Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 21, 1969, p. 9

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y im at a meeting in the riera soon to look into this problem province should strengthen local nerval thursday afternoon government but a strong local where the reaction of municipal p t0 a question by the gov is needed before i officials from halton peel wei ling tort- and dutterin was a ho- j hum nothing new and weve heard it before one streets- ville jreeve hasel callions sug gestions jo municipal affairs milton mayor on pollution- from garbage incinerators the min ister stated there was equip ment on hte maret now which compiled with government regu lations tn halton county its queens park can stop making decisions no definite answer was given loin to the question in everyones mi tw umcwhw that m cheaper to buy this equip j mind when will regional gpv- klte hnwrfdenart than to buy land for sahi- ernmeht be established minis- zet sites he rom- termckeough said they must jvfore implementing regional mented c 5 government was greeted with ln answer o a question from applause from the assembled bramptons deputy reeve prov- politicians everybody knows facial treasurer charles mc- vww ovyisoyerned now she naughton stated fire depart- lvj 4ddd and maybe the provinjjnents could be either local or fr clal government should be eliro- regional but conceded regional j inated to slow down this hearty applause brought in assessing the meetings so far mr macnaughton and mr mc- keough report that they seem to be achieving their purpose we in the provincial govern ment have received a number of useful suggestions from munici pal officials during these ses sions t think a greatly improved wait jill the steele report on rapport has been established hamilton burlington was com- j between two levels of govern- pleted and the completed brief ment with the realization that by haltdn and peel was discus- 1 we are all working towards the sed at a special committee meet- same objectives to make local ing in september besides the government stronger and more in the county court of atmosphere was not too con effective minister mckejjugh the county of hatton she suggested amalgamating jthe water resources commis- sion with the related depart- i menta of planning development and pollution its good thinking and i wish it were possible mc- keough replied but i think its the georgetown herald simenon thursday au 21 at 1969 pagea 6ourlter stephens emjjassy black gayin the cold jungla devinc dominic death is my bridegroom fish robert l the xajer affair garve aqjeiw the asip of d 13 gielgud val a necessary end marsh ngaio scales of justice peters ellis the house of green turf reagan thoma b the caper maigret in vichy the prison underwood charles the shadow gam wainwright john the takeover man fergusson adam roman go home kent alexander form line of battle to glory wesleer ledward patricia a root of grace lodi maria charlotte morel the dream buck pear s the good deed case david the cell singer kurt tales of the uncanny road closing notice halton county board of education ducive to speed so we decided said fire departments would be more expensive minister mckeough acknowledged they would pr- jer the police departments to be regional however with a gradual phasing out of the pro vincial police except in places like highway 401 and 400 per- halton county dairy trin haps and maybe crystal beach cess 18 year old sharon hume he added laughingly this wen down to defeat friday dairy princess fails to reach cne finals it 7llt w roore properly come undi night in her bid to qualify as beyontl the scope of one departi k j rnarm j j et the attorney general s depi untano ment i artment he commented 1969 dairy princess for addressing a question to ed- g c warden of competing at the canadian h m f ekst if halton 8 welched those j n the streetsville reeve asked if nearly 40 other princesses from there as any possibility region- mtlmo 5cl jf the pr al would- take over the school cove evcry failed to qualify in preliminary system district in 0nar judring for the ttle i dont think its a likely she won the halton title over proposition replied minister problems which munic- t other contestants at the an- william davis since it could ipalties face today cant be iso- nua contest held july llthe result in the fragmentation of laled into a nice l pcket f 0 howard tarzwell rr 2 the educational system he also led port credit or caledon georgetown by the halton pointed out that with two sys- mckeough told the meeting county milk comrnjitee terns the public and separate 1n a member of palermo junior school systems it would be ex the problems municipalities face are regional in scale jiffi icr aie regional iu suic farmers the halton princess is tremely difficult the aaugnt of gordon s milton mayor brian best quer- there was a day when the hume led george kerr minister of municipality was a law unto it- lorcnc archdekin 18 of energy and resources about self i dont think thats true brampton representing peel any program to prevent further anymore there is a mixing of county won the preliminary erosion of the niagara escarp- rural and urban problems now round of competition satur- ment by quarrying operations if the differences between town day he claimed quarry operations and country now havent disapi shc f the daughter f mr were causing serious damage to peared theyre marginal anrt mrs ji archdekin the escarpment in the milton rr- 2 brampton area and demanded to know the province s lrying to find bv indeoth when we can expect some ac- wa to relurn p to m u ln hen can expect some ae governmen the minister terviews their appearance said the association of ont p speaking and skill in minister george kerr promaxio counties as well as other mlklnfi c0w3 w4th e eq jsed he would visit mayor bet gronpa has recommended the upmenu new librar books new adult books fiction ajeichem sholom the adventures of menahero- mendl armstrong charlotte seven seats to the moon boston i m strongholds braider donald rage in silence carter youngman mr campions farthing dearsley a p the golden hours of mr goose penny in the matter of thi rag- itry act rso 1960 chaptv m section 91 and in the- matter of doling of a portion f cheltan st in the villiga o glin williams according t raglturad plan number 10 and in the matter f robert mcmastvr applicant whereas an application has been made by robert mc- master for an order clos ing a portion of ohclten street in the village of glen williams township of esqcesing as more particularly described in sche dule a attached hereto take notice that i have appointed wednesday the 27th day of august 1969 at my chambers in the court house on the base line at the town of milton at the hour of 200 listening intently during the riviera session county garden george corrie georgetown merson are jocal politicians among them halton reeve bill hunter and mayor wheldon em- hall adam the striker portfolio helming ann to the farthest island hurd douglas the smile on the face of the tiger jenkins elizabeth honey jennings william d the ronin kemelman harry sunday the rabbi stayed home kirst h h camp 7 ljst stop leasor james they dont make them like tnat any mcr mason pauls the shad-cm- mitchell margaret gone with the wind stevenson d e crooked adam tinneswood peter a touch of daniel tournier michel friday for the other island turnbull patrick one bullet for the general vachell horace a quinneys quinneys adventures waw betty bafferty co walker lucy six for heaven blish james a case of conscience mccaffrey anne drwgonflight wyndham john the midwich cuckoo christie agatha crooked house the- moving finger chelten street as shown on registered plan number 10 of part of the village of gien wil liams in part of the east half of lot 20 in concession 9 in the said township and filed in the gistry office for the said nty of halton containing by measurement 0621 acres be he same more or less and hich said parcel of land is more particulary described as follows- premising that the norther ly limit of the lands of the canadian national railways crossing part of the west half of said lot 20 in said conces sion b in the said township has a bearing of north 88 degs-54- 30 west and relating l bear ings hereinthereto commencing at the point of intersection of the northeast limit of chelten street with the southerly limit of guelph street in the village of glen wil- pm to enquire into the said i liams as shown on said regis- application and to hear repres- tered plan number 10 on file entation from persons affected i in the registry office for the by such road closing to have said county of halton read the affidavits of robert tmnce south 62 d or mcmaster and kenneth cowan 30 wejt aong jaid south lindsay bled and in the circ- umil of gue h street u to make an order g feet mon or closing the said poruon of chei- of intersection o the ten street said southcrly ij of gue and further take notice street with the southwest lim- that if any person or corpora- it of chelten street lion affected by the closing of thence south 45 degs 50- the said portion of chelten st ejl along the mld soirth shall fail to appear either in west umis nf chelten street person or by his counsel the 380 07 feet more or jess to the matter shall je dealt with wvth- pojnt intersection of the said i out further regard to the rights so limit of chelten of said person or corporation street with the line of a fence dated at milton this fith running easterly day vf july ad 1969 thence south 85 degs-49- alan b sprarue 00 east along the line of the judge of the county said fence 10307 feet more or court of the county of less t6 the point of intersection of halton of the line of the said fence schedule a t northeast all and slngular that llmlt of cnelten street certain parcel or tract nf thence north 45 degs-59- land and premises situate 50 west along the said north- lying and being in the township east limit of chelten street of esqucsing in the county of 43866 feet more or less to the halton and province of ontario point of commencement and being composed of part of 821 schedule 196970 school year tornmencing tuesday september z 1969 georgetown public schools j park street school r pupils enrolled at stewart town bus route no x leave part st school at 83s moore park school pupils will be picked up in front of macs milk store bus route no 2 leave 840 net for information r above contact goratwn 772251 lf 1970 bus routes esquesing township us no 7- f r f starts at lot 22 and 10th line north to lot 29 west to 9th line south to glen williams school south on 9th line to no 17 side road west to 7th line south to stewarttown school bus no 11 starts at lot 15 on the 6th line south to the base line west to the 5th line north co no 3 side road east to pinevicw school leaves pineview school arttown public school north on 7th line to stew- notice of application road closing jkl ftl jyg- ve srfey mnwmamaiimimmpbi educatron minister bill davis and ernergy resources minisler george kerr huddle while provincial treasurer charles mcniughtoii addresses the riviera audience in the county court of the county of hauon in the matter of th rt- imtry act rso 1960 chapter 348 section 91 and in the matter of h elating ef portion of gltn str in the villg of glin wllllannt accordloo to registered plan number 10 and in the matter of henry benjamin charlet lorri- mm appllcant- whereas an application has been made by henry benjamin charles lorriman for an order closing a portion of glen street in the village of glen williams township of esquesing as more particularly described in sche dule a attached hereto take notice that i have appointed wednesday the 27th day of aiiriist 1969 at my chambers in the court house on the base line at the town of milton at the hour nf 200 pm to enquire into the said application and to hear repres entation from persons affected by such road closing to have read the affidavits of henry benjamin charles lorriman and kenneth cowan lindsay filed and in the circumstances to make an order closing the laid portion of glen street and further take notice that if any person or corpora tion affected by die closing of the said portion of glen street shall fail to appear either in person or by his counsel the matter shall be dealt with with out further regard to the rights of said person or corporation dated at milton this 9th day of july ad 1969 alan b spraguc judge of the county court of the county of of halton schedule a all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the township of esquesink in the county of halton and province of ontario and being composed of part of glen street in the village of glen williams in the said town ship as shown on the registered plan number 10 on file in the registry office for the said county erf halton containing by i admeasurement 0376 acres e the same more or less and which said parcel nf land is more particularly described as i follows i premising that glen street j in the said village of glen wil- i liams as shown on said regis- 1 tered plan number 10 has a bearing nf north 36 degrees 33 minutes 50 seconds west and trelating all bearings herein i thereto commencing at the point j of intersection of the southeast j limit of credit street with the 1 j northeast limit of glen street i in the village of glen williams i in the said township as shown j on said registered plan num ber 10 on tile in the registry office for the said county of j halton thence south 36 degrees 33 i minutes 50 seconds east along the said northeast limit of glen street 25855 feet more or less to a point therein thence south 35 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds west across i said glen street 6945 feet more or less to a point in the south west limit of glen street dis tance z1720 feet measured southeasterly along the said southwest limit of glen street from the point of intersection of the said southwest limit of glen street with the aforesaid southeast limit of credit street in the said village of glen wil liams thence north 36 degrees 33 minutes 50 seconds west along the said southwest limit of glen street 23720 feet to the said point of intersection of the said southwest limit of glen street with the said southeast limit of credit street in the said village of glen williams thence north 20 degrees 21 minutes to seconds east across a id glen street 7875 feet more or less to the point of commencement 821 bus no 12 starts at lot 21 and 8th line north to lot 22 west to limehouse school leaves limehouse school east to 7th line south to stewarttown school west on no is side road to second line north to speyside school south on second line to no 15 side road east to stewarttown school bus no 14 starts at no 17 side road and 7th line west to 4th line north to limehouse side road east to limehouse school leaves limehouse school west to 4th line north to no 25 side road west to the 3rd line south to no 22 side road west to the first line north to no 23 side road east to second line south to speyside school bus no is starts at 10th line and lot no 9 south to base line west to 8th line north to no 5 side road west to pineview school leaves pineview school north on 7th line to no 10 side road east to norval school leaves nerval school north on no 7 highway to 9th line and then north to glen williams school bus no 16 starts at lot 25 on the town line north to lot 30 south to lot 25 west to 10th line south to glen wil liams school south on 9th line to- 17 side road west to 7th line and south to stewarttown school bus no 17 starts at 5th side road and the 8th line east to the 9th line south to the base line west to the 76h line north to pineview school leaves pineview school west to the 5th line north to the 10th side road east to the 7th line south to pineview school bus no ib starts at no 22 side road and the 6th line south to no 20 side road west to the 5th line north to lime house school ieaves limclxvuse school south on 5th line to no 10 side road west to 4th line north to no 16 side road west to 2nd line north to speyside school bus no 19 starts at 10th line and lot 22 east to town line south to no 17 side road west to 10th line east to town line south to norval school leaves norval school west on no 10 side road to 7th line north to stewarttown school leaves stewarttown school east to the 8th line south to no 5 side road west to pineview school ieave pineview north on 7th line to stewarttown school fts no 20 starts at lot 25 and 7th line south to no 22 side road west to limehouse school leaves limehouse school west to virst line south to no 17 side road west to town line south to lot no 10 north to no 15 side road east to 2nd line north to speyside school kus no 21 y starts at 9th line and lot 25 north to townline west to 8th line south to lot 25 west to 6tbefne south to no 22 side road west to limchimjuichool leave limehouse school east to 7th line south to stew arttown school leaves stewarttown school north to lot 22 east to 8th line south to lot 21 east to glen williams school bus no 22 starls at 6th line and no 7 highway north to the town line east to the 7th line south to no 22 side road west to limehouse school leaves limehouse school west to lot 25 on the town line nassagaweya south to no 17 side road east to speyside school pus no 23 starts at no 10 side road and the 3rd line south to given road east to 4th line north to no 10 side road south to no 5 side road east to pineview school i eaves pineview school north on 7th line to stewart town school bus no 24 starts at lil 8 and the town line north to norval school south on the town line to the base line west to the 10th line north to no 5 side road west to pineview school us no 25 starts at 5th tine and 22 side road north to no 25 side road west to 4th line south to no 22 sirle road east to limehouse school leaves limehouse school west to 3rd line south to no 10 side road west to 2nd line north to speyside school leaves speyside school south to no 15 side road east to stewarttown school note with the exception of boundary changes all trans portation routes will remain tthe same as in june 1969 exceptions west of cnr tracks to no 10 side road including milton heights area these routes are described under nassagaweya high school and th area formerly served by hilton heights public school the area north- of no 7 highway and east of acton to the 5th line previously serviced by the esqucsing bus lines will now be described under acton area bus routes note for information re above contact georgetown b77j590 burlington 32495t students attending milton district high school uses will optralt en the tame route at the same time a f june 1h sunshine school pupils attend ins sunshine school at hornby will be notilied as to the time of pickup v

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