Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 2, 1969, p. 1

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-4- yy t ww i grand daddy of county tbp geatgrtam fbht ss ouecset uditnltubb 3ai ttjbc cevutty aastj- far 123 years started a ims op tie xssjnjesagl v taral sonets fie bss stasia tfte tibaeasef the wmmibty a tall eating a pfa aaeeft rid ftwrah aaaf a ffftace fte bssr livestock haest ratei est and uvestock judging a georgetown fair feature after ygs ifcaaaaag a 1 i n lassie tnorma les- few weeks bard wart uk efrflie c acton will also take tctocot o gmn at win b nipcatotfag tnral saetctw arc ready a fee stand bythegirls pipe band sentaaatter great pam bbsr eaj viaoe hoantfard the genial ncee win keep things rolling daring the afternoon highlights of the fair will in dude the grand horse show jumpers quarter horses carri age and road teams ponies and draft horses georgetown fair sue gained a reputation for one tf jhe finest horse shows ate cah fair entries are coming in every day for the cattle and sheep sows and the 4rh clubs eager to compete with their calves and sheep the newly renovated annour- s should lie a boon to the showing of home crafts flowers and vegetables tbere will be plenty of eating booths by lqcal organiwrtiqis as well as those with the mid way those providing hot dogs sandwiches pie ice cream and coffee include the barbershop- pers orion and verdun lodges kinsmen norval jr farmers continued on back page tbfe jeevs bbr setts ff to a fine start en rotas wteai ad the ball esbkbs wffl be gftaceav and indaedlttaca m the cw- log tt haul sujb be eotest cor inspection and take beg star broadway tssdway off qttsawa wfll ads that pay you can place an ad in th heralds classified pagai b phoning 8772201 buying or jealling the hiram it where you will find tha result you want of course sesarcbrip wss be the big day adhea fibe caor wad be opened aft 2 gum bey geor ge atfcinfk cbc outuuua carm commentator atogitony bg ether haltnf tutairae ttlbe oo3asw dairy petnoes jioss ijarene archdebtt aff xocrah aid the xt ion georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and districf printing publishing the georgetown herald ha served georgetown and district as printers and publishers for over a century offering tha best in fine printing and new coverage v second class mail registered number 0943 return postage guaranteed 2nd 1969 500 per yean single copy price ton cents drowning accidental jury urges government control death by accidental drown- 1 chest does not move when the ing was the verdict at the in quest wednesday night into the death of slavo waterfalls viuetic july 20 at waterfalls playground the five man coroners jury urged the implementation of the same red cross recommen dations made to another coron ers jury two years ago when a 5 year old girl was drowned at the same fork the jury consisting of the chairman r j cunningham tom beer john noble dave barclay and raynor wild era phasid the need for gpyem- nwhlmrvufetions covering all areas which charge admission for their recreational facilities at the moment there are only regulations covering swimming pools presiding coroner dr g w phillips of oakville assured the jury their verdict would be i passed along to the proper authorities pathologist dr d w thomp son testified there was mater ial from his stomach in his lungs and there was no evidence of violence or any other possi ble cause of death but drown ing he stated the blood sample showed 008 per cent alcohol which could mean he may have bad two or three pints of beer or three to four ounces of li quor or eight to ten ounces of wine in reply to a question from juryman tom beer the pathol ogist stated the liquor would take ten to fifteen minutes to enter the blood stream constable gary corman of the north halton opp said the quarry was around 90o feet long and six hundred feet wide going to a depth of thirty feet at the deepest part he stated vulctic was found in water between five and ten feet deep the constable sta ted there were no lifeguards on duty tihere was no life sav ing equipment of any kind and there was no means of getting anyone out of the water at most points since the sides of the quarry are steep he also pointed out that the water var ied in depth suddenly mira vistica speaking thro interpreter libby rajic anoth er witness told of hearing slav- kos call turning around and not being able to see him she called for help and pointed out where he had disappeared libby rajic first into the water to dive for the drowning man told of diving three to four thnes unsuccessfully when a brother ivan vuletlc suddenly stumbled on the body with his feet i started giving mouth to mouth resuscitation in the wa ter said mr rajic then someone brought an air mat tress i kept trying to revive him while we pulled him on the mattress he added he told of another man7ancajiadiair guy he described him who took jver from him and kept up jfte fflouthomouth resuscitation inthe playground and all the way to the hospital in the am bulance he did a great job said mr rajic coroner g w phillips com mended libby rajic for the speed with which he started the mouth to mouth resuscita tion and suggelted that if tbe ir is breathed in the mouth and throat should be checked for any blockage libby rajic hastened to point out that it was this canadian guy who deserved all the cre dit since he had kept it up right till the doctors took over al the hospital ivan vuletic brother of the drowned man testified he had only one beer at the house in weston before leaving for the swimming area he said he was a fair swimmer and could tread water its a nflcewaterhole if you want to use it but it is danger ous stated joe prucyk owner of the waterfalls playground who admitted there was no saf ety equipment at the quarry and only charged for going into the playground where there are trees and picnic tables he said there were sign saying no swimming and dangerous at the quarry in answer to a question from assistant crown attorney mur ray roulston mr prucyk stat ed he had lifeguards at one time but nobody paid any at tention to them m you carry out the recom mendations made by the red cross when the little girl drowned two years ago at your place asked the assistant crown attorney i got no list of recommendations replied mr prucyk have you installed any first any equipment since lhe first drowning asked the coroner no replied the owner brian paterson director of water safety services for the ontario red cross stated on his inspection trip on august llth there had been no chan ges since he visited after the previous drowning except the parking lot in the quarry had been extended this would be encouraging people to use the quarry i would think he com mented the red cross representative termed diving conditions hazar dous due to the protruding rocks and claimed underwater diving equipment would be nec essary to effect a rescue in deep water he went on to list recommendations made two years ago he cited the follow ing one area should be sel ected for swimniting and it marked off with ropes and buoys with varying depths marked the rocks should be cleared and lifeguards hired he advocated tho purchase of a- rcsuscitator and a paddle boat in closing he stressed that there arc no regulations at present governing small lakes and ponds assistant crown attorney roulston briefly summed up the evidence prosanted which the jury retired to delib erate on their verdict newfcdrjucl cbb mtcdxnlip now 45 i j from a moctea hrjnu t years aso wilh cess members the nerf annta dsife bb has a thriving membership ff 45 7be first umatsxg eff trbrtr 2nd season hekt xknnirc- macht at cedarvale cwnmnntcy oentne saw uicfeaec njrai elecsea pre- sacre coeur recreation hall near completion the new sacre coeur recre- ation hall presently being built behind the church on guelph small cat hlps street near john street will be officially opened the middle j jkios i wo rlult of november slrcetsviuc men wote the 80 x 55 building will hurt when their small car sip- serve as a gym a recreation ped on its side and skidded p t v brmicr lal vmiliril hall a banquet hall and in adj ross highway 7 opposite the ctasse utmh ebqutlntj council dition will be rented out for hyland avenue comer in moore s various occasions there will be park early sunday morning ecas bbmter are mrs a complete kitchen cloakrooms iv r 1 washrooms and showers plus the car was eastbouhd on the mdbe ptesec mte bny fox- few small rooms which may highway and had just entered patrick and to ftora the towns western limits when the driver lost control the car four die in car crashes briefs be used as club rooms the parking has been exten ded behind the church to ac- esqnesing council monday instructed the clerk to invite tenders for a new fire truck u ciabl seen tto any xwi according to specifications swerved sharply and then left ttaadbwtar a tu im sorl drawn up ty the tire marshals two accidents monday one tuesday cause fatal injuries its wheels four lives were snuffed out in three district motor accid ents thjaweck an elderly vomnn died ii a ial ere ery ajarf a eri and georgetown fire chief commodate the 180 capacity of ing and 2 time iea ienvmber jack cunningham four compi crash on no 17 sidcroad and the banquet hall 1 injured were the driver jef- many cbrtfftwod braennsfcips amies le ftance nordic steel two men were killed at hornby frey dpherty who suffered have been remrawi oa oris clnb k3ngseagrave and c f hickey on monday and the fourth vic- bruises and scrapes to his left will receive the specs j tim an elderly man died in an arm and left ankle and a pos- a mm j sible concussion and gilbert 1imstlogl llsdffts langc who subcred body cuts u g and back injuries ull tfoudcy jcclm the building costing 35000 is under the supervision of father andre simard who is in charge of all the subcontrac ting capacity enrolment for hockey school they were taken to hospital accident on highway 7 six mil es east of here tuesday council also o agreed to allow pete po- meroy sports shop in george- william wilcox 87 of hut- town to sell hunting licenses tonville was a passenger in a tt uhze3ttp fli 1 other outlet in georgetown van driven by his son fred wil- in a georgetown police cruiser si t is richardsons crest hardware cox of port credit which was georgetown backs tans may rjecmed to noti mrs e involved in a three truck col- dama l0 hp ssox have m ubsnndace w 3m- walsnl wn0 for side at 115 tuesday after- geprgetown minor hockey the accident happened at 1 5o teams a wastdi lis season oie sid f confed support groups annual hockey am otlion street in glen w school continues to attracts ca- tlloustt jter imktfc micyjj ice pacity enrolments the school a collision saturday niht did a team the jteuff c ejtoi esee- l eol on done und which started monday night is 90o damage to vehicles driven ottve are eomannnnfl s3a lac ocal improvement upon re- bulging with 260 registered for b james k asquith of bramp- of bodies a crjanfts to date a iving a petition from the the three week long courses t an ford tremain of hep- situation mburdi wt2 lfate to im- ratepayers wort h prove soq iff ttfte mnfianization recei two nightly sessions run to sumose lington that they are opting from 630 to 8 o and from they hit headon on guelph jout of the joint fire protection ontario 8 until 930 most of the seven street just cast of the queen flrhite tiryaafis ra jtast season aerecmcnt effective march ij t to damage was close eight and nine year olds are in street comer at 740 pm have draara 3u 8a 35 pbyers 1970 according to the agree- t0 3500 the early group 1 the sessions to dbae aw attrac- j nwmt any member may with i ted only aooac mne n itba avldraw upon six months noucc j mabel gould 81 of toronto theyre getting hockey basics i make sure erage commented theres nothi died in a two car crash monday the drivers of the other veh- icles harold wiseman of bram pton in a construction company truck and cecil goss of tor- received word from bur- a bel1 telephone truck were not seriously hurt provi nci al police from gerry inglis ron dixon junior beaumont paul barber parents does your child conflictma rnmmuib abwnt lhe if we wanted to when present norm lockhurst paul ward know the bicycle safety rules intennediaae eftdi a3so jnn thai ed with a letter from melvin with assistance from referees remind them to ride single file teams futinre tin tfinniml al press slalus of norval seeking appro- brian lewis of the nhl ron signal turns and not to carry time tlary hndl mm bnobed iceiva for the opening of an anti- brecn gerry perkins and don passengers at gcorgetxnaai konsnmal arena que shop ing we can do to stop it even noon at the intersection of no 17 sidcroad and the 4th line west chinguacousy two miles east of georgetown golf country club three passengers in the caf driven by mrs geuld were hurt eleanor taylor 88 suffered fractured ribs and shock sus an sheffield 80 head cuts and shock and daisie mcconnachie 66 chest and back rnjuriesi they are all toronto residents the other car was driven by key wey 16 rjt 2 norval ha received facial cuts both vehicles were totally wrecked the hornby interchanget oa highway 401 was the scene et mondays double fatality hogob garahian and ures shalian both of kitchener were killed when their late model car skidded out of control and flipped end over end also diufr ing the noon hour the high powered sports car had only 377 miles on the speedometer both men were thrown out of the car which flipped several times after leaving 1000 feel of skid marks m- offered 70 night school classes now pared to 19 v headline error the headline on a front page story in the september 25 her ald erred in stating that a car hit a bicycle in a september 20 accident at the corner of guelph and queen streets bruce peck- age 14 at rpxway drive wa hurt when his bike rammed the side of the car operated by keitubarber of queen st masons mw home open house was held at this new masonic temple on hwy7 just building was constructed for the most part by volunteer labour gesorgeflowni western limits saturday the stay and more pictures on pag 6 due to insufficient registrat ion only 19 night school cours es out of a total of 70 iriginal- ly offered will actually be in operation when night school herald now solely thomson newspaper the thomson newspapers or ganization has acquired all out standing interest in the daily timcs- conservator brampton and the georgetown herald georgetown and has disposed at its interest in the daily jour nalrecord oakville and south peel weekly port credit the change of ownership of these newspapers was announc ed this week in a statement is sued by home newspapers ltd a company jointly controlled by thomson newspapers organiia- tipn and the toronto star ltd in commenting on the trans action st clair mccabe exec utive vice president and mana- ing director of thomson news papers ltd said although thomson newspapers had man agement control of these news papers for some years the com plete acquisition of the bramp ton and georgetown newspapers will enable its to make a more significant contribution to these two growing communities starts october 6 only one academic class sur vived grade 13 english which will be taught at milton high school the georgetown and milton class was pooled due to the small number of students enrolled in each town only three commercial class es typing 1 and a combined bookkeeping and business ma chines class will be held with eleven technical courses originally listed two are left in operation electricity i and wel ding again this year it seems to y be the women who care about physical fitness since their course survived but the mens was dropped dressmaking 1 and 2 convcr salional french combined be ginners arid advanced oil pain ting woodworking and furnit ure rcfinishing and upholstery are the remaining general inter est courses still operating while in some doubt nj hooking is expected to go ah ead but with the term shorten- ed from 20 to 10 weeks the large increase in fees coupled with the wide range at night courses offered at sherid an college are twoof the rea sons suggested for the sharp drop in night school enrolment this year

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