-r- georgetown herald published by horn newspapers limited 22 main srt south georgetown ontario w c biehn publisher page 4 georgetown ont june 19th 1969 editorial comment one day not the answer 4 despite hie success of saturdays litter b day it isnt the answer to a problem which jeemitq affect georgetown even more than most municipalities like the listerine commercial our town has everything but it lacks that final touch a regard for neatness as a result our streets are constantly littered with trash perhaps the best solution is an educa- tibn program in our elementary schools an emphasis ki health classes on what to do with the bottles pop cans and chocolate bar wrappers which make our main thor oughfares and shopping plazas so unsightly one thing which was accomplished by a band of public spirited men on saturday was removal of hundreds of bags of trash which can never again deface our streets add to this collection of discarded furniture and appliances in a special pickup by the towns work force and we have avoided despoiling some of our rural scenery where a portion of this might have been deposited and the mayors campaign can be rated a real success mayor emmerson does not intend to stop at this one day already he is looking ahead to another litter chase day with variations another time we would suggest that general appeal be made to the public land that our younger citizens be enlisted in the cleanup the possibility of enlisting such groups as scouts and guides in a regular litter patrol along the highway should also be investigated the prevailing wind which blows garbage to its fast resting place along the dominion seed house fence means that a cleanup like satur days lasts only briefly perhaps scouts and guides could arrange a weekly sched ule to keep this looking the way it did on sunday we still look forward to the day when we can boast that georgetown is the neat- esl town in ontario its a project which i costs no money yet can be a valuable sell ing point in clinching the deal on some of those industrial locations for which we are j always looking talk about wild weekends having one 18 year old daughter around the place is enough to turn you white be fore your time as i can verify for most of last week we had three and its quite an experi ence one of them had auburn hair brown eyes and freckles this was oavway we could tell our own from the others who also had brown eyes another was that they were neat and tidy and made their bed and didnt spill things and didnt slouch around in ripped faded jeans and my oldest shirt early this spring one of our jpyed thoroughly history taachers organized a trip for hit students during the vacation to wathington d c because they were study ing american history it was a success t comes from a family of eight snatched four of them kim arrived at our place with the two prettiest chicles from that entire high- school sheila and caroline it- was 11 pm theyd- been on the rojd since five ajn and were not only tottering hut a little shy but we got along fine and shooed them off to bed the net three days and nights were enough to kill any- body over 20 the first day they visited our school and completely disrupted the schedule which everyone en- by dinner jokers wild halton east mpp unsatisfactory system a system of paying for neighbourhood improvements by a local improvement tax has some points in its favour but in gen eral is not a good basis for taxation tr was a couple of decades ago ths was popular in georgetown such things as sidewalks were instal led only when a proportion of adjoining property owners agreed to foot a third of the cost and for every successful venture there was one where improvements were not made because the necessary maionly would not agree to pay their share it made for a somewhat piecemeal sys tem where parts of towns had good roads and sidewalks others secondrate and the town still had to foot the whole bill when it came to a question of a sidewalk needed past an expanse of vacant land for cer tainly no owner was going to pay for such out of his own pocket a ratepayer group in east george town has a point in calling for a return to a local improvement system in that they have already paid for their own walks roads and other services in the purchase price of their homes the town requires subdviders to provide these and the cost is eventually born by the buyers and yet as councillor ric morrow pointed out to them at mondays council meeting they are receiving benefits for other services which earlier residents have bought and paid for a swimming pool and arena library man traffic arteries and so on this tends to equalie what on the sur face appears to be unjust we can see no way in which a return to i i would be anything but a detriment to the town in general no one would want to re turn to a system which found a wellsurfac ed street next to a mediocre one side walks in one area and none in another i representatives of the min- ment to the legislature mr ro- i isters department as well as barts said the session would re- the department of agriculture sume in early september i will be on this committee and time our two guests had lost all shyness and were giggling arid talking frantically about what they were going to wear for five different events next saw numerous day historic sites and visited a high suggested curfew was 11 school in that city j pm they went out with kim there they were warmly re- and a11 three got in at three ceived as kids will they res remember these were city ponded with why dont you kids they were used to con- come to canada and visit us crete and asphalt and apart- some time you know how merits and here they were in this happens youre away a small own with green grass from home at a wedding or and blue water everywhere something meet someone you and houses on big lots with like and vowing that you must trees and shrubs and lawns see more of each other throw and lilac bushes out one of these meaningless saturday night was the invitations grand finale with a beach par- then one day a strange car ty for the visitors and their full of strange people pulls up teenage hosts about 120 at your house a couple and people there must have been four kids get out your wifes 1 500 at it as every teeny who hair is up in curlers you have i could get out to the beach jim snow reports also will be included several tne legislature is also being a two day beard and smell like eatecrashed the party i know farmers and representatives of recessed for monday june 16 a goat after mowing the lawn because i took the girls out to yep esjc anj herb the i ard p lost them in couple you met at the wedding except that you cant remember their names and they were just coming this way on a trip the ontario federation of ag- in ordcr lhat a11 members of riculturc the committee is to tne legislature may attend the report hv october 1st ontario government ceremon- j969 in order that the govern- ies marking the 10th annivers- rnent may immediately consider ry of the st lawrence seaway implementation of their recom- at mo ontario mentations housing was tops the prime minister has an- nounced that as there is no hope cheaper housing was a main of the legislature completing discussion topic at the mayors wei thats what happened the business on the order pap and reeves convention in ottawa 0ur history teacher got a letter er in the reasonable future reeve wm f hunter told coun- saying that i85 students and that the legislature will be rec- c monday i four teachers from the wash- on monday the honourable eacd for the summer months on jngton school were arriving as shajl end mckeough mmlmer of je by this date we will reeve hunter represented invited all they needed was thm on nced have set a record breaking long georgetown at the annual con- billets and a schedule of sight- session of 118 days 8 moro than vention he said there were seeing the happy milling mob party ended at five bus left at 6 in the am that is my wife kissed the girls they i and thought theyd droo in and gave us a thoughtful present say hello and theyve been loo- lugged all the way from wash- king all over for a motel and ington i took them to the bus everythings full up confusion and emotion were rampant with tears flowing freely and kids wildly writing darcy municipal affairs annou the appointment of a council to make recommendations to the the previous record set in 1967 many hot sessions devoted to he arranged a program that fiovcrnment on a policy for tax- in his summer recess announce- ontarios no 1 problem ing working farms the com- mittee is charged with a three impetus to urbanization heavy increases in farm property tax es are accelerating the urbanization of the beautiful rural areas in this part of ontario it is a problem for which there seems to be no solution other than for a central government to acquire some of our farm land before it is completely gobbled up by urban sprawl ws cannot expect a farmer to keep operatingwhen his tax burden makes it so difficult to make a living comparable with men in other fields of endeavour nor can we expect him to turn down the huge offers which subdividers and land speculators ore offering for district farms if we are to save same of our farms provide a green belt between communities part task a the definition of a work ing farm b the appropriate basis for valuing farms for tax purposes c the manner which farms should be taxed when making his announce ment mr mckeough quoted pro- vinciattrcasurer charles mac- naughtons budget white paper which stated generally the government believes that the property tax on working farms should be considerably lower haltonmp rudlwhitins reports ot would exhaust an elephant historical sites band concert dance boat trip canoe rides and billets there was no problem there our own kids were practically fighting the visitors one girl down addresses i sot a big hug and kiss from carolina stuck bus and headed few desperately i needed winks i four nights and three days of people meeting other people and liking each other and learning something and treat ing each other as individuals j perhaps i forgot to mention 4 1 over it but the visitors were all j who negroes j in tlfe debate which fol- realize that somewhere all this than on non farm properties be- lowed the presentation of the must come to an end cause of the limited ability of budget by the minister of fin- contrrblmon to the ic working farms to pay taxes out ance speaker after speaker made of current income ferccc to the serious impact p that inflation is having on tne mr mckeough said the an feet on the goods we produce pointmcnt of a committee is a for export if our costs continue first step towards developing a inflation means a rise in t r there is a serious possib- policy for taxing working farms the cost of living to some pcoj jj t we could price ourselv- ropolitan mass the problem cannot be left long as the land to individuals to solve nor to small munii agricultural use cipal bodies it is so important that it must kbh be priority for provincial and federal offi cials and every day of inaction another dozen farms disappear forever in manypeoplein the labor move ment about this very thing they news echoes in the mail bag didnt stop berates driver r n 5 georgetown dear mr editor the person who killed our stores that sell soft trinks and counties to be honoured by the pet dog and never stopped on ice cream sodas also the haz- canadian automobile associat- friday evening arouni 530 ards of broken glass should be ion for their achievements in the must be ashamed of themselves emphasized and everyone en- f f pedestrian safety or have not got guts to come to couraged to place empty bottles georgetown received a spec see us where they wont get broken ia ciution award for ils d on utter chase day a neighbour os cl rpl they never stopped they and over ha an hour fj c should realize there is a law galneril amost tcn pounds of d fnr lowns bct against such things broken glass3iong guelph st harry and kathleen edward toward maple there is only one answer public money must be used and the farms acquired by the state it is equally as important as other con servation measures river dams public i parks reforestation in which various pub lic bodies are engaged it is a tragedy of our times that peo pie are leaving the larger centres for smal ler ones which provide more of the amen- 1 which will be equitable in reple the answer lies in an in- right out of the export mar ities of life only to find a few years later la to othcr classes of pro crease in the pay envelope to kct in many arcas tnis erty and will not impose an make ends meet to thinking navc a se effect on employ- that they are becoming part of another met- j burlcn tne farm so ppie and i have talked to mcnl and ec0 conditions from one end of canada to an other today canadas exports as pointed out by the minister of industry and commerce is in an enviable position canada is a leading world trader our merchandise trade surplus increased by over 800 million to 13 billion last year which is the largest surplus in peacetime history in 19615 can ada recorded the smallest cur rent account balance of pay ments deficit in 16 years 181 million with canadas most important trading partner the united states with whom we carry out over twothirds of our trade a surplus of 123 million was achieved in the 1968 trade account in 1968 canadian ex ports increased by 19 per cent compared with an 11 per cent increase in world trade general ly if we in canada can win the battle against inflation and so keep our prices competitive we can enjoy the greatest pros perity and the highest standard of living in the world from the heralds of 10 20 and 30 years ago fatality free it seems that parents and tea chers should train children to cease from throwing all kinds of waste wherever they happen tfiaffl unnftm rorl to be but insist lhat ihey carry i vttll iiuiiuuicu it to the handiest garbage can georgetown was one of the even if that happens to be at eight cities and towns in thcl home there should be many area served by the hamilton more of these cans on our automobile club hallon brant i streets particularly near those hajdimand and wentworthi 1959 in the mail bag 000 and 25000 population others honoured for outstan- ding records in their population presswood th clean u s hal brackets were burlington ha gone along with ther green brantford dunnvillc bogs in which they tnus have sl0ncy creck anj 0akvi an put only the whole bottles dundas make it a habit of picking up 0 hundred and eightysix empties and placing them in ourj cities took part in the caas own garbage can in ordcr lo planned pedestrian program ttlng broken a a 12 increase over this citizen joined in appreciated litter dayj fron rr and if other adults 15 normandy blvd thc chiilrcn wou ctcs to participate in the imiwisi mi liuiiiiil wuuiu p i ycar history dear mr editor soon learn of thc danger and each city submits death and may 1 congratulate our mayor refrain from deliberately brcaki injury records for the four pre nd if other adults would do 1 thc lar number of and council for initiating litter tncm chase day and thc herald for 1t excellent publicity about it alow that the pedal day is over what action can we expect from the citisentt our streets not stay clean for very unless an educational prog- te carried put lets all takeprldo in keep ing bur town free of weeds and debris a little effort on thc part of everyone is all that is required mrs muriel barr j vious years and details on tra- i ffic engineering law enforce ment and school safety prog rams for arr independent assess ment the information is analy- d and each city receives an appraisal report rating its stan- ding with cities olyunnarable size i s appropriate ceremonies marked the end ot a 125000 mortgage when shareholders of north halton golf and country club gathered for a party saturday to mark completion of the final mortgage payment to j a wil- loughby mr kenneth m langdon who was instrumen tal in starting the club was honoured with a life member ship 0 assistant principal at chapel street public school for the past three years hazen allen will be moving into the principals office of the new weber drive school when the building is completed next fall an accident in the boiler room of provincial mill on friday proved fatal to one of the mills employees george kovacs of 61 john st e mr kovacs was taken to guelph general hospital after flames from combusting gases burned him about the head and chest while he was tending a furnace 1949 0 while work was in progress on the building of an addition to glen williams public school on monay morning part of the present building collapsed an exca vation had been dug beside the senior room by the acton contracting firm two workmen were on the scene at the time when without warning the bricks tore loose from the structure and thewhot room collapsed in a pile of rubble the workmen were sble to jump cle- 1939 a serious fire on tuesday afternoon burned to the ground the barn of howard stull on the 8th line threshing operations were in progress at the time of the fire but the origin of the blaze could not be determined business directory wallace thompson 3rd division court 8772963 clark a commissioner th georgetown telephone answering service 38 main st s georgetown 8772563 well answer for you 626 c0rbett chiropractic clinic spinal xray service available by appointment 8774631 69 mill st old post office georgetown herald published by home newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c blehn publisher garfield mcgilvray production superintendent i frank mullin advertising manager terry harley alleen bradley news editor accountant valerie caruso arine currie reporter george young leslie clark dave hastings mylcs gilson john mcclemenu optometrist l m brown r0 47 main st n suite 1 for appointments phone 8773671 w h car professional engineer consulting engineer ontario lend surveyor office 8772211 8773300 home rtacbain and hulme ontario land surveyor willowdale 2222536 lc millesse oxs 8776275 residence koller construction u now installing aluminum siding windows doors all work guaranteed free estimates call 8779102 tf watch v b jewelry jl clock- iemur accutron service centre john b0ught0n jewellers certified watchmakers 5 main st h 877431 monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 6217580 62 water street north g a l t barragers cleanersshirr laundarara 8772279 is main s 166 guelph all work dona on premise m for all your insurance needs consult john rlewis 4599052 your visits and vislton i always welcome herald socaafc tftka