Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 4, 1969, p. 5

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h brides five brothers all have parts in wedding 63 now ah later say ypcs of education cost the provincial government should assume more than 68 per cent of the cost of educat iqn nbw and eventually assume the entire cost the halton young progressive conservat ives have urged in af brief to education minister william davis raviaw boirds the ypcs support the posit ion taken by the halton pc as sociation lequcstinj the setting up of review boards to guard against unnecessary spending and haste and impose controls where necessary i strifetorn ireland the brief states the takeover by the province of the full costi the ma bag would broadeh the tax base and spread the impact of taxation over a wider group of property liictjce freedow owners tenants and hoarders rather than on property own jmgj tot ers alone the seven page brief ilso rec ommends special supplements for municipalities of over 190 000 be discontinued and funds di id ed equally for the benefit of the whole province i budget review boards be established r ii 1 limehousc ont dear fxhtnr i commenting on the recent trouble in ireland and the df fprent versions of tbe causb blamed on the ira and such le thr ail like hoi nets up lived and died in this mr and mrs donald curry initiatives he nken lo make school facilities av lhl d to the public outside of school j t0 and nours i let lne become sensihle clti 7ens of this ninall island now living il their new home at 10 rosefield drive mr and mrs donald george currv were mardied on julv 12th in st joan of arc rc church tor onto father van damm offic lated and organist jim hoi strom was also soloist sinking o god of iovelims- the thurch was decciatiii with white mums and pink gladioli the bride sheila margaret mcspurren is the daughter of mr and mrs jinvrs mcspurrpn of toronto and ht father rave her in marriage in the double ring cereraonj she wore white pi an d sine empire line accentuated b lace with matching lace in the elbow lenth sleeves ind rith edral train shi carried a cas cade of pink ros and bahi s bret h her iwtci inlaw mrs hunt mcspurren vvas matron of hon out another sifter in la mrs diane mi spurren and the groom s stster rarhara nn were bridesmaids t hi v wore pink shantung sleselrss gowns with square necklines empire line flowing to full skirts thev carried cascades of pink roses and white carnations the brides ruece teresa mi spur ren was flower girl in vvhite shantung embroidered with pink roies ttendants wore matching floral heidpiexes and houlder length veils harvev chappel was grooms men ushers were the grooms uncle ian emslie at orangcville and the bride s brother john mcspunen toronto a reception followed at north bridge club summer holidays seem to have no effect on attendance at georgetown duplicate bridge club with brampton and acton clubs suspended for the sum mer the local group which plays each tuesday in the leg ion auditorium continues to have good crouds last week there were 14 ta bles of players and the previous week 13 tables with the usual keen competition winners on august 19 north south 1st bill barhour bill hamilton 2nd m newhy r stuart 3rd ireri allen loe maurer 4th ted fcendnck reg fnd east west kl mrs v rn hyde iim sircent 2nd tiei mrs boh barber tom barber mrs harry cold ham mrs george walker 4th mrs art norris mrs sue sullivan winners on august 26 north south 1st mr ind mrs pat jeffares 2nd led and dave kendnck irri mrs ico klstemaker bill barhour m nevvby rstinrt r norris rec p rid fast west m mrs hyde bill hamilton 2nd die mrs wellington wilson mrs sue sullivan jim sargent leo klstcmaker 4th prank mullin walter biehn 5th mrs terry harley mrs tom stevens halton golf and country club where mothers of the bride and groom received mrs mc spurren wore a lilac shantung sleeveless dress matching coat with three quarter sleeves and a corvse of pink roses the grooms mttther wore a tui quoise irepe sleeveless dress matihlng three quarter length coat and a corsage of yellow and white roses the bride s five brothers all had a speiial part in the lere monv bill as lector john an usher michael master of cere monies david the toast to the bride and jim the praer a honevmoon trip took the nevvlveds to musknka high lands new ork ike placid montrei and home via the iau rentians the bride s trav elling costume was a light green dress and coat ensemble with mjndann collar and rut out neck and a vvhite corsage tax boost the halton ypcs piepaied i hev ire never at peaie its brief after investigating the themselves turning on status of education and the re cent upsurge in taxes in ontar 10 and in halton conntv in particular the s12 million biidset f the haltnn boaid of rducalion an gered count lesidentv when it was introduced earlier this year higher education costs wti mainlv lesponsihk for the in crease in oakville tars which boosted taxes on the aveiake home bv s75 with the pressure if intolerance and in justice till it has lo be met or stained with bloodshed profit ajile to neither side cursed ind fostered bv the kilt iih government this action of burnm the homes of tin nit tlves is similar lo das of the lindlords whin e n ition was nfi mil had to be rail w th bliorlshed i nil loss of jiyji prof ilihl to neilhir silk as thi r vull in a d ij of reckoning lor it all j- so m i well enlightened m iv protevt meltings were hell ask the qui stum if thev would and petitions signed which be anv biltir if thev had thur forced town council to mjeit freedom meaning the budget anil demand a ic like old vieu by the idmation bo ird the groom son of mr and mrs frnest currj 1 dclrex bvd is accountant with the abitibi provincial mill in deor getovvn mrs currie a teacher at n toronto secondary school ftobicoke is a graduate in honours fnglish from queens university kingston prior to her marriage she was a guest at several showers at which mrs william vlcspur ren mrs william sanford mm jim alexander mrs jim red ford and mrs michael vlcspirr ren were hostesses after the wedding reception guests were received in their new home where the wedding gits were displayed the biaid made nn i ills afti r reviewing the budget and nun ril finally approved it the brief says it suppoits the consolidation of educational ail ministration and recommends further centralisation it idds this svslem eliminalis lupliii tinn and results in savings in administration cosls tachr salaries prov nice vv 1 1 to sav the british pmuogandn of that thev wire unibb to tm ern tliemselvis i his thev ha e proved thil ihire is slill siif fiiient hnsiian iv left in uu de thim enabling them to live at peai e with their protestant neighbours this is w hat counts when all is sqirl and done f 1 1 film nt ll it nc that lhe ire well t hi t dec miides and il t hit he d esn t n 1 sa cunl i glllilr stin 4th rt rrn look freezers 19995 mnd up a i so food service no down payment on r ood or freezer food and freezer to suit your weekly budget call 2524188 and leave yoilr number with our answering service or write blue ribbon foods box 64 station u toronto ii it ur dardued scale for teacher sil aries with a sepirale supple ment depending on vaiiatinns in certain areas of the provini es s trainers salaries consti lute approximately 70 per cent of the educational budget whv should a municipality be force i to increase its teachers salar les beyond all reason merelv to ensure that first rate teachers are attracted to the area on the matter of the pros lnce assuming full education costs the brief savs propert taxation has long been recog nized as a totally inequitable system of taxation and an move avsay from this can onlv benefit the community as a whole concerning supplements for larger munii ipalities the hal ton ypcs state that the fail to see the rationale of prov iding these urban areas with an extra benefit if anything it should be pro vided to municipalities with lower populations so lit us hope hit the ngb will pre v a 1 ind thai these pen pie vsh hive plived i mijor role n converting the vv irld to the true faith will ne ilav jrt what ihev hive born depiived of f r it nturies justice and fn edom dcorge crahanl shipping moving by land air sea and rail ovfrseas packing and crating modkrn iifattd storagi iocai 4 iong distance moving 24 hour sfrvkk cam arrow world wide shipping moving 8894269 metro toronto monuments markers memorial work commercial and industrial sandblasting greenwood monument co 245 guelph street 8779505 open evenings the brief urges that school and educational facilities should be made available foe public use to much greater extent than now is the case not be and aliur- ed by both students aad the public this would appear be an unnecessary dapbcatioa the georgetown heral1 thursday mpt 4th i9u9 a combined systeaa provide more tolmaes aad greater and more varied seaeci tion while creating a arias through a i e ansaber ec building facilities aad staff swimming pool and gymnas iums should be used for both instructional and recreational use it urues classrooms and the halton ypcs say tbe brief was prepared after talfciag to halton hpp jim saow at tending ratepajrers feting listening to town roamrih aad the board of edrratsna and al- auditonums could be utilized so to education minister dans for thcitre concert and other the minister spoke at a halton public use i vpc dinner m june t ti j the brief b sisned by robert we see nh reason whyjc pettitt education coouuttre school and public libraries can 1 chairman news echoes from the herald of 10 2sand 30 yaars aa is9 some 65 per cent of georgetovn householders hawecoim- pl ed with post office regulations and installed leker box receptacles at their homes according to an ortacadt count made bv authorities on august i3s5 at least 85 per cent of townresidents must comply be fore postal delivery can be inaugurated ir iomwv st andrews united church has commenoso rooming worslup services in their new cnurch building al he corner of s nclair avenue and mountainsiew road the iesv church of modern design was buit by zcrge com struction and is entirely portable the sect ora are bo fd together o that i an be moved tc anoher se when it a irev s permaner buildirg ts construcred 1949 georgetov is new liquor store will be located tn re hewson bu iding on mill street a lease was been s gned by he l quor control board with tom heson for n la i of a po i on of h s building now occupea by mr he so s off re the inauguration ot bu iding perm ts m geofge- on may lotn pernnts toa hng s399 957 va e i s nee town been issued accord ng lo statistics from building tnspe- tor george adams house builli ig operations nave slackened th s ye ir as compared to 1948 when perm is for 3 ricw homes were g to date n 1949 jus 1 3 new he si perm is have been issueg mao reirs other nan houses in 1918 were an add ton to tje cor daro bu id q on mam si tbe erection or a store and apart rent h iclng on k ng street by tstoman h at addifon to georgetown furniture sales an adoption o the excha qe hotel and rhe building oi a cnurci hall at ihe un ted churcr this years mac- proiects inciud ried an add t on to the muckart bldg ot m h st an ado t o lo me prov nnal paper m ii erect on of a service stfll o ml ic taurant by fred harrison on te hi dont let somebody die be a red cross blood donor monday september 8th 1969 at the holy cross church auditorium maple avenue east georgetown 1 30 to 4 00 and 6 o0 to 8 45 p m healthy persons ages 18 65 and those between 17 and 18 with written consent of parents each time they donate are urgently needed to give blood avoid evening waiing period housewives atteid tie afternoon clime transportation and baby sitting at the clinic available to donors if a ride is needed phone mrs a m sutherland 877 442 1 or mrs c a thompsc v 877 9866 on clinic day phone 877 3962 3ilake a note of lime oav nn vmir calcnrhr as no reminder cnh uill be sent out any more hue to poitae increase j way a ovv ed ri h by al remodel nortor vagr vg of a bu latng on mam sreet 1939 n jr lias struck througnoot he vuord are i arrh ng and rne roar of canion ard ins of fall ng bombs again terror res europe ad cav to answer the cal througn ths domn on todri troops are mohiliirq d rney dwd n i9u to smmp on the inor iter whh has r sen tn axher and wh rh threatens to crush the ideals nhi aj the late troops crash ada i land of us hold canada cannot stand apart her place ts xitrt the motherland no matter what may happen n rn next few months or rhp next few years from front page eo- torial september 6th 1939 herald shamrock studios wedding portraits child studies passports photos etc colour and black and white 49 rexway drive 8773978 in september prepare for december now on a new clare hecla gas furnace installation or fra gas la i lastalutmn of cwnparabu valu if preferred no payments no interest til october this spacial hwu tnm offer will interest the owners of older homes if yoo pi fimwn is overage wasting heat not doing the job get nd of it now take advantage of this ipecial moneysaving offer and ofoy cal itmtiatg comfort next winter and lower fuel bills as well cjata had furnaces carry a 20 yaar guarantee op heat exchanged g r muckart co ltd 15 mill st 8773592 8773660 mechamcal and electrical scjppiik and contracting x

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