Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 27, 1969, p. 11

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ice conflict rorces crucial i councm differs woiild overrule 4th game to merchantbnd pbnnin board a vet0 written i a spokesman for the inter- in to milton 97 1 mediate b club confirmed that and currently such an agreement had been ttiraa games to made but stated it was the aa threat of a 100 fine by the i oha hanging over their heads asarther washtj handicap that made them break the agrje- aas occia draped around the al mcnt neck of we found that if we changed 5 gsrsckettuted rradv ararbardcned tte s tfce locals started the 1968- game avlth lucan lt wou cosl 9 szfcedale mh one handicap k mon and right now the a atost louuj rookie team club can t afford ne sald he i said he regretted the position it put the juniors in but sug gested it was unavoidable kttismnas forward terry for junlor ravens a ssraeafs reason to play on the ready kenns aftcr one pun- saacc then have collected nave hxaabeaps than a winning ttaraashbred- added singles a planning board rccommeni posed apartment site faces cari be felt it was unfair to ask aler and kip tuckwell and hick cole dation that would deny aler in- rothers road across irom ewing investments to do it all at once ineles i ansa coasi instead of returmn to the kaatters livery a steady flew of key players to- the side fines anflh slowhealing hurts ok bass of ttay taslxs to midget tanks and one rough task of jrawnms id bjt milton merch anas m the opening round of te loop playoffs- to tskse hare been added a truster because of tack of ice tnak georgetown juniors will pfiay fbar of their first five a milton arena the cjob executive voted una ches from the lofty merchants it way havbeen the k o blow they came within an ace of stealing the opening ganne of their central junior c league tilt friday nigttf xjtaider goal half way through the third per iod put the pressure on as they trailed 65 at that point but their output was finished milt ons seventh goal was scored into an empty net with 12 sec onds left frank king jim muir dwayne hay jack kemshead and bill wbanriy monday night to play d score for raiders who the fearth game of the best of sta within two goals of the in the county town bred up merchants during the night in scheduling entlre game the erst five games of the ser ies gewj and milton ag i graham hern notched three reed ttaa play the first third and goals before 967 screaming fans was wider 57 to 42 in merch vestments the right to build a street 46 suite apartment building at merchants came oat of the xna main st n found little l told planning board i first period with a 43 lead but favour with some council raomtwould tear down the rest home it took all they had to gain the be monday including the two i by 1975 and try to buy the gas advantage over raiders after council representatives on plani company by then too but they the wild scoring opening frame nm board s insisted i do it now claimed the two clubs settled down to f mr politi he reminded council defensive hockey al politi of aler investments thc rcsl nome was wort aj rr u r ttahrwiinclmhirtilmrconfornrh 35000 right now is it merchants held a slight edge e in every way to the new am- thc purpose of the planning inthe play outshooung raiders e plan presently before the board to te some that he ontario municipal board the must buy this land to get ap- apartment building on one and proval for something else he a half acres has a surrounding asked green belt of more than 35 required he explained and in answer to a duestion from uiere is one and a half parking i cr ilic morrow cr em hyde spaces per unit as required ladnutted the decision of the planning board had not been the builder told council the unanimous and thai he favour- planning board wanted him to ed the proposal he pointed out develop the whole site at oncej that politis plan bettered every forcing him to tear down the requirement demanded and rest home immediately and try was in an area recommended to buy the gas company buildlngj for apartments by the planning right away the present gas company building and the rest home face main st n thc pro here sunday afternoon qeor getown also fought gamely but stumbled in the final minutes allowing merchants to open a five goal gap- the teams were deadlocked at threeall at the end of the first period but mil ton owned a 79 advantage after two they outscored the- home club 51 in the deciding period three milton goals coming in the last two minutes and 16 seconds jack kemshead was a stick out for raiders with four goals to which jim muir added two and hay one marty seeds pop ped three for the winners as did jim chalkley don beams netted two and bob robson steve bastead ted hood and graham hern the others the shots spread this time fifth saaes in milton and the seenod and fourth in george tanntl gearsetovn last in milton last friday 75 and back here sun day 127 game three will go in seteraa tuesday night but be cause an earlier agreement with the georsetown intermediate p qnb for ice time here ti inniiia night has fallen through same four uill have to he psayed in milton as well while don hearns scored two ants favour georgetown may pass up intercounty intercounty fastball team to take advantage of the new light ing system going into the geor- am agreement between the getown park this year jcebott and intermediate clubs i georgetown may not have an sent from the circuit last season may still hook into the 186 ac tion but so far there has been no indication to that affect and arena manager fell thxoasih when the intermediates i h iiiiiu ill their mind and refused to en np the ice tune a jun aar bander olftcial told the her aid they ere to have play ed their home game on sunday nssead of fndav he said despite this added incentive georgetown was still without a representative when the inter county fastball league held their initial pre season conclave monday night in glen williams he saud the best of seven scr its has to be completed march 5 the loop this year will be composed of the glen rock wood bel wood guelph and by hillsburgh georgetown a con tender two years ago but ab- colt winners seeking ontario honours now with the hancock rink winning games j against orangeville and bramp- a ceaaxetown rink with fred day in georgetown as skip with bob had noe dave morgan at sec and joe loath throwing ton entries won the district cnncag competition for colts on the sherwood park rink with sanaa ecemns at north halton willie hamilton skip don fer other teams in the league are receptive to a georgetown en try since it would make for a greater variety of opposition and still not appreciably add to their travelling mileage a georgetown club would also rekindle fastball interest her and add one more worthwhile outlet for local sports followers the intercounty league exhib its a good calibre of fastball and drew more spectators last season than any previous the 1968 president and sec retary treasurer fred ngleby and gil preston were returned to office at the monday meet ing theyll have the team man agers as the balance of their executive town houses continued from page 1 contact the dept of highways about posting a sign at the cjr ner of mountainview hoad and highway 7 in georgetown dir ectlng motorists to glen wil hams since a glen resident mrs marie beaumont requested the sign a few weeks ago es quesing and georgetown coun cits have approved the sign but there has been debate about whether its installation is thc responsibility of either or hal- ton county or the dept of highways passed a by law accepting a new glen williams street glen crescent dnve as a pubic road and taking over its main tenance passed a bylaw providing for a 204000 expenditure to take care of township roads in 1969 an amount approved by the omb and another for 84 300 for the same purposes which has not yet been given approval decided to forego exprop riation proceedings in favour of creating a slight jog in thc check line when the new bnd fe is constructed near the 6th lane corner to keep the ap proaches to the new bridge straight council would have to expropriate land on the south 1 side of the road they agreed the jog created in the road byi adding all the extra land requir ed on the north side would not be worth the bother of expro priating an equal portion port ion of property on the south aide board certainly it would be nice to have it all done at once galf coantry club lb snals were played at 5 wa sunday between a sher i park nnk skipped by wil toe hamnmmi and the ftorth hal ton rank stopped by fred han cock with game bed 99 in thc lllu end hancock raised a ik pete for thc provincial honours m for shot winning the guson vice stan mills second and don robar lead had advan ced to the finals by winding games against richmond hill oakville and woodbridge board of trade the hancock rink ill conv ioa the playoffs started on satur at kitchener westmount curl ing club next saturday march 1st and march 2nd l j i l 1 i i i lets play bridge n p by bill coats i ii i of duplicate i there should be two object fci gs that after the battle ivcs in your mind as you bid a joa can look back and find your hand the first is how many anisaakes looking over the hands played last week at the acton braise gab i came across this the point of the hand can easily overlooked at rubber faradge but the truth is there on the travelling scare where all the results are listed east dealt rahaerable with north sa 8 5 4 2 h jv q 8 4 d a 6 3 c 10 wtst sk 10 h 7 5 d at q j 7 5 c q 4 2 points are there in your com bmed hand and second to find a four four or better fit pre ferably in a major suit once a four four fit is found that should be the trump suit in the hand shown norths duty is to support hearts once part ner has mentioned them there is no need to rebid the five card northsouth s sult thc play of the hand is not easy declarer can count nine tricks including one trump ruff because of entry problems lt is better to set up a spade trick rather than ruff to clubs by drawing only two rounds of trump declarer can accomplish i this he will lose a spad and a diamond and one trump but in return will get an extra trump trick or spade trick me blond free clairol color with your shampoo and set thursday only march 6th 1969 slggawpffll east j 9 3 h j 6 d 8 2 c j 9 8 7 6 south s 7 6 ii k 10 3 2 d 10 9 4 c a k 5 2 the bidding east south pass 2h 4h pass pass pa opening lead west north pass 1 s pass 3h all pass king of dia- it would be good practice for you to play this hand drawing three rounds of trump and then only two rounds to sec the difference i acton bridge club monday s i winners 1st cam sinclair jack coats 2nd mrs k coats bill coats rd mr and mrs frank hampshire 4th mr and i mrs charles davidson i maybe you didn t see any aaohlti as yon bid this hand to ywim if so how come three experienced bridge players end aa playing this hand at two can you help all services given by thc georgetown district red cross branch are made possible by your contributions and thc hours donated by volunteers only of which thc branch ex ists on thursday march 6th a clairol technician will be in our salon to create a color usl for you or to correct any color problem you may have plaato make your appointment early 8775845 maru coiffurb 51 a main st n in tha new woodra bldg at rear off the parking lot not possible especially in this case where there are two own ers involved said cr hyde ive seen lots worse houses in georgetown than the rest home commented reeve w hunter the other- council rep resentative on planning board ns he asked if the builder was wdling to pay for the sewer ex tension mr politi indicated he was and would- include that pro vision in an agreement cr sandy mackenzie favour ed the apartment plan since it conformed in every way how ever he admitted lie disliked overruling planning board but in this case was necessary i think having a developer com- needlecraft is 4hcour4erstudy the first meeting of terra cotta 4h homemaking club was held recently at the home of mrs 4 mcdonald tjic glris are studying needle craft m this club and have chosen to call their club the terra cotta nifty needles the leaders for this project will be mrs j mcdonald and mrs j hunter officers for the club will be president charlotte young vice president arlene leslie secretary nancy faulkner trea surer margaret ostranderr press reporter sally leslie a variety of stitches are be- the georgetown herald thursday feb 27h 1969 page 11 nut himself to do something in 1975 is urifair he arguea couldnt see that far ahead id my business he concluded the matter was turned over to committee for a decision by next monday night but sometimes these things are j taught along with such re he stressed that the aim iated subjects as colour design and pattern construction the- seventeen members are finding the club very interesting and of hope to have a colourful display o r free installation the planning board is to clean 0 articles to exhibit at achieve- up the whole corner but said ment say in may tntroducrtrirrrcw general motors delco pleasurizr shock absorber murray motors ara installing them at no charge to the customer all you pay for is tha prica of tha shock absorbers f we have thetm for all makes and models make your car ride a pleasure with a delco pleasurizer phono our sarvica department andrew murray motors ltd authorized chev olds dealer 45 mountainview road south 8776944 medium size 138s ont fancy grade mclntosh apples 3 39 florida no 1 crisp stalks u s no 1 grade green onions bunch 25 oranges 57 47 t weeks meat feature lean and meaty m side ribs 69- schneiders sweet pickled f aw cott rolls s 69 schneiders mini 0 sizzl sausages 5 mi 25 75 fresh sliced pork liver devon rindless side bacon ont no 1 cooking onions 325 monarch muffin mix honey bran dark bran or corn muffin gordon house hot chocolate jjok jar 79 blue bonnet affc coloured margarine jvj 2 49 deep brown libbys beans with pork evaporated carnation milk p tins 0 heinz ketchup 2ir 53 oatmeal or choc chip dads cookie quick or instant q oa salada tea bags 60s seven assorted lowneys varieties regular 39c m g ff candies 3 is 1uu- green giant niblets kernel corn red circle sockeye salmon z 49 5j 7 ox tins aylmer sss corn sssr pea- 2 45 nrw promtdelmonte tomato sauce with onion or tomato tidbits 249 obd w

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