Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 9, 1969, p. 6

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j t fe ik- 1 r ic- a century in one hundred years fter its construction georgetowns first public school is still playing its part in the local educa tion system chapel street public school which turned out its last grade 8 class in june is a junior school now with classes fromjcindergarhtn to grade six but its enrolment of 342 is down only slightly from last years 356 because of redistribution chapel street public schoor was actually georgetown public school until 1 7 years ago when the second public sjfhool was built when the name of howard wrigglesworth public school was selected for the new school several nam es were considered for the original school as well it was its location between two streets named chapel street east and chapel street west which gave georgetown public school its new name originally the school fronted on morns street but that section of the street directly in front of the school was clo sed and became part of the schoolyard most of the front schoolyard was purchased from the methodist church st johns united in 1894 over the years three additions have been made to the original four room brick school two were added in 1879 four more in 1913 and the last in 1930 some firsts since chapel street public 1910 first shift classes school was the only public flrt lndoor toi thats chapel sift eet schools record thi 0ioroitown hiralo thursday oct 9th imf page 8 canadian citizenship applications this was how chapel st public school looked around 1910 after its first addition of two rooms it was georgetown school in georgetown between saiary sc ic public school then the original building was modelled after the elizabeth street school in toronto note the bell tower 1889 and 1852 when wrigglesworth public school was opened it follows that a number of educational fusts in iggg f female prinhpal quested by the teaching which has long since disappeared staff refused georgetown were recorded dur irig that period among them 1893 first slate blackboard installed 1895 1896 1898 1898 1803 1905 1906 first suspension of a pu pil for misconduct no records for 1893 1945 1947 1947 miss inie rxanl first home instiuction units under care of the public school board first telephone installed first actual salary chrd ule presented by the education before georgetown p s up to the ear 1943 there first application far the position of a kindergar ten teacher nothing 1948 and was a boarding school as ihe was able to give must public schoop hoard are no records to affirm or deny first kindergarten class that there was a school in opened taught bv mrs georgetown in that vear a j dwyer group of interested citizens for done in the matter until im8 flrst flrc cs c initallp med the georgetown esqucs 10471 in union sunday school socic- first parents night tj thls was an intcrdcnomina first request bj council 1 18 first bsavt lujucatmh rrn whose object ac- for an estimate of the lastedone oar cording to its first minutes da m muiniriivtinn ma ii i t years nnanc needs 1843 was j zztzz as tat fmtved zthe first public school con lqng service uoz sth ta l p school building uv ta ccrl m i i such elementary instruction own quarters and had students in attendance have proved useful for her kin from toronto oakville and theidergarten held forth f6r appro- surrounding area rimately a decade later rec both academics are but mem rds show that she taught pnv ones dim and fading fast uly a group of young ladies dulton adyance in the latp 1840s and earlv p pc know that ocor out some of the reasons per 1850s another tvpe of school ke high school began its haps why teachers left the was in operation a miss mc history in two rooms borrowed profession in the 1680 s in this list of rules for teachers en titled things could be worse 20 er handing it over tothy- one else and to present it upon request of the teach era or the school director to cherish the honour of his school and class and de fend it as his own things could be worse applications for canadian citizenship will b accepted every wednesday and friday prom 30 am to 330 pm at qumt squar building 124 quean street east brampton ontario for information regarding documents required fees etc phone brampton 451330 any wednesday or friday j w slruction to the outh and the children of the vicinity first formal report to eisht teachers established parents drafted by two records of 25 ears or more their school was held in thr board members and the service with the chapel st pub- wesleyan methodist chapel principal lie school teaching staff and a a u arr no recotds to first request that the wl11 j lhe sclect nr affirm or dens hut general con- publie school inspector cle ncxt erm serusus agrees that the first make a request in writ of the eight onlv mrs ii ne common school was opened ab- ing to the school board evajs is still teaching she nut 184ti whcie the first started in 1937 and taught in school is held us a debatable till 1942- and returned tj lhe point one group is firmly con staff in 1849 inrod thai it was in one place vihilc another sroup is equally conincel that lhe school was elsewhere what ls known rs that the first school vas held in two first recorded estimate 2500 budget a hundred years of principals 116971 unknown 1t72 alexander campbeu 1873 john c campbell 117475 john epobie 187 john e tom h777s unknown 1879 alvin j moore 18s0s3 john mcnabb malcolm 188494 robert e harrison i 189445 t r earngey 1906 v w noblo 1907121 a r mills 191225 j r waldia 192526 a c green 192438 miss annie ryan 193850 howard c wrigglesworth 195056 harold j henry 1954- valintine stein a fellow staff member miss wilaia stull has taught there for the past 24 ears ha mg started in 1945 miss hazel harrison ufv who retired in 1950 hid most rented room of a frame house 1 1 years service with on makn street south from miss may fctjv oan retired the same year after 40 terms fat the school there the school vas moved to the town hall in 1858 a shab by frame building on street guclph miss marie uvdsay taught for 36 year from 125 there in 1r the cnmmun to 1061 na wn brick building miss georgusa young presently named chapel st 31 year from 1s05 to 1910 and publlc srho0 then from 1919 to 1945 as the years rolled on the miss isabeluv pwmif original four room structure 27 ears from 187t to 1b76 brew to slx rooms then to ten and then from 1880 to 1905 rooms and finally to eleven miss beatrice hum- jears from 1925 to 1953 miss laura scott years from 1929 to 19m thank you ryn i uimilt there were two vadcmics in 25 eorgptown one built in 1850 t5 by the nglican church on s propertv which ls now a golf course and one in 1855 a pri vate venture headed b dr mc virar and having its building on what is now acadcnn road james breckenndge taught school the herad thanks howard wnqglesworth public school principal william kinrade miss janet mcdouqall 1 6 chapel st e ben case r r 1 georgetown and the georqetown public library for their assistance in the preparation of this page the first ls just a sketchy memorv for which no records exist it is possible that it was not an acadein at all but a private school opened bv a mr dade and heiause he was a member of the church of kng land his school was referred to as the anglican acadeim the second academy was open to those who could pa the from 1860 to 1868 and then ust before georgetown public school opened between chapel st east and cha pel st west he left the teaching profession and entered knox college to prepare for the ministry educated at the university of edinburgh he taught first m canada at chal ham and then a stewarttown defore operating the george town school in the town hall a shabby frame building on guelph street 1 teachers each day will fill lamps clean chimneys and trim wicks 2 each teacher will bring a bucket of water and a scuttle of coal for the days sessions 3 make your pens carefully you may whittle nibs to the individual tastes of the pup ils men teachers may lake one evening each week for court mg purposes or two evcnlnjs per week if they- attend church regularly 5 after ten hours in school the teacher shall spend the rem aining time reading the bible or other good books 6 women teachers who marry or engage in unsceming conduct will be dismissed 7 each teacher should lay as ide from each pay a goodlj sum of his earnings for his benefit during his declining years so that he will not be come a burden on society any teacher who smokes us es liquor in any jorm fre qucnts pool or public halls or gets shaved in a barbel shop will give good reason to suspoct his worth intcn tions integrity and honesty georgetown 1 9 the teacher who performs his labours faithfully and without fault for five eari will be given an increase of 25c per week in his pav pro viding the board of education approves j monuments markers memorial work commercial and industrial sandblasting greenwood monument co 245 gualph straa i779505 open evening come laugh with us this season as georgetown little theatre presents for your entertainment october rattle of a simple man by charles dyer february strata- by anstophenes april glts drama festival entry never too late by arthur summer long member 5 00 single rules of behaviour did you know those were the good old days patron 25 0o season tickets single 4 00 double s8 00 family 10 00 includes all children mail application to georgetown llttu theatre po bok 64 georgetown application i name i address i phone please indicate category seaien ticket patron member o single double family o d d the following were ruleiofi i price it h six teaching room l puplls ln thl prmetttffhriricifml of chapel st public school val stein was namedto that position in 1956 nd hm aarvad longer u a principal there than any of his predecessors tfe was a mem sber of th hmchlng itaff there before hit appointment and has in fact served on the staff rovr 20 years longer than any other male teacher public school 30 to 60 jears ago 1 to acquire knowledge persist ently in order to become an educated and cultured citizen and to be of the greatest pos aible service to his country 2 to studv dilicnll in be punctual in attendance and not arrive late at classes 3 to obey instructlong of the tohool director and the teach era without question 4 to arrive at school uth all the necessary text bonks and writins materials s come to school clean ucll groomed and neatly dreucd 0 to keep hisplare in the classroom neat and tid 7 to enter the classroom and take his place immediately after the bell rings and enter and leave the classioom dur ing the lesson only with the teachers permission 0 to sit upright luung the lesson not leaning on his cl hows and not slouching to listen to the teachers expla nations and the nthci pupils answers and not to talk nr let his attention stray to oth cr things f to rise when the leaiher oi director enters or leaves the room 10 to stand at attention when answering the teacher to sit down only with the teachers permission to raus lib hand if he wished to answer or ask a ques- i tion 11 to takf accurate notes in i hls assignment book nr homework scheduled for a the next lesson and to show these notes to his p rents to do all the work i unaided 1o lw respectful to the school director and teach ers when meeting them to i greet them with a polite bow hoys should also raise their hats to be polite to his sisters to behae modrstlv and re spcctfulh in school on the street and in public pla cos not to use roarse expres sions not to smoke nut to gamble foi money or any other objects to proteit school piopcrty to be rnreful inhisjper sonal things and the be longings of his comrades 10 12 13 14 15 free containers free parking no 24 hwy i v o no hwy acton jb georgetown to be attentive and consid erate of old people small eliildien the ucak and the sick to make way for them on the street being helpful to them in every way 17 to obey his parents to help them to takc care of his small biothcis and sisters is to maintain cleanliness and order in rooms lo keep hi clothes shoes and bed neat and tidy 10 to carry his students rec ord hook ulh him alua to guard it carefully nevl weekdays 100 pm to dark sat and sun dawn to dark dwarf apple trees no ladders to climb bronle apple cider potatoes pears and i other produce mcintosh red delicious northem russet and golden delicious a it r talk about farm fresh pick your own apples at chudleigh bros r r 3 miltom 4168782725 september 20 to october 20 r 1 v f s

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