Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 24, 1969, p. 4

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halton cast mp published by home newspaper limited 22 malt 5ret south georgetown ontario w c 1iehn publisher page 4 thursday april 24th 1969 editorial comment its human nature controversial editorials invariably get two responses if one writes an opinion unpopular with a number ofpeople letters to theedi- tor will follow but if one has a number of people aqreeing with the thoughts expressed the response is usually only word 6f mouth some time ago when we ventured some comments on todaays young people and their attitude to educatin the mail bag was full for several weeks recently when we commented on pol- itical salaries and later on the cost of edu- cofion dozens of people made a poinl of expressing their agreement but only one took the trouble to agree in print we dont write editorials to get let ters necessarily but we do like to pass on opinions pro or con on topical questions of the day and unless there is some re sponse an editor can feel he is living in a vacuum it is human nature to protest when one disagrees and to keep ones agree ment- under wrapsv the best politicians lear ned this years ago if one -wants- to stay comfortably in office be against anything which costs money for education religion children pets and old age pensions its time that the public started com menting in print rather than leaving this solely to the editorial writers you might think you are only one small voice but the printed word is pow erful an editorial gets a measure of at tention it grows immensely when it is followed by a number of mail bag letters jim snow reports parliament reconvened on tuesday april 15 and after a rather lengthy question period opening day continued to deal with the estimates of the de partment of social and family services tonmp lwhiting f bom parliament reconvened on very easy person to talk with monday april- 14 after a ten and genuinely interested in the problems faced by back bench- day recess the recess gave me an opportunity to visit with many people in the- riding who have problems which come un ers as he said dont forget i was one also our luncheon lasted for an hour and a half the readers write irish stew today or clamj bottles facts properly han- chowder or whatever your fa- died can be a snow job vorite mucky dish is it will contain fish and eggs metal jt s2 h up on the bottle i promised a g ispme fish in this stew read a recent column on personal j t h story the other day beefs brought a hairraiser n too good to be true but froin w t house of west will pass it along r gravenhurst der the jurisdiction of the fe- but the time went so quickly deral government although it seemed only half that length the easter recess was quite a i of time hit shorter than our christmas i was however able to it was my pleasure this j formal education teachers have ed a wine and fish dinner i quota question for local couple was vacationing whath california they call upon cverypne requesting i week l welcdme to ottawa a and ar- joing should hls- assistarice grp students and teachers f indicf m murder- r ami from oakvilletrafalgar high mnslaughtere n suicides mt wife annt and i at school since parliament openl eonpirtors thereto i tended several social functions i ed in september i have had must vote yes because after held in the riding it was our visits from many constituents j yart rard i have during the easter recess i was able to spend the full week wltbin the riding and in ad dition to attending several pub lic functions mat week l naa t mif n visus iiom many ltjnaumciua yirt f research i have not the opportunity of meeting pleasure to be invited to a din- but this was the first school fln otn on personally with many constit i ner held by ford of canada to group have had visit me w to place the responsibili- uents to discuss problems of i honour those employees and current interest their wives who are active in they visited the community work and civic afof commorus in the afternoon fairs a total nf one hundred and i met them for supper in and seventyseven people were the cafeteria of the west block honoured on this occasion later we visited the confeder- ford of canada president karl ation room and had an inform- onc of our most immediate problems at this time within the province of ontario is the increased cost of education and j faw year now death destruction everywhere how about the inbetween we said that its popular to boost didnt cripple is it consistent that we tel youth and old age but we hear little about the inbe tweens we have baby bonuses and youth pay ments subsidies for university education no sales tax on childrens clothing at the other end of the scale we have old age pensions subsidized housing for senior 4 a f rates t man in fha each of our welfare measures is good in itself and if we want to change our socalled democratic society for a complete welfare state we should keep on adding fringe benefits with a few thrown in for the- middle age groups too f but if we want to have a world where a man has more freedom isjyt it time we looked back a bit to the ctays when taxes event to those who re- d recognition 1 would like to add my consratulations your come efforts have helped to make school groups in the riding your community a hotter place ford is to be commended for recognizing the contribution these people make in the life of their community and honouring them in this way fifty years a town ours that is a metal civiliza- we have nearly ex- any hausted the most necessary of 1 these metals anl that there- l fore our fornvof civilization is 1 ending hostess had a huge fish sal mon or something cooked gar nished and put on the table she went in from the patio frt a last minute check and there- was the family cat up to ms eyebrows in fish she squealed for her bus house cm wnl band he came and like a sens- be our canada in a veryj ible chap said turn it over and i theyll- never notice there- was only about a found miss- i ing from the one side they it may have been my ttack fte were called addition to this the changes in j vthv compl question and answer sessionv but heoes on to that i j stit the dstrbuton of education my pans make ths an an carcely any teachers know i enjoyed meeting th that our is a metal civiliza- hosl pleased at ms ingema ty strolled outside and aav the cat lying dead his thoughts can only be conjured but three hours later after all the guests had been to hospital and had- their stomachs pumped ant he mr house would never ifiakeiand his wife got home just a a public relations man for ei- little harrassed a neighbour ther the teaching vocation orj woman came to the door the metals industry but he i didnt want to disturb you sure comes to the point i while you had guests and im the same column in which 1 terribly sorry but i ran over attacked disposable bottles yo cat and killed it end of brought a letter from guess story who the public relations resentatives of our municipal citizens the town has been in- a birthdav par what ex- firm for the glass container councils to investigate this mat formed by the board of trans- citcn an anticipation are council enclosed was a broch- ter as it exists in halton coun port that a hearing will be held gcnera by those words a ure called nodeposit bot- ty and have since met with the before the agent is removed no good examp was the recent ties a studv honourable william davis min- definite date has been announ- canadian centenary that prod- summarv of ru studv ister of education to inform ced as to when this hearing is nationa dri and the summary oi ine btuaj dren do not feel some responsibility to pay nim of problems that exjst t0 take pbcc ed r- says th f t n back some of the love that was lavished in our area and the concern of v t stentiau across the wwto handled the ncde on my return to ottawa mant poienna acroas posit bottle is not a danger to down the lakes from duluth te i have met with the minister of country children or livestock not a sig- detroit nificant source of litter not a in for breakfast two hours problem in handling solid late she ordered eggs the 1 waste not a cause of forest chef was sore but fried them fires she sent them back because they were sunny side up the ive gel onto forest k chef lifted an oriental eyebrow costs to the municipalities hse who re t enjo meeting with through the new county schooli ceived recornition t would lh students and would welj jj- board system 1 know ths is a ad my con y come similar visits from very serious concern to all of us as taxpayers and to the gov ernment in order that this mat ter could be fully debated a vv 1 in the mail bag full day of the legislature was set aside on wednesday to deb ate educational matters and a man with an income of five to six thous- 1 especially the distribution of and dollars a year that he must pay ten to j educational costs i have pcrsl during the recess i visited aa cplphrtiotl w j onally had the opportunity to the town of acton and discus- ii ibiuuv twenty dollars a week in income tax and i meet with representatives of sed the proposed removal of in the next breath that he cant afford to the i county board of the cnr agent with mayor own a house if he isnt earning a couple education and also many rep duby and a group of interested dear toronto ontario sir of thousand extra dollars have we created a world where it is impossible for all but a few to save enough for their old age or if not that their chil- which reminds me of gracie- ftalds and the eggs this ie true i was there miss fields lancashire lass with great- voice and comic sense was on her feurthlest farewell tour she took the old steamer he- monlc on which i worked isnt it time that the inbitweens had a better break even at the expense of a few less frills in education a few less pub lic comforts for the seniors so they can have a chance to enjoy a few of lifes lux uries and save an odd dollar for the years ahead can we look with hope to some hon est politicians who wji someday say we cant afford it crux of the problem georgetown will be celebrat ing its 50th birthday in 1972 just three short years and am sure that mayor emmersdn an energetic and imaginative j did young man will soon set up a fj committee of representatives of industry business service clubs churches and other interested groups to arrange for this cele bration there is encouragement today in what seems ot be a mounting public outcry ag- ainst the cost of education in ontario but we have seen no indication that people are interested in grappling with the real problem mounting tax rates in most municipal ities are stirring a quiet revou1ion and the liberal opposition at queens park was quick fo capitalize with a vote of non-confi- lence they didnt expect to win only to gain ground at the expense of their politi cal opponents j but so far as we could tell the liberals concentrated only on who would pay rather than what should be paid whether we pay school costs in direct property taxes or in some less obvious way were going to pay and while its important thai property owners dont get saddled with too large a burden we must look at the overall picture and see that the province doesnt commit itself to buildings salaries courses of study special classes which are beyond our collective pocket if education costs hand as we fear they are the problem must be attacked from a wider concept than the parochial worry about whether more or less money comes from the muni cipality or from the province for the pro vince has no money tree anymore than has georgetown its you who pay the bill one way or another our municipal representatives and constituents i national ilcfence the honour- recent statistics compiled by a ieo cadieux regarding the the department of education seven vacint houses on norm- and released this week show a road in oakvillc i am that the enrolment of the pro pleased to announce that five vinces school system has now of these houes will be available reached almost 2 million stud- for public use the military re- ents of which over 1 million quire only two oniral mort- are enrolled in the public school gage and housing are at the system approximately onehalf present tune making limited million are in the secondary repair to these houses and school system and close to 4101 they will be ready for occupan 000 in the separate school sysj cy by may 1 cxiik and town tern these students are taught of oakville are looking after week street dance by nearly 85000 teachers in the the rental arrangements as georgetown contest et 5099 schools throughout the marc houses become available province on normandy road and are nnt at present the department required by military personnel of education are tabulating 11 t h3v a op the budgets submitted to them t lhem n lhe mean time chhc is preparing a plan of redevelopment which on completion will provide a higher density of living ac commodation than presently exists it wil then his spaula flipped them it ends on a smug note the j ovcr on the plate and sent nodeposit bottle is wanted by them back in sunny side down the public as a form of conven g being a woman peek- ience packaging well im and the poor devi of a one of the public and i dont waiter working his way be one grand old home want it also convenience through college took the full miss used to be a noun when i went i force of a lancashire tirade to school while the wily old chef in the but the key words in that galley helped himslf to a gin blurb are properly handled caring not a cantonese damn do they mean the facts of the about grade fields t ixt us all start lighting those 50 candles yours sincerely gordon alcott 1 brampton the district at a glance district it glance continued fire friday afternoon razed the main hangar and destroyed miwaahabbmibn two small planes at the bramp- ilalton sportsmens association ton fynr club no one was stocked the pond vith about hurt ln lhc flr 0r estimate cheltenham artist geoffrey 100 ninbow trout each 11 or sai damage amounted to 40 cheltenham bock made 2 impressive head- inches h the linea m the montreal papecs obuinc1 from lvan c recently one read rock s dermans rancn a haunting houses the other geoffrey rock magic realist or not the headings topped reports of rocks oneman ex hibition in the balsrie shcr- brooke montreal the cbc montreal made a 30 miilutc film of the exhibition victoria peel construction co ltd has been awardel a 1269174 contract for reconstruction of highway 10 for 5z5 miles north from victoria the com pany was low bidder for the work which includes grading drainage granular base hot mix paving end a new bridge at the little credit river 35 miles north of vieterla orangeville a plastic pipe manufacturing operation the sixth installation f its type outside of europe wilt be established ln orange- vllle it was announced last week by w k caldwell presi dent of united extrusions lim ited the firm will build a 10000 square ft plant on a se ten acre site construction to commence may 1st production will tart inseptember milton jh young angler should have a 1 jmy day at the centennial pond tit mutoa mat mot tenon n 4ctt tttefatt week moffat where they wre raisd in springfed ponds from the egg stage caledon 000 the rebuilding will prob ably be done at the clubs iiw victoria field to be opened this summer supt appointed for hennelly in halton anthony hennelly area sup- i erintendent of the ontario dc- i partment of educations oak- i ville diyision has been appoint- i ed an assistant superintendent of education of halton county separate school board caledon residents arc reel ing from an announcement from their county board of educa- aaon this week which shows they will face a 200 per cent jump ln their school taxes in 1989 its a shocking thing facing ths farmers said archie gould calcdons representative on ths board the situation hennelly is the second assisl- for many farmers is serious j anl superintendent appointed another member 1d conover by the board commented by the different county boards of education and the honour able william davis minister of education has been meeting this week and will continue to do so with representatives of i municipal councils and county are getting out of school boards to discuss with them the problems relating to the distribution of costs it is my belief that when all hese school board budgets have been received and tabulated and the inequities of distribution assess ed that some revisions to the grant structure may be propos ed i would like to offer ray sin cere congratulations to all those recipients of awards at the first annual ford motor compihy community awards banquet the recipients of these awards have done a great deal through their personal involvement in community and charitable work for the betterment of the various communities where they reside i i would also like to congraluj late oakvilles sandra post on her receiving the lions club of oakville citizen of the year award for 1969 for her great achievements in the world of golf last saturday evening bar- bar a and i had the pleasure of attending the halton county mutual fire area banquet andi were very proud of the awards i presented at that banquet to the oakvillemilton and george town fire departments for their achcvements in fire prevention during the last year these aw ards are presented annually by the ontario fire marshals of fice add oakville this year won a top award for municipalities the appointment of ernest n their population range attend red cross sarnia meeting this week i had the plea sure along with two other mps mr bud cullcn from sarnia riding and norm cafik fronr ontario riding of being lunch eon guests of the prime minis ter at his official residence 24 sussex drive the luncheon was very relaxed and informal five georgetown red cross branch delegates mrs g walsh mrs am sutherland mrs r h sales mrs ca thompson and mrs j nieuwhof attended the 49th annual meeting of the ontario division of the canad ian red cross society in sarnia april 17 and 18 while there business directory we discussed a variety of they toured chemical valley a topics ranging from constituen- five mile concentration ef che cy matters to international af- mical industries as guests of fairs the prime minister is a sarnia chamber of commerce c0rbett chiropractic clinic spinal xray service available by appointment 8776631 69 mill st old post office news echoes from the heralds of 10 20 and 30 year ago 1959 his duties begin aug 1 oakville ed his duties at the beginning oakville taxpayers are stirred of march up like they have never been stirred up before and it took a tenmill tax increase to do it between 530 and 9 pm on night last week more than 400 oakville property owners phoned that towns daily news paper to have their names pla ced on a protest roll as part of their rising resistance campaign the newspaper the journalrecord has invited cit izens to show their disapproval of swelling taxes by phoning in their names the average tax thousands of canadians are bill there wjll increase by 53 alive and well today because of both have been hired at a sal ary of 20000 a year hennelly has been with thej department of education for four years the last three off which were spent in the oak- yillc area i i he was principal of saint lawrence school in toronto for several years prior to joining the department at press time the name totalled 2009 list oil the work of the canadian can- cer society geotqetown herald published by home- newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c biehn publisher garfield mcgllvry production superintendent frank mullin advertising manager terry harlcy alleen bradley news editor accountant valerie tost anne currie reporter leslie clark dave hastings myleigilson john mcclementa george young another phase of georgetowns growth will be reflected later this year in inauguration of letter carrier service here the herald was informed this week by sandy best mp of the decision at ottawa to introduce door to door delivery of mail in george wn it will be inaug urated as soon as 90 per cent of se to be served have installed suitable receptacles two main buildings of the yaaca camp norval were completely destroyed early tuesday morning when firej of unknown origin swept through the camp aided by high winds and exploding tanks of oil and propane gas the loss was placed in the neighborhood of 23500 the blaze was discovered at about 145 am and raged oyt of control for almost four hours 1949 norval will have a team in the intermediate grouping of ola lacrosse this year while final groupings have not yet been arranged to date twenty four teams have been entered and there will be at least three groups frank fendley is president and manager of the new norval fgrtirattorrvirtltyderlouth secretary harold calfsii treasurer and hartleyfbefcwrasbjhose who indi cated they will trytput with the team aer8rbiflriall spike scott bill louth wilf raine jim cleave bill cun ningham d hancock j dalzell jim burton len varey russ fendley h martin bill laidlaw clark lyons t crawford lome whaley johnny haines doug camp bell archie campbell- ernie thompson junior beau mont enio sclissizzi and harry coates t939 georgetown high school made its first serious assault on the honours at the halton music festival this year over seventy local students took part in various classes last wednesday and thursday the school orchestra under the direction of carman sutcliffe brought the fes tival to a successfel climax by winning the taylor cup whichtias been held by burlington for the past four years optometrist r r hamilton od 116 mountainview south carretal building for appointment 8773971 wallace thompson 3rd division court 877m63 clerk a commissioner w h cam professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyor office 877 2211 8773300 home optometrist l m brown 0 d 47 main st n suite 1 for appointment phone 8773671 barrager s cleanersshirt leunderers 8773279 jv166 guelph all work done on k repair iservue accutron service centre john b0ught0n jewellers certified watchmakers 5 main st n 8774313 mcbain and hulme ontario land surveyor wlllowdale 2222536 lc millesse oli 8776275 residence monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 6217580 62 water street north g a l t koller construction aluminum siding windows ft doors all work guaranteed free estimates call 8779102 m the hebald advertising fays i w ks

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