Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 2, 1969, p. 4

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ityvrry i t v v tt f georgetown herald pubthhod by horn newspipaira limited 22 araln st souro georgetown ontario s w c btmn publumr page 4 thursday october 2nd 1969 were behind you dr bissell v like a refreshing wind oil i humid day dr claude bissell rose in righteous rath last week and told a group 6f snar ly young students that the university of forortto was going to get tough and deal rithherrmfthey- didnr-step-thetr-shenant- r the university president seems to fee tearing the boiling point and with just juuse he has been harassed tormented smiled by young reactionaries who in any jther segment of society would have long jince been dealt with j they apparently have the academic j rains to graduate from high school but in le learning process they apparently have ot been taught by either parents or teach- irs the basic elements of good manners jnd common sense dr bissell now faces his waterloo and svere solidly behind him z a large segment of the public people like ourselves whose taxesgo to operate these higher schools of learning are get- tine mightily fed up with young crackpots so far men like dr bissell have had little public support but the tide is turning daily paper editorials once slanted to the stud ents are novbacking him up as yet the jvmoapgovemfneht tends to play footsie with the youngsters with an eye on future votes they might not if they have heard what we have in recent months people who say they have voted conservative all their lives are open in saying that next election it will be different 1 if the universities had a majority of students kicking up their heels action might have to be different but this isnt so the large majority are too intent on getting an education and a bit of fun along the way to pay any at tention to the rabble rousers when they do being only human they tend to join the pack briefly though we venture to say most of them forget next day what they were so het up about fhe campbells are coming teaching the wrong lessons in st leonard complicating dr bissell action and probably enough to give him the scream- ing mimies is a report by a professor ijpampbell a member of the economics de- jwrtment at the university z he suggests a course of action that ajvould make management union negotia tors in industry look like childs play basis of his reasoning is that direct iction against students must be avoided 4ihort of threats to burn down the buildings if there are classroom disturbances m jitins or public insults to faculty members jirst the authorities must try to reason with jvie culprits if this fails he suggested a series of committees and commissions jomposed of students and professors ap- jeal boards ad irrfitim a delaying tao- 3ic which could see most of the commit- 3ee members and the offenders graduated fcefore a decision is reached and to balance what might seem like jjnfair action against young people he t zprotecfed crossings news that every railway crossing in jhaltoh is now protected with automatic sig- jjiels is welcome and should mean less 3ncicience of accident in future i ua has taken many years for our reil- avay system to accept the automobile as a act of life flashing signal lights are rhe unly possible way to warn motorists of an pproachg train end until every iuch 5crossirg in canada is so protected we should keep promoti g signals triere is one crossing in bruce county suggests that erring professors should also come under scrutiny of such committees in this case composed of a majority of stud ents when such hairbrained schemes come out of an economics department at one of canadas largest universities perhaps we are due for a look at what makes u of t tick and it shouldnt be up to or bissell in this case the blame has to be shouldered by education minister william davis whohas let wayouters like mr dennis perpetrator of rhe halldennis report start our public and high schools on a downskid which is going to seriously impair the future of a whole generation of youngsters the sooner we get some common sons back into our school system the soo ner well get away from the nauseating stories which fill our papers end television newscasts day after day which has always had us puzzled driving out of hanover to the paisley road there is a signal flasher at one crossing on the road to paisley which is heavily travelled the same rail line crosses that road but here a motorist must rely on his eyes and ears one must keep in mind of course that automatic signals are not an absolute and no matter how many times they trm tested there is always the possibility of a mechan ical failure look and listen is till the axiom when approaching a railway crossing 5tanfield in halton speaks ffonight at young pc dinner t3 hon robert sttnfeld will lead off to call season jhalton cty ypc distinguished speaker series fir stsrrfield aviu apeak at a dinner at the yoliday inn oajtviile tonight 2 the prospect so inter- esting eveninf and lively siuestion period has evoked con- jriderable interest and should attract a large crowd said pc residebt dot mcarthur ti- set may still be obtained m any conservative execut ive member or from the milton w oekville offices of peter mc- jwiuiama other memben eu ected to the executive at the 2yfc annual meeting were bob yettitt as vice president cyn- 4hia wardell as secretary bruce venables as treasurer nd peter stenman aa auditor ssruce mckinnon remains on 2he executive aa past president plans were also announced 2lor the preparation of position papers on several topics of in- ttereat ff axe launching a jstudy into the pollution of wa iter soil and sir in the halton county region and will submit results and recommendat- ons to the appropriate govern- ent levels said bob pettitt in addition we are looking into question of library facilities halton and will also under- i a review of lit stanfielda of a guaranteed annual lpeeme be mid m wtd- the case with uie brief recently prep- wc study group and fcjwatlon minls- jijtw tnaly- mi sis a these topics will be oh jective and will reflect th interests ct hilton county generally rather thin any par ticular group or political party in the mail iag se you at the first shonr of the season probably october 23 m and 28 your very truly r hunt chairman publicity comitnttee little theatre starts simple man rehearsals dear friends once igsin georgetown ijt- tla theatre is off and running heading for our tenuh ennsecu tive season and hoping to be able to otfer you an ever lmpro ving programme ot live the- tre our flrat production itattle of simple man is already well into rehesrail and la shaping up quite nicely all that is required to complete the picture is a nice healthy sized membership to make all our efforts worth while no matter how fine the production all the blood sweat ind tear that go into it are wasted without an audience to appreciate it so if you are at all in terested in theatre or if you have never seen one of our productions may i respectfully auggest that you take a look it oar brochure and if you like the look of what you see please complete it and mail it off as soon aa possible thank you for your time and heres hoping that we shall museum gets 1500 from education board the halloa education board thursday night agreed to donate lfloo to the royal ontario museum in toronto museum director peter swan wrote the board asking for a donation of 2b0b fit based on the fact that 1000 studenta from halton went through the museum lest year singleton ald the museum is a cause worthy of support which was used extensively by halton students he left it up te the trustee to name an amount w b rdwardf chose f 1000 which he said work out to ap proximately do cent per stud ent who visited the museum rimimbir ttont have a onatradr mlndr especially aays the ontario safety league whan you are waiting for a slow freight train to clear the crossing rememb er that an express may be com ing down the other track the district at a glance voters decide who is eligible brampton brampton voters will decide december 6th whe ther every one 21 and over should be permitted without property qualifications to vote in municipal elections council last week passed a bylaw put- j ting 1he question on the ballot present qualifications arc that they own or rent property as sessed at s300 or more or are husbands or wives oi such own- era plan restricts gravel pits caldon an omu hearing in the controversial caledon town- 1 ship oftjcial plan will he held nov 12 13 and it u approved the plan will restrict travel pij to areas of the towfiahvfr already being used for this pur- 1 pe j terrorized br hunters nassagaweya this township is being terrorized by hunters i who take pot shots at cows put farmers off their own land ic- nore private properly siyns shoot rahbits on front lawns o farm houses and are a dancer to ohildren playing outdoors the complaints were registered by nassagaweya councillors last week when they met to set up hunter license outlets in the township r james watson said the infractions taking place in the township are alarming quitting fire area burlington burlington will be withdrawing from the mil ton fire protection area april 1st 1070 burlington council agreed last week under the current agreement a large nor thern section of burlington is serviced by milton fire depart ment burlington fire chief heg law says he ran rslublish a is man volunteer force and station in kilbride in rural hurling ton for 50000 sunday billiards scratched milton milton council has rejected an appeal to permit billiard rooms to be open on sunday from 1 34 to 9 p in the move was defeated on a 03 recorded vote in an emotional debate ct c saiiillle dcclured- it la already difficult for a woman to walk olnng t ho street without receiving insulting com ments from youtlis standing ar ound j6th fair breaks records actoni while other fall fairs in the province reported dwin dling attendance and lugging interest the mlth annual acton fair broke all previous gate records with another giln two- day event sept 20 and is i highlight of hi years fair was the vult of lieutenant gover nor iloas mcdonnld and hii honour guard fly pont walk kim t they not away just in time my nerves stretched like a rubber band were about to snap tonight as i sit alone with the cat in blessed peace i teel as though i might last for a bit yet the last of my rotten kids has cone off to college and her mother rnluctant as ever to raise her wing and let bar chick go went with her the latter will be back in a few days and tha former will probably be beck in a few weeki but ifs a wonderful re- tfiilav even rhe cat looks mora relaxed but maybe thats be cause h is pregnant shes ating like one of those dogs in the tv commercials so it ook suspicious gettink a rirl ready for col lege is something like outfit- ling an entire expedition to outer mongolia aa ive discov ered in the last few weeks first you have to talk about it for an averace of seven hours a day then thcyo spend hours making up lists of indispcnia- straw made paper like rag content an interesting item appeared in the milton champion 100 years ao column recently concerning the old barber pap- cr mills later the lower provi incial mills and which are ex tinct no it says j barber bros are making s large addition to the paper mills at georcetown to accommodate a new paper machine they have secured a now process of work ing straw into paper for the neat sum of 1000 the process renders the paper much like that made from rags they will use three tons of straw dally wheat oats or rye which are good in the order named from the heralds of 10 20 and 30 yarsago 1959 f monday morning was history making in geoiigertowri vhen for the first time postmen began making round rn town distributing mail to householders preceding this an inauguration ceremony was hold in front of post office mayor jack armstrong after receiving th first lelrter to be delivered by postman jim bradley cut a white ribbon across the doorway and eight mail carriers filed out in smart new uniforms to begin their jobs 0 georgetown ratepayers express an opinion on a two year term for councillors when they gb to the pj december 7th council on monday decided- to have plebiscite on the question it did not meet unanimous- favour however with councillors harrison elliott and hyde opposing preparation of a bylaw calling for the vote 1949- y f for the next five weeks georgetown will be featured on a radio sfiow broadcast each friday at 1t5 over toronto radio station chum the broadcast sponsored by several local retail merchants is a series of tran scrlptions which were recorded between movies at the roxy last thursday evening the quiz type show was emceed by al collinswho is featured as ontarios good neighbour majri among those who appeared on the show at the roxy were bill diggins doug richardson bob carey james norton bill oates pat edmunds muriel bsllantine pat richardson jim mcdonald mr and mrs clifford kervrvey marilyn peters beryl pat- tenden mrs matt lawr paul prust mrs jack kay tom j hamilton benny lorrimah ken vivian don livingstone glen wright and jim brandon 1939 at a largely attended meeting held in the public lib rary auditorium on tuesday it was decided to organize a branch of the canadian red cross society for george town the speaker mr f c slater of oakville explai- ned the aims and purposes of the red cross society the meeting was also addressed by mrs j b macken zie hughes cleaver mp rev overend and rev thomp son the meeting then elected the following officers president leroy dale- 1 st vice president mrs t grieyej secretary miss yvonne adams treasurer g w aao lintock executive committee mayor gibons reeve mr a robinson l e fleck john d kelly major cousens and the clergy and a member from each of the ladies organizations in the community kinoirgartbn closino opposed osprlngei lioy wtiivler s former chairman of krln town ship school board has added hii voice to the many parents otbjectlnb to the cloning of the kindergarten al osprltiko pub lic school he charged in a letter the bourd had not klvon one gond reason for the closing he called it ridiculous and a atep in the wronr direction queens park officials have promised parcnta rxf kindergar ten- chudron they will investi gate ear increasid druo usb orange villa use of drugs by teenagers is on the increase in oraiikoville police chief john kent said last week there havo been many occurrences lately involving marijuana lsd and glue sniffing last week ornngevllle police constables found groups of teens sniffing a type of adhesive cleaner moon dust for er i no alb erlndale moon dust brought to kartli by apollo 11 is expec ted to arrive st erindale col lege bhis week for research geologist dr david strange- way and a team of scientists will examine the oreeounce of moon dust allocated to the col lage to determine its magnetic prooertieai bles like a raaor and shaving cream the lists are lost and nerw ones begun then there are hours of talking about clo thes turning up hems lower ing necklines raising waists what roes with what what cla shes with what plats why ive been hiding in the bathroom and the back yard for a couple of weelts dar ing these altercations thats not alterations this of course produces hea- ed accusations that you dont even care why cant you show some- interest this in turn makes me join them for a modelling show at which i mutter thats pretty yeah i like that one that looks pretty rood on you ag ain this brings forth bested accusations the act is i have about as much interest in womens cloth es as i have in choosing wall paper tf the plaster is ok whack it on same with women if it looks ok i say so if it doesnt i have enough sense to keep my mouth shut during this preparatory per iod i have felt like the invis ible man i have bad two din ners cooked for me in two weeks i have done all the shop ping i have broken up innum erable feminine squabbles kims taste and her mothers in clothes are as far apart aa the rca and the communists philosophies and i have strip ped my every bank account to the barest of bones if that kid drops out as so many bright youngsters do fro going to take all her effects pi ano those records that drive m out of my skull the lot and burn them in the back yard invited to this soiree will h a number of parents i know we have recently formed an organisation called pork it stands for parents of rotten kids and its apreadine ilka wildfire within a year itll he bigger than the rotary club by the way anyone whe wants to join the organization is welcome there are no fees all you have to do is drop ma a line explaining briefly why you think you quallfgy anony mity la guaranteed charter member are a couple with a son of 150 plus iq who is making toilet lids in a i factory a woman whose 14 year old daughter ran away a minister whose daughter smok es pot and me i there is only one proviso you have to swear a solemn oath that if your kid is over 16 you have given him or her i no more than two last chances i and have then kicked him or i her oat into the world wei will have no truck with parents who want to sk on the egg un- til all that emerges is hydrogen sulphide when it finally breaks but i digress my baby whom t have taught and fought for 1 1 years has left me weve ted off to high school together for the past fiva years i anarl- ing because she was lata she snarling- because i was snarl ing i telling her to be in ear ly she indignantly finding mm pacing the floor what de you mean if t only one oclock i certain shes been killed ira an accident or raped by a mo torcycle gang she laugriad hil ariously at my lurid imagine tion the only thing worse than missing her it the thought that she might come home perm- l anently young eagles of either sex have to fly or they become cripples id rather she slew business directory a e r0bs0n registered physiotherapist s8 bexway dktve 774e70 w h cam prefeiilneial engineer e consulting engine ontario land sunri office b77xz11 1773300 home repair john b0ught0n 4ewrllers certified watchmakers s main st n s774313 lc millesse ontario lend surveyor 65 duncan drive georgetown 8776275 residence georgetown herald published by home newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c blehn publisher garfield mcollvray production superintendent advertising manager frank mullln news editor accountant terry harley alleen bradley valeria caruso anne currle reporter leslie clark dave hastings mylesgllson john mcclements george young c0rrftt chiropractic clinic spinal xray service available by appointment 8776aj1 mill st old past office optometrist l m brown r0 47 main st n suite 1 for appointments phone 177371 optometrist rr hamilton j0 liemountatnvlcw south carretal building for appointment 177j71 wallace thompson 3rd oivtsioa court a7729tf3 clark a commissioner monuments pollock a campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 6217510 2 water street north o a l t barragers cleanersshirt leunderer 774279 18 main s 168 guelph all work done en premises for all your insurance needs aula homeowners life and vilnt consult john h lewis iln

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