Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 20, 1969, p. 4

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v tl 9 k georgetown herald pubrtlwa by hornet ntrwtpapers limited 22 main street south georgetown ontario w c mmn pumhher page 4 thursday march 20th 1969 i editorial young visitors georgetown is hosrjthis week to hun- i dreds of youngsters from many ontario communities and a few in the united states et the annual international hockey tourna- meot the tournament original brainchild of jack gudgeon organized and headed by walter red asseltine for a number of years and now operated by the kinsmen club has proved one of georgetowns best advertisements visitors go home each year iqudjm their praise of the townv hospitality for no only are the young players wlletted in georgetown homes and treated to their meals but entertainment is arranged to fill in some of their spare hours when jiot on the ice the tournament gets good crowd sup- port from the town although this is one area where there can always be improve ment and the kinsmen are hoping this year to set a new record in gate receipts the comment tournament isf costly to opera and like everything else expenses tend to mount each season i the quality of hockey is excellent for competing teams represent the cream of the crop f rorft each community and ontario is known for hockey knowhow if is cer- tajn that some of tomorrows big league stars will come from the players you see on the ice this week ramifications of the tournament are maoy and varied for instance two new georgetown residents are directly attribu table to the tournament they came down with a northern team in the early days of the tourney decided they liked georgetown and whertretirement came they bought a house and moved here georgetown is always on the lookout for new industry who knows the same thing could happen if a manufacturer took the same liking to our town because he is interested j in hockey some good spadework how school has changed great changes are taking place these days in education lets have a look at some of them from a straightforward honest prejudiced point of view and then you decide whe ther they are good or bad corporal punishment is prac- tjcally a thing of the past good or bad i think its good for the students and perhaps bad for some of the tejtchers it never did have any deterrent effect on the students as i know from personal experience as i student it merely made the brutish student more brut ish but it was a great safety valve for the hottempered tea cher inevitably the guidance tea cher has becomein volved with emotional disturbances oiamlly backgrounds physical kanfli- caps and all the other minis that influence a childs behav iour he has become a sort of padre without dogcollar in addition he is expected to guide the student into the right course thus he must convince johnny who wants to be a doe- tor and who failed his grade 10 science dismally that be might be better in another field even worse he has to convince johnnys father who is a doctor and is damn well going to have another one in the family now i know there shouldnt be such things u hottampered i cner teachers but there are theyi are human beings and some f the hottest tampered are the best teachers often they care mere fllad im not a guidance tea- how do you feel about exam inations they too are chang ing in status the emphasis on exams is diminishing and in i some schools they have vanish- led good or bad no more for them the glor- ious release of hurling chalk or my fcelings about tnm m blackboard brush at that snig gering lout in the back seat no more for them the sedative of the clout on the ear the ruler crack on the knuckles the five- ofthebest on each hand that shiny new model we bought last june a detailed report on recreation in georgetown and recommendations which would coordinate existing groups and ac quire government grants not being taken advantage of shows some good spade- work on the part of a new georgetown councillor donna denison first action taken by council last week was to recreate the georgetown recreation commission which has existed on paper since 1946 but has been defunct for several years it is not mrs demsons idea to dispense with nor discredit any existing recreation group in town quite the contrary for in her report she has only praise for those who have looked after such recreation fac ilities as the arena swimming pool and cedarvale centre what she does point out is that unless the town follows a legislative pattern set by the province we are actually losing sev eral thousand dollars in yearly grants which if received would benefit recrea tion by that much more and it is her contention that with the setup which has existed each board in dont forget these with no capital improvements planned for some town streets which are in poor repair we hope council in its 1969 budget will be planning work on some of the main town arteries queen street which takes heavy traf fic from the industrial area is greatly in need of a complete resurfacing armstrong avenue the mem thor oughfare into the new industrial park is a disgraceful sea of mud when it rains and a dust area when it doesnt the mill street hill certainly one of the busiest of town streets needs extensive patching a depression beside the hotel corner collects so much refuse which can not be picked up by the street sweeper that it sometimes appears we are creating a second sanitary fill site hateximp irudlwhitw 1 reports a firam whats going to happen to them you can turn the other cheek only so often i prophesy a large tax increase for the purpose of building more enen- i amalgamation of these depart- u instiulions for teacners who ments will be able to provide a under tje strain of cho wider and it is anticipated a kjng their honcst rage more efficient range of coord inated programs missing paragraph in mail bag letter so much for that lets look i at counselling or guidance this is one of the fastestgrow ing aspects of education only a few years ago any guidance was done by regular teachers usually chosen for their com mon sense they chatted with its search to provide the best with the bud get available can be hampered by a money lack while a coordinating group could chan nel funds into the place where they would be best used for the majority the plan if it goes ahead will over come a mapr handicap in having one commission in direct charge of public parks and playgrounds while aren and swimming pool have had groups specifically designated to look after these the town park on charles street u a have been discussing bill ci73 er which are presently has been under jurisdiction of council and i this bill relates to many govern- out by other departments tosn nrf loai inrf right up to your ears at times has been neglected perhaps not i ment departments some new these include the prevention of jj ye j but because of the pressure of and e on established this fraud and misrepresentation in 1- is a very lengthy and complex advertising and packaging and c173 will create live the maintenance of standards of j mixed one day i feel that they should be abolished so that we could get down to the business of learning that they are an unnecessary ordeal that they cater to mediocrity the next day i have reversed my stand and am convinced that they are the only goad for the lazy student that the pressurerelief are good ther apy that the student who u a wallflower in class has a chance to blossom on paper that they reveal the classroom charmboy for the ignoramus he is recently in parliament we designed to protect the consuov on the whole im in fairer of retaining exams in s form until our competitive so ciety has changed completely otherwise you have a repeti tion of the disastrous child rens crusade of the middle ages you arm sending kids in- now the guidance depart- to battle with no weapena ex- l mr morrow presented statis- tnent is one of the busiest spots eept a series of successful field by error a final paragraph in the kids and tried to steer them a mail bag letter last week from in the right direction cr rie morrow was omitted ucs of population meeting fees in the school you dont teach j trips and projects v earned population per councillor guidance youre in guidance departments j iot on purpose other town business you have to learn how to 1969 as justification for the the reason for this is that drive a car and then you have increase which the duties of guidance people to prove it in an examination council voted itself recently have snowballed why for two the same applies to building bridges or removing tonsils e created to look after parks small advantage of many which mill oil i iiiiiii7iianc ui aiumaitll m she cites the fact that it would be pos new departments and it will an- sf and quality in food and the last paragraph of his let- i man parents have ab- sible to have better equipment for grass cu- five old departments druj dicated as counselors of their purpose is not to make the w children and leave it to ting tor instance if a board of parks is kovcrnmcn usclf jarrcr or the glassco commission if we consider inflation over achool many other parents only one more unwieldy but to eliminate recommended the growing with- the last eight years we can seebowever desperately they try could duplication and over lappinj in a single department such ser- what accounts for the largest i can u tne and to provide better service to vices as purchasing and supply part of this increase also con- children and expect the s a crue the canadian people in the last five years this has sider that each councillor now to p- those interested in recreation whether been systematically organised represents and works for ap- the reorganization pro now co un the depi proximately 800 more people posed in this bill will in many i of defence production than in 1981 and i think you cases enable the government to the proposed dcpartmenl will will realize that councillors deal more efficiently and effect be responsible for procurements could hardly by lining their ively with problems which are as we ot administrat pockets with your money not new but uhich unfortunately rvirr utmost and give t support could not be solved satisfactor- l ily or adequately within the the bill also provides for present structures the consolidation of two existing departments the department of a major change in ontario previously regional devel lndus will be merged with education was announced this opment programs were the res- department of trade and week by education minister ponsibihty of five ministers commerce and the forestry- william davis no more grade have crumbled to the point where if isnt j plus several departments of gov- br of department of 13 a system of credits with safe for a woman to walk unless sie dons and various agencies i- ann n develop- students each havtng an indivi- with the formation of the new ment wlm to tne duauy tailored time table are in fact we need jpore examin ations for prospective fathers in diaperpinning prospective husbands in coping with tears and so on ill bet you can thtnlf of a few they belong to appointed town boards or to voluntary groups concerned with indiv idual sports like hockey and baseball should endorse the grc concept to their a portion of the downtown sidewalks education chances business directory sneakers there is a particularly bad spot in front of the royal bank at the main cor ners department of mlc expansion all the various programs dealing with regional economic disparities will be con- the snlidated under this one new dc- partment in the hope of achiev- ting better coordination and unwary pedestrians are traaled to a mud of its operations bath every time it rains this ve know the new department is at the regional econ- department of fisheries the in the immediate future there is a terrible water trap on highway near freds auto body where i news echoes from the herald of 10 20 and 30 years ag c0rbett chiropractic clinic spinal xray service available by appointment a77o6jl 69 mill st old post office from experience we hope councils road committee wii make a complete survey of some iof these main trouble spots for not only are these necessary from a practical standpoint but they are part of georgetown show win dow and strangers can hardl be impres sed when they travel through town in the mail bag everyone around the tabic pass ing the buck as it were but not the green buck oh no do their hands ever shake when it comes time to receive their pay i wonder in the labour field a new em- j ployec nine times out of ten 48 queen street a stipend of 1000 plus 500 ex- has lq a he dear sir penscs this works out at an an item in last weeks herald hourly rate of 671 or 13 dol- caught my em they have to go before a negotiating ratepayers should have say in council salaries learn the trade then get paid accordingly not top rate from ugh my attention re pay forjlrs per meeting which to my hrboginning also when uncllors please allow my way of thmking is all our buck- wgn a raise n to express my feelings on arabbcrs are worth in fact if hov k counc po this matter it oakville a larger town than commutec if not settled thal is my contention and al- georgetown will only pay 13 thcn b arbitrallon in ord ways has been that where mon- per meeting georgetown a er t cvcn a mu mor rft ey matters are concerned no smaller town should pay con- compcnsc for thcir hird work sidcrably less wh mnmt our c0 d0 the service the council gives ths j did hat m one is not worth that much even bc h taxpayers would look at matter how small or to what purpose they apply it should bc the ratepayers the employers in this case who have the say j for n6w you cannot say anything it in another light are our cues that is all past now i am on the street like we used to councilionl honeit enougn o de you hive to ask permission darc their ycary saurieii which is out of line and dictat- whjch rcccivc ffom sorry to say there was an item in tuesdays telegram where the aldermen mot councillors in oakville a larger and mora prosperous town than george town is or ever will be voted themselves no increase in order to be able to meet the towns requiramert and save ratepay ers money there are twelve men o counci there and each attend 107 meetinfs a year council and- other meetings for orial before you can speak poor taxpayers of georgetown ever heard of an employee that on their ineom r lent what a councillor is tell his ouawa a rii employer the taxpayer to make an appointment to see him on any matter haybe years ago but not in this day of grace ev en if you do get an appointment what happens first one coun cillor will say something then charles davis visits visitors had a visitor ortakien atrip phone your items to the her- aid for the social and personal another until you wind up with column present time in the process of revising and implementing new policies of regional expansion tins mix establishes the medical research council as a separate corporation responsib le to the minister of national health and welfare this was done to provide a better co ordination of the federal gov ernments activities in the field of health in the last eight years the federal governments con- tribution to medical research has increased from 23 million to 269 million the whole field of com munications will be of growing importance to canada and will require increasing federal gov- crnment involvement this res ponsibility will be assigned to the postmaster general the honourable eric kierans new types of communication have and will be explored such as manmade satellites and new techniques of information stor age and transmission j bill c 173 also establishes the science council of canada as a separate corporation prev iously the council has been sub ject to ministerial supervision this rill will give the council an independent status similar to that of the economic cduncill the department of con- 1 sumer and corporate affairs i was set up during the last sesj sion of parliament to provide a focal point for the protection of consumer interests the pro visions of this bill will enlarge and strengthen the depart ments role hy assigning to it a number of regulatory activities 1959 barry timleck succeeded jake spence as president when j teen town held their annual election of officers in the rose room sunday afternoon roger addy was elected j vice president and linda korzack was returned as secre- tary treasurer the committee is made up of darwin tost jonn benham jim goodlet mike willingham barbara lusty and dorothy thompson five former avro engineers and tecinicians are hard al work locally producing working drawings for a two seat gyroplane which if successful could be the fut ure mass transportation medium for the world calling their firm avian industries they have been encouraged j by a group of local businessmen who hope to secure the necessary financing to bring the plane into produc- j tion and keep the plant located here 1949 a birthday supper and danca marked tha 2 lit anniver- 1 sary of the local legion branch whan members gathered in the clubrooms friday the evening was arranged by a committee of the executive including david bow man gordon o brown william roney alex taylor clifford hilts and roy wiggins a feature of the ev ening was the dedication of a book of remembrance containing the names of deceased members of the branch it vvas designed by miss dorothy stone aoc a fire in the early hours of tuesday morning destroyed the large farm home of mr and mrs frank brown on the west side of the village of limehouso the fire is believed to have started in the garage and completely destroyed that building an implement shed and the house 1939 one man was killed instantly and another suffered fatal injuries early sunday morning when their speeding car plunged from the highway at the west end of georgetown and smashed into a tree william mckee 28 of acton who was driving the car was killed in stantly robert myers 35 erf hamilton died hours later ih guelph general hospital the right side of their 1931 model coupe vyas torn off optometrist r r hamilton od 116 mountainview south carrotal building for appointment 8773971 wallace thompson 3rd division court 8772963 clerk a commissioner w h cam professional insineer consultlna engineer ontario land surveyer office 1772211 773300 home optometrist l m brown 0 d 47 main st n suite 1 per appointments phone t 877371 mcbain and hulme ontario land surveyors willowdaje 2222534 ic mtllesse ols 8776275 residence barragers cleanersshirt launderers 772279 18 main s 166 guelph all work dona on premises monuments pollock campbbll designs on request inspect our work la greenwood cemetery phone 6317580 82 water street north g a l t accutron service centre john b0ught0n jewillers certified watchmakers 5 main st n 8774313 koller construction is now installing aluminum sidihio windows a doors all work guarantee free estimates call 779102 tf the herald abverttslnti pays

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