Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 4, 1969, p. 1

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neighboorrcomptain wanttwrstrlf closed rossuke irpcrt just west of tetown cane under attack i tuesday night at esques- council with a fourteen i delegation doing the attae- j and owner joe ross the nterattacking the attack was launched in a etition signed by the fourteen residents in wtfich they 1 the airport was not licen- by the department of because of a short oway they claimed flying instruction las been given with novices at ttie control this continued the letter is a high risk to the pilot and surround ing community they related an incident last week where a plane overshot the runway crossed 17 side rad and went through a fence on to breckons farm they re peated their objections to the airport and said they were more than ever resolved to op pose it the letter concluded by asfc ing council to pass a resolu tion saying the airport is in- appropriate in view of its im pact on surrounding area and that council request the dept of transport not to issue a license for this land to be used as an airport alton breckon told council he became concerned when he learned rosslake was awaiting a charter to operate a flying school they are busy enough right now he added he sug gested that councils backing would make the dept of trans port do a little more investig ating originally it was sup posed to be only ia private air strip if we got council backing i feel it would stay a private airstrip not a school he said beeve george currie admit ted he did not itnow where the township comes into the matter or if they have any jurisdiction at all well have to get the exact information from the depart ment of transport but we cant endorse yoar resolution tonight we must knpw where we stand commented the reeve deputy reeve tom hill urged a meeting of council the dele gation jpe ross and a spokes man from the dept of trans port to clear up the situation cr ken marshall told council he had made a tour of the air port and as on ex flyer came away with a much better im pression of the place as a safe landing area than be had anti cipated owner joe ross told council he had asked dr e w brown to substitute statements he made in a letter to council last week saying seasoned pilots considered the airport danger ous this he could not do emphasized the owner i want him to bring forth these sea soned pilots he speaks about demanded mr ross because he could harm my business talking that way he suggest ed dr brown would not be happy if he made statements reflecting on his ability turning to the statement in the letter regarding novices mr ross said the man who landed on the breckon farm had 30o- hours flying time that man will never be allowi ed on my airport again he stated you cant screen all the flyers he added jumping up s frankmyter exclaimed theres noone lrv- esdoser to the airport than i do i live right at the end of the runway a huge plane took off this afternoon making such a noise the baby started cry ing he maintains there had been another accident as yet unmen- uoned a white plane bounced up and down then over on its side right behind our place stated mr frankruytcr that man was overloaded and took off with the wind he should have known better replied mr ross in that case he must be a novice retorted s frankruy- ter you said there were no novices he became airborne when he took off into the wind he was no novice answered the owner pouring oil on the troubled waters reeve george currie pointed out they would have the department of transport ex plain the situation and regula tions to- all interested parties ads that pay if mi can place in ad in tha hrama classified pages by iftionlny 8772201 buying or wiling th herald is whir lyiv will find the rasult you georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing tha georgetown herald haa served georgetown and district a printers and publishers for over a century offering the best in fine printing and news coverage s clasa mafl registered number 0943 return postage guaranteed georgetown ontario thursday september 4th 1969 5 00 per year single copy price ton cents ski 6875 cram schools new term starts l- sr 2l r i irtix a- i halton vetoes merger of two health units shoppers stroll to marching music the now generation like their music loud even if they sub teen and even if the music is military above a couple i of young mothers with baby stroller find a spot up front for that stereo effect at a lome scots military band concerl in the georgetown market thursday conservation school buses ratepayer meeting topics the talk was of conservation vise council that they feci a ijechool bus service the centen solution to flooding should take nial school addition flooded basements and a town bus at a meeting of the halton hills precedence over any municipal contribution toward the propos ed downtown face lifting a katepayers association last special flood committee v as week the topics were those formed lo investigate further mainly of interest to george awns ward three residents the need for a town bus service was also on the minds councillors representing that of the ratepayers and a motion ward had been invited to attend s pd that the associa the monday night meeting in st lion w up this matter with andrews united church bull other interested groups and because the date conflicted with council a council meeting were not am 6ng the audience when mrs soan rollings of the credit valley conservation authority spoke on the aims achievements and problems of the cvca esquesing council briefs reeve george currie pre scnted dclmar french with the during her lalk illustrated with coloured slides mrs itol lings stressed the anomaly of i certificate from the association le certain member municipalities of municipal clerks and treas which seated delegates on the i urcrs of ontario officially mak authority board while ignoring ing him a member good conservation practices j ccrllucale shows np kra during the subsequent busin duated from the three year ex ess session the 1969 70 sub- tension course offered by committee chairmen were intro duced and future plans announ ced the halton queen s university making him a fully fledged municipal clerk building inspector tom vleloan reported a total of glen just misses fastball honours glen williams men s fastball iboured in thi and almost earned champion ship honours in the ann lal la bour day fastball tournament in hillsburgh an 83 victory by hillsburgh in the final game ended the glen s bid which started with a 150 shutout over hornby and continued in the semi finals with a 53 over norval halton junior farmers place well in judging halton county council reject ed a proposal last week to ask minister thomas wells to com bine halton and peel county health units in introducing the resolution to delete the proposal from a p i committee report reeve a led c with of milton expressed ob r jection to being blackmailed into joining another couny to obtain additional grants deputy reeve arthur bpeisht ri of georgetown declared we v say we want halton us one re gion and if we then say we arewrhtng to merge health un its with peel we will be defea ting the purpose we are trying to achieve william gillies oakville de puty reeve said the proposal was only an attempt to cure a 75 per cent provincial grant for the costs of a d strict health unit it s not really a joining together he jaimed il s a cost sharing plan the request for the union of the health units was defeated with some opposition teaching in far north public schools complete switch to junior senior system twenty eight 4h and says potholes make h line dangerous ounty competed at thr canid lan national exhibition on thursday august 28 in the an nual judging competitions a total of 143 juniors and 93 sen iors judged several chss s of livestock field crops and ins wcred machinery and we haven t had gravel on the 4lh line for seven years ralph dcnnj told esquesing council monday night he con fessed he didn t like to cue them but he thought that vas lonk enough he also call tome huge hillsburgh took acton their first test and disposed of belwood in the semi final be fore dumping the glen in other first round games norval beat georgetown comb ines and belwood beat another georgetown team steps taken by hills ratepayers association s17780 in building permits regarding the high school bus issued in the township during service were explained the busing service originally to have been dropped inside town limits has been revamped with one central pickup and dischar ge point arranged for local students the association was request ed to formally follow up with the halton county board of education regarding the dc layed completion of the ccn tennial school addition a board official said at the associa tionf june meeting classrooms would be completed by sept 1 tlje delay has meant the intro taction of shift classes there llamporarily the recent flooding in the ward was discussed at some hength and it was understood jthat as stated in a letter from mayor wheldon emmcron to a jflember i consultant will be called in by the town to study je problem it was agreed the mociatjon formally ad august in a reply lo a query from peter van wow about the water situation in milton heights reeve george currie told him there would be a pub lie meeting called with the reeves and deputy rscvcs of qucsing and nassagaweya in at tendance where costs would be explained to the residents of miifon heights and peru then you will have to make a de cision concluded the reeve council promised they would see what they could do for w kraus when he asked the 17th sidcroad down near ts highway to be improved at the moment it is just a narrow trail if its an open road al lowance we must tec what wc can do stated the deputy reeve there were no chapters in the book robinson crusoe when li wag originally publish ed alpine swimmers pass tests by red cross concluding a 15 week swim mine course at the alpine club on weslcyan st a number of beginners have passed their red cross tests mrs elaine sales was instruc tor with paul savoie and bill barclay asisting her with the classes successful in their tests were janice mcdonald leeanne clark judy cornfield john hay cs leigh and heather tyler betty ann dupuis janet shcppcrd alexandra gunn iouise vorwick julie partridge brcnda davidson sandra ax ford geraldinc bingham shar ron fills beverley drabble brian and beverley wingfield suzanne and lawrence pringlc darron pearson allison taylor lcvette pearson alhstcr bnggs deborah alton john lavoic linda parkas anthony rand audrey and lcn bydcvaatc chi is tine edwards cathy lyd ia and kevin donais and kevin neil another class will start their swimming lessons in september safety pd atientuin to potholes n the your road is not too carole lane decision quizzes norman anderson uon the your road is not too bad junior field crop section also stated the reeve when you having a higher score than any compare ii to other road8 in of the seniors norman was al other municipalities so 20th in livestock and 8th in the championship class which is a total of all three divisions don mcclure was 2nd in field crops 10th in livestock with bob lasby placing 10th in ma chincry and safety- and 16th in the championships in the senior cclinn live stock division mary anderson placed 4th with bill lnshy 10th i pay taxes in this munici pality not in the next one re plied mr denny he claimed a portion of the road where two cars travelling in opposite directions were in hollows and met suddenly on top of the hill was very dangerous i can i argue about the gra vol admitted road supennten dent bud snow but you want senior field crops 7th john to r lhc road and then nurse 10th don nicholson 17 more pp bc down m bill alexmder 18lh itoscmary al011t uust booth20th bill jackson i oh bud and 1 will have a look it it stated the reeve in the farm machinery and sukb slx o clock in the safety division bill alexander mormnk as an appropriate placed 5th keith aitkon was lmc rtm brougnt lltt elunu 10th mary anderson and john rlasm from mr dc nurse tied for 16th miss carole lane 1 terry court left last week for d monton and then inuvik nwt where she will teach grade 1 at sir alexander mackenzie school inuvik located at the mac kcnzie delta 120 miles within the arctic circle bas a popu iation of 3 0o0 which includes government employees a large number of eskimos as well a a smaller grovip of indians and metis the town is connected with ycllowlcmfe ind hdmon ton by 737 jets which fly in 4 limes a week miss lane will bc unable to attend her convocation at wat erloo lutheran university in november where she will rec eive her bachelor of arts de grec pool closed now its skating soon georgetown memorial arcm and community swimming tool manager don gosling s thoughts turned to ice this week they didn t freeze they made the annual conversion as the pool gates clicked shut on the 1969 swimming season monday niht the arena staff will stirt ice making september v with luck there should he public skatinc september 20 gosling told the herald close to 7000 elementary and high school pupils took the-u- scats for the start of the 169 70 chool term in the geor fletown and area schools tues ojay because of boundary chang es and the complete conversion to the junior senior system amon the local public schools many principals report ed enrolment figures vastly changed from those in june the actual registration fig ure for georgetown and area schools as of wednesday morn ing was 6 875 georgetown district high sshool 1 240 holy cross separ ate school 80 georgetown district christian school 203 senior schools 915 centennial 431 stewarttown 484 junior schools 3 529 chapel street 342 howard wnggles- worth 307 park 331 harrison 575 george kennedy 957 glen williams 315 norval 72 limehouse 211 and pincview 419 more than 55 000 pupils and 2 615 teachers began the fall school term in halton county this represents a total in crease of nearly 3 500 over last tcrrn but as yet no firm figures a teachers has grown by 15 to 340 r g stoness administrative assistant of the halton county board of education said norm al increase in the number of teachers would have been 120 but the board had cut the num ber back he said estimated total of pupils was about 300 less than the boards original projection because of a slow down in building caused by high mortgage rates and strikes in the building trades it will be about a week before the total enrolment is known be said about 30 new classrooms in different elementary schools are being opened but an additional 47 others that were scheduled for opening are still unfinished because of strikes in the build ing trades some of our people are wor king on new programs and de velopments said mr stoness we expect to introduce these during the year there will be new programs of music and soc ial studies and an extension of programs in the languages area a considerable number of new approaches to some of our pro- rams arc being introduced this year are available there are 87 schools in halton county school system and 19 separate schools teach ers in the former system total about 2 275 an increase cf ab out 90 over last term while the number of icparate school the halton county board of i education which started oper- ation the first of this year re- the placed 10 local school boards in the count the merger of loc al boards into county units was carried out throughout ontario catholic school boards in halt- on were also amalgamated to form a county system no buses centennial pupils all must walk no injuries in twocar collision neither driver was injured as a 1068 camaro and 1067 merc ury collided last tuesday at the guclph sinclair corner the cars were driven by ro bert h hand 93 norton crcs cent end albert iparsons 14 gowor road total damage was 320 in the championship division mary anderson placed 9th john nurse was in 12th posit ion 13th was bill auxinder 15th don nicholson and 18th kcitji aitkcn halton was runner up to wellirigton county for the spec i ia governor johh greaves sim i coe award of 100 for the top 4 senior members in the corn petition following ihe competition members watched the canadian dairy princess competition and attended the grandstand show social personal john t armstrong 23 park view blvd was one of five del egatcs from niagara diocese who attended lhc general synod of the anglican church in slid bury miss beatrice hilts has mov ed from ballinafad to town and m juhv living at 36 mill street across from the former post office county school buses cover 228 routes when school opened tuesday buses began covering 7708 miles a day to transport 9861 pupils to halton schosls y the repor of the transportation for the school year was presented to members of the halton board ot education last thursday noting a daily transportation bill of 3 71 5 50 for the buses tha will travel 228 routes in comparing this years operation with that of the prev ious year it was explained there was an ncrease of i 009 pupils this year or 1 1 4 per cem being transported but costs had increased only three per cent to serve the high school students in the north education area there will be 16 routes covering 847 miles daily to pick up 942 pupils trustee w pnestner observed that with an increased en rollment of seven percnt ihe number requiring transporta tion has grown 1 1 per cent it was pointed out this could be caused by the increasing growth in rural areas in transportation to the trainable retarded schools 29 will be transported to sunshine school by station wagon and 50 to aaayfield school by bus with 19 to bruce lyn school by taxi i all studcnls attending ccn tennial school will ha- e to walk to school halton county board of kducation has decided dissatisfaction has been voic ed by some parents who feel their children have too far to walk gtorgetown trustee ernest bodnar explained the board po licy in these terms these are not exact distances they would be tempered by safety factors but roughly for kindergarten a one mile walk is maximum junior school 1 23 and grades 7 and 8 two miles he expressed concern about the students walking to cen tennial from north of highwiy 7 especially during shifts he has already asked for a cross ing guard and reconsidintion if shifts extend into the early darkness months another aroa directly affect ed by the policy is the john st mountainvicw paper mill area when the mountainvicw bridge was under construction the board at that time felt a was ncccssiry the bus never taken off after the struction of the bridge sec how things are working for a little while before any chan ges can be made i want spec ial consideration for our spec ial problems but people cant scream about high costs then scream when the board tries to cut them he pointed out that the ad vantages in a more varied pro gram offered at senior public schools have to be weighed ag ainst the distance problems bus was con at first all children in this area were supposed to walk to wrigglesworth school however a compromise has heen worked out upon the request of trustee bodnar at tlu moment the high school bus will pick up children who live on mountainvicw rd at the corner of john street and mountainvicw space on this bus may determineifother children are picked up trustee bodnar points out that the board will have to never too late in little theatre season the georgetown little theat re has decided to cut its prod uctions from four a season to three president ron hill revea led recently the three plays this year are all comedies one british one american and one greek the greek one is an ancient athen ian comedy by the famous aris tophanes entitled xysistrata a bawdy comedy involying tho largest cast ever used oy the little theatre this will bo their festival entry the other plays are brush with a body to bc presented sometime in october and nev er too late a familiar play about a blessed event in later life to bc presented at the close of the season encouraged by an increase in new members the group are eagerly seeking any lonesome newcomers to town who would like to help in little theatre work they will be warmly wel comed says president ron hill

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