Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 25, 1969, p. 4

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7 i lift georgetown herald vrv v t tiiettitmrby horn nawfpert limited 22 main st south georgetown ontario w c biihn publisher page 4 thursday september 25th 196 k editorial comment historic move poswmy georgetowny orfesf tenant credit masonic lodge will soon be vacat- tag the third floor of a downtpwn building to move into a newly built temple on high way 7 just outside town limits towards ac tori the lodge will be completely moved in by the weekend the century old lodge has a long and interesting history and will mflrk a new milestone when it locates in the brand new bnuilding willing membersjiave donated rime to- finishing the building which held the contract price to a minimum whilealso giving masons a chance to feel a personal relationship with the handsome new struc ture appropriate festivities are being plan ned by the lodge 4o mark the move a dinner to which dignitaries of grand lodge and members of district lodges vyill be tn- vited is being planned next months and arrangements have been made to have in open house this sunday afternoon in the new masonic temple when the general public and members wives and families will have an opportunity to view the building the masons are one of the towns oldest institutions with a- long record of service to its members- while not a service club and rarely making a direct contribu tion to public affairs the nature of masonry is such that it has an indirect effect on a community helping its own members when need arises and contributing to a towns public image by creating better citizens schooled in the tenets of lodge work we wish credit lodge the best as members start their second century notoriety pays off were glad we didnt watch w5 on sunday night and were sorry we did watch the channel 9 newscast reaching for a news angle the pro gram should have had viewers retching as they trotted out one of americas most notorious criminals to meet a man who had served a 37 years jail sentence for a crime which the former had committed the news showed only one brief shot in this recentlyfreed man was complim- ar big for his courage and good- we subscribe to the theory that these two have paid their debt to society and should be allowed to live a normal life but we dont believe that they should be held up as examples of a miscarriage of jus tice and b gallantry and paid to appear on a news show the one gentleman though wrongly imprisoned for a bank robbery has taken it philosophically as being punisfied for several others which he did commit the other knows full well that he cannot be tried now september morn ir co irg to a bck rcb- l it left one with the implication that channel 9 thinks he is aok and perhaps is toymg with the idea of glorifying the two in a series v a place to visit l we took advantage of a warm sunny september day to visit the aacmichael art gallery at kleinberg as did several thous and others on sunday the aacmichaels collectors particular ly of paintings by the group of 7 decided not to hoard their treasures and have op ened their home to the public on certain days turning their collection into a pub lic affair other art collectors have donated paintings to make this one of the largest collections of canadian art possible they have even gone so far as to al low the public to enter their living room where not only can one enjoy paintings but carefully selected antiques as well treasury board president is commerce chamber speaker those attending next wednes days meeting of the chamber of commerce will have an op portunity of hearing one of canadas leading members of parliament y- halton mp rixllwhiting reportsa i i f rn rvrtrrrrmifnmthinq of a hero of himself possibly expiation for rjrury pres of the treasury the numerous crimes he did commit makes one wonder where our se of values is in todays world board is mj for st- antoine weslmount quebec he has been minister of defence prod uction minister of industry and in prime minister tru- deaus first cabinet he held the before the second session of parliament under the pres ent government opens on oct 22 is a good time to reflect on what has taken place since talc position of minister of tradel ng office just a little more than as an added feature the toronto ca bin where tom thomson executed many of his masterpieces has been moved to the site along with some of his effects giv ing an intimate glimpse of how one artist worked there is no admission charge and we highly recommend a visit to kleinburg even if you dont consider yourself artistically- minded there has been a tremendous up swing in art appreciation in ontario these past few years collections like the aac michael one freely shared with the public will increase our knowledge of and pride in artists who rank with the best in the world and commerce he has held his present post since july 1968 mr drury attained the rank of brigadier while serving with the canadian army overseas during world war it his dls tingulshed career in the public service has included chief of the unrka mission to poland and positions with the economic division department of exter nal affairs and deputy minister department of national def ence halton mp rud whiting is al so expected as a guest at the meeting which will be held at georgetown golf sc country club kids getting rough deal have you noticed what has happened to all those tense ha rassed haggard harried hys terical women who were around ah summer theyve suddenly turned into at cats smiling re laxed ready to turn the other cheek rather than belt you on yours know why because thelr idds ere back to school thats why not that they dont love their children no no no all mothers love their children but they x5ant stand thenv after two months holidays paradise- on earth is not the isles of greece or two cars or 4 credit cards or a mink stole tf sitting down with a cup of coffao after tho kids are off to school and rsaliaing that you wont- so them for any where from thro to six hours silence golden no more of janes mean billy wont give back my bike when are we going for aswim i wanna pop aide theres nothing to do its hot outside how come we never have any cold sop and ooar- lucky ladies no dirty bare feet tracking through the house mo whining no demands for the impossible no fighting no thing but an hour of blessed sohtnde wiitfta cup of coffee and maybe a cigarette for the depraved and nothing to listen to except jolly jack the disc jockeys wi getting at the di- bm flillau wtjninc is a plet- bvm there nobody there 1 fell and tanrt my jb knee well girls i hope you enjoy it you deserve it but while youre lolling in this sybaritic splendor let me remind you that i and all the other idiots who teach school are stuck with your rotten kids for 10 months six hours a day keep this in mind when you scream at your horrendous education taxes its not that i dont enjoy getting back on the job in sep- ember if i did i wouldnt be right in the head its a pleas ant change after two months of my wife and daughter drlv ing me crazy singly or in tan dem instead of two women yatter- ing and wheedling and scold ing and nagging and cajoling and conning me all i have to face is about 165 kids doing the same but theres safety in numbers and i have some authority at school if a kid bugs me too much i can threaten him with all sorts of dreadful punish ments liko being sent to the principals office which terri fies him about as much as be ing attacked by a bunny rab bit or i can resort to the final edict look if youre 16 and you dont like it here out vamos raus get lost theres the door youre free this is fairly effective especially in winter because they dont want to go to work another delightful aspect of getting to work is meeting all my old friends on the staff theres tfce cotenmlirast wfct p of the staff room at lunch hour much like the atmosphere of the french salons of the 18th century whos got the cross word puzzle gawd my feet are sdllin me jeez i wish it was jbviday and theres the genuine thrill of staff meetings where the real gritty business of edu cation is discussed with a dig nity and decorum that would shame the senate sometimes in only 40 minutes we decide whether gumchewing is al lowed dally or only during ex ams to relieve tension and often with remarkable dis patch say half an hour we decide within four inches how long a boys hair or how short a girls dress must be however i do like kids and it is rewarding to watch them oropo than cop and a f wl go a couple of former students now at university who were real hellers when i taugttt them ashed me out for a game of oolf and then little olrl called me up and asked if she could bt in my english class and jerry a boy of whom i rather despaired but a good lad asked kim what i wanted for a gift last june when he graduated magna sans laude she replied rather intellig ently i thought give him something he likes and some thing useful all on his own he hustled downtown and bought me a bottle of good burgundy and three golf balls when a chap shows judgment like that you cant help feeling youve succeeded somehow beautiful fall for some people this is their favourite time of year and 1969s september has been a highlight for those who love the soft autumn days with s tang in the night air assign conveners catholic women make bazaar plans the catholic womens leag ue bazaar coming up october 18 was the main topic at the first monthly meeting of the holy cross cwl monday sept 15 mrs ailcen mcintosh is in charge of the draw tickets and the games of chance are in the hands of the knights of col umbus mrs loretta heslin is in charge of the novelty bouti que and the home baking table is being taken charge of by mrs margaret wilcox mrs marcy pignatell is in charge of the penny table the country store is being looked after by mrs pay sherk mrs van hoekelen is hostess for the afternoon tea table the ash pond is in the hands of mrs jessie milton and the snack bar is being taken care of by the cyo fall fair coming only another week and geor getowns big fall fair will be here plan to attend this fine show featuring farm stock hall ex hibits midway and all the at tractions for young and old georgetown herald published by home ntwsaapers limited georgetown ontario walter c bithn publisher garfield mcollvray production superintendent advertising manager frank mullln news editor accountant terry harley aileen bradley valerie caruso anne carrie reporter leslie clark dave hastings xetfa hope it lasts a few more i myles gllson john hcclements weeks ik 1 lm george young a year ago the questions i ask are what has it meant to me and the government to the people of halton and the country certainly we can be grateful that canada is such a great and peaceful place to live we are fortunate not to have the prob lems and outbreaks of violence which are being suffered in vietnam israel in nigeria and czechoslovakia during the hat year we have had our problems we had to deal with inflation with wheat sales with the french- english relations- the issues which made the most headlines were rule changes in the house of commons the new criminal code and language bill there were a total of 47 bills passed last session almost a record to tal the rule changes will si low us to get more business done in the house and prevent the usual backlog of govern rccnt business being carried over from one session to the next with irritating regularity from now on opposition parties as well as government mem bers will be aware of the time limit on each debate and will put their best speakers and best points of view forward changes in the criminal code enacted last session i think will help the individual canad ian because of the improve ments regarding passport cru elty to animals firearms con trol and harrassing telephone calls but many of our laws are still as old as the country and must be brought up to date a select group of individuals will be asked during the next sess ion to study the criminal code from start to finish and to bring it completely up to date these are necessary changes and re flect the governments efforts to make canadas laws equal to our just society one ofmy responsibilities this year has been to sit on the regional development commit tee i have visited some of the poorer regions of the country and can now understand the statement by prime minister trudeau when he said i feel a just society would have to solve the problem of regional economic disparities for in stance which means that people who live in regions which arc undeveloped have claim against the whole of the society to be able to attain in some way av erage standards of welfare and growth in order for the society to be just one fact which should never escape us is that we are not only citizens of canada but our whole living is influenced by what happens in the outside world interest rartes increases in canada for example m a3 reflection of increased rates in the united states and europe inflation at home is a reflection of inflation the world over that is why we must continue to exercise our influence in the world economy i believe mr trudeau sum med it up very well earlier this year when be said our place in the world our contributions to a peaceful and just world are i think best illustrated by the decision we made on nato by our reassessment of our for eign policy by our decision to move to recognize red china our new policies concerning south america and europe 1 think we are now reor ienting our foreign policy our trade and indeed our military policy in a way that is breaking the pattern of the past 100 years when all the trade all the travel all the immigration all the culture went more or less back and forth across the at lantic or across the border of me us now i think it is up to us to realize the tremendous undeveloped potential of this country not only in terms of mines and resources but in terms of our geography before the next session starts i feel that i want to give you the opportunity to tell me what you think about the govern ments progress when you have a moment would you complete the following questionnaire and drop it in the mail do not sign your name un less you want to i am not nec essarily interested in relating the answers to individuals un less you yourself want it that way but rather looking for a cross section of opinion 1 all things considered the liberal government in the last year has been a better government than i expected they would be from mm heralds of 10 20 and 30 years ano i95 necessary bylaws approving an 87 lot housing sub division in the old cedijrvalefarm orchard were passed this week by council subdivides bob lane has now received the all clear sign to proceed with the pro ject which will fill one of the few large remaining tracts of land in the older part of georgetown with houses william bassett has been appointecf manager of the royal bank branch here succeeding dick miller who assumed his ne duties at stoney creek this week bassett comes to hi new post from newmarket mr filler who succeeded bob darou here has been pro- minent in the lions club since coming to town and has just completed a term as club president 1948 i the narne phoenix house main street giftshop and jewel lery store operated by mr and mrs paul barber was officially changed last week to barbers jewellery and gifts the store located in the lane block in the prerrjises last rented by a e wright meat market was v opened in 1945 by jack thompson who sold out in the spring of hhe next year to barbers miss olive atoyer is a sales clerk in the store i the local contracting firm of j b mackenzie and son has started building operations in glen williams for the new three room school which will replace the old school which collapsed during excavations for a plan- ned addition the contract price is 55847 classes meanwhile are meeting in st albans parish hall and the united church sunday school room 1939 in order that georgetown and district women have a part in war work should the need arise a meeting was called in 1he public library last friday evening by his worship mayor joseph gibbons when the ladies turn ed out in large numbers to offer their services in time of emergency mayor gibbons said in the past the wo men of georgetown had done many things for the benefit of the community and he knew they would rally to the war work with the same enthusiasm mrs elsie bell gardner of burlington who is the halton convener of the vrcw and who explained most fully the necessity of every woman registering for war work urged that this county do all they can to put halton well into the lead in the voluntary registration of canadian women asked every woman between the ages of 16 an peopll rlad thl hlirald to buy and buy till herald to read business directory bepaw hnitt accutron setvtca centra john b0ught0n jewellers certified watchmakers 5 mails st n 877431j have been about what i peeled of them have not been as good a govern ment as i hoped 2 reason for answer 3 the most important pieces of legislation the government has dealt with in the past year arc 1 2 3 t 4 frhen the government comes back in session this fall i think the most important is sues they should tackle arc 1 u2 c0rbett chiropractic clinic spinal xray service available br appointment 8774631 49 mill st old post office w h car professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyor office 8772211 8774300 horn mis lc millesse ontario land surveyor 65 duncan drive georgetown 8776275 residence optometrist l m brown r0 47 main st n suite 1 for appointments phono 77371 optometrist rr hamilton ro 116 mountainvlew south carreul building for appointment 8773971 this space for sale wallace thompson 3rd division court 8773963 clerk a commissioner monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone ttl7580 62 water street north g a lt barragers cuantrsshlrt launderera 87742 18 main s 168 guelph all work done en pretnlasi for all tout insurance neebs auto ufa ami boslness consult john r lewis 4599052 i to r fo w work they do best those 9 appointed t- tsh- charge of registrations to be held next week were miss bil bennett miss mary lavson aaiss nellie maynard miss isabel thompson mrs t grieve mrs g dann mrs w carney mrs r barber aars p coffin mrs r guyot and mrs p gillivet women registering may be able to knit drive a car take old country children into their homes should the need arise and do various other tasks to help lan- ada and britain in their fight for freedom booths wilt be in ward one at the united church ward two the barber greenhouses and ward three the public lib rary

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