-iivv- v t church funeral for victim of tul 6korqetown hbralld twursday july 10 1949 i interment in greenwood cemetery georg follow ed the funeral aervicfi in st johns anglican church- stew- axttown on june 25 for gary thomas brigga 21 gary was instantly killed 4n a motor accident on highway t toe previous sunday son of howard and elda briggs who have just moved to balliwafad from stewarttown e was- employed with his fa tter in the upholstering btisi- and had worked at nor thern electric before that bora in brampton he lived there and in toronto before aaoving to stewarttown where he attended public school and later high school in george- town jhei-sangln-the-ehoir- and was sidesman in st- johns church and played hockey with georgetown teams j- he leaves hi wif2 the for mer marcia lebbnc whom he married last year and a baby son brian thomas his parents and two sisters alice and phyllis canon james maihvell con ducted the funeral service and pallbearers were ron cash bill kavanagh paul leblanc of brampton bill toth acton kirk parker orton and louis kosmerley cooksville town engineering department mrs gail williamson says welcome home to seven months old tina while proud mama princess- looks on happy ending when tinas capture ends 5 day hunt just like lassie home tlnaiis a seven mnnths oldj collie which belongs to mrs gail williamson of 15 confed- eration street glen williams for five days from thursday june 19 through tuesday lunej 24 she was the object of an extensive search through geor- getowns gullys and wooded areas which ended when gillun ford and jimmie baillie final ly coaxed and caught her and took her to the georgetown animal clinic her capture eided a hunt that involved dr brian buck- rell of the georgetown animal clinic mr and mrs running of hunwrye kennels mrs georgina jaffray of brampton mr and mrs d atkins of glen williams janiee and bill bailie of glen williams alf goodwin of georgetown jimmy baillie and gillon ford and several unknown adults and school children while all the commotion was going on mrs williamson dnd tina came her husband david were in england attending a family wedding we were very impressed with all the concern and ex citement and very happy at tinas well being when wel ar rived home on wednesday june 25 mrs williamson told the herald my husband and i and our two children kelvin and chris tine feel so very indebted and grateful to so many people sav ing such concern for uur dog she said gai tina of lyndale as she is registered took to the streets while the williamson car was parked outside the animal clinic on guelpl st where she and her vther princess were to be boaroed while the williamsons were overseas pushing open a car rinaow and jumping out she became panic stricken by the raffic and darted across the highway at maple avenue just musiig parents fly from vancouver for scott harvey wedding by inches being struck by a ear i mr and sirs willumson searched for gtie and a half hours before leaving to catch their flight before they eft they informed the poiire dog catcher dr backrell radio station chic and neighbours during the searching which took place during the next ijw days tina was spotted a few times in the gully near the high school tun would always turn and run the opposite acay when called many people scoured the like ly hiding places daily until dark their concern intensified by the steady rain on tuesday jane 24 dr buckrell said he was doubtful of tinas condition due lo fear and hunger even though alf goodwin had made a pou tf placing food around ihr iras where it was presumed tina was hiding at quarter past seven pn that same day tinas index ing ended when the boys pati ently coaxed her into heir arms and delivered her lo the clinic st matthews united church toronto was decorated with baskets of yellow mums and white gladioli on saturday june21st for the double ring ceremony in which judith annemarie only daughter of mr and mrs harold drury of lindsay became the bride of kenneth franklin cave young er son of mr and mrs brock cave of riverglen farm fer gus given in marriage by her father the bride ware a floor length princess styled gown of white italian boucle satin trimmed with wide bands of lace the short train also lace trimmed hung from the shoul ders her three tiered shoulder length veil was gamerefl to a cluster of white satia flowers she carried a cascade bouquet of red roses and white carna tions i her only attendant was miss linda stephens of toronto as maid of honour she wore a lemon yellow gown made on similar lines to the brdes gown it was trimmed with yellow velvet ribbon and she had a matching velvet ribbon headpiece she carried a bou quet of yellow and white mums robert millar of fergus was groomsman the oshers were ronald cave brother of the groom and john drury brother of the bride both from toron to at the reception the brides mother received the guests wearing a pale blue dress and coat with white accessories and a corsage of pink roses the grooms mother assisted wear ing a deep turquoise lace dress and jacket with hat to match and a corsage of yellow roses after a trip through eastern ontario mr and mrs cave will be living in georgetown the groom was born in peel mem orial hospital brampton while his parents lived near george town and the family left here when he was five years old he attended fergus high school and graduated this spring from gfeorge brown college of ap plied arts technology in toronto he is working as de sign technician with tha town of georgetown engineering de partment guests attended the wedding from alliston fergus lindsay peterborough sl catharines sl jacobs and toronto if your trip is marred by mechanical trouble on the high way get off the road raise the hood and wait for help to arrive bring em back alive stores 162 guelph st open 9 aim to 9 pjn daily johnsons baby powder economy size idurdiscount save 29c beach towel double discount price g stkiph 30 x 60 nivea cream 4 oz jar double discount price save 61c sha 88 cover girl makeup pressed liquid tube double discount price save 46e 89 bayer aspirin locs double discount price save 40e 59 sudden beauty 16 oz hair sprat uble discount acej savf 66c nice n easy hair colour double discount price save 76c band aids family pack double discount price save 44c 54 pougrip denture adhesive doubu4discount price save 40c 79t flash cubes discount price save 43c 3i9 compare our low everyday prices day by day in every way you save more at double discount rev r c lohnes officiated at the marriage of two north ern electric employees si a wedding ceremony which look place in maple avenue baptist church on june 28th the church was decorated wilh white gladioli and organist mrs d holmes of acton play ed 0 promise me and when he gave me you during the ser vice wedding principals in the double ring ceremony weri beverly ann harvey daughte- of mr and mrs j harvey 41 prince charles drive and gor don leonard scott son of mr and mrs leonard scott of vancouver bc the bride who was given in marriage by her t father wore a white chiffon wedding gown with sweeping trajn of chanj tilly lace the gown had trum pet sleeves and a silk illusion handrolled veil was held with a crescent moon headpiece of flowers she carried a bouquet of pink sweetheart ross pink and white carnations matron of honour lynda green and bridesmaid judy price wore capri blue chiffon and lace gowns with scooped necklines and cap sleeves and looped ribbon bows as head pieces junior bridesmaid kimberley harvey the brides sister wore a gown of white chiffon and lace with match ing hair bow attendants car ried bouquets of white and blue miniature carnations with white peonies mark bates street3ville was groomsman phil mclaughlin brampton and the bridps bro ther barry harvey were ushers a dinner in the legion audi torium was followed with a re ception party at the home of the brides parents her mo ther received guests wearing an orange and silver brocade dress and jacket ensemble bone accessories and a corsage of orange carnations the grooifts mother wore a two- piece blue crimplinc dress white accessories and a corsage of pink roses mr and mrs scott and the grooms younger brother flew from vancouver to attend the wedding and other guests came from wluowdale port credit long branch toronto bafiic guclph alderwood and bramp ton for a honeymoon trip to nia gara falls the bride wore a mauve and white checked two- piece suit with mauve acces sories and a corsage of white and mauve carnations mr and mrs scoh are living in brampton attention home owners 1 if you are located on tht urne side of the street as j gas line which was installed prior to april i ims and you change to a natural gas central heating system from another fuel betwetn nam and september 30 1969 iiiiuiuiuuhiiiiuiiiihiiir may qualify far savings up to 100 on a new clare hecla gas furnace installation no interest no payments til october call 6 r muckart co ltd 15 mill st 8773592 8773660 mechanical electrical supplies and contracting attention ladies obbie industries limited ii galt ontario inewlands textile salesroom corner queen and water st n below the bowling alley galt ontario summer clearance sale 50 off all remnants sole starts jul y 7th 9 am july 19th 5 pan beeeereide fakrie taaaa orlaa ran too ntjuxaioob to list regular store hours jays a week 9 am tuesday and thursday evenings 7 pm until 9 pm open 6 days a week 9 am to 5 pm save now ar fobbie ilsptjstrtep limited galt textile salesroom ont i corner queen and water st n- i direct from millfto you a relax btfre covered- on october 1st ontario introduces the new ontario health services in surance pfanohsi p ohsip tea basic plan of health in surance benefits available to every person in ontario regardlessofage physical health or financial means rough the government or a deals- noted agent oftsip win replace omsipthe existing ontario plan if youre pres- wev enrolted in omsip your cover- awwa1oonttrniewfthoutinterruption tfyouyaoowerralled ma plan from one of the 200 other insurers to oitfarioucaptvsidaftserwces incorpora whxtsor medtal seiv- ices associated medical services an insurarce company or other agency youre also covered until further notice if you now have no health insurance youll have ample opportunity to en rol before october 1st youfl be advised of the enrollment period by press radio and television so dont wonder dont worry about your health insurance just relax and enjoy a healthy summer white yon await the newohsip plan the health care you can count on from the ontaaottepartmont of health cwtwtecmsbwiccswsurancerj ontario dqlumhxnt whealth v i v i iihiimiihhii hutmma 2 3 t rirv