Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 15, 1969, p. 4

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georgetown herald publish by hem newtpapari limited 22 main street south georgetown ontario w c biehn pubhiher page 4 thursday may 15rh 1969 ifmtokial comment b6th ends 16 the middle our provincial politicians are flounder ing no sooner has a new county school system beerv launched than they start toying vith the idea of dropping unconditional t grants to municipalities with one mouth they preach the ad vantages of larger school districts equal education for all regardless of where you live or the economic conditions of your area with the ofher they say municipalities should be allowed o choose their own rap talproiects deod what thev aiii and w ii not have in the vay of road public hi i dings bridges and he like the conundrum s that both dea e merit and one can prepare a good ay r the central gcwcrnn ent pay g eerytl g or nothing it has become fin accepted theor that prosperous ront es ke halton hojld ot hive all he an- en ties of i e vh le back aood a xep ke poor ehnn to br ng them oer ogethpr n painful pr business and d isf aye eoo o a reminder b e faad a va ui associat on of n tj nathe c nbl reu r r s c3 oe n e prfo in its atest ne s e e r a t r a gr e n rnnref rq rehions i e if h- 1p f ed h it s fo p e pipe o received r quarer rent p mendabre but we cannot expect o reach utopia to hive mumcipalrtles pay more of the shot for jheir capital works also has much j merit it has becorrje too common for mun icipal politicians to figure they are getting a bargain when the government foots 75 of the bill they dont realize at he time that it is coming out of the other pocket of the ame suit the solut on would seem to be a had- py medium he government pay ng a share but lift too large a one so hat ices en mr is wll carefully e he oros and rpns kio v no hat ratepavers are qoirg to he jnhappy f local axes are excessive and commendable as he dea may be it everyone n ontar o qes he same ed- ira on the same roads librares or what nave ou s no more possible nan t s tor pvery now dua o nave an equal m ount of the aorth s goods h e ve f rr eciual 2at on e js e oer n j l rrmrjn seise no nd o nnkr p j el es on he road o jo p n matador mackasey ses vrie traiw waitresses i aitres nining course isnt tax time fun s wifli the income tax return i it smacis of llachiavelli then safely off at the usual eight mi- are undertones of edgar allen nates before midnight on thelpoe lssulay and my wife who jig- 1 ured out mine ncarlng normal mud irsrmtforthe maplfwefcs4aterithmtj reader who likes a j i have cooled out enough to l p wlth ginning middle and pay a deepfelt and deeply dest this ls for the more soph- erred tribute i atmate reader tholikes jam ping backwards forwards and oh not to her as i told her i sideways n an effort to keep up from- safor d any i with the subtle involuted mind dummy can do that i didnt of the writer raally mean it it wasonly ml retaliation ior hor applying toi nor is rt a thrilling enctrantmr ma the pithat stupid- hualva i iac fellow wortang for a time during ona sdmlay attar salalv p b cheque with noon vman i was hlping hei ddctns at source butfor waiot different total on v th cuzen wlw has mora than ry column of f igum one source of lncdme the books i s otnhinationg of backtracing satiently i pointed out to i leapfrogging equivocation and tjerthat wonien didnt have the i gobbledegqok are sheer delight panache to deal with income tax forms thev want everrthtng to ulfe iias sort ot come out even just as thev da in fact her favourite m- 5 when wall papering men ivouldl s ls reading aloud tb much rather grin fiendishly and me e which prove that sav lets see uhat the com am z t0 wnd u ln e puter can do wth that penitentiary tor life if i ignore item 36 01 this cem which tho finallv in disgust i left it author vith typical irony calls to her she is so ndiculouslv a guide honest that i drohablv wont evi en he fined this vear as is the i wlth a hmde hke til 0 custom but that takes a lot tf j a la its all there the fun and pccitement out ofip clear for wtanre it there s no jov n doing jour she vas dehshted to find thau income ax form unless soul we in one e think ouve gotten awav uith ten provinces ot canada w get bomething something an vbatement for provincial taxes this can anx- o the tnhtrte i want o pay ount to 28 percent just lika encouraging that mrs ruth is to a mortem writer ie an mu tn the pamic ti elly d jiu ravelle of grand bend will be onvmous or i d rumnet his decent if he tederal govern- conductlng one and two week name from the housetons lies ment it is actually called a re- oiiar er il lrvfl on f rv oa- ert he source of a single raw at p her e oorat 01 a- f prt- rede- r s o or he one 1 ed n h- le oiert es 1 r r- fet a od u ere l r f e i v e hr e e d three n jt of e n s n o o cr i hi e ev edir may prove a popular festtrre of rml c until next the chap who produces hat duction onim i i e ahhe sheridan college fa vext v he at annual best seller called ti f- rouscs s iim r i art ten emplovee nf ara op- bramptons thunderbird motel neral tax fuide don t let ot count you dont got thl ignoring hci inn hiis erations ar toronto internatlon ojt of instruction is borneithe title fool mi that s lust a na t yav liwo in tho yu an nc he nrrii e idjustef al irpnrt received certificates iv he province- the business front for one it he most haf- kon you hwo to pay tha wholo kid a rif fc i lrr n hisir restaurant anrl dinlngi concerned provides classroom fling mvsterv stones if the hot- pmtty dam mtm of th then re tirv rv en last veek facilities and bears the ost of ear federal government and of 6e v e ev response from restaurants n employees wages if the course ft prnutriduslon f pla what he d dn vas tc ded t v ro ames of per o o r im ss on ded grnp o e- i for iif t s f nne 1 tp r halton and peegjiai heen so in conducted on companv time penile e tiorr mi e 1c s 1i 00 pod j e e pcnf visitations ushers stodgy old firm called i addad back so dept of national revenue with i you pay rho whoia shot any headquarters n taxation an- 1 way but this is ust tarn of tho ada do not ite his author the charming illogical poccadillooa glory and pubhcitv which is his that mako this book a must for e ontario safe league ask your hd o mke sure due anyono not since icolo machiawelli nyone iat is no is be- write tie prince nack in the ing skinned alive by a trapper there are vo vavs h s an be- done f rstl don t le sixteenth enturi has such a who smiles ind smiles while our cnildren ouy and use f rerrackers these oisemakers bnlliantlv rtlabolicallv clever your pelt is being removed are small n size but cause approximately 90 oer cent of m pie of prose- been nroduced anh fhic itiu rif it oit b9p ur e and f res fireworks ontario safety leaque ask your eld o his victoria day s not marred oy needless fireworks acci- and this guy does it everv ear in the mail bar vhile v e flbo ft m i riny employees of geor i m jd nold true of t e pub we are prone to oedrvik o r ovn doorsep a oo- of n how man prd c vh rh are anijfact ed vhat do they do n t perr lis what does st general f reproof g i in hose e georrjetozr p j is the head off re of fro on forn pa s t a irqe s ri poees a- where are those road improvements id you know the 1968 edition of this work flre damae ani fore prot- secondly choose family freworks for our celebration ran tj ony thjrtv huj ectaon costs canadians sixty and follow these rules was a uttie m3stejvlece u had niluon douars annually the icii smokev bear says remem- cnoos a location dear of overhead obstntron ne sure j e ber only you daa prevent for- est fires you know he s m er a yoak hen yf flrrioh r- v- jt rr sj ojrorr l hl qr mm i 1 n wr lfl wo d v o lar 1 d r a p o i e on a o vo lo r o n vu he ior 1 ho m erl r i- t r v nr o m tp1 h o- v vc n r in the mail bag once opposed now thinks religion in school needed 11 eving slrecl hear sir ihe nine principle fir ridi i in rlmnmtmlmn othrr r n l ft rr o e ihr- i n t injrmen i he r i rmcl h knoivde hr dn ib 1 w i i no he found n t men stree n e-re- h esness their main pirpnse in ro n in i nivrrsiy a 11 be n he i credit to their rounr ind themselves and farrelv yn ir vrr sinreel trs k fnrdao o r j- in vour mail raj letters apir fr ir intents ah in th6 mail bag one from mr all kfn mil r iirinus cro ip lei is ron sinre i feel this hrly is rilil sr me fitts in her protest i hnpo vou v ill grant me the pleasure ind pri if all the unman i itholics velege of vninn2 mv comments l ere cr iwrled into o ir public chords there a mild be sindini bilk ahiil the veir 10 so hie rr om nnlv si hiini a ihnllr premier of drtlann m litihf sihonl his ri lirved some nf the ii plturn anil we learned fur thr pros ire nn n ir pnbli sr h ns flrl time lhit he hid m ide if riirnniir is r nrrei t ire supports editors stand on the generation gap r rr i c p r npvu ntt f n jna o i- s f s r n r ms s hr l l o p hrfi n it tiprr i h- a p o in m i n dr s nr rnt on nir rvh- hai rvn plarm h pta rv p n anfl r rh s o tlv 115 na pi r i f n on fn- ie- i ir ravh n re georjci a n prnmlses fnr srpirite si h ml for horn in ilholus m fin win hjl a h n mnnre firk ir i this eill m ike at ihnt time i was utterly np iboiit six nr seven ne sr hnol riear fditor posed lo rolifious srhn is nn mei ihe pi i 2j virs inrl if v nuld like fo ommend vnu no deaths fn a re en lete- o 5i n- wheldnn fmmrri nan re pre- den of the inirli sifrtv o incil bas ronjraolat ed feorfretoan f hein fial i free in 10rr grntjeto rn the grnunrls the religion sin ild the si hnol trustees knr f ihe f v editorial rerardins in vis one of 7 canadian tnnt he uufiht in the home ind the ir r the hrislnri flefrirm s generation gap ih tn complete tne ear wihmit snnihv srhnols ind ilmrli id inirrh lendr win would pirlirulir refcrenee to nnner a sinsle tnffr deib i nit hue been possible in sl11cs schoon i rnnlln i build i sihonl fnr them in the jave slid it anv hetlcr myself mime im k arei sirrrlv thej arri the mother nf tuo snns pupil nllondirrg ihrre would 1tf eipht ind fnlir and frank hue ilsn rlleed the public prav t h n t sinili his return sdiookiif i lillli pressure ilso before the reirh inch school nfie lawlessness i on ihc inir however sinre ihit lime if inve had mother wmld ir nd ecr since thit list n in hue scon the nrndu il del line in the oiulurt mil mm ik of mirvniilh nd in fnrte ihrip p op o rny fnr i wo sthnnls laxatim wlinse fault is it the parents tozvltjzixvt r the schno authnr there a point llal it no ln t ails is i i b rrsponshnlitv some deterrent rve fo munlrr fslil of lifrtnc rol s where perhaps parents hair lure ihcy have nn abolished i f our schools loe m um c tir tn hirf hifv at for nt provrntion program georqetown herald the death pen ilh we liavc forgotten cods hws and the ten cummanduiciils and worst nf all wc have rcnlnicd liose laws with an anil christ tail religion whit h ilpnv i lie word of iticl involution mr keen is right anil one uilngahat striken rnc must fmc ibly in4he tact that even though those young people are wilting io bdlld their 6wn nchoolii they still drive hi pay ux tb die public school nvstew why it ttothatl cathollci only aup port theif on tcnoou why not i think ii would he n good idei to pill ii balk in to leplnie hie linloi lilinlinn of evolution wp ciii well ask oursikes why tin- iliurilies are empti to il ij hip anshct in tuy oplnlmi ls inn lltlie inslnii tloti wp do not ruin knowledge of gods jaws sltnplv bv slnfilng of tyintiq und saving of prayeri ut hy stiiily lust id in the classroom flui- pupils need to be taught cltrlstlah principles and ihey will find those principles in only ohc place the word of god encc in school affair in lie past robbing teachers of rnurli of the authority lhc were pre wnuslv allowed crrlalnlv par eills iif tndny are loo permissive alllioiigli t feel that parents of joltrtrcr chldren sreliir what i- imppertllik in today s unlversi tics and reallrlng the results of parental carelessness arc clam pinn dhwn oh their voungsters t hope this is the rase for nur childrens iak lets rid ourselves of jhe weirdos and tlowfer rhlldreh published by ham newspapers l miller errceto vh ontario wlr c birhn publisher garfiem mcgluray rrnduclinn sunerinlrnrlrnt frank mullin adverlisinc manajer tcrrv harlct aileen bradley news fdilojr ccounlant valerie aniso ann turrie reporter leslie ilark dare hastirirs with their hots it ln drugs mlgilson john mcclettients jes and even ihclr lose ins the george young ou re not n annoyance or danger o your neighbour 0 mevr set off fireworks on aoartment balcony do not use any private property without permission of the oner 3 eer oung children away rom firing points do ot let hem rf pieces oder children may be aught o oari- r rvate n f r ng under adult supervision f use a ouctret box or aheelbarrow f hed wirb sand as your inng base 5 5fad t pointed instpuctions neflnre earh ece s f red keep all rework n a box and lese he d after rfrrrj ng earh piec a e a mesl oniaier hadv par eel f vater fo dsoosal of ised fireworks and please remember hat th everpopular sparkler k lo i s he or i f f rework designed to be held n he nand when 1 qhted birns at a h qh heat and could cause burns if m shandled let s make h s an acrdent free fireworks day news echoes from the heralds of io 20 and 30 yean ago 1959 t ree georgetown employees werer welcomed nto the ear i ib of smith and stone limited and associa rh companies at the club s annual dinner meeting at he foo garden of the royal york hotel last week br nqmg the hubs enrolment to over 100 tne new members john presswood herbert harlow and mrs illiam freestone were presented with gold watchesl hub pins and certificates by the president of smith and stone br g f c wallace following the dinner the club was entertained by a top stage show featuring juliette 0 standard products canada limited expect to be in pro duction in georgetown in july the windsor firm wh rh is e4pblishing a branch in town in a highway fac tory leased from delrex developments will produce glasswork windows and windshields for motor vehicles and weatherstripp ng the plant will initially have 35 employees 1949 0 council on monday heard from the board of transporl corpmissioriers that responsibility for widening the john street subway has- been assessed on a 50 50 basis be- twyn the town and the canadian national railway cost of widening the subway is estimated at 70000 or more ii is now up ip the towns discretion to issue an order for the widening now or some time in tho future 1939 i 0 to commemorate ihe visit of their maesties the king and queen lo canada four beautiful colorado spruce trees were planted on the grounds of st georges church oi england on monday evening rev w g o thompson had charge of the service and the georgetown cillzefm band was in attendance the trees were planted by aar cecil davidson while the band played o canada and onward christian soldiers following the planting a musical program was held when mils mary feller mr norman delk and miss helen mcgowan gave musical numbers irony and horror while nsht business directory c0rbett chiropractic clinic spinal x3ay service available by appointment- 8776631 69 mill sr old pewt offic wallace thompson 3rd division court 8772963 clerk commisaionar optometrist r r hamilton od 11b mountainnew south carrctat building for appointment 8773971 w h cam professional enginaar consulting enginaor ontario land surveyor office 8773211 773300 hems optometrist l m brown 0 d 47 wain st n suite 1 far appointments phono 773671 mcbain and hulme ontario land surv willowdalo 2222536 lc miuksse oli 8t76275 residence 1 barragers claanarvshirt laundarors 772279 18 main s 166 guelph all work don on pramisos accutron sorvlco contra john bqught0n jiwillirs cortkud watchmakara s main 51 n 877113 monuments pollock a campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 621750 62 water street north 6 a l t koller construction ts now installing aluminum siding windows a doors all work guaranteed free estimates call 8779102 the herald advertising fays

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