Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 27, 1969, p. 4

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georgetown herald jj v rubnsviajo djt tvewie najwspajpejvs urimejv 22 main street south georgetown ontario page 4 thursday march 27th 1969 editorial comment who will gain separate education for ffench-canad- ian residents of ontario is one of the most foolish ideas being proposed today and dne which if implemented could react uo- favourably on the children of those vybo are jressing the hardest for if therecan beno quarrer with retention gf ones native tongue in arty environment rjor ones culture or heritage terms which we hear so much about today this has been successfully done by generations of europeans in canada -ukrainians- in the west germans in the kitchener area frenchcanadians in wind sor to name some of the major ones in no case have english canadians resented this nor should they on the contrary- it places young people raised in a twolanguage at- rposphere in a favoured position in after life and this is particularly true for a per son who is bilingual in english and french tfiere are few places in the world where dne cant get along speaking these two ma jor languages and in our own canada one ho is bilingual has a better choice of job why then do some canadian of french ancestry want to stubboinly cling to one language when the history of their native province shows how important it is to be fluent in english as well to educate a young person only n a tribute too late it is only rarety that a good citizen is recognized when he is alive to enoy if and alex maclaren was no exception many times we have thought that there should be some public funcfidn for slich a man when he reached his senior ears but it was one of those things jihich tekes an organizer and like most other people we waited for somene else to do ij 1 not that mr maclaren was a man who t sbught public approval his oy was in a jpb well done and there were many in earlier years he was instrumental ill aiding armenian war orphans find a new life in canada when he was connected with a boys school in georgetown now the edarvale community centre in later life rte was connected with services for europ ean emigrees assisting them in locating in canada in georgetown there were few public services which his life did not touch he served the town as a councillor and the county as georgetowns reeve at an age vyhen most men are ready to retire and en- french in his ermntay sdhoo years puts hirri at a tremendous dtsadwanjage when he enters secondary sdsoos to carry this through to the conclusion wfoida sww peo ple want a complete frercdh bijh school too makes it doubly diffurulj for hin to choose a career afterwards the same- of coucse fooms true for residents of quebec province whose mother tongue is english and who do no jake ad vantage of the opportujrtiry there to be come proficient in two lamjusges- from an economic standpoint alone to visualize a double education system in a province which is already heading to bankruptcy by not tatfejrirag esfcucajional ex periments to ability to pay could push us into a dollar disaster even sooner but equally importac us the future of our young ontario resiritortss of french de- scene who should hawe firte same opportun ity as those with other ethnic backgrounds we suggest then that shose families which want their crtifcfren ao be bilingual let them take their educamsn in english and retain french m the hoc and if desired have private classes after sdhoo- by so doing rtat only wju language by so doing ot eerily w 3 language dren raised in this way w 33 have many more doors ope- in the biasjness world when they reach rraihcoi i joy a life of re he bilged mo or ganizing a conservaor authority aid ser ved with distinction crt sfte credit valley conservation authority tor several years wth particular interest crt flteod control and land use this week prime minister ro- whe- a yntywca was frst thought vs announced that the hep of mr maclaren was ar the organizing i artment of energy anrl resourc- groop and devoted couiess nours of his es mana wll hernmc the one department responsible for re and talent ro geug te y off the ground in st john s uted oncjti he was al ways a leader ard had eei a rnenber of most of that chuchs gaejrrg bodies time or anorhe had called pulling together in some circles halton east mp reporting ster of tourism and informa- participating firms i success in finding canadian tion brought his estimates be- mistrust of canada s spring sources of manufacture for fore the house which were ap- sha return to our theme love spring is pure female a couple of weeks ago ii el and from which you return sang a sang of hate in this rather wi dering whether the space since spring theoreti whole trip was worth it sand cally is just around that cor and flies and heat and nobody ner which recedes steadily assise- there- but a molttjf ejr you approach it the least i can hausted hot tired and dis- do is sing a song of love and gruntled pilgrims like yourself ask you to joinjne everybody i thats love loves something even if its i howeyerv one mustnt wax only his car i philosophical about love even looking into the backyard on a highly elevated plane like its pretty hard to get all goofy this not in this country in about sjrinff the pile of snow this climate lets get down to pushed up beside the- garage is i specifics what do we love now down to six feet my cedar j i jove my country ndt the lawn chairs look like a couple government or the people of matrons buried to the waist particularly the physical can- in wane mange their arms ox- ada a black spring stream rac- tended pleadingly the picnic ing between the snowtjamts- in table still looks like a freshly- march the ghostly mist of risen loaf of bread gre that slips info the trees but the sun shines day aftar in may the rockies in mid day and eventually those arti- summer aloof sneering at the elas must reveal themselves in ants that crawl about their all their scabby shabby ugli- knees the sculptured blue- nets white seascapes of january spring in tanada is pure fe- i love peace and loneliness male unpredictable perverse and theyre dam hard to come passionate hotorcold cruel- by nowadays its beautiful to orkind and completely unde- he alone sometimes without pendable as far as mood goes the yelp and clamor the stink in this crazy climate i have aml sarhage of everyday living lain on fresh grass in march about ho onlv p can and in love and in sun that find il ls in an inacessible hog suggested the following month wilh a fis rod the outboard would he july and i have m and the skidoo have seen gone fishing on the first of to hat may and had my line freeze to and i love all growing the rod things gjss flowers leaves there having expressed mv except when they have to be i mowed or cultivated or raked and nearly all children ex- prcviously imported items dur- proved late thursday evening ing the three day event because on friday the provincial sec- this isa favourite topic for of the large number of requests retary and minister of citizen- poets who cant think of any- fora repeat of the show mr ship the honourable robert thing else to write about not randall said trade and industry welch presented his estimates being a poet i will avoid officials in his department will to the legislature which are trying to be poetic and thereby lot of emhar study the possibility of holding now under study a summer show next year or in 1971 jim snow reports on monday evening i had the pleasure of attending a banquet the ministrr of education and meeting in milton sponsor- the honourable william davis ed by the milton industrial stated in the legislature that commission at this meeting j agreement on general guide mr j r oelaney of the depart- j lines for the integration of all ment of trade and development i ontario teachers colleges with spoke to the large group of mil- universities have been agreed ton industrialists explaining upon between the department the role being played by his and the committee of presidents department in developing l of the universities of ontario duslry for municipalities save both of us rassment at georgetown herald publlthcd by horn nawiptptri limited georgetown ontario they will now he open to any problems of air and water pol- university in ontario to enter lution in ontario presently wainto negotiations with the de ter pollution control rnmrs tin- partment of kduration lead der the jurisdiction of the ont- to the integration of a tea axio water resources commis- chers college into the univers jon and air pollutio- control ity the overall aim is that all under the jurisdiction of the teachers shall eventually hold a walter c biehn department of health university degree as well as re- publisher ceiving the best training possi garfield mccilvrey the existing staff involved m c dle production superintendent with pollution control from the department of health and the this past week the legislat frank mullin ontario water resources com lire has been spending the maj- advertising manager to the onty of it time considering tfrry harley aileen bradley i department of fncrgy and re the estimates of two govern- news ed accountant e management under the ment departments on tuesday valerie tost community m which o i his influence honourable john simnnrtt evening the estimates of the on public life hs dedcaton o ny task he department of correctional ser- anne curre reporter mr roharts said it is the v were finalized and on ieshe clark dave hastings governments long run inten wednesday and thursday the myles gilson john mcclements betion to make the minister of james auld mini george young energy and resources minar- ment responsible for all one georgetoi e many tors featured a citizen of tine year mr macla ren jyould have had s rxajnour on more than one occasion georgetown is fortum to have hadjmision will be moved mn like alex mactarei dhoase this as took on has made h r ce of the towns i cept when they grow up and i love a good poker game especially when the cards are coming right and a good argument especially when im right which seems to be nearly every time and i love my wife but oh you kid and i love my kids some people think that love but oh you kids is a potion especially in the a i love to do a good job far east you know rhinocer whether its writing a column os horn ground up in a mixture or teaching a dumbbell somiv of oysters and celery actual thing or finding a new gim- iy i wouldnt mind taking a mlc m mv ux return j se swig at it sounds jolly invigor- nom happens but it makes me ating or something happy love is not a potion its a sometimes i can even love lotion it warms the cold heart my neighbour as myself ifs a as analgesic balms warms the lot easier these days ha hasnt sore shoulder it lubricates the an ox or an ait or a maid-ser- grinding nerves it soothes the vent to covet tortured soul as olive oil does see ive just begun i hav- the babys bum ent even mentioned hot bon- it is an ointment by the fires or cold beer or a thou- way mecca ointment is good sand other things put down a for practically anything tn- list for yourself and youll de- paid commercial and it is a cide youre not such an old mecca toward which you trav- miserable after all business directory rrosf promnenf meft pwd a who w greatly mssed big brother good idea while a big brother organization is not as importont in a town our size as in a major city there are young lads here who can benefit from this the jaycees always a public minded group of young men are investigating a georgetown branch and are laying the groundwork for it interested people are being invited to a meeting next month when the program will be explained rep resentatives of chjrrcnes arradl service clubs are particular nsrited as well as an in dividuals interesred li nejptig a young georgetowner io beoocre a ibetsw citizen the program has many years of suc- cesssful operation in camada and the states some of todays tap business lead ers are outspoken in fheur tribunes to the help given them by a q boojjier m child hood haltonmp rudlwhiting mfreports ottawa usually wednesday night quiremenl for a vote the first ls a night off for members of of these debates was on a grain parliament as the house sits issue and it lasted until 200 from 200 in the afternoon iinam after many members bad til 600 in the evening how spoken in the house and presen- evcr last wednesday 1 01 h ted their various points of view marnh in response to a motion on the subject by the ndp leader mr t c douglas calling for a special this is one or many im- debilc on the proposal of thcportant subjects which the united states to construct an prime minister will be discuss- antlrauisucs missile system at ing with president nixon when grand forks north dakota and they meet in washington malmstnim air force base in whole mailer involves the fate montana the house was in scs- of mankind the question ls sion that evening iwhether or not the installation of the antiballistics missile the ndp motion received system constitutes an increase unanimous consent from all in the danger of nuclear war- parties and the debate took place that evening this is the second special debate which has taken place under the revised 1 rules such debates are unlimit- fare or whether it is an opera tion which adds to the stability of the deterrent system it should be remembered that these ant i ballistic missiles are ed as to time and there is no re- defensive weapons and would only be ns4 rai the enl of an attack fraa kmsaa or red china ix last weeks column i discussed ball c173 ihe gov ernments atearsaaualnui bill we did nat ceobffer this bill last week dae t rls lenjlhand complexity i spoke ca the house of comnaoas east week en the sect ion of this ball prmaiaunx to the estabtisluukz a department of refional eoaaaouc expansion i am a aaenaher el this standing conuaittee wf the hum in svmmixg era the remarks i made ia the hens i stated that we raaaas expect to have true nalnaal amity as canada while there are leajieas within the cn with vase level as much as 3 hejaw the national average aad as iinuivij limit fl gure whadi at tiaars doubles that of the oaare aaaiipn i parts of thisjtthis real cawaftiy nowcter the packets af pas which onfor- tonaterr exist ta raltoa are of grave taattra ta sac aad should aba be at caaoera ta the gnv- erbbaeat taxes fra uatlon will help t par the casts t pcrade last tc suadardi el those ptfj j bxaaf la parts f can- and wa in ranaa will be tstally in terested ia aajr prncram or i whhach is pot into ef- pollu tion abatement programs inchi ding air pollution water pollu j tion and at an opportune time soil pollution the minister of health of course will retain paramount responsibility for hu man health anil the tuo depart merits will collaborate closely the ontario government has launched a massive job hunt program to help find jobs fir 375000 students in high schools universities and colleges for tha summer season mr rob arts has contacted by letter some 30000 ontario companies urging them to hire students for the summer jobs indications are that the number of job see king students this year is up by w over last year and the government felt unless somej thing substantial is done to ex j pand summer employment op j portunities many thousands of our young people could experil ence the frustration of a jobless summer i the minister of trade and development ihe honourable stanley j randall has announ ced that an estimterl 16 mil lion nf previously imported com ponent will be bought in an ada this year as a result of the ontario manufacturing opport unity show at toronto this show attracted over 5000 business men and most feet to help correct this siluat ion this past week there have hecn many visitors to ottawa due in large measure to the school holiday the public and members galleries were packed at all times with young people and adults it was my pleasure to wel come constituents from pract ically every municipality with in halton i enjoyed seeing these constituents in ottawa and they enjoyed seeing parliament in session news echoes from the heralds of 10 20 and 30 years ago 1959 permit for a twostorey 100000 office building in the eastern part of town was issued yesterday by building inspector joseph gibbons to delrex developments lim ited according to the companys general manager harold bairstow the building will be located on a tri angle of land backed by the shopping plaza now under construction at the corner of highway 7 and the 9th line erection of the building will remove a town land mark the old w h reid farm house the lions club of georgetown has unanimously decided to make the georgetown hospital fund its major pro- ect for the coming years the members have set out to raise 25000 as their contribution to the fund in hopes of fostering the active interest df the rest of the community so that the proposed hospital may quickly become a reality 1949 there wont be a dull moment for the school kids during faster week according to georgetown recreational council director j l self highlighting the sports will he a marbles competition in which there will be 100 in prizes includino roller skates baseballs bats sweat shirts a mantel radio and others pingpong tourna ments will be played at the old town hall and softall and horseshoes will provide the action at various points in town a new industry with its headquarters in georgetown is kippinker limited the new company is engaged in fibreglas fabricating with fibreglas boats as a primary product and a wide variety of other lines the new company has its headquarters in part of the clay pro ducts plant on king street 1939 trapped by flames in jbe upper storey of a bick house on main st mrs herbert sinclair dropped her daught ter gloria aged three years from a balcony on the front of the second floors into the arms of her husband and then jumped into a pile of snow escaping un scathed from what threatened to be a tragic situation two occupants of the lower section mrs r f bessey and mrs annie hammond had to be carried out by fire men damage as a result of the fire which took nearly an hour to extinguish amounted to between 1500 and 2000 it was confined mainly to thetecond storey and roof c0rbett chiropractic clinic spinal xray service available by appointment 8776631 69 mill st old post office wallace thompson 3rd division court 772963 cleric commissioner optometrist r r hamilton od 116 mountainview south carrctal building for appointment 8773971 w h carr professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyor office 8772211 773300 home optometrist l m brown 0 d 47 main st n suite 1 for appointment phone 773671 mcbain and hulme ontario land surveyors willowdale 2222536 lc millesse ols 8776275 residence barragers claanarsshirt launderers 8772279 18 main s 166 guclph all work done on premises repair s jewelry clock accutron service centra john b0ught0n jiwbllers certified watchmakers 5 main st n 8774313 monuments p0llock a campbill designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 6217580 62 water street north o a l t roller construction is now installing aluminum siding windows doors all work guaranteed free estimates call 8779102 jtf 1 i i fl i the herald advertising pays t y y a ji

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