Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 23, 1969, p. 4

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j- h fr published by thomwn newspapers limited 22 wain st south georgetown ontario w c biehn publisher page4 thursday70ctgber 23rd 1969 fr ial comment mask urgent problem 1 l i 1 li i fromthe- peterbibro examiner how often fraye we heard that infla tion is the most seripuj end urgent problem facing canadians today about as often as we have heard others say that pollution is the most serious aryd urgent problem faciig canadians today or is it poverty that is the most serious end urgent problerri facing canadians to day for most of us none of these are really very serious problems inflation actually is hardly noticeable most of us receive an nual salary increases and if we have to pay slightly higher prices with each trip to the grdcery or clothihg store there is always enough for the essentials and even a little left over for the odd luxury pollution really is not much of a prob lem either our sewage is flushed away end our garbage is picked up clean wa- ter while it may not always taste irfce a s omen for cities jrom the acton ffee press 1 strikes by policemen and firemen in montreal with the subsequent wild disor ders and breakdown of services may fore shadow in microcosm more painful urban events to come it underlines the growing gap between the fast rising expectations of society and the resources necessary to meet the aspir- rations of society the upheaval of course was helped by the confusion of a quebec living with uncertainty about its future fresh mountain stream is available every time we turn a- tap the air is a little smoggy occasionally but there is plenty of it and we seerh not to be any worse off for breathing it poverty is the least of our problems we know where the next meal will come from ond we have clean dry accommoda tion we know vaguely that other people live in something called poverty and on a saturday evening when there is little else to do we may may even drive around the city first to the rich sections and then to the poor sections as we drive through affluent subdiv isions we may sigh softly or dream of th day we too might own a large house wtr threecar garage and passing through thf poorer sections we condescendingly pity the poor unfortunates or privately scolc them for not manicuring fheir lawns as neatlas the rich people do the fact that montreal has become even temporarily unstuck is a development that plays directly into the hands of those who have stated that the dissolution of ca nada is their aim it also represents a setback to the conscientious and constructive people who believe that cities which will become in creasingly large and important cai be places of beauty and offer a range of op portunities to enrich the individuals wrohghlghtstickler ithevir be used agaih smileys go visiting attractive communities jim snow reports from the leamington post arid news farm people have good reason to be interested and involved in the nationwide push tomove industry and jobs out into the country so that young people can conti nue to live there rather than migrate to the metropolitan areas which have become more and more crowded and harder and harder to govern decently toooften weadopt a defensive stand and start worrying that growth in the community will mean higher taxes and more competition for farm labor the truth is it may cost even more to live m community of ihrinking popu lation and declining tax base local gov ernmental and community services cost al most as much in a shrinking as in a grow ing society the fewer remaining people find themselves taxed heavier to keep these services going spreading the jobs and the popula tion is the most sensible national program we have launched in a long time it miy be the solution to the problems of the bi cities as well as the rural areas as we work at the job of spreading economic growth some facts have been coming to the fore both in the surveys that are being taken and the experience that is being recorded a variety of jobs is allimportant in rebuilding a rural community now that farming has becoma more specialized and mechanized agriculture alone cannot be but you lov mwm first fa- fifth noor h wk sra bad enough but halton east mpp dunne the current weeks c- j tements and question period elevator on sundiv a ry i the fu time of the house has large man in his late fifties been spent considering depart- and stoned to the eveballs menu supply estimates this column is not going to street dere at de garage two have one theme but several nights a wek fair enough- ive just re- but he gave us a refund turned from an exhausting fjjh ou d never get in most weekend ta izht eicht 40min tie ute periods of enslh and at tended a department heads perhaps the hiehlijzh of the sitting of the legislature other expected to provide the employment base meeting which ended by six weekend was the xewlyweds y lhe norm ministerial sla- there must be jobs or young families must prn with everybody snarling we were coming down in the migrate elsewhere and without young vv went to visit our daugh- famihes the community is doomed to go university a mteuk downhill good schools are next in importance w you add tooth axtrac- again because they are necessary to hotd wo th complication ift young families when industries contem- complirate that with lonelm ness and you have a pretty sad kid on your hands funny isnt it kids spend years tell ing you hn jlad theyll be to get away from their rotten par- manifestation that love knows enls and be frfe and a week no race creed or age and later theyre desperately home- congratulated them heartily course important like churches recreation- sick r 7e got 12 kids he an but it wasnt all bad we had noucced proudly seems she a good dinner out and kim tour sons and two dau havent mentioned low taxes the reason is ruined her new leather skirt ters and be had four daufihters bv dropping a fried shrimp on by previous mar- it this is the onlv skill she ha nages lots of grandchildren aircraft ndlsv thehon darey mckeough minister of municipal affairs in a statement to the legisla ture announced new zoning re quirements for land in the vic inity of toronto international airjmurt effected by aircraft noise i mr mckeoughs statement wai accompanied by a map showing the areas erf land sur rounding the airport affected fey en area af 2427 acres in north aircraft noise which includei east oakville this acreage is at the extremities of the noise cone for aircraft departing to tthe west on runwaya 23 left and 23 right of the internat ional airport i six nbise sensititivity zones have been established with lim itations on development ranging from no limitations for zone 1 to very heavy limitations for zone 8 the 2427 acres affec ted in north oakville ues all within zone 2 under the regu lations for zone 2 no restric tions are placed on apart ments commercial hotel mot el office buildings or indust rial arid ancillary uses the regulation states that in this area for singlefamily dwellings and town houses that this is a marginal zone and noise may j start to become a problem j tell buyers it is recommended that devel- open he made aware of f a to so inform prospective ten- 7 ants or purchasers of reaidei- tial units in addition it is sug gested that development should not proceed until an analysis of the noise environment it made and it h established that noise control features it any should be included in the bull ding design it is recommend ed mat schools hospitals lib raries churches community centres theatres and auditor- lams should not be construc ted in this area unless a de tailed analysis of noise reduc tion requirements for the spe cific development in question is made and heeded noise con trol features are included in the building design the only land use expressly prohibited 5 this area wood be for an oat door amphitheatre do best for unicef for 365 days and nights of the year the united nations childrens fund unicep does its best for the millions of children all over the world who lack even the barest nec essities of life on one nigbt only of the year just on eshort evening the children of canada ask you to do your best for unv cef news ithoes from the heralds of 1 s 20 and 30 years ago 1959 plate a move to a rural area they look first to such things as quality of schools and lev el of pay for teachers health care facilities also come near the top of the list other community factors are of al facilities highways and many others you may be wondering by now why we that taxes comes a way down the list am- was accompanied by a stat- the estimates of the hon uesque bjoade in her early stanley randall minister of fifties also stoned but a lady trade and development which couldnt say a word also includes the ontario dev- elopment corporation and the ontario housing corporation wantcha o meet the wife he burbled deliriously just cot married yesterday we were delighted at this were completed and the house is currently considering the es timates of the minister of jus tice and attorney general the hon arthur wishart 9 an additional 200 telephone terminals are now being installed in the dial exchange building in georgetown meanwhile work on extension of the georgetown build ing is nearirvg completion it will have the exchange name and number of triangle 6 0 two fires within ten hours each of each other attacked the main st home of mr and mrs charles heaney friday morning a converted streetcar with- two rooms attached the dwelling was estimated at 2500 all of the contents went up in smoke the first blaze broke out at 115 am and the second at 1 125 a neighbour ted darlington turned in the alarm 1949 0 stan grabb main street merchant who has been prop- rietor of georgetown furniture sales since early in 1946 when he established the business here has joined the provincial police 9 corey herrington sr editor of the feather fancier who raises show poultry at stewarttown was in fort william last week to judge at the northern ontario poultry j association annual show at the lakehead exhibition grounds dr j m mather medical officer of health for halton and dr b j omeara newlyappointed county dental inspector attended a meeting of georgetown board of education last wednesday and explained the new geor- getown dental system in detail the local board at an earlier meeting had already voted to provide free den tal treatment for all public school children and an agreement will be signed thirty percent of the cost is borne by the provincial government georgetown is the first municipality to inaugurate free treatment ong the characteristics considered by firms really mastered after 13 ti i on tuesday oct 14th the hon j r simonett minister of puhlir works made a state ment to the house advising that during the next session of the ierislature it is his intention to introduce legislation which will ensure the facilities for business directory shopping for new locations low taxes are nice providing they ther were just off to boston handicapped persons are pro- j of education drnppinr things on tb honeymoon now dont vided in all public buildings a mt hy anyone would go i and then thrre a dennis n u i mr simonett staled that in hi i ii boston on a honeymoon ave not been achieved by robbing the the cab driver rotund and jot ip jj- muc t s 7 n nt he talk while youre going down ional building code published in 1965 minimum standards for community of the things that make for what he alk steadily as is called livabilitv dr m rlrclcs a squ bve floors in an elevator j ca ivaoiiiry looking for an address when the handicapped in maintaining a company must have an adequate we found it ae realized we but they seemed extremely entrances and exists for public supply of labour including young labour d have walkcd in hau the ha god hlcss i h including standards usf they musl have a community attractive enough to please their administrative per sonnel needed to launch and manage the time and i hope they made it out of for washroom facilities hall- the city without being thrown ways doorways and so on and and dennis striking hi in the impaired driving tank it is his departments intention forehead violently remarked he almost wiped out a bellboy that legislation will provide si- geez i shnulda known dl as he hacked away from the ho- rriilar facilities for the handi- factory laboratory or whatever the enter- place i work right across d tel entrance but love and copped in all public buildings prise may be low taxes do not necessarily mean happy families good schools and a heads- up community briefly peace to both of them how in ontario woud you lake to start on a hon eymoon with twelve lads in he mail bag correspondence was never ack nowledged the writer was in- facilities for handicapped as examples mr simonett mentioned facilities that have heen in the ontario science centre the frost pull- ding the macdonald hepburn ae r0bs0n r agist red physiotherapist 56 rexway drive 774670 7jfskpa b jewelry clock aecutronsarvlce cantra personally i love and admire you cannot build character anvbodv whlch believe in love and eourace by takins away admiration after the age mans initiative and mdepend- of m bu kjjs an1 a enee you cannot help men j grandchildren wow its permanently by doing for them like soing ov u at and rergtison blocks in the f r- f i i i- i m what they can and should do axn a pistol a new queens park develop- f lnnc i fl mcll rnrrl kf referral of this rorrespondenra themselves r krv ment and the ontario pavilion fufi vouflcii ocnool dju jtt the llalton county public lor thtaa tarerrackers jn fachtim have school board v man can never be theme two does anybody in also been provided for the han- utterly ruthless he wants to his right mind understand med- 1 dicapped in the legislative bull- tt is probably not entirely wm herefore he icare i lata it from th silence i dings and the whitney block the following ii a copy of a rt intraction of park avnu f t0 lay u blame aceommodatea himself to oth- that the answer is a resounding i and are being incorporated in- letter sent to the town of and chart strt ituation wholly ipon the cor cft gorth to the design for the new on john b0ught0n jewellers ctrtlfud watehmakara s main st n 7743u share death responsibility of georgetown hy the law firm of dodokin and sopinka georgetown herald published by thomson mawspapars limited gedrgetown ontario waltar c blthn publisher garflald mcollvray production superintendent advertising manager trank mullln newt jb4w jj accountant xerry haisrw aueen bradley anactiitla baporter i clark daye hastings igilsoojahnmcclemenu and chart straat porption the town of ilt0t it has been brought to the f acl you ranmt put th writers attention that an un fortunate and thoroughly unav oidable accident occurred it the above intersection today when a young child from park school was si uck by an auto mobile at the above crossing ttus will raplaca that and secondly because this very dangers was st patently obvious to so many people but unfortu nately not ho those very people who represent thai interested group it is a particularly sad com mentary on the public repres entation that citizens of this town must tolerate you will recall that the writer first brought this situation to your attention by his correspondence tario place at the cne grounds and has been taken of the road mar h wprv j tfca will iwplaca this and i can mr simonelt also suggested kings and warning signs erec- n y sat a bawrina aid which i that such facilities should be ted and placed at the above in if you find life is empty try doart aaad hew about a small- j provided wherever possible in terscction suhsenuent to the putting something into it fcasj aid ta thoaa who cant new public housing develon- writcra correspondence how- saaaamt y wifa after carefully menu built by the ontario hoaxing corporation these facilities are being provided as a result of meetings held over the past two years with offic ials of the government and officials of the canadian para plegic assn in regards to the problems of the handicapped residents using the facilities of public buildings ever this council together with the trouble with the chronic h mtahy confutino the school board must share borrower u that he always dbactsejaa haa the idaa that wa the responsibility for their lij keeps everything but his word t far diffaraait rnadl i iuv wty th v our day ar 11 the same tlzjzmlfil because of the injuries suffered 8jtuatlon ioa ue like identical suitcases s- jtt nn by the child and the anguish i ccrtajny but me peopl can pack more zxfsz u tsflt caused to the childs parents mai j lo ihcm than others this problem and the writers request for atop sign was made in compromise w i i t became apparent that interest in a crossing guard was lacking by the proper authorities if this unfortunate accident serves no other purpose but to motivate the board and inspire your interests in the acquisition of a crossing guard at the in tersection in question it will mitigate this tragedy by accom- to you of the 25th of scpttjhvi plishing a goal unattainable by her i960 and although that iu absence theme three do you realitc the writer again for himself that a high school with about and on behalf of the many 1400 students in it is a snake concerned parents urges this pit confine about 1600 people council and this countys counting staff and janitors school board to overcome its into a shoe factory about a city bureaucratic lethargy and act block in site and what do you in a positive responsible man- jet ner now before otber accidents occur i a learning situation no i burning situation and a gaggle yours very truly of paranoids more about this v soitnka j feeling better and i fee better already just ron dodokim having aaad il handicapped persons wish to lead as normal a life as pos sible very often they are pre vented from doing o whether they are seeking employment education- or looking for rec reation due to their inability to obtain access to a particular building we hope that the go vernments proposal will prov ide handicapped- persons with additional facilities to enjoy a full life c0rbett chiropractic clinic spinal xray service available by appointment 8776631 69 m st old post offlca lwswhwlw4wjiww optometrist lm brown r0 47 main st n suite 1 far appointments phone 774671 optometrist rr hamilton ro 116 41 ountalnvlew south carretal building por appointment 77471 please present health insurance card w h car professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land survayar office 8772211 77330q home l c millesse ontario land surveyor 65 duncan drive georgetown 8776273 residence wallace thompson 3rd division court 772963 clerk a commlsslonar monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 6217580 62 water street north halt barragers cleanersshirt laundarers 772279 18 main 166 gnelph all work done on premises for all your insurance needs aute homeowner uto oa avnlneat consult john h lewis 4594052

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