Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 13, 1969, p. 4

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h rt n georgetown herald published by horn newspapers iknumdjp 22 main street south georgetown ontario w c biehn publisher page4 thursday march 13th 1969 editorial comment rep by pop jf future councils adopt the philosophy of councillor ric morrow as expressed in a mail bag letter this week then george town s tax treasury is going to have to shoulder large and larger amounts for council salaries councillor morrow has corne up with what is to us an original way of gauging a council nrtembers worth a representa tion joy population pasts and while we give him a for effort we are somewhat token aback by the theory involved his statistics show that by dividing a 13 meeting fee in 1958 into the towns 6578 population we get approximately 500 the same 500 appears when we div ide a 20 meeting fee into the 1961 popu lation of 10 000 and a 30 fee into this years 14 600 population we can expect then with 20 000 res idents in a few more years to be paying 40 a meeting or perhaps 37 50 when another 2500 people are added to our ore sent 15 000 population or to carry the theory farther in a city of 100 000 counc i lors shall be paid 200 a meeting one thing which mr morrow has spring cleaning it was a breath of spring to see the town s street sweeper in operatio i on monday as it went about removing the winter s debris getting rid of the sand and salt the litter of waste which is bound to collect when snow is on the ground the street looked so good for a fev hours that we couldn t help going to the office window now and then to admire it and we w shed t could always bp thus and it could be f only we ca ladrt s would learn to value beauty to be nel and tidy thoughtful of the beauty v h cl nature has provided it is inherent in most of the an mal kingdom to bury their garbage or deposit it as far out of sight as possible if it s inherent in humans we soon learn to over come it durable performers watching the hollywood palace tv show on saturday we wondered f diana ross will be able to hold an audience the way ethel waters did when she sang a song she first introduced in a broadway mus cal over 30 years ago one of the best features of television for a middle aged viewer is to revisit the past when stars of that day appear we got a kick out of seeing buddy rogers on a recent show the matinee idol of the late silents and early talkies still handsome debonair and talented kate smith has lost none of the big voice that made her radio shows so popular n the thirties bmg crosby bob hope jack benny seem to go on forever the mills brothers still on the hit par ade and still drawing them in at the bev erly hills in toronto this week georgie jessel still able to belt out overlooked i the committee meeting fee also 30 and with even the minimum two committee meetings monthly the pres ent council pay is actually 45 weekly which throws the statistics somewhat out of balance but more important to take the other side of the debate is that a comparison should also be made of the number of mu nicipal employees and the total salary bill fox these ua order to give a complete pic ture one could argue that as population increases the number of employees increa ses even more per capita and it is con ceivable that somewhere we reach the point where councillors rather than having a harder ob can take lfe a bit easier be cause they have more employees to share the workload statistics aside we have heard no ar gument to overcome our premise that an after hours positions canoi lustify a salary of 45 to 60 weekly and that if we are going to head in this direction we might as well take the giart sep tow make a councillors ob full me vmh pay scale set accordingly well im back to normal last week i wrote a column which must have made faithful readers believe i wsa either taken with drink or breaking down mentally it was full of joy and good spirits looking on the bright side and reveal ing silver linings its a great relief to me and it must be to you to go back to normal last week was a bnei menial aberration this week im back to my old sane j breeders association in auck snarly misanthropic self thcj jvt zealand man my wife calls old stone i face how about zippers great in vention but it should have been strangled at birth what ever you gave your number to good old operator and within a rea sonable time you got your par tly or dldn t on the do it yourself elan with a string of digits as long as your leg anything can hap pen a friend of mine called his son in montreal the other nnght he didnt have his glas ses on and wound up talking to jthe secretary of tlje sheep what i propose to do today it act as your alterego the brooding dark self that it hid den behind your bright tunny exterior im going to let you take out your aggressions vic ariously through mine happened to the good old but ton every time i tangle with a zipper whether its on my galoshes or my fly there is a moment of sheer cold appre hension often its justified and there i am with my galosh- haltonmp rudlwhiiins fcj reports ottawa we drink pop and rrow tne contain er on the street we ttrish a pack of og arettes and throw he pajkage to the four winds we leave a tail of chocolate bar wrappers and what nave you wherever we roam mayor emmeisof s par culany nter rkkntjv a bill entitled which lonfionl each and ever ested i encouraging res derts to beautify the hazardous products act one of us duly georgetown in every possole way and was given second reading we a benmd any cafoag i i ill list what i despise and detest in our society send in flopping around like a pair your own special beefs and drunken crows well keep the column going for months everybody hates n i ot all of them something t w pr to hold the line on expenses while there is no particular order i providing better services and to these items my venom ex i then do the opposite tends with equal virulence to each l taxes the rich are hit hard bju have enough left to avoid first hon returnable bottles starvation the poor pay none i know the old ones were bad or very little it s the middled enough cluttering up shelves income bird who gets it where and basement floors until you it hurts one of these days had a carload it was a half i m off to bermuda where tax- day s work to take them back es is a dirty word certaln products listed to the storv and hassle over which may be sold but only them because the store said social slavery we know that when they conform to sperlil they dldn t sell this brand or as individuals we have free regulations are chlorine blea that will but we are strangled with rhes and cleaners certain pow so many regulations and tradl- but vou ould get rid of them ana tnat om broken cleon i tions and pressures i and for kids ihey were in ma frp1 wn become take one of tne eases ways wfi eti costs noth ng s tor each o us o make a resolve today to stop littering to put waste in gar the house of mrimoas and his obviol spr we cannot leg been referred tn the mimiing lsla aeainst all forms of hum committee on h 1th welfare an fral1 but wp ran make an and soon flans effort to ensure that product which are unneccssanl hazard even housewife child han ous arc removed from the an erful cleansers used to drains in the home some house hold polios and cleaning ag their sole source wnged hird m care tag ents and model aeroplane glue of a s j k decorated with red tape and the officials of the dept of s ai a v searching ditch rldlcuio4lt ait es or imles and coming home consumer and corporate affairs i t i with 32 cents for a day s work lov if thrj uii ui ore now drafting regulations iove ir mere s anything that which are likely to include such the non returnable bottle is my stofn 1 is people things as warning labels oil a as easy to get rid of as who p love including hip- the outer box and inside pack chrome arthritis i demand that p p age special child proof tops their manufacturers give cverv m telin v about all the for bottles printing of antj customer free a plastic bucket- deo and things they hate dotes or other steps to take filled with a solution which will should an accident occur nat mstantlj dissolve the cursed an people hate oth urajlv the regulations will vary things w h n thrvre dropp d pf yot th do hate with the product mto it hiij- till mi i does con tain a provision wherebv a manufaclurer but i can t remember ever hat ing a person in my life lou the wmc thing goes for cans of people ae despicable eon that hold dnnks whether beer temptihle malicious or just distributor or pp fn cn ts vou won t plain boring but vou don t djman in tut even consumer adian market and those which can appea a decision to prohi j be abl to slr on a p hate lhcm you p ncm t baoe contaiers and if rvone are handy to n an dftr h ran t danserou wh bit or regulate his product nature south of the rctc or hate hate and theies lots of it ithis legislation ihcre tie w impropirly used are sold only thai mast renutable ce without twisting vour ankle around tuck in our pocket reread of throwing it into the street is expected that most reputable will down a georgetown trorogifare and see it the way mam street was tms morn ig manv now products coining on whaji thev conform to certain to the miket 1 1 most dilv le regulations the hazardous p lh common m we long for rhe da vten ve can walk h anl po n prmiucts cl gives the led ctyslandards ents aerosol cms of cleaning era i government these powers fluids power tools electric ap i i soff prodi crs have been the department will work pliances the list is endless ir i mui c in nave unn these products are designed banned outright an example closely with existing standards make our lues easier but they of th jewellery and other setting bodies and the proposed i i u artif les nnitininl leouintv standards council of canada can also m ike tjicm shorter by armies coniaining jcquiniv beans this ls a bright red lo establish safety standards causin deith or scfhiusk inai oeans mis is a ui ikiii icu s and black seed which is deadly for commonly usee consumer poisonous hildren s furniture products which will guide our sttisiis show that in and toys covered with paint manufacturers and importers 1966 11471 canadians died containing too many lead com and in so doing protect von from icndents ind that 20 per pounds paints and varnish re i the canadian consumer every cent of these iccidents occirr- movers which have too low a time you make a purchase vou red in the home this points flashpoint other products will become a consumer and thus out the fict thit when vou arc be added as the need arises and bill is meant to protect jou not driving vour car on the research progresses the consumer voluntarily on an p bmr c1n next iotot distance dial tel ephone calls a few years ago o k rhaps it s vour turn iet s hear from jou this is hate week i mine people my mothers eyes v i fe sane verve that made him a star longe- ago nan we can remember the showbiz greats ad o e rhirg in ttheir favour a long grueling tra ning n vaudeville before live aucj ervres no gim mic business directory in the mail bag rep to pop theory for councillor pay 301 delrcx blvd the times but to those few who dear sir who feel that councillors should as you know council voted uork on their behalf for ver itself a pay raise three wicks little ago my fust reaction to the art since that lime i have hid icle was to reply that other very few negative reactions to towns ind cilies pay much more the increase but last week s and that counly school board article accusing councillors of members are paid more but i open highw i thr next most ks no amphfecaon ney had to get by plac for you to bc on talent n right in jour own home ii the carefully contrved record ngs today s tru th man of the accd t ents which occur in households the tv appearances where performers mme must d atlr careless a song while a record plays is no path to ness however sometimes a permanent stardom i product looks perfectly safe but in realitv it is lethal some tcx one of todays stars has that quality- tjjes arc hlrmy jncflammable the same diana ross tne hard working vet they fe ol ind look like any young woman has the foresight to know fabnc th are ex posed to an open flame certain paints contain too much lead compounds but in appearance her duet with miss wat i as an otnot p until a babv bites some off his ers proved her a versate entertainer who iplavpen or crib and becomes could hold her own wifn a seasoned perfor violentlj ill some punt ind mer varnish removers aie highly explosive under certain condi i tions ivcn an innocent prod uct like furniture polish cin be deidlj poisonous to a child who tries to tiste it ind children are alwavs putting j i things into their mouths and tasting things these are but a fow of the many hazards that topical tunes fade as fast as they ap jpear and is introducing mpre and more stan dards info her aert news echoes from the heralds of 10 20 and 30 years ago chirop c0rbett ractic clinic spinal x ray service available by appointment 8776a31 69 mill st old post office wallace thompson 3rd division court 8772963 clerk a commissioner in the mail bag supports hyde wants twolane bailey bridge dear sir lining their pockets wdh a pay felt that this is not raise i felt must bc answered justification proper is disappointing to see him get as a result this letter will past history of councillors so little support not bc directed to the many salaries i feel has justified the residents who realise that coun10 per meeting increase past nsi does not seem right clllors pay should change with salaries are as listed of he hoads committee chair man to end the debate by de- year per meeting population population per cr daring the issue tp be a polit cal football particularly as barly anybody knows what a political football actually is nor does it serte him as an ex checking the figures we sec ents about 2500 people and re cuse when he reports if even duration of the construction job ril 1 consulting engineers carry ou georgetown ontario their clients assignments and ucorporate in their reeommen j dations specnl wishes fiom as reported in the herald t the annoying situation of a one vua traffic detour at the vain it is difficult to understand strert bridge has again been vhv the town did not specify a discussed a last weeks meet i two lane detour at the time of ng of the georgetown council the initial negotiations as the cr hyde is latbe ecommended i cost for the second temporary for trying so hard to have this bridge tan be only marginal in traffic stoppage removed and iti relation to the total project 1958 1061 1969 per meeting 13 20 30 population 6 57b 10 000 1 14 600 1100 1666 2433 that in 1958 each councillor re presented about 1100 people and received 13 per meeting in 1969 each councillor rcpres- ccivcs 30 per meeting it can for the third time that the also bc noted here that salaries i consulting engineers had rec had not changed for eight years ommended that a one lane tern r b morrow iporary bridge be erected for the even at ihis stige a second bailey bridge should stru he acquired since construction of the permanent overpass will re portedly take until luly and probably longer if it is not done both the town and the retail merchants will suffer from this semi lsolatiotf the whole matter proves to be a poor justification for the recent pay increase for those responsible for it charles hildebrandt 1959 unusually high march winds gusting up to hurricane force did mass damage in the area sunday television aerials were the storm s favourite target and some 65 fell in town before the wind according to claims which flooded local insurance offices the next day damage however was by no means limited to aerials huge sheets of aluminum were ripped off a storage building at mackenzie lumber some trees toppled a garage roof on victoria street was lifted some signs were ripped from their standards and houses all over town were scalped of loose shingles i four hundred dollars worth of socks were taken from beaumont knitting mills in glen williams early thurs day morning which has prompted the mill owners to engage a night watchman the thieves who gained entry by smashing in a window also took a small quantify of cash a month ago the warehouse was entered and 600 worth of socks were stolen 1949 j i georgetown council set the 1949 tax rale at 64 mills at their meeting this week an increase of four mills over i 1948 payments will be made in three instalments due may 16 july 16 and september 16 fire which broke out last saturday afternoon in a house on victoria street left a local family mr and mrs el- wood macdougall homeless the fire started in the roof and firemen were hampered in their work by hea vy tin roofing which had to be pried off to allow fire men to reach the flames 1939 indications that canada will not be caught in confusion in the event of a national emergenery with no trained organization is clearly shown in an announcement by the canadian legion that all exservicemen and women may now register at the various branches making them selves available in such an instance exservice men and women in georgetown and district may register at the legion hall up until friday according to col james ballanfine mrs w preston has given the georgetown lumber company the contract for remodelling the creelman building on main street into a restaurant and apartment block optometrist r r hamilton od 116 moimlainview south carretal building for appointment 8773971 w h carr professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyor office 8772211 8773300 home optometrist l m brown 0 d 47 main st n suite 1 for appointments phone 8773671 mcbain and hulme ontario land surveyor willowdale 2222536 lc millesse ols 8776275 residence barragers cleanersshirt launderers 8772279 18 main s 166 guclph all work done on premises monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 621 7580 62 water street north g a l t ymrb repair rvice si jewelry clock accutron service centra john b0ught0n jewellers certified watchmakers 5 main st n s774313 roller construction la now installing aluminum siding windows doors all work guaranteed rreemjstimates call 1779102 tf the herald advertising pays k

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