Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 25, 1969, p. 20

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1 h t summit branch bulletin first copy off the press by ralph haw above should notify ann mh- hns of thw intentions at 0 general meeting of missionary to attend conference here rev e a ghne home on furlough from the asian mis sion field will be a speaker at the annual missionary confer- j v ence sponsored by georgetown col leaned over backwards to make raristian md missionary au1- the 120 group welcome next the branch ladies auxiliary pre- buy schadula there were darts and cards in pwic is invited to services aided over by president jean the trip to mufbn is just one the afternoon which was follow- bald the membership accept- date in a busy schedule ed by a roast beef dinner this edthe applications of six new g-h- october 4th there was fouowe3 with a social and members audrey weir jen- ste mterzont darts rt dance and guu were ay ualburn nellie bell dolle- j stsu wul wt a mar sam mcpherson two ladies were u oct lt the aius we 2s3j2 28 to competed crib- president o erin branch aux iliary which received its chart er in 1958 she was president initiated ir the tyw jneeang inre enthu vis- the branch saturday night dance missed those members bage and euchre competition woo visited mount dennis but which will commence at 2 pm was a good dance never- the still travelling this time to k n one could but help en- fbrlthre7yi prior to moving swsville to branch 139 joy the gay notes next week iw fronfthis district where a halloween social will the peel county genl return take place on thursday oct i ots are becoming quite the october general meeting jg ne bus leave u popular at the branch dances has been advanced to- october branc t 7 15 pm almost forrj 9 the date has been changed to t t0 men rone bowling at 1 a airillr 2o auxiary bowl qakvule bronte limthulloc ntwi host services at limehouse pres- lurch will be and 730 pm anniversary permit branch members to attend the 25thj gjnch will be host 1 birthday supper of branch 136 i milton auxiliary on thursday the f byterian church will be held oct 1 buses will leave branch summit should be in we nanos 120 at 615 pm those ladies in- of all branch members by now tending to aiticipat in the and the summit committee eag- sept 28 for erly await comments mostly constmcuve criucism they hope rhe wv haj very they are aware- that there is busy day at thejr food booth lots of room for improvement acton fall fair they are and hope each issue will be an now piling for p annua turkey supper on september 30 their regular meeting was week end special moccasins reg 595 far 395 discount- print on shoos for all the family i economy shoes moore park tuaza being held in xmmanuel luth eran church october 1 to 3 at b pjn and 7 pm sunday a sunday morning service will be held in cedarvale commun ity centre mr and mrs cline were loaned to the british and for eign bible society in 1962 and he has been administrator in viet nam cambodia laos and thailand in 1969 he was made asia secretary of the un ited bible society with head quarters in hong kong he will be reporting on the progress being made in war torn viet nam rev donald capps a mission ary in india and miss ruth stanley who serves in the afri can congo will also be speakers at the services rev david phillips who succeeded rev pavjl collins earlier this year as minister here is arranging the confer ence mr collins is now in viet nam suppler bake sale f planned for ucw i the first fall meeting of st johns united church women was held in the church hall wednesday sept 17 i three ladies from unit c mrs peggy bolton mrs jo morroy and mrs norma arth- urton gave the devotional theme was thou shalt kwev the first vice president mrs c hayes conductedthe business part of the meeting in the ab sence of president mrs stuart hall a fall project was discus sed and approved this being a fall supper in november inclu ding a bake sale table following the business an au- ctftm sale took place with mrs betty broomhead as auctioneer lunch was served by unit g m improvement on the last branch 130 mad wclcomo joe poiriers friday night w f hunter real estate mtoker rassjeatph streat urgently required homes in any price bracket for buyers who hava cash to the mortgage held at the church on tues- dart shoot was as always going da evenin of iast at ful blast last friday next friday because of the stag the wms met at the home members of the ladies auxiliary 0 president mrs mitchell will look after the darts fri- last thursday evening with day winners were e rippon l nine attending text word cross b parsons roma timp- c was answered in a verse son marg porter j andrews 0 scr scripture was r lincoln m norrie e ferg- read by mrs sanford and uson l bryan mrs roughley led in prayer ormie carters twelfth week mrs bert benton accompanied saw t cooper c mcfarlane herself while she sang break r louth r lockhurst and r thou the bread of life and rayner the lucky members then read the origin of the thirty three people from hymn mrs mitchell read a branch 120 enjoyed the hospit- tribute to the late miss olive ality of branch 31 mount den- marshall a former member of nis on saturday as in the past the society which was writ- the mount dennis members ten by mrs bert benton a short period of silence was ob served in memory of miss marshall mrs a w beoffin reviewed dont fence m in by ray davey where he recor ded in his diary events in vlis life as a ymca worker ror five years during the second world war three years as a prisoner of war and part of the time a padre in the camps the meeting closed with the lords prayer and the hostes ses served lunch afterwards 1 save money tirjta cotta 3 bedroom family home on nearly an acre of land 154x220 one quarter mile from paved road in beautiful terra cotta handy to general store children bussed to school have country living with town conven iences 65o0 retirement homh centrally located two bedroom bun galow on a quiet street close to shopping extra large liv ing room comfortable kitchen with plenty of cupboards 3 piece bathroom full basement and economical oil heat the nicely treed lot is 66x75 not too much to take care of but plenty on elbow room newly decorated vendor will assist in financing priced at 19500 close to shopping three bedroom square plan brick bungalow on nice wide residential street close to shopping the full basement is divided panelled and tiled 3 rooms with roughed in plumbing ready for a second bathroom see this today income potential 20900 brick bungalow this neat 3bedroom bungalow is on a nicely landscaped lot 50xl70 there are some beau tiful mature trees back and front a small patio and a garden tool shed at the back the full basement has a partially completed recreation room with a small office or den paved drive 28500 spotlight on value packed country two etorey brick and cedar siding construction four bedrooms family room highlighted by a log burning fireplace sliding doors to outside patio meal preparing a breeze in this ultra modern kitchen a bathroom of harmonizing tile and col oured fixtures plus vanity and a roughedln bath for a fu ture second combination living and dining room attached garage many extras and spotless throughout beautifully terraced lawn a wealth of living is in store for you in this gracious home situated on rolling one acre priced to sell fast owner transferred 33900 under construction located a few miles from town close to georgetown golf club ranch brick bungalow withy attached double garage 1435 sq ft of living area 1v4 batl rooms with vanity large family kitchen lshapcd living and dining room with stone fireplace the plan is most ap pealing one acre 125x350 35000 terra cotta on banks of the beautiful credit river la acres of gorgeous park land home with character four bedrooms four piece bath kitchen and dining room huge broadloomed living room with natural stone fireplace cup olashaped enclosed verandah double garage located very close to terra cotta inn s12000 down full price 39000 future development package 8 acre parcel with two aluminum siding homes on site one with 6 rooms 3 bedrooms 2 baths separate dining and living room family kitchen re room and extra bedroom in basement attach ed garage with grease pit and tool shed barn 27 x 36 the other is one and a half storey 5 rooms 3 bedrooms one has not been completed 2 bathrooms 1 up kitchen and living room separate tool shed 10xlo this property strategically located in the heart of a future development program industrial land nearly one acre zoned industrial m2 l shaped with iso of frontage on paved road by a depth of 179 plus an area of 85x80 on the l this prop erty may be bought intact or two or three separate lots low down payment make this property doubly attractive give us a call you may be able to set up that little shop for less than you think x lot in dan williams 6 x 130 x 6500 country two half acre parcels side by side 125x 175 each m00 15 beautiful acres ballinafad area some trees and meadow no low areas 25000 speculative farm hwy 7 frontage 95 acres with buudinci ua 125000 mrs a benton at jeans annual model sale all cars and plane models on sale buy 2 at 320 each and get one free or buy one at 225 we have the latest in space models do your christmas shopping aarly at jeans variety across from canadian tire vtio dddgbolara istm tflddook hasdtop ipolara models are available in convertible i our door sedan and two and threeseat wagon noa styles a new poiara custom line positioned between pokra and monaco offers two dow hardtop fourdoor sedan and two md threeseatwagons the monaco and monaco 900 lihasj ahd pleasanttorittu tinie ibt- include w o ftjurdoor hardtops and fourdoor sedans with th monaco also offering hr3 l mha thtwlut nriuimnm t lowed and threeseat wagons glen williams lucky dollar specials for septemb24 to 27 meat specials produce hspw campfre bacon lb 79c dms mclntosh apples 79c s z roasts lb 69c hgh ontario potatoes 25b 79c maple leaf wieners lb 49c vhh ontario potatoes l 39c j ground beef chuck lb 79c fpp oranges s doz 39c i 1 kraft dinners 71oo pantry shelf apple juice javex maxwell house coffee nestles 128 ox save 23 1 lb bag 69 chocolate quick 2 lbs 8 3 campbells tomato soup 10 ox 225 ubbys tomato catsup 11 ox 19 kennel club or tops dog food c 10stoo 101h tops cat food 15 ox six ajax 2 delenjent 3 229 heinz fancy tomato juice t9 ox six i lancia a macaroni spaghetti 2 h h- j quick or instant quaker oats 4a ox 59 sunspun canadian cheese slices i ox pkg 3i 1 8774441 s77vms v wd tyera erma der s773s52 afcftwra jmw norma smith 77ttw lloyd crlchton 177654t xxaiuj- canadas largest specialists in fabrics iijian come to brampton shoppers world with the newest most exciting fabric store in all of canada b early bird specials 58 imported crimplene knits 498 yd a 00 yd you must come and see the magnificent and elaborate displays of fabrics and draperies savings for thrift minded shoppers this hlffhfaslilon 100 polyatttr fabric will n t v r crmm or h r i n k it machlna wamhabla drlptvdry- pink ytllow- blua purptt navy cognac whlfa ate 36 imported cotton velvets a lu fabric closely wovn an with hlsl imtrout thxri th colour raneo includo rod roan blua purplo brown avocado black ore yw mull aoa hi reg 49 yd 399 yd 54 spun rayon suitings jm yd 2 yd ctuality in practical ipun rayon aultlnf thai effon a craamraslatant toxturo colour ful novalty affocta faalura plaldt with marchlnf plaint 36 washable conon prints just bout everything your heart could deslr in a aprltety collection of cot tons suukyi have all the nrw cya- popplng patterns including geometrica null floral atrlpea and noveluaa 45 smart treebark satin a heavy quality satin that provides irresistible eleajanca for bridals for- tnals party dresses fashionably cor rect shades include bluss green tur quoise pink ytllow mauve black white etc 45 washable polyester crepe every fall wardrobe ahould include this wonderful crepe that nutairally khruffi off creasea and wrtnuoi- it li machine washable will not ahrlnk drlpiwlry a host offabuloua coloura 36 plain prnwale corduroy the tinboatable fabric for rail aporto- wear itema of every descrlpuon stlt skya wide selection of vibrant colours include red brown gold green blue black etc a btf buy i sb imported bonded acrylic mostly plaids and checks in this spectal grouping the bonding process rrovldes extra bulk and warmth a oat of fall colours will make it easy to plan dresias skirts or pant suits 98c yd 2798 yd 349 yd 99c yd 398 yd special purchase grouping of 54 assorted woollens reg 395 to 895 yd whili supply lasts yd 199 299 399 yd yd tweeds piain checks and novelty weaves custom tailored free with your drapery fabric purchase i jusl pay far the fabric from im yd or up and accesaorlea and titky will cuitomraaka your draparlea minimum 71 aanatti with no additional chart 45 magic crepe prints a bright hahdwaahsble acetate and viscose material that is universally used for dresses blouaes snd linings chooae from a delightful selection of rich florala and novelty prlnta 159 yd stork hours brampton 10 am to id pm phone 6777427 shoppers world cor highway 10 and simim av t 45 printed hopsacking a most practical ruatked fabric that lendi itself to a multitude of deco llating uses choice colours for drapea vpbolatarlnc ate on sale n59 yd a 45 assorted cotton drapery prints rio to ls yd batlxlaf a uaaa i w fresh new took to your home wltn thae cotton drap fs yd other storaa to sarv ychii maim store 754 6athurst st cedarbrab plaza northtown shopfitm csmtsmi clovbsdali x

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