Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 30, 1969, p. 1

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j i t ads that pay you can place an ad in th hrikhf classified pun by phoning 8772201 buying or mlling the herald i where you vrlll find hie wtotfsyou want i printing publishing the cxmielmin herald haa earned oeucneluwn aw ptaliut printers and publishers toe tfie home newspaper for georgetown and district bast in fin printina class mail registered ntmtber 0943 n ontario thursday october 30th 1969 guns ammunition bulk of 4000 hardware robbery heed m mm mmmm mm vanilla timmy jones of 1 chelvin drive knew what to do when he discovered the landscape covered with a fluffy frosting last vyednesday morning he just pulled on his cold weather garb stuck out his tongue and enjoyed its tingling freshness for local mot orists it was just a taste of driving conditions to co stress need for phys ed for perceptually handicapped the need for physical cduca- irappcd with poor coordination ionfor halton at the oct 22 lion for all children but part- was stressed by n volpe co- meeting of the associaton fur ieulariy for perceptually hand- ordinator for physical eddcat- children with learnng disab- 1 l ilitics thieves stripped richard- cons crest hardware- in the downtown shopping area of 300 to 4000 worth of raer ehandise most of it firearms in a neatly executed robbery early thursday morning the loot includes 35 rifles and shotguns 25 boxes of am munition mainly shotgun shells two tape recorders two radio tuners two electric guit ars two guitar amplifiers three wrist watches and 55 in cash from the till whoever perpetrated the job did it without arousing the suspicions of residents of an upstairs and neighbouring apartments and left the rest of the stores stock undisturb ed a finger print check deter mined only what police sus pected that the robbers us- big brothers yourhelp ed gloves obvious signs of a the big brothers are qui- conference ended with the 120 breakin were also lacking in- etly at work in town right delegates coining out strongly dicating the thieves picked now five fatherless boys have for one consolidated recreat- a lock or had one man hide i acquired big brothers and four ion committee amalgamating inside the store before closing more are in the process of the swimming pool board the delegates favour amalgamating pool arena cedarvale boards tuesday nights recreation ence would have been laughed being matched to a big broth er no names are ever mention ed in this organization which stresses the fact the little bro thers are simply fatherless the thieves made their exit not delinquent boys resoluuon out a back door which exits on- 1 the big brothers take themi a j authorizing this to a driveway off church st places and share experiences conmnittee to a profes its likely here that the geta- trying lo fill the gap of a one- sima recreation director time wednesday somebody involved also knew where to find the key to uni lock the gun rack which wasi emptied of all but one weapon board of parks management arena board and the cedarv ale community centre board the committee would consist of five citizens at large and two councillors way car or truck was parked by parent home together they may go bowl- with the assistance of the pro fessional recreational directors ing hiking on the bruce trail i association and the recreat- e en the zoo the library pick i j branch of the department liberation committee plan ways to say thanks about 65 dutch canadians iod followed the showing of relived some highly emotional the film and several means of moments as they watched the fund raising in aid of the nat- film the canadians are com- ional committee were discuss ing in st johns church hall ed monday night the audience was attending a meeting of in may georgetown in be the holland liberation commit- the scene of local celebrations tee to discuss plans for com- marking the 2sth anniversary memorating the 25th anniver sary of liberation of the neth erlands from the nazis in 1945 the theft was discovered walt richardson when t lfwtn or just do some chores of education since the depart- day morning the loss was not togetncr the activities de mc of mnmtioll only subsi insure id to a large extent on the dizes part of the directors sal- mr richardson told the her- age of the child i a if he is qualified under aid the store was robbed one the big brothers feel they j their standards this clause was other time about 20 years ago get more fun and satisfaction deemed necessary but the loss was much smaller out of it than the boys i they need more volunteers the last resolution of the not necessarily as big brothers i ening stated that the pres- but also as members of thc cedarvale community cen- board to help with the adminl board sponsors of the con- istrative work ference reconvene a similar the big brothers will be meeting before january 31 happy to provide a speakerj 197 for a progress report and films explaining their j the resolutions followed a work to any group anyone f hour meeting and came willing to help would be wel- out of tne small discussion corned at 8776814 groups the meeting chaired by john lena assistant princi pal of stewarttown school be gan with an explanatory ad dress by laurie g branch re creation director far burling ton wants coins not candies of the liberation hundreds of georgetown children will be asking local residents to help children in need all around the globe when they call door to door with unicef boxes tomorrow in answer to a query on the number of dutchcanadians in after an introduction by j georgetown the chairman said local chairman jack nieuwbof that to the best of his know- rev a j vanden pol minist- 1 ledge 281 families of dutch de- er of georgetown christian re- scent liva in or around george- j m the children will be in cos tume but instead of seeking sweets theyll be asking for another interesting note is pennies nickels or dimes that since 1945 175000 dutch one cent will buy six glas- to donate the canadian people have emigrated to canada it ses of milk and a nickel will a gift of gratitude from all u estimated that there arc buy tb vaccine duichcanadian in canada w about 700000 canadians lcef stands for united of dutch descent or ong in ev- nations children s emergency a question and answer per- cry 30 canadians i fund formed church and president i town which would amount to of the national committee to about 1000 people commemorate the anniversary briefly outlined the plans of his organization which intends twick or tweet therewill be a jot of lucys inwitches habit and just as many charlie qrowns- in ghost and hobo outfits tomorrow night whenjthe local small types go trick or treating it will be anvening of excitement for children and exhaustion for and while it should all add up to a furl night it tless have its moments of maliciousness inflicted se few who could never tell the difference between prank and wilful damage but by the time the goon gangs l out of the woodwork the shopping bag toters will be fcjnrnasked and in bed rheir booty in a large bowl on the he emphasized their great need to let go through activij ties he frowned on any type of competition for students be- 1 low grade 7 level not only per- j ccptually handicapped but for all students j the panel members w k armstrong superintendent of special education and student services dr ca thompson v blotk psychologist for hal- ton and moderator w kinradc principal of wrigglesworth school discussed the whys and wherefores of learning disabilities i a question from the audience regarding the higher incidence of learning disabilities among boys sparked a discussion which brought forth the sug gestion from another member of the audience that too much female dominance in the lower grades was the reason w kinradc while not agree ing pointed out that in future a man would not be made a principal who had not taught the lower grades in this way more men would be brought in contact with the younger chil dren the popular home made pie booth at the fall fair netted two hundred dollars for the acld while brian chamberlain won the fruit basket donated by carusos the turkey raffle won by the special class at george ken nedy school was won by ken- neth cuftc of hornby i er at the next meeting will be llrs dorcnc kronick founder of the association in toronto who fought a running battle for years with school boards and teachers to prove her child was not retarded butj perceptually handicapped then started the association to help such children joseph gibbons school will cost 640000 the building contract for the i new 640000 joseph gidbons raiders public school in georgetowns i west end was awarded by thei season county education board last week and construction is ex pected to begin in a month contract for the school went to the a petersons company of toronto which tendered the lowest price for the job start sunday host chelt recognize bowlers pat patterson at sports awards nite the two young bantam bowl he defined recreation as all the things people do in their leisure time and urged the audience to think for att the people of the town in their discussions not just for their own organization and interests he forecast a 39 hour work week and 3 day weekends in the year 2000 he saw an aver age take home pay of 20000 a year thirty years ago some foreseeing our present afflu- at but it added mr has all come branch i am shocked i just couldnt believe the system here hi georgetown admitted the rec reation director as he termed the present system of various boards all relating to recreat ion a hodgepodge and arch aic he stressed again and again the need for professional staff but cautioned there would only be the need for one profession al staff member at first there is no more precious facility than open space he continued in europe it is sacred and we must keep what we have and acquire more all the time for future generat ions he wondered at the fact that the board of parks manage ment had no parks to admini ster and claimed their funcfc- ion should be primarily to ac quire and maintain parks he urged the consolidation of the three existing board concerned with recreation in the interest of expediency un- ity and common sense the complete year round us of school buildings was manda tory said the speaker in conclusion he maintained georgetown is being short changed and something must be done in addition to the resolo- tione adopted farther anelus ions arising from the discus sabn groups drew attention to tin need for recreation fat the 13 to 18 age group and the particular need for continued involvement of volunteers af ter hiring of a recreational director he is only there to show yoa the way and set things top not to do the work tor yoa said the burlington recreational director will drill for wafer new glen school county school trustees were concerned for the safety of school children when the ont ario water resources cc-mmis- sion asked the hilton education four local people were am- board for approval to drill on ong the many canadians whoj nort halton school property met prince philip on his tor onto tour local people meet prince philip in toronto mr and mrs stan hegstrom mrs anne zuber and paul ers who brought a national masnyk were guests at the bantams doubles championship trafalgar ball at hmcs york to georgetown gary miller and tuesday october 21 where for water the owrc has selected five sites for drilling in its project to provide water for glen wil liams the board received ers for the contract ra from petersons lowest bid of 552632 to a high of 708000 georgetown intermediate rai ders will be in a seven team oha intermediate b league this season a league meeting last week confirmed the raid- montgomery were among ptinfcef hilip was the guest of ted and received board approv ers will play in a circuit ma 12 tend uj of georgetown acton nglnr gus cheltenham f and durham fer- 6o0 athletes honoured for win- honour ci i ni national and international eumira luc- j honours in 54 fields of an and durnam j monday night last year they played again- construction s these same teams plus port the occasion was th seaforth annual sports achievement aw- the government agency watt le 1 al to move onto the property on top of the cost there are additional ex- elgin and penses for architect fees equip- fy locals coached bv gcr ment and site development n wi star jheir schc- ontanodvernmenl which brings the total school j a home on sunday whcn premier john robarts is re- cost lo 640000 j cheltenham is the visiting cupc from surgery and the architect john b parkin lhc travcl l 0 attend but most mppsl rt iu cnnn fri lucan were there in place of mr hl work 8 u the raiders will play all boharts the minister of health their home games in the form- j tom wells presided er junior c time slot sunday y 32 spe awards were afternoons i presented wells received one if the personnel at recent j on behalf of the government practices is an indication the swimmer angela coughlan of the project was initiatcdi 196970 edition of the inter- burlington presented him with some time ago by the board but mediate raiders will include canada games flag the on cancelled when a freeze was a lot of new faces jtario team won last summer in beating of halifax the ball celebrated the anni- s versary of the battle of trafal- 1 gar and featured a cocktail hour a dinner and dance another exresident mrs pam of the glen williams public if nee school and drill there essary business administrator bruce lindley told trustees he discus- the contract now needs final approval from the ontario mun icipal beard and education de partment ards banquet staged by the bland and husband captain sed with the owrc the safety of the children around the ma chinery and well sites the owrc assured him the drilling area would be fenced and the necessary safety precautions taken doug bland were abo introdu ccd to him at a dinner in ot tawa lay attempted murder charge in bfair case an arrest has been made in include j the canada games flag the on- 1 connection with the severe a georgetown man in his water street apartment put on building the company given the eonjkinette clud meet the banquet was held in thct week tract last week is currently a j rf u f ink j mai conference room of the georgetown completing an addition to pineai wortll 11311011 viud hepburn budding queens view public school on the 7th the kinette club october park- line of esquesing i meeting was 1 held at north john danko the new execu- i halton golf country club the boards supervisor of de- 1 21sl tasl miners sign and construction csumatj nuhr hrougm out many ed it would take a year to rinettes and kin wivcsl bmld the new georgetowd l success tivc director of bpao made the acceptance speech for the athletes dining room fable where it wil srninking dailyt sit for the next few weeks y target i 10000 the georgetown ys annual campaign for funds has a 10000 objective this- year commuters are reminded pay roll deductions for united ap peal dont help locally kinette club meet chief of police harlcy lowe laid the charge of attempted murder- friday ag ainst a toronto man who was already in custody on another all charge i it followed intense investig ation by georgetown constable great i the lw0 young gc john barrett inspector h v bowlers were accompanied by pefc 0 ontario provincial george nurse supervisor at police criminal investigation the school is planned to ic- the highlight of the meeting gcorgctown bo 1 branch and chief lowe commodate 450 students from was provided by mr ab fend- j kindergarten to grade 6 there ley the new owner of harris j pat patterson of norval at press time james h will be 12 classrooms two kin- floral who gave the members was one of the 32 to receiva blair of 21 water street was dergartens music room gencrl and guests a demonstration on special citations his was in still unconscious and in poor al purpose room with change floral arranging his lovely dei recognition of 18 years as rcfcondition in a toronto hospi- rooms library resource centre signs were raffled off at the erecinchief of the ontario ul he was found in that state health unit guidance area end of the evening the lucky hockey association his otgan- in his apartment monday oct- adminlstrative area auxiliary winners being donna moores toticm of clinics for players ober 20 apparently the victim area and provision for loaddit- anne roxboroughtl6is wakerjand officialsand his work inj of a beating with a blunt inst- ional classrooms end joyce mahaffey international hockey officiating rument school the school b next credit river to the petitioners complain of deathtrap dip a deathtrap was the word used by frank watts 8th line to describe a hollow on steeles avenue at the 8th line when he appeared at hal ton county council tuesday afternoon in presenting a petition with 132 signatures he claimed there had been 4 accidents at that spot in the last year the last ana involving a school bus he contended the depres sion in the road made it impos sible for motorists to see on coming cars in time to prevent trouble it it 1 c course he commented the roads committee will re view the situation and report at the next county council meeting the delegation was tom

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