Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 17, 1969, p. 1

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ads that pay yoo can place an a 4a hram ctaaafiatf pho i7m20l aalfina th herald yoa will find h mails the home newspaper tor georgetown and district printing publishing th gtrgtown herald ha served georgetown and district as printers and publishers for ever a century offering the best in fine printing and newt coverage 0943 return postage guaranteed georgetown ontario thursday april 17th 1969 500 per yean single copy price ten cents sermonless service guitarists gene roshier and mike haynes and norval united churchs teen choir provided the music at a y world service spcrssored folk service in strgeorges anglican church sunday afternoon surprisingly two- thirds of the congregation at the youthslanted service were adult they heard and took part in a service different from the normal order of worship in that it involved contemporary music and in place of a sermon a fifteen minute dialogue led by teens gene roshier jim egerton and anna valk rev walter ridley of norval united church and the george town y was in charge of the arrarxjements for the service the first of what he hopes will be many speeding liquor charges most prevalent for police speeding is by far the- most common oftence committed by th local citizenry accarcliiig to the 1968 police report just re leased with failing to stop at stop signs the second niast common without cars and liquor a policemans life might be s happy one to paraphrase gil bert ami sullivan since these two seem to take up a large part of their time impaired driving a combination of both liquor and cars was charged against 27 drivers last year with theft next closest with 21 charges laid the number of charges laid reflects the number of people charged not necessar ily the number of offences sce more than one theft ais eon- mitted by the majority of those charged breaking 2d entcris sis next on the lyt with six peop le charged fcjt with one osrd- er charged with twelve ihefts a rare charge was laid last year that of ncectin o ob tain assistance in childbirth under the law help must be called even if its the next door neighbour fortytwo persons were char ged with having a noisy muier two other unusal charges were laid one for follawias a fire truck too closely and one for towing someone on a tobig- gan an exceedingly high number council briefs council on monday voted 9500 to the minor soccer league after being told by or donna dcnison that the group which handles over 300 hoys is licking a good deal of equipment although its not in the bud get it can be taken c2rc of in onr sluh fund reeve hunter told the meeting pointing out that this is only half the am ount which council allocates for baseball david berry president of llalton hill ratepayers was appointed a member jf cedar- tale community centre board an industrial building lot was sold to burns transport ltd two new town vehicles were purchased a i ton chev pick-up- truck from andrew murray motors for s2h7 and a one ton gmc from mlson motors for 2783 cr donna dcnison was appointed a delegate to the on tario municipal recreation as sociation convention at toron tos inn on the park may 710 council applied to bell canada to instal the 911 emer gency system some day in fut ure when this is available georgetown police chief harley lowe of cars rejected in a compulsory safety check was explained by the chief when he pointed out j they only pulled in cars that looted to be in bad shape of 199 cars checked 182 were re- jected eighty three charges of drink j ing liquor under age 56 charges of consuming in other than a residence and 30 charges ag ainst common drunks were laid under the liquor control act almost every other offence was committed in town includ ing assault possession of stol en goods sexual offences rob bery fraud forgery conspiracy corrupting morals counterfeit ing vandalism public mischief threats and intimidation and trespassing as might be expected the accidents occur where the traffic is the heaviest the georgetown i market on guelph street tops the list next is mountainview and guelph corner then maple and guelph corner followed by j water and guelph intersection market and mill streets and main and mill streets are tied for the next spot the most common cause of ac cidents was slippery roads and driver failing to yield the right of way fines collected totalled s36 632 this does not include mon ey from the parking meters which goes to the parking auth ority the seventeen man force con sists of police chief harlcy lowe sgt george louth psgt hoy henderson psgt jason field psgt rod donaldson p cs 1st class henry vandersluis and earl andress pcs 2nd class john barratt jim powell arnold vanclief pcs 3rd class jack poot ken firth john lyvor probationary constables bill cunningham paul robert son tom thompson and cadet brian farrell seen town support fight bell increase the canadian federation of mayors and reeves is organiz ing to fight bell canadas plan for a rate increase town council was asked mon day to join in by sharing in the estimated legal cost of 30- 000 the association is asking each municipality to assume a share which they said would amount to onethird al1 per capita councillors decided to think it over before arriving at a decision capital financing tough job tor towns municipalities are finding it increasingly hard to finance long term capital projects a letter received last week from darcy mckeough minister of municipal affairs warned towns to tighten their belts a- void any but the most urgent capital works and cut- costs wherever possible he pointed out that george town pays at least 8 debent ure interest today a three per cent increase from five years ago and even then municipal bonds are hard to market i think hes writing to the wrong people said cr bill smith at mondays council meet ing its the school boards he should be talking to and long before now add ed beeve hunter we had to lake several second looks at our budget this year in order to keep taxes whre they are to day private airfield ok for rosslake property a letter from the department of transport read at esquesing council monday night stated the land owned by joe ross cannot be licensed as an airport because it docs not come up to their requirements for length and width however the land can be used as a private air field ac- j cording to the letter it also stated any objections from neighbours was not their con- cern this is exactly what wc told the deputation stated the reeve festival north halton music festival runs april 22 through 24 at brookvlllc stewarttown and milton west coast junket was good mixture sport sightseeing the trip west was great the hospitality was warm and friend- but theres no place like home so says georgetown juvenile hockey club manager red asscltine after a cross canada junket to the west coast which had the party of players officials and fans away just short of two weeks the group which left george town station tuesday april 1 returned sunday night accompanying the team were asscltine carl pctterson and coach junior beaumont and fans bill james art stamp bert turk shcl lawr and ccc hansford representing georgetown in a series of games on the coast were bob and bill neil steve wsers bill bauer barry shor- till al francis doug wljcs steve rodgers bob monckton roger little jack vandcnpol warren rodgers don york paul presswood rod hall mike clark and john madsen they played three games in a hockey jamboree in victoria in which they lost two and tied one and later on the mainland they won and lost in a pair of exhibition games a reception party from vic toria met the georgetown gang in vancouver april 4 and es corted them aboard the ferry and right to the victoria arena where billets were assigned georgetown played their first night there though exhausted from the trip and were shelled 102 by kimberley saturday georgetown took part in a cer emony officially opening the jamboree and played again this time tying melville saskat chewan 3 all sunday in their final jamboree game against victoria georgetown lost 61 on monday back on the main land the locals bent coquitlam 32 in burnaby arena and re turned tothio same ice tuesday night where they bowed 64 to burnaby when not playing hockey the team found time to tour the island the city of vancouver golf and take a gondola car up the mountain some of their sight seeing was arranged and guided by members of the coquitlam club the party was just 50 min utes late in their arrival home sunday despite the fact they were four hours behind sched ule leaving bc because of derailment on the line ahead frank bishop and members of the winnipeg juvenile club greeted the georgetown party on their way through manitoba on both the trip out and tho one back pads pens cokes and chips and literature on mani toba were gifts from tho-win- nipeggers when the traift stop ped there en route to the coast vagrancy charge for guelph girl an eighteen year old guelph girl pleaded guilty to a chargo of vagrancy when she appeared in court this week she had been picked up in georgetown satur day april 12 and told police that he had hitchhiked from guelph and had no money she was held hero in protect ive custody over the weekend and in court she was remanded in custody of her sister after the court was told her mother was contacted and didnt want her back reports to kinsmen in the black fred harrison gave a report on the international bantam hoc key tournament which the club had sposored at the april 14 meeting of the kinsmen club while expenses had increased so had receipts he said with a nominal profit to carry over to next year he had as a guest gerry perkins president of the referees association which has provided officials for the week often at great personal sacrifice through mr perkins the club presented them with a certifi cate of appreciation gary alton reporting 16 tons of kingro fertilizer sold said there would be a good pro- fit to assist the club in its serv ice work chairman bill sunnucks re vealed a 1st of nominees for el ection which will take place at a meeting on april 28 he said he was pleased with the resp onse of members to stand for office and advised that they can advertise in the next issue of the club bulletin al murphy advised that the club hockey team had lost 63 in overtime to niagara falls at a kin tournament in caledonia john rice jack cochran and don currie were guests at the meeting along with len cope- land of the brampton club president dean taylor was in the chair and tony walker was fines chairman don puckering and bill hewitt led the songs and warren mclay was sgtat arms also winning the regular raffle afterwards hugh powell ar ranged a lively waddi tournam ent with bob bradley and war ren mclay winning the final game over dave mcleod and gerry perkins sell moore park site says hyde queried monday by halton board of education about how they would acquire the moore park public school site cr em hyde commented by buying if mr hyde said the site orig inally being given to george town public school board should not be just deeded to the county board which now ad ministers education r ten farmers appealing ten determined ratepayers are appealing their farm as sessment before the ontario municipal board a lawyers let ter informed esquesing council monday night the appeals began with fifty or sixty ratepayers appealing to the county court of revision then twentytwo appealed that decision to the county judge now ten more persistent than the others arc going to the municipal board car police cruiser damaged in accident a high school teachers car esquesing will fight staggering increase esquesing council has decided to fight back in an attempt to do something about the huge in- j crease in the cost of education being driven by a student mar- this year tin fowler of 19 gower rd was in collision with a new police at mondays township council cruiser thursday resulting in meeting the clerk was authoriz- an estimated 1150 in property led to wire opposition leader damage robert nixon endorsing his a police report said fowler i stand on the subject and back- was driving the car from the ing him in his bringing it to the high school driveway onto 1 floor on wednesday yesterday guelph street when the acci- letters of protest will also go dent happened the cruiser a to the minister of education 1969 chev which had just been j wm davis minister of munici- 1784 this year for education alone withno general levy add ed the amount is 2130 using last years township levy and last years county levy he then pointed out that the total taxes would be 2840 or an increase of 1056 this was the most ex- treme example used then citing a house and lot on which last year the total tax was 425 he pointed out that the education tax alone would be 419 with everything includ ed it would rise to 55889 or an increase of 13294 in per added to the georgetown police i pal affairs darcy mckeough department fleet the day before i jim snow mpp for halton east cen this ls 3i7g increase was being driven by constable halton county board of educai bill cunningham tion and to each council in the the clerk listed five or six chief harley lowe who in- county of halton i more which all increased vestigated placed the damage greatly the clerk later- backed at 700 to the cruiser and 450 using various examples clerk j up by the assessor claimed that v j the levy to esquesing for educa to the other car owned by jerry i kc lindsay showed stagger- thompson of brampton 2 increases in taxes with one later the same day constable farm jumping 5918 making arnold vanclief investigated a twocar accident on armstrong avenue east of sinclair involvj j downward ing vehicles driven by walter amaral of brampton and eloi larocque of 7 lane court things woise is the fact esques ing rate has already been ad- by 31000 which is still an increase 204972 over last year citing a three hundred fl j jfi frm as an example and point parked and was pulling out from the shoulder of the road when hit by the larocque car dam age was s175 to amaral and 125 to larocque ing out that esquesings own levy has not yet been struck k c lindsay stated the total tax last year on this farm was tion would have gone down by 139315 if the system used had been the county equalized ass essment system the system used to allocate the county share of of costs rather than the prov- incial factor system which the 1 board of education uses acre a the increase in costs to each municipality is as follows 5 s- increase acton 2781i burlington 227- georgetown 308 esquesing 3267- milton 372- nassagaweya 2587 oakville 207st theres no stopping this board of education unless we all get up on our hind legs and object he stated lets get behind mayor and erson of oakville and support him all the way mayor and erson has said oakville will not pay and is willing to go to the supreme court to fight it reeve george currie pointed out that the board had done more to turn people against re gional government than my thing else could have done on- position leader nixon should work hard stated the reeve he nevelf had a better chanre cr ken marshall urged rate payers- to protest individually saying councils hands are fied when it comes to education bat every ratepayer should protest to the board of educations and to the minister wm davis i end of the run georgetown transportatiorttomfsar operator art scott makes a presentation to popular driver jaclrkerr who retired last week he was also feted by his fellow employees at a small reception and some of his regu lar passengers on the georgetown bramalea malton run added their gifts and best wishes jack oined georgetown transportation in 1962 and drove school buses for a while switching fo the airport run in the spring of 1963 he has been driving that route since then he was an abitibi prov incial coating mill employee before joining thp bus com pany and before that was a member of the town works staff a veteran of both wofldwars jack was involved in action in france and north africa and was in the dday invasion he attained the rank of sergeant he plans tb spend his retirement years at a cottage at dorset tut re main active with the imperial section of the royal canadian lecjion i judge langdon matvs 25 years on bench haltons senior provincial magistrate kenneth m langdon of georgetown recently celebra ted the 25th anniversary of his appointment to the bench judge langdon has served all 25 years in halton he was or iginally a county magistrate but last year became a provincial judge in court in burlington his 25th anniversary was recogniz ed by barrister ernest hehncs- sey who congratuhskd judco longdon on bhatf of halton county law society plan variety store at hornby cutoft esquesing wil soon liavo everything commented rrve george currie as two applica- tiohsorie for a golf driving range and one for a variety store were brought to council monday night mr dave mcmillan intends to build a variety store at tho cprner of the base line and the new hornby cutoff wall theres nothing wc can do to stop you said reeve georgo currie all youneed is a buil ding permit the same answer was given to mrs dat dale when sho told council they planned to have a driving range on their property at lot 25 concession 2

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