Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 30, 1969, p. 4

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wfissl rwwhm by ttmmtan newspaper lirnlred sci main st southvgeorgetown ontkrlo w c iflhn publisher ww w bmbs 1 thursdanpcfober 3 1st 1969 ii 1 1 i i ii i i x l ediforj comment festival floundering nj from the acton free press thefutorof the north halton music festival hartn the balance following the annual meeting in acton almost everyone at the meetng seemed to feet- that thetrjea of a festival was no longer feasible under the new countywide board of education but there is much inter est in filling the vacuum with something just as meaningful there is some dragging of feet from those who ewnslderthe idea of music and festivals as old fashioned or out of place in the jet age but they seemed to be in the minority then is also some opposition from some of the education figures who believe competition in any form is harrnful to children the day when each school in the county had its own music teacher has pas- sod apparently in place of the itinerant tee cher there are five music consultants la look after an average of 17 schools each in some schools music is taught by class- from teachers with advice from the consult ants this and a shortage of auditoriums relegates music and singing to arrets im portant place in the curriculum we can gre that the music festival probebty dots need some sfrearnlfalng but it does teem toe bad there is an apparent lack of interest from the new county board of education in keeping the festival func- tfonfng musk has always been an impor tant jjart of the curriculum in north halton schools and in a day when much of the music is horribly similar it would seem there should be more rather than less emphasis on it v hwy- tss 4 i- we dont like to inject a sour note nj s the discussion but it is the children who t gs benefit from musical training not those j who administer the schools- the festival helps to foster the idea of perfection as well as leading to a better appreciation of singers arid singing there has been sme suggestion that the festival could carry oh withdtit sys- j tem of marking so there are no disappoin- tedlosers but this again is a needless gen uflection in thne direction of those who cannot stomach the though of competition without the competition there would be no interest whatsoever in a day set aside for hearing repetitious singirig it is the competition between schools and singers which gives the festival its flavor and fun are you in favor of retaining the north halton music festival or do you have some suggestions for keeping the annual conpetition going secretary glenda ben ton would be delighted to hear from you incidentally the festival has received excellent support from the womens insti tutes over the past few years and their donations have kept going up some mem bers of the executive of the music festival feel there is still a very strong desire from the public to keep the annual festival going j and they point to the excellent financial off tfl gflofl stdrt statement as evidence of public support we might add that it is still a delight to attend one of the festival sessions and listen to the students sing the large attend ance at the evening sessions indicates the feeling is general it j ftiittfl rimrrmwmntviatzmwfiswwi who love nature they reaped i and admire and are curfoui tibout felr prey tney ihodl only when thay know what theyre ajiooting at try tovij cleanly and follow the wound- ed deer or retrieve the woun-i- ec atid at ny cost rve i jmuielvjth them but i think most of them would be just as happy ml tb an unloaded gun or camera theres no ral appeal in hunting for me anymore though move to got out in the bush preferably alone but if they ever declare- an cpen season on school adminis trators 111 be right back there fun on shoulder keen of eye and hard of jaw tireless hi the i chase and relentless in the kill i wouldnt even mind tak ing part in wiping out the en tire species though im against this s of thing n winter saltsecr6t you can baffle your neigh- hours this winter by spreading salt on walks and drives just as the first snow starts falling come morning hours yours will be the only dean sidewalk ar ound to be effective you should spread about a quarter of a pountt of salt over each square yard of paved surf ace a helpful hint for the home- maker who doubles as family chauffeur as most do nowadays always carry emergency equip ment such as tire chains small shovel and a bag of salt in the trunk of the car a few hand ful of salt at the rear wheels for traction can be a time and chill saver when stuck on slip pery ice at the curb this may be a life saver when stranded on ice in some dangerous in- jersection or irr a hilly area peter jones photo nd now its okay to water the lawn in the mail bag concert orchestra 31 byron street doar imr editor calling all musicians community school concept never enough time from the oakville journalrecord that halton board of education stands pranod for rrs plans to encourage more afteaftoura jimfof the schools of course the idea of the public get- ling to mekemore use of its schools is notwnjjihovel nor is it something that hasnt nfoyod success probably one of the finest experiments involving afterhours use of- schools has taken place in flint michigan where schools are open 3800 fcoui a year compared with the national average in the its of 1800 due to the efforts of hint highlytouted aaott foun- dation more adults are using the schools at night fhin children in the daytime that amerjcan dry has for many years promoted taxpayers us of their schools around the dork round th yaar and it has adopted th community school concept it is a con cept that ought to receive serious consider ation in halton county in a letter to municipal councils in the halton region education officials have in vited the communities to explore areas of oooporation in which schools could be used to community advantage one use sug gested ii for recreational purposes the truth fe in the past our schools have tended to be treated more as sanctu aries than public bulldlnrw construtfd and maintained at high cost to the taxpayer were cnthusiatic about splendid rehearsal under the able leadership of erbardt liedtkc assistant in charge of music instruction in peel cou nty schools and in an era when the rising price of education is preventing cominunities from i providing such public facilities as recreation centres the alternative is to get rjiore use out of the schools for enoynenl as well as education fast growing municipalities such as oakville and neighbouring burlington are running far behind in satisfying public de mand for community centres as focal points i hose whose names in the various pockets of residential dev- below elopment cannot the schools fill this need we think so for instance certain areas within our town stand isolated from the rest of the community because of their geographic loc ation such an area is falgarwood sitting as a residential island north of the queen elizabeth way here is a wonderful oppor tunity to put the comrnunityschool concept into practice for the benefit of the public now that the education board has of fered the use of its schools after hours let our town officials not delay in taking up the invitation to explore areas of cooper ation greater public use of schools will not merely help satisfy certain communi ty needh it will ilso hlp to justify the cost of building and operating these tjuildings pending the introduction of ycarrouid school lets art tarwl on sore kind of yearround use of these facilities at the first rehearsal of the newlyformed georgetown con cert orchestra last sunday night a start was made to build up a this is the time of year musical group to which any- ritt brampton dorothy claxi when the hunting stories are one serious about using their ton jean tufts erhardt lledt- flying around each time they musical talent would be verv kc conductor georgetown j are retold they become a bij- welcome keith barber prcs ralph urgcr lie or a little funnier scl see charlie crimes hugh players came from acton hunter rutledge jy pe milton brampton glen willi- ams and georgetown and all yours trub the ed a peters i the history of kissing scientists think they have tracked down the origin of kissing they say it began be cause of a craving for salt a caveman discovered that if you are desirous of more information regarding this or chestra please contact my of l ft caveman aiscovereu uial s are listed could cool off on a hot day somcon relate what happened about hunters who shoot swans a couple ofyears ago two chaps i know went out to the local golf course and shot ev ery black squirrel in sight this takes a lot of nerve stam ina and bushlore walking around a golf course slaught ering halftame squirrels with three ounces of meat each on them then there are the hunt ers who o after a good drunk in the bush it gives them a chance to play poker grow a beard curse belch and do all sorts of manly things like that they could do the same thing by checking into a i dont mind th irios motel room for a week but when theyre funny or bh fat they enjoy wearing big boots lie but theres nothing rre and rough clothes and making boring than listening to a hv rude noises then they come ter telling you in deadly crn- home and let their wives push et the entire tory of how ha them around like puppets for would have got his bag of the other fiftyone weeks docks or bagged his deer if the finest hunters are those the fates and the weather and anything else he can thinlc of had not conspired against him geometown herald published by thomson newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c blehn publisher gsrflald jyicgllvray production superintendent advertising manager frank muliin news editor accountant terry harley aileen bradley valerie caruso anne currie reporter leslie clark dave hastings myles gilson john mcclementa george young do something great today help the help georgetown dull as listening to on every hole of his golf gavne or every hand of bridge he by licking his neighbours cheek according to one source acton george elliott david he soon discovered it was a lotj w shot par or made sales charles lonsborough more fun if that neighbour j gran s jf jf j i archie kerr john duenk glen chanced to be a female williams marty wheeler mil- about that time he forgot all ton austin ledwith don mer- salt do you believe that business directory news echoes from the heralds of 10 10 and 30 years age 1959 georgetowns revolutionary gyroplane the avian 2180 is ready for flight a company official told the herald yesterday that the firm is pleased with the way ttie craft had jbreezed through an extensive series of ground tests and the test pilot has been given the nod to take it up whenever he feels ready the final ground tests were conducted last week at the wellingtonwaterloo airport at kitchener no deposit bottles are proven menace from the orangeville banner the wafemhiri nonreurnable pop bottles have proved themselevs to be much more ofa menace on the market than orig inally thought apart from making paupers otitttf the moppets who used to count the two cents on each empty the hew bottles era also causing a higher casualty rate arming the general public a federal investigation in the us riacanfty declared that the filled pop bof- tle was the most dangerous product in the household outranking the power lawn- mower mora than 150000 injuries a year have baen associated with glass bottles and of this number 90000 occurred to children undar the age of 15 then there are the explosions one display in atoronto store window explo ded during tha hot weather sending show ers of cjass in all directions shattered glass broken bottle necks fr inside and the everpresent fhvaat of axpkaiona all add up to a year- round household menace thats almost im possible lo combat except by common sene bui there is also ihe problem of dispos ing of those nodeposit bottles like the throwway cans they mount up to virtual ly indestructible heaps across ihe nation in some areas there is talk of banning the bottles also some governing officials are seriously considering a possible effluent tax on a number of consjmer containers j this tax would be paid when consum- ers buy canned or bottled items and the money would be reimbursed when they re- j turn the container clumsy as this system may appear it may expedite the appearance on the market of a new swedish invention known as the rigello bottle this container is biodegradable which means simply it can be crumpled easily and it eventually rots along with all the other organic garb age the manufacturers says they will go into full production next year and the first item to be marketed in the cardboard en cased polyvinyl container is beer georgetown will be set back 10 to 15 years in traffic volume if a prediction made by a hwy 401 en gineer holds true the super 401 will become the main route between toronto and kitchener and gait areas when the milton to guelph stage is completed and con sequently a terrific reduction in traffic will be notice able on highways 7 and 5 he says in a report the latest stretch of the 401 from streetsville to milton will open next month local drivers can cut time oft their toronto trip by catching the 401 south of town 1949 vacant for some time since the closing of the george town shoe company the factory on john st has been sold and will be converted into a manufacturing plant for kippinker limited which produces plastic boats the boat company has been operating in the georgetown clay products bulldirwj on king street the annual commencement exercises of georgetown high school took the form of an open night- in the school last thursday when parents had an opportunity to meet the teachers and seeing demonstrations of new methods in education the glee club and junior and senior choirs sang several selections under the leader- shop of w e capps and moira kelly sang a solo the bcrs there arc more hunter getting back lo hunters youll never hear that earnest i serious teller of tales admit- 1 ting that he couldnt hit thet side of a barn with a handful i of beans from three feet or that hes as quiet in the bush as a tank on a hot tin roof no theres nothing wrong with him its the gods or his gun jammed or sheer bad luck quite a few of the chaps on lour staff who arc keen hunters i urge me to join them this means standing around in a swamp and chesthigh boots af ter walking an hour to get there gazing sullenly for hours at a sullen sky filled with blackbirds and swallows and nonexistent ducks ive been able to fifjhl off the temptation for several years now i used to be a fair shot theres many a tree fencepost and tin can in the country that can testify to that and i used to enjoy hunting it s really was pleasant to get away i from the old battlcaxe jor a few hours on u lovely autumn day i but ive never beeh a fanat ic any tendency i had toward i becoming one was cured forev- 1 er last time i went deer hunt ing i got lost twice was al most shot once he hit ihe hound instead of me and was dam nearly drowned on the way home from a remote is land in a blizzard a high wind and a lenky boat hunting ls for the birds lit erally th proportion to mini- a e r0bs0n registered physiothera pist 56 uexway drive 8774670 repair service accutron servicti centre john b0ught0n jewellers certified watchmakers s main st n 8774313 corbett chiropractic clinic spinal xray service available by appointment 8776631 69 mill st old post ofice w h cam professional engintcr consulting englnatr ontario land surveyor office 8773211 8773300 home lc millesse ontario land surveyor 65 duncan drive georgetown 8776275 residence wallace thompson 3rd division court 8772963 cleric ev commissioner lovely song of my heart secondary school gradua tion diplomas were presented to raymond anderson thomas beckett joan buck betty conn elizabeth king james kirkwood gray aaerriam francis pries and carl schenk 1939 o joseph mathesdn moore the editor and publisher of the herald for over 30 years died a his home at the cor ner of factory and charles street on monday october 30th after an illness of several weeks mr moore came to georgetown in 18pl from acton free press where he served his apprenticeship for some yoars he served as foreman of the herald and subseqently purchased the business from aar r d warren killed wounded or disabled for life from heart attacks and arthritis than birds another thing that puts inc oft is the type of people who hunt there is a largo percent age of highgrade morons j among them ive just- read in the wiarton echo a story about two hunt ers who shot and killed two vvildjvhjie swans that had made their home near a beach iresbrt and were a delight to cottagers what is there to say optometrist l m brown rct 47 main st n suite 1 for appointments phone 8773471 optometrist rr hamilton ro 11u mountainvlcw south carretal building for appointment 877397f please present health insurance card monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 6217580 62 water street north g a l t mtm barragers cleanersshirt laundarara 8772279 18 main s 166 cuelph all work dona on premises for all your insurance needs auto homeowners lire and business consult john rlewis 4599052 w i f i a i

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