jhr si lets play bridge bvb1llppa15 iuiatilmfwiliirrrrrrft hera it mother hand from j the spring national wt clave- m h probing springs secrets a new club the young naturalists club enjoyed ideal weather to start inspecting the wonders of nature when they gathered in the park saturday mr and mrs hansen and mr burcher accompanied the boys and girls of grade 3 age and up on their first excursion through the park identifying kinds of trees birds and insects theyll be meeting every second saturday but these jre vital at duplicate bridge north dealt and east west are vulnerable north s 10 2 h a j- 2 rq 5 2 ca103 west east s j 8 4 3 s8 8 k q 7 3 kjc 10 8 ta k 3 d ft 8 6 cj 9 2 c k 7 6 i s0tjtrt 8 akq7 ki 2 djio 7 4 c q 8 3 the bidding north east south west paaa pass is pass 2 c pass 2d pass 2 s all pass opening lead king of diamonds north south were using the drury convention since many duplicate players open light in third and fourth position drury is used to check if opener was light or not thus norths two club bid asks partner if he has shaded his opening bid with only j 2 points south admits that he is not too strong with his two and continued with the ace and luck for- declarer was that no one ruffed a diamond now declarer tested trump but uhree rounds showed that de clarer bad a trump loser he was infct faced with one trump loser two diamonds al ready lost one heart and at least one club declarer led a small heart and finessed the nine east won with the ten and was end placed east has no trump left nor any diamonds the heart lead does not look attractive since declarer is leading hearts so east led a club declarer played the queen of clubs which won the mole the thirteenth diamond was led and west could see no rea son to ruff so he discarded- a club now declarer took the dub ace the heart ace and ruf fed heart how could declarer make nine tricks with five losers on the hand simple for wests last card was a good trump and easts last card was a good club too bad they both took the same trick two spades making three was good for 9 match points out of twelve acton duplicate bridge club mondays results 1st pair bet ty ashley glen banks 2nd pair thi oiorobtown hlftald thursday april 17 1969 page 6 bridge club with 13 tables in play at last weeks session of georgetown duplicate bridge club joe maur- er and fred alien were east- west winners and jim kalll an w wandel topped the soufltdivlsion other winners in eastw 2nd kay harraer eunice tier 3rd mrs harry goli mrs gob collier 4th mrgus mrs clayton barbour in ne south 2nd mrs fred wulft mrs jack campbell 3rd g fletsch gary hall 4th lawrence tom barber diamond bid the bidding then mrs helen hyde dick prust settles at a reasonable two 3r p ray campbell bev spade contract pattullo 4th pair merl harris west led the diamond king ivan harris what s green and grows and protects all your family insurance from tate farm life theres one state farm money tree with a special branch to shelter each member of your family insurance for you your wife and each child one policy and one payment covers all of you and after two weeks of age new additions to your family dre covered at no extra cost stop in and get your state farm money tree growing stafi iim lhmancb thousand walkers last year oxfam expecting even more everybody who can walk can who wants to be part participate in oxfams fight ag- oxfam walk but cant ceramics demonstration for sororiety women a ceramics demonstration was given by mrs helen maclach- nr the signs flags wild outfits radios an 11 campbell gate at whose find a and mascots were in evidence home the regular meeting of ijst year ainst starvation and disease in sponsor may sponsor himself the miles for millions walk may 3 and the way local en- walkers may enter singly try forms are being snatched up t buddies as families it appears everybody just might f representing their school i class club labour union church last year close to a thous company street or profession and people of all ages picked up entry forms at the george- j town outlets a fieure which may be surpassed this time because the walk route includes glen williams as well as norval and georgetown which were on the i route last year walk officials said they ex pect more walkers from the glen this year because the walkers will pass there and because a check point will be set up there adding to the good humour of the zeta alpha the walkers about half of the s p entrants went the entire dist ance including charles burns hon of mackenzie drive who went for the stroll to mark his banners 80th birthday chapter of was held last week a business meet ing preceded the demonstra- the next meeting of the chapter will he at the home of dorothy mccarthy 87 joyc- elyn crescent 6 lome scots wives bound for hong kong march at hospital admluiom daylight saving time pursuant to a resolution passed by the municipal council daylight saving time will be observed in georgetown beginning at 200 am sunday april 27th 1969 and ending at 2 am sunday october 26th 1969 george l drumm 42 langttone crescent 8776148 state farm life insurance company canadian head office scarborough ontario yr to data mar this weekend 6 lorne scots in hong kong will he returning and their wives will embark on to england in june and will adults children ti iciiu iti uuit on births through nikht to hong kong that will troop the colours this month d see them take part in the troop- as part of the change over the daily avtrigt ing of the colours by the 4th colours of the 6th fusilliers patient load they also anticipate a greater b the r regiment will also be retired this month alu 611 01 17 number of walkers from george- i of fusilliers as well and representing the lorncs at the ceremony in in attendance will be england will be major a g barber hon col l it goodman and mrs goodman col ef iince cmnd officer and mwo n weir and mrs lome scots both of georgetown weir the strong affiliation be- newborn 7 percentage of bads occupied adults children 86 newborn 43 town norval and stewarttown locally because of the impres- those sion made by the thousands co1 j r who passed through these com munities last time i lt col a kemp former com tween the two units is evidenced operations last years oxfam walk sat- manding officer capt e e iaghy the wearing of yellow hackcl major r2 urday may 4 involved close to cr cwo d westlake pipe by each officer and man of the minori 117 4000 walkers and raised almost major j sellers and their wives lome scots of canada tonsils 76 80000 that route ran from emer vuita 1141 brampton along the base line one year ago the lancashire tomorrow night the to hornby tip the 7th line to fusilliers the allied regiment scots will hold their georgetown and back to bram one year ago the lancashire tomorrow night the lome 1l annual of the iorne scots became part easter ball at the riviera club 223 30 p 58 8 86 50 17 43 23 454 pton via norval and huttonvillc f he royal regiment of fus- lt covered 35 miles s as part of the reorganiza tion of the british army the this year the distance is ah 4 battalion which is stationed i and capt t out the same but the routej runs from st marys church in ashgrove brampton out queen st w tot huttonville through norval and georgetown to wildwood east through glen williams to un ion church south to no 17 side- road across through snelgrove south on the 1st line east and kennedy road to queen st and back to the starting point the loci walk is- one of many which will be held on may 3 from bc to newfound land all part of oxfams cam paign to do something about the problems of the worlds needy in 1068 at least 250000 across the country walked for oxfam and 3 million was raised for those still not familiar with how the walk raises money every walker has at least one sponsor which whom they make their own agreements the spon- or for instance mayagrecto pay the walker sl for every norval representing the regiment of fusilliers at this occasion will be major m kelly rennick mile watwraiif if the sponsor scripture was fro is backing several walkers 10j bellboddy had a reading cents or tt quarter for every vspronsjune tells us about god mile they complete sponsors and mrstjamcs may have as many walkers enti two sc theme from ered as they wash and walkers exolus and the beautiful gard may enlist sponsors easter theme predominates at hillcrestucw meeting the friendship unit of the and friends before returning lcw met on tuesday afternoon j home at two oclock april 8 in thci i fellowship room of jlillcrcst a huge crowd attended the i united church with mrs ifar- francis thompson auction sale j vey nurse and mrs claude pie- 1 on the weekend the bidding kct as the hostesses twelve was brisk and the prices good ladies attended president mrs j the ladies of hillcresl united ward brnwnridge opened the i church did a thriving business meeting with an easter mcditatin their booth and were comp- ion arid hymn in the absence letely sold out of the secretary mrs francis mrs john bellboddy thompson mrs vcrn picket acted in her place and read last months minutes and called the roll which was answered by an easter thought worship service was in charge of mrs vcrn pic ket who had everyone sing the words of an african prayer concrete gravel building sand road gravel fill and top soil garnet bud haines clan wtllema 773302 can idb serve you ine of our representatives will be at holiday inn oakvilie tel 8457561 on thursday may lit 1969 if you require a term loan for a new or existing business you are invited to dis cuss your needs with him an appoint ment can be arranged by telephoning 1 to date ii industrial development bank ibm rnancm6 for cmuotml busihessts 20 hughson st south hamilton tel 52s0471 purebred holstein makes fine record any number of in past walks some have bon uses to walkers for completing the route challenges have been made by individuals and groups with the one dropping out first sponsoring the other some sponsors have paid lump sums for every checkpoint reachqd and irt ooier casetwnisqrs have ajredlo iay a fepnniestor uwfirt mile- doubling the jladge each successive mile the wads of arrangments which may be made are endless en of prayer which were thor oughly enjoyed mrs jm wick- son gave some lovely thoughts on our hope of easter she raid throughout the world is tension and strife in such a world where is hope but we can al ways hope for a hotter tomor row mrs arthur ruddell gave the courtesies and the meeting closed with a social hour mr and mrs graham pceve and little son brent of manotick were with her parents mr and mrs frank w wilson for east er and the week following visit- a purebred holsloin cow in the herd of howard tanwell luke mrs georgetown recently complet ed a fine record of performance production test ait a thrce- cy- playcdycaflldirr305 days on twice- a d aymikisgrtjanh ilvrevel ation sally ann produced 10775 lbs milk containing 501 lbs fat average test 299 per cent buttcrfat this record has a breed claas average of 101 for milk anl 156 for fat at a last resort the walker ed around with other relatives lakeview discount centre 126 main n acton paint wallpaper prafinithed panola flooring carpets 353 1190 open sat to 530 pm free delivery sally ann was sired by the excellent and superior type sire glcrrvuc revelation childrens aid societies in ontario operate around 80 group homes for six or eight children each togetherthe 51 childrens aid societies in ontario employ about 1400 social workers forget waxing a floor cleaners forever let us inttal stans starlight seamless flooring operated by n stan mieczaniec 30 balrstow cr georgetown ont phone 8774150 need money for something big see hfc whether youre in the market for some new appli ances furniture color tv or a betterfamily car a big purchase loan from household finance will provide the money you need when you borrow from household you know in advance how much your hfc big purchase loan will cost well spell it out in dollars and cents there are no extras no hidden charges no surpjis hfc now before you sign en the dotted line knew what your loan will cot borrow up to 5000 tako up to 80 months to ropay at about cmflt hfr inturmtct on joan et km grtxtp fattc housbkhd 41 main sfreet noth telephone t770221 foemltesllvertlmptfkeeaiileie ask about eurnmng hours ft wit rt0m