itrzi- school fashion show aids junior red cross styles that may decorate dress shop windows in the 1980s and costumes from around the globe were paraded before ge orge kennedy public school parents and pupils in a fund raising scheme which netted 36 for the junior red cross recently the creations were the work of tom hunter grade 5j class some pupils adapted their own or moms dresses to fit the themes of the program hut most were made from scratch with the help of mrs george baker of 33 weber drive an evening fashion show pre sented for parents brought 161 in and a showing for the school i the next dav added s20 to the junior red cross coffers mrs baker also gave those taking part some direction in modelling and arranged the program make study of french language county school page s the georgetown herald thursday march 1 1h putting finishing touches on their fashion show sets are deborah moore howard gas- kin and robert dubien fashions of the future and from around the world are displayed by these george kennedy grade 5o girls with mrs linda allen christine robinson gwen maneeiy deborah pamela bryan sandra moore debbie williams anne smith gngg debra dean mrs baker and pam proudfoot geoge baker in the front row from left are helen young moore middle row marilyn livingstone linda graham third row stephanie gorin debdrah mcmillan christine hiring teachers is big job for county board i it s that time of year again the time when countless boards of education across the province hold out pies in the sky for young and old teachers to replace resignations and fill new schools and hajton county board od education is no exception this year the board expects to have to hire about 145 new teachers for both elementary and secondary schools to han die the influx of 2000 new stu dents but that won t even come close to handling the annual hiring problem when hundreds of teachers all across the prov ince decide for one reason or another that it s tirm to move to another municipality moves expected education director james singleton said this week that of the 750 secondary school teachers now on staff he ex pect at least 80 to move of the 1600 public school teach ers a total of 180 to 190 arc expected to resign the reasons for the annual migration of teachers arc many and varied in the case of young unmar ried female teachers the mar riage hunting grounds in one area may not have proven fruif ful co she moves on to greener pastures in olhcttastrv young woman may retire to get married end raise a family promotion in oilier munici palities is a major factor in the annual migration each year teachers watch like hawks the trade journals and newspapers advertisements for what looks like a better position at a hi ghcr rate of pay in the small pond will became very small in the corfrext of the huge county pond french speaking residents of hal ton county have been invit ed to a public meeting this week in hilton to elect four people to a special committee studying french language school instruc tion in the county it will be chaired by halton county board of education director james singleton the board has already appoin ted its three members to the sev en man committee trustees fred bidwell of burlington tom watson of acton and john noble of milton will form the board representation the committee will deal only with secondary school aspects of french instruction since most of the 400 french speaking stud ents in halton attend holy cross separate school in georgetown the board has received 19 re quests from french speaking parents about secondary school instruction in ikeir native ton gue nine more than is re quired by provincial la to form a special advisoiv com mittee currently between 12 and 15 north halton french speaking students attend de- charbonncl school in toronto where they can get instruction in french the first problem of the com mittee will be to collect infor mation about the problem in order to decide on alternatives open to them if there are suf ficicnt students in the countv who want french instruction it may be worthwhile to establish such a school also there is a possibility that a joint project with another county may be the answer to the problem i have talked to the people in georgetown said singleton thcj realize that things wont happen overnight and that peo ple cant exist in this part of the country knouing onlv ftscnch the are not looking for a complete french composite school hut mcrrh for wa tn preserve their heritage and have a valid point when thev suggest that french literature he substituted for the english literature that all high school students take meanwhile the hoard is tak ing a look at the entire program of french instruction through out countv schools from earh grades to the eml of high school the whole thing is up in the air singleton explains r jiaven t come to grips with the problem with the iinalgamation of all county boards this vear the board has been occupied with standardizing all programs ac ross the county at the moment most schools in the county begin instruction in french at the grade seven level if the board can solve more pressing matters bv spring it is possible that the standardizing process can be gin then otherwise the board has in dicated it is willing to keep the present system for another year in order to assess the situation one major problem has been the transition from grade eight to grade nine in french in struction optometrist rr hamilton od 116 mountainview south carretel bmg for appointment 8773971 congratulations your furnace another winter but how about next jmoi f if you have any doubts give us a call if you need a new furnace we can install it we can even modernize your present one or install an oilfired water heater whatever you need our easy fi nance plan will cover the total cost including labour let us rejuvenate your entire heating system youll live in total comfort for years to coma texaco the housewaming people wd casselman distributors ltd r r 1 georgetown ontario telephone 8774031 the international bantam hockey tournament starts t his i saturday march 15 in toun i the halton board along vuth countess other metro toronto and area boards will make usof of facilities at the royal york hotel in toronto for hiring purposes these two days will noisome close to filling the hoards re quiremcnts and it will be mntil mid april before the boardhas enough teachers beit spots one factor that makes the l job somewhat easier is that once an offer is accepted even verbally there is no turning it down later for a better offer if teachers were to jockey ar ound for the best spots by giv ing tentative acceptance tn sev eral offers and then accepting the best it would cost hoards more money anl the job of hit i ing would become similar to an auction closed mondays effective march 17th 1969 in case of emergency call milton 8782391 new store hours tuesday to saturday 800 a m 530 p m 8772271 45 guelph street dairy queen nothing new this migration is not a new phenomenon says singleton its ben going on fojryears and well get our usual share of resignations the job of acquning enough teachers to handle the county s growth rate of students also en tails visiting six provincial tea ehers colleges the board sends a team to each college for one day in an attempt to woo young teachers to halton traditionally the board along with others advertised in the globe mail in toronto since most prospective teachers re i far to it for jobs teachers will be needed to handle an expected 2 600 new students in halton next year this year there will be one hlnnjf body set up to fill the needs for the whole county the number of resignations seems larger this year because it is a collective figure for the entire county there will always be a mi gration in the teaching profes sion singleton said when boards amalgamate some have to jose some sonority in the process and some move on to greener pastures its natural that with amal gamation the same sua fish notice we the undersigned barbers of georgetown heraby agree to raise the pries of hair cuts 25e due to the higher cast of living new rote effective march 15th supreme barber shop georgetown market centre miersmas barber shop o 7 rexway drive russells barber shop 9 mill street riviera barber shop moore park plaza rudys barber shop 12 wesleyan street rods barber shop main street south merv cook barber shop 4 edward street wrights barber shop 7 james street sundae buy one at the regular price get the second one tor a penny thursday friday march 13 u eat drink and be merry guelph rexway georgetown ont