability of mr asseltine who never takes no for an janswer never considers that there is any jchance of failure and if one helper falters c3 still trying to fill ik the details halton mp rikllwhitinjr reports ottawa it took a high school student to tell us what there is to do if you didnt read kethy bradleys essay on georgetown in a recent herald issue you should have we forgotten the joys of a hike in- the country a game of pickup ball in the spring marbles and jacks do you re member hopscotch red light statues fol low the leader georgetown needs its new east end park and were all for it with this ced- arvale and the old rowrrpark the present town will be fairly well served with major i recreation centres in this weeks column i establishment of a a fine auxiliary to these are the type wou j t0 dpal briefly with department of housing and ur of parkettes advocated by doug sargent the task force report on houban affairs and provincial for when he was mayor perhaps with a bit of sing u is a stimulatink report mation of regional governments which pinpoints the problems 1 with effective powers over hous and offers solutions to one of ing and development i the national housing act is for a term of 20 years with interest i at 6 based on an estimated i total cast of 364503 the loan will assist in the construct ion of 6680 linear feet of 20 february is sadness february i find you very hairy not to mention contrary featherwise driving if scarey in february on must ba wary evan mora thin in january milk fft bottles from the dairy v freezes on the porch in february and its not a very merry bustness cleaning up the ruddy mess when the bottle cracks and the milk leaks all over the refrigidairy sorry chaps but ive been conducting poetry writing classes this week and at the same time wading through drifts trying to get my car started in the good old sub zero battling my way hrough 40 mile per hour blizzards and helping bury an old mate not conducive to a lyric col umn month of the year right as you can see from the above the poetry classes have been going very badly imagine having a teacher who writes such garbage trying to breathe life imagination experience into your creative poetic soul its enough to turn a kid off poetry for life but ill miss him our paths crossed and recrossed since we both made the ridiculous decision to become teachers about nine years ago during our teachingtraining summer courses surrounded by hoteyed panting youth just out of university and hap py in the knowledge that the world was theirs for the aslc- ing w sort ot drifted together in a mutualdefence pact v of gentle cynicism r id been through a war and a period of carving a living out of a pretty tough roast of a y world hed been through a terrible accident broken neck and the works years of pain- filled convalescence wed both emerged battlescarred but banners still flying from a wecade or so of marriage and children we werent exactly student militants but we shared a hearty scorn for and a quiet amusement at the establish ment the keen types the push ers the scramblers the spar rows trying to make like eag les w v i u- so we gravitated and the about the longshortest fjii ji f th vr riht friendship sporadic and cas ual lasted after some years we wound up in the same town teaching in the same school wa golfed toflethtr quita a lot because we enjoyed the pace it wa leisurely goodna tured and wa both practiced oneupmanship without scru ple you know the loud scratch of a match at the top normally february is a inch diameter forcemain anrl a month in which nobody in his others backswing the sewage pumping station for right mind can be found north work completed on or before of the 49th parallel unless he 31st march 1970 cmhc mayjjiasnt the money to escape forgive repayment of 25 per thats why there are so manyjthe ether hit cent of the principal amount of of us lurching through snow- bently raised coughing fit when the other was making a delicate putt the gaiing into the sky when grounder the eyebrow when playground material as the kinsmen have provided on edward street perhaps just our major domestic problems a vacant lot large enough not to bother i facing canada 0iay adjoining residences smallenough that it its suggestions call does not draw other than the immediate neighbourhood children ives and incentives plus a bit voluntary reduction of fees bv bcm bm of prodding that challenges and- law and rcal e5tatc k i the canadan transport com- encourages the private sector reduction of the insurance mission are to advise me of the i to get on with the job ajob required on nhaiexact time date and place of it is capable of doing mortgages to one per cent of this hearing i want to assure private the amolrnt loaned from 2 the people of acton area of my i j i- continued efforts on their be- i sector was prepared to do this study of ncw city of one to koep this sta open i but was hampered by outmoded m to serve as a planning i regulations at almost every pat for the future plans to fake the georgetown uvenile ho- turn it will hopefully curb the winter holiday ckey team to a hockey jamboree in victo- speculators to perform as i emphasis on renovation and rr know they are capable of doing maintenance of existing build- school holidays this spring is ria i i ings as the owners responsibil- u wcp of march 17- the train booking is made and every- report is not one h it instead of wholesale rebuild thino is readv all that i lrtmn i th- immcdiatcl spe lowpr cost ing in urban renewal projects rning reaoy am that s lacking is the ilouses bein built in halton funds and lucky draw tickets arm circulaf- 1 over night it will take time fhe nha loan and 25 percent of banks noses dripping eyes other missed the ball com- the interest that has accrued in watering coughs racking i pletaly and almost broke hii respect to the loan as of the were either out of our minds oaclt f pro- datc of completion of the projor poor and in many cases and we kept a fairly good federal cc both eye on the yardarm if the sun j was over it we marked the this wkek i was contacted and if were not out of our in manncr and many a late summer after noon we sat under the oaks and discussed without ran cour the foibles and follies of the world while our wives arid t the squirrels chattered in the master agency plan of which ornish my february complex background arlon is a part no date- for was to help bury an old mate ill miss the old boy and so commission regarding the cnr were ready for the straitjack- application for removal of their et and total sedation by the station agent at acton the 28th thank the gods its not an investigation into charges commission proposes to hold leap year of price restraint and unfair la- a public hearing to deal with for bour practices in the building the whole matter of the guelph a needed this year the cutting off of red tape the indastry creation of government initial he wasnt a lifelong friend much for february always has another man up his sleeve to in many cases the fill the breech now reds at it again this time with i business directory i although this was not ing to raise a good share of the money cx vx prom- ntioned in the task force needed en the long range aspects of re p housing i am happy if anyone but red had tackled this we i the report should minimize the lb appr a would have some doubts about the out- i proble in he p i growth years ahead come but with red at the helm there can i be only one outcome halton east mp t ft h f jim snow reports of the cabinet ministers as well as the opposition leaders from the legislature whilfethey vte attending the federal conference no major legislat ion has been brought before the house this week although the house has been sitting con tinuously and the throne de bate carrying on j in this report we have seen some aotion i hope the its a big job hes tackled and he is provinces and the municipalitj counting on the whole community for sup- ies wil1 i in making our hop- h i i- i es become realities it will re- port buying tickets making private don- v iquire implementation by the ahons helping irf ever way to give this i federal government and co-op- fine young team the chance they tlfperve eration of all levels of govern- t the bantam fournament has helped to i mcnl put georgetown on the map the victoria there are two areas which ii i u in were left for further study i tnp will also have a good effect on george- are public nousine and towns image student housing the members of the tajik force felt that these two areas called for furth- i cr detailed study but at the which included a large delegajsamc time felt it unwise to hold tion from the halton county up the main report area further meetings are to be held of this committee a in s thc m which time further records and i as fo information is to be made av- improvements in the terms i 243062 federal loan for a sew- age treatment project in oak- ville the loan provided unjcr the ncw winter holiday in itiated last year replaces the former easter holidays for el ementary and high school students school children also will have the good friday and eas ter monday holiday weekend a few weeks later corbett chiropractic clinic spinal xray service available by appointment 8776631 69 mill st old post office nilable to the committee so thai thev can consider the request cf thc channel island breeders prime minister robarts nounced this week that he on saturday afternoon f will n- be attending the oakville flag day being held at the oakville giving seriousconsidcration to centennial centre and organ the real highlights of the parliamentary proceedings this week hag been the federal- provincial conference beinj carried on in ottawa mr rol iru and the senior cabinet members have been absent om tha legislature for the brk three days of this week while itlatjdlng that conference which i buve has been most nircatatm and has brought the rtprwentatlver of the two pro- irjneaa- ftrd th federal govern pt iato eetmownt or at tlmct t agreement on f tobrtnr eiunt of rtattac iff many l vv recommendations that would reduce the minimum voting ao below the present an of 21 no definite age was suggested at this time- but in some other p winces the voting age hns ben reduced to 18 or 10 years there will no ddubt be rec ommendations on this subject when the select committee on electoral laws reports back to thc legislature probably this ftl on tuesday of this week 1 attended as a member of the committee the meeting of thc agricultural and food commit tee which heard presentations from the channel island milk producers association regard ing the present pooling and quota arrangements for the channel island breeders this meeting was attended by appro ximately 300 milk producers ized by a local committee in recognition of the birthday of our canadian flag saturday has been declared officially as flag day for oakville by his wor ship mayor anderson i would personally like to congratulate all those connected with the flag day committee for their interest and initiative in org anizing this day in recognition of our flag waste containers replacement of thc waste containers removed from mmn st for protection on halloween night would help- keep the downtown area a bit tidier than it has been this winter as the snow disappears the jitter of waste piper becomes more noticeable and is a poor advertisement for the town and conditions of mortgages j with eventual no down payment i purchases for some extension of full benefits of nha new home mortgages to purchasers of existing homes income tax on all landsale profits plus a possible special tax where ownerships is trans ferred without improvement removal of sales tax on build ing materials for residential construction possibly starting with tax rebates for materialj used in low cost housing a halt to construction of arge public housing projects pending study to determine whether they are economically worthwhile and meet human needs direct federal loans to mun icipalities to assemble and dev elop land for housing a organized system of per iodic consultations with private lending institutions to make sure enough funds are being channelled into housing news echoes from the heralds of 10 20 and 30 years ago 1959 j the largest delegation in history to visit a council meet ing was a group of over 200 unemployed avro and orenda workers which overflowed the council cham bers monday they were thrown out of wolk by the cancellation of the arrow contract on friday from the interview with council came the formation of george town employment service set up to register all local un employed men and women so prospective employers would have ready access to facts about available labour p a dam which would create a lake by flooding the hun gry hollow area would cost an estimated quarter of a million dollars council was told monday by alex maclaren of the credit valley conservation authority mr aaaclaren explained the hungry hollow dam would be paid for by all municipalities in the cvca on a share basis but if it is created primarily to provide a georgetown water supply the town would be pay ing the largest share itself 1949 announcement was made this week of the appointment of rh ireland to the managership of the canadian imperial bank of commerce in brantford he will leave later this month to assume his new position mr ire land came here three years ago to succeed g w mc- lintock after his retirement the new georgetown branch manager is frederick w criapman t a new dance orchestra the stardusters made its debut in georgetown at teen town lost week- the group consists of jim burns piano owen hughes drums bpb addy and herb moreton trumpets norm long trom bone em thorppson and frank carter alto sax and don herrontonor sax f 1939 at a special meeting of council on thursday members discussed advisability of making the creelman block into a munciipal building present were mayor joseph 1 gibbpns reeve george davis and councillors a- e cripps n h brown joseph hall james gpstigan trto- maslyons and ken mcdonald optometrist r r hamilton od 116 moimtainview south carretal building for appointment 8773971 dr m s greenglass dantal surgoon 3 mill st i gaaroetown ont 776360 wallace thompson 3rd division court 772963 clark a commissioner optometrist l m brown 0 d 47 main st n suite 1 for appointment phorta 773671 w h cam professional knglnaar consulting lehginaer ontario land surveyor offlea 770211 773300 hema a- i barrager s claanarsshirt laundtrsrs 8772279 18 main s 166 guelph all work dona on premises kmir centra john b0ught0n jewellers cjartlflad watchmakers 5 main st n i774313 mcbain and hulme ontario land survivors willowdale 2222536 lc millesse ols 8776275 residence monuments pollock campbell designs on request v inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 6217580 62 water street north galt koller construction is now installing aluminum sidino windows doors all wck gurafrtti if i cau1

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