Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 23, 1969, p. 1

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f ivpav s 14 le cltsfttd padw by 77201- buying or ttllntf tllf hiraldu wtiarw will hoi ttw multa you the home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing tim q hrald bat r jminnmtgfofqstqfwii nw oistrtct prlnhf and pdhhahats for owr a oauluiy affaikm tna bast tn flna pi hilhaj and itawa u class mab ragmaml number 0943 kehim postaga guaranteed georgetown ontario thursday october 23rd 1969 l 500 par year jtafito capy prka tan cants x x v i smith proposes crosswalk system for town streets a fire firemen know about those texas sheep hf youve concluded those big woolly creatures roaming the wynfield farm jusi west of town must be sheep from the llcgie star state give yourself no points theyre llamas grid they from detroit roy lonson feeding the strange live- jstock above swapped for them with a friend who inherited thern and many ether foreign beasties when he bought out i bankrupt zoo in the motor city roy originally had six but passersby were so taken by the aloof animals they jght four he saidhe did some horse trading for mem just for the novelty tempers flared and shouting erupted monday night when lcrs ern hyde and ric morrow i angled over the issuing of a building permit for land on lontario street which cr mor- lrow claimed is zoned conserva- ition the lot in question owned w hunter jr fronts 70 pet on ontario street and i runs back to the creek rough- lly two hundred feet from the i bridge in an impassioned plea cr imorrow stated somehow a building permit was issued for lone house down there against lajur building bylaw i dont 1 know how but id rather fight it out in court and save the i lands for future residents of the town people will say we j land could be for conservat- i have made a big mistake when j they realize how valuable this fon he concluded cr w smith said he had j been of the same bpinion as i cr morrow and had asked or a i legal opinion i according to the lawyers ad- i vice read out at council the chances are high that refusal i of a permit by council would be thrpwn out of court because council directly or indirectly by- issuing a permit for this one house now completed and located two lots nearer the riv- lr than this lot had set a pol- icy sfor jland use in that area cr ern hyde said it was left as open space for flood control but this land is well above any flood area he contended the mapping was done simply to indicate the purpose but 1 not done by legal description and survey cr donna dcnison insisted on knowing the status of the land on the new official plan on being informed it was non residential cr dcnison stated 1 it isnt just this lot wed have to sell well have to sell the birthright for this whole area for all intents and purposes r-our- bylaw is a farce if this goes through- she challenged anybody can see without exact lines to show them where 03 zoning is intended contended cr morrow there is beautiful gullyon both sides i anj trying to conserve these beautiful lands which arc go ing to be destroyed tonight by you people who vote f6r the building prmit he finished throwing his pencil on the tab le or hyde claimed the legal opinion stated the precedbnt lias been act by use in this case another house closer to the riv er next stage roads pun gets nod a 473000 programme for road work was okayed by coun- ion who am i say to say ask- cr hyde insisted it was not cil monday night with subsid ed cr smith i dont think i conservation area but flood j ies the towns share will am- hyde morrow lock horns ver floodlands permit cr w smith suggested to l council that crosswalks be in- stituted in towni monday night j following a discussion of tne jkkii v tragic death of a five year old i un ll girl friday ull i he claimed that the citizens l as a whole are adhering to the new road markings and felt it was the best solution prior to the discussion a let ter from ronald dodokin was read reminding council that he had brought the intersection of park and charles to their at tention two weeks ago he ack nowledged that road markings and warning signs had been er ected subsequent to his letter but claimed the council and the school shared some respon sibility for their inability to anticipate such a situation he advocated a school cross ing guard be stationed at this point in conclusion he urged coun cil tn overcome its bureaucra tic lethary and act in a posi tive responsible manner now before other accidents occur cr donna dcnison stated she hadkftlled trustee ernie bod- nar onfche subject and he sug- gested school safety patrols be find man set up to act as crossing guards this system was in operation dtalcn in in town for several years but when the senior public schools were formed leaving no grade 7 and 8 pupils in the junior the beepers which will re place the wailing of the fire siren have been delivered the thirtyone beepers cost ing 6196 will be issued to and will soon be in operation the firemen who will be alert ed to a fire without the use of the siren many local residents espec ially those living near the si rens will be delighted with disappearance pi the sirens but others feel they wont know whats going on the delay at the moment is due to setting up and tun ing of the 3 by 5 instrum ents according to deputy reeve art speight chairman of the fire committee they have to be tuned to the wave length the town will use six year did struck by car dies in hospital friday afternoon six year old suzanne schfp- per was buried in glen wil liams cemetery monday after noon following a funeral ser vice in the christian reformed church beside her school on the 7th line of esquesing the grade one pupil at georgetown district christian school died in hospital friday of injuries suffered when she was struck by a car at the cor ner of park and charles street at ahout 340 pm after leaving the school bus- a police report says she gotj off the bus after it stopped on the north side of charles street west of park walked to the corner and started to cross on the marked crossing zone when she was hit the car was driven by mrs verna prouse ofi 11 margaret street i the child was pronounced dead at georgetown district memorial hospitalfwhere she was rushed in a cruiser by constable john lyver the entire georgetown dist rict christian school enrolment attended the church funeral where the dead girls class mates sang jesus loves me as part of the service suzanne was the daughter of ed and betsy schipper rjt 4 georgetown partners in tha golden fish and chip store downtown it was to the store that the girl was going when the accident happened she also leases a sister judy and brother bryan the fatality was the first on georgetown streets in four years council debates delegations get debating one shot apartment repeated holding up the map cr mor row shouted it says conserv ation right there if you can read any of those houses should have been built he conclud- ed can anyone tell me how wolfe the owner of the exist- ing houso rft a prmit in the first place challenged cr morrow i suppose he asked for it and got it retorted cr smith if all the flood lines were hard and fast began cr ern hyde the catholic church wouldnt be there the halton coop wouldnt be there and some parts of cedarvalc hcj remarked as a mature man who has been elected by the people in your ward to provide for thci future how can you suggest that anybody could run a line anywhere else but at the edgcj ing permit to be issued was of the ravine not down in the passed with crs denison and valley countered cr morrow morrow opposed mayor em- we are supposed to protect merson and fcrlevy were a not destroy he added sent black wednesday disaster will test emergency forces land control zoning and this ount to 198000 land could never flood he roads to be done are maple a sharp exchange took place between crs hyde and mor row ending with chairman w hunter intervening deputy reeve art speight termed it a miserable contemptible chil dish display the deputy reeve claimed h0o choo the town had the chance to- get the land for conservation through but did not pick up the option some years back avenue from main street to the town limits at a cost of 207- 000 tyers avenue from ed ward to maple at a cost of 49000 and relrex avenue from guolph street to south of chclvin drive at a cost of 50- 000 included in the total cost is s116500 for storm sewers on maple and delrcx the projects now await 1mb approval a georgetown man was found schools the school heart of that apparently beaten in his water day felt grade 6 students were f a monday but too young to have that respon- circumstances are still a sibihty m cr ern hyde slated the let ter was misleading since the child did not come from park james h blair of 21 water street is in a toronto hospital in critical condition his wounds reportedly inflicted by a blunt school as it said and the school bus was not parked on i instrument charles street acting mayor w f hunter a p time further de- admitted he had been surprised ta were not available police to find out that cars did not refused to comment have to stop both ways for a school bus when it was within the town limits the crosswalk idea will be discussed at the next commit- tec meeting georgetown police depart ment and the ontario provin cial police are continuing the investigation no arrests have been made nix ads for proclamations council will not advertise any moro proclamatkm4othext than the mandatory civic hol iday boxing day and the changes from standard to day light saving time they decided monday night over the objec tions of deputy reeve art speight i the deputy reeve elaimedl some causes were worth enj dorsing by proclamation and he would oppose the measure i reeve w f hunter acting mayor for the night stated such proclamations had cost the town around a thousand dollars last year we wonder if they are read or if any at tention is paid to them he concluded the vote to allow the build- i j v ji wa steam prince charles drive will be emergency forces could handle canada the scene of a disaster wed- a disaster ncsday night october 2a it a hospital official pointed will happen at 6 jo and the ou that if a real disaster injuries will be so many arid should hit the community the ladies auxiliary of the hos pital would set up an inform ation centre at park public school and would be kept in formed of the names of the casualties their condition and a steam locomotive pulling an excursion train loaded with railway buffs puffed and snort ed its way through town sun day the special train chartered by the upper canada railway society didnt stop in passing through the local yard at ah out 1230 its shrill whistle blasts were recognizable to all who recall the prediescl days engine 6218 which pulled the train is one of the few rail engines left in apple day sees 35 bushels disappear thirtyfive bushels of apples grcups who took part pated in the onslaught on the disappeared saturday when the applcs wcre pllrc residents pocketbooks most of two hundred eager cubs and fnjm caidlaw cn the s which wcre opened willingly line and the banks in whicn to please a boyish face as much scouts swarmed all over town all the nickels and dimes were gal as to munch a crunchy apple ron mclntyre a member of so serious that hospital facilit ies will bo taxed to the limit the hospital staff st john ambulance and georgetown volunteer ambulance person ncl firemen police lome scots and hospital auxiliary t lacu will take part in activity which follows car slams island flips driver hurt telephone inquiries be directed there would its afl part of an emergency measures organization exercise jy tyjors toss whiclyls really a trial run for a similar occuranec to be stagj tht luwfcl ed at a later date the differ enccis that one will be sprung i on the hospital staff with no prior warning during wednesdays exercise tbtdecision tojwftjt i wcst on fi slrcc prince charles drive will be was made at a georgetown ju- when car ed traf closed off to traffic nior raiders executive meet ing tuesday night in the hal- ton peel trust co commit tee room georgetown will nof ice a i junior hockey club this season an inglcwood man suffered severe head and chest injuries in a single car accident at the corner of maple avenue and guelph street early saturday morning gordon sheppafd 30 was given emergency treatment at georgetown district mem orial hospital and then trans ferred to toronto general where his condition is poor police said shcppard was it will also be necessary to curtail visiting hours and the hospital asks anyone planning j all on visiting friends or relatives theres just nothing else ve on that date to arrange to could do commented club pre sident scotty patterson with- makc their visit during the af ternoon if possible high school students will play the rolp of the victims and will be made up to look the part it was not disclosed what form the disaster would take bu will likely be a school bus accident this is the first such exercise for georgetown and is designed to determine how the gcorgc- out players we had to call quits for a year if thats the lawyers opin- town hospital and other local ierialiied an average of eight players four of them local have been showing up at recent practices the club lost a large num ber of players through age lim it and the normal elevation of midget and juvenile players to junior hockey just hasnt mat- island at the intersection and tipped over shcppard was thrown from the vehicle constable charlie harrison placed damage to the car a 1964 rambler at 1000 and 350 damage to a concrete light standard on the island the accident happened at 640 am ronald r brown of 7 emery street escaped injury in an other automobile accident later the same morning he was northbound on main street and turning to go east on mill when an unidentified car pul led out in front of him when he braked his car skidded sideways hitting a hydro pole offering them to any and potential customers i thered were donated by camp- a total of 420 was raised j mvs soup the georgetown district boy which will be individually div- all the cub packs and scoutj scout council was in charge of ided equally among the seven troops within the town particij this years apple day a move by crs ric morrow and donna denison to allow council delegations to particip ate in open debate for a maxi mum of fifteen minutes was defeated on a close 43 vote monday night cr harry levy and mayor emmerson were ab sent the move would hav chang ed the system from the pres ent which allows delegations to speak as long as they wish but once finished they can make no rebuttal the monday night motion would still have adher- esijthe advance notice now necessary cr ern hyde termed it backward step saying exist ing procedure allows citizens to present their views hut doesnt take up th hours they used to take up deputy iteev art speight contended some people could not get their point across at first and should be allowed re buttal because of personal exper ience when i was not in coun cil maintained cr ric morrow i know how frustrating it can be when you cant reply this is one thing i wanted to do when i got into council ho added i cr morrow claimed further that very seldom do delegations take the fifteen minutes it may not be good business but were not running a business and the opportunity should ba here for the people who are paying the money he conclu ded cr sandy mackenzie disag reed feeling that the rebuttal would lead to more anta gonism 1 think anyone has the right to speak and if not satisfied come back to council or come to committee some people ask a question as a starting point contended cr enison but if the ans wer does not satisfy them they cannot say any more i think its unfair l stating he had served in council under both systems cr w smith favoured the pre sent system saying it was much more efficient the chairman takes the whole load the minute you al low debate comented cr ern hyde its our duty to listen to any citizen with a grievance said the deputy reeve he should be able to say why the answer he was given docs not satisfy him he added acting mayor w hunter disapproved of the fifteen min- nte time limit and suggested also there only be one rebut tal allowed f the vote showed only dcp- tityrcevc speight and cr mor- row and denison in favour so the motion was lost first georgetown scouts sqrrtple the product during an apple polishirtg session friday night they call it quality confro v gain that hour back sunday the hour sleep that has been missing since the spring will be recovered this weekend with the return to standard time rcmernber to turn your clock back one hour before retiring saturday night

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