Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 6, 1969, p. 1

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si-or-v- v- -y- t v vrof disaster georgetown high school theatrical arts students were the gore smeared victims in a mock disaster which taxed local smergency services wednesday under particular scrutiny was the hospitals ability to handle such an emergency see tory and more pictures on page 5 this teens back h- badly scraped lorraine kennedy the nurses are mrs cathy martin left and mrs waiting to serve wherever needed is nursing assistant mrs davina barber the injured were checked initially in the hospital lobby which was converted to a receiving area at left is dr alan thompson at right gvas ambulance man john armstrong t- ads that pay you can plac an ad in m hartms classified page by phoning 8773201 buying or tailing the herald is where you will find the results you want georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and districf printing publishing thai g herald hat served c and district as printers and publishers for over a century offering the best in fine printing and news coverage second class mail registered number 0943 return postage guaranteed georgetown ontario thursday november 6th 1969 500 per year sngle copy price ten cent chief lauds teens for halloween behaviour when november 1 dawned in georgetown there were still many dozens of eggs unsold and most store windows lacked their customary palmolive prin ting both facts served as strong evidence backing up po lice chief harley lowes assess- ment that this was one of the quietest halloweens years i p there were a few incidents bat they minor he told the herald but it was such a quiet night that 1 was surpris ed omb promises rehearing for mountainview apt he said that georgetown far ed better than most of the sur rounding towns and villages j where damaging pranks were still very much a part of the goings on i think the main reason for the easy time we had o it is the local teenagers theyre a pretty good bunch he said another reason may have been the precautions taken j sixteen firemen and 15 police officers were on duty just in case v- vs 41 pi4 jfaim m two municipal board decis ions denying zoning changes are being challenged by prop erty owners interested in mak ing use of their property council learned monday that the board had reviewed a turn down for apartments on moun tain view road and campbell i gale apd will have a rehearing i aler investments plan for apj artments supported by council but opposed by several area residents was vetoed by the board recently the property is presently zoned for commcr cial use i mrs leigh johnston is con tinuing efforts to have a carol ine street lot changed from in dustrial zoning to allow a house to be built on a lot she owns there a letter from her solicitor asked councils consideration in having all the property on the street which is backed by abitibi provincial paper mill changed to residential spot zoning is not allowed award contracts roads sewers two contracts for major road work were awarded by town council on monday john cucci ltd a toronto firm will receive 380579 for reconstruction of maple and tyers avenue and storm sewers on main street south armstrong brothers bramn- ton were awarded a 13s661j contract for dclrcx blvd both were the lowest tender received for the jobs ask drastic cuts in school salaries doctors angry say benson distorted income facts hyde claims design fee is too high greetings comrade might have been the salutation from j this little caller friday night but it wast a russian soldier at all just little lynn haddock out to fill that six quart basket treating outweighed tricking halloween night i harasses claim anti loitering an offshoot of last weeks re creation meeting when repres entatives of intersted organizai tions passed resolutions sug gesting major reorganization of present boards was a comp laint by a teenage group about the towns antiloitering by law they claimed they arc be ing harrassed by the police gr sandy mackenzie told coun cil on monday and i thought i should mention this to coun cil mayor emmerson said the proper place for a discussion would be at a committee meet- ins if there was enough support a motion could then he brought to council to amend or repeal the bylaw he said the bylaw was passed a few years ago to allow the police to stop loitering particularly in the downtown areas a si 434 account for design ing outdoor lighting for base- ball games in the park was withdrawn from councils ac counts monday when cr krn hyde termed it exorbitant the park project stalled roc ently when original cost esti mates of s400k proved to be too small were obliged to pay said cr donna dcnison the win tcrs association firm was hired and it doesnt mean the job was badly done because it did not suit our purposes deputy reeve speight said he was under the impression the design fee would be much less and the account was with- 1 drawn for further checking finance minister edgar ben sons charge that doctors have had higher increases in income than any other group in the country has been called a shocking distortion of facts by ilaltoh doctors the ilalton county medical society in a matcment released thursday said w strongly re- sent the implication of mr ren sons remark and are not prepar ed to remain silent scapegoats before the bar of public opini ion benson made his statement at the ontario hospital associ ation meeting in toronto oct 28 the ilalton doctors said in the past 10 years medical iocs in ontario have increased nyi 32 per cent annually compir ed to the cost of living rise ab j out five per cent they said doctors arc work ing harder and longer hours than ever before and crowded waiting rooms attest to the continuing shortage of new doctors j they blame this shortage on shortsighted and inadequate government planning the ilalton society said it appears benson wants to give the impression that increased health service costs are the re sult of higher doctors fees in fact the latest available figures indicate that ihe pay ments to physicians as a per cent of total health casts drop ped f m 24 7 in 1957 to 17 per cent in 19t6 the ilalton society hlames the hijher bill on rising hospi tal construction and operating coms the inability of queens park to solve the financing of this vital sector of health services is just another melancholy re flection of political expedien cy itwp would chop trustees fee i in half freeze teachers pay three rinks three outdoor skating rinks will operate in tov n this win- ter council monday authorized the rinks al kennedy school i harrison school and cedarvalc park for youngsters to enjoy outdoor skating a fifty per cent cut in school board trustees fees from s3000 per year to si 500 and the eli mination of a mileage allow ance was one of the first of many recommendations unani mously endorsed by esquesing council monday night the next hardhitting clause called for a reduction of 25v in the salaries of all employees of the halton county school board receiving over 518000 a year and a 15 reduction for those receiving between 12000 and 18000 the lengthy resolution spon sored by cr ken marshall a longtime critic of the halton county school board spending practices stated he knew he criticized so now felt he should offer something const ructive if the board members cant serve for s15o0 a year they shouldnt be there he remar ked the third clause in the page long resolution urged all school boards to join together in hold ing teachers salaries at the pre- initiate action improved parking is downtown goal a 25000 plan to provide tetter parking facilities down town tc k its first step monday when council gave two readings to a bylaw to borrow up to this amount for jhc project first phase of a scheme which received majority ap proval at a meeting of merch ants and property owners earl ier this year wifl be to surface and light a large area present ly used for free parking which lies behind one main street mock later other parking locations would be sought at other parts of the downtown are 1 this is an exciting thing it really turns me on said cr donna denison the benefits will go a jong way explaining that this part of an overall plan for rejuvenat ing the downtown commercial area cr sandy mackenzie stressed that it will cost the general taxpayer nothing costs will be assessed to property owners benefitting on an as sessment basis queried zy cr ern hyde whe ther individuals know what their cost will be cr macken zie said fhis information is av ailable in the bylaw i presume there will be a municipal board hearing and everyone will make themselves aware of the cost said cr hyde silver wedding on saturday evening mr and mrs- jack gudgeon 9 norman- dy boulevard entertained guests and relatives at a damc given hi their children to cel ebrate their silver wedding an niversary v guests were from new york hamilton hanover guclph toronto milton acton and georgetown high school commencement will be jicld this year on fri- ay november 14th little people go for halloween in a big way from left are joanne keen duane hatcher angela grant marilyn jones and bonnie hatcher some of the kindergarten pupils at park public schobi who did their thing friday dressing in colourful aurnaginative costumes in the halloween tradition youngsters in junior grades in schools throughout town and districtnarked the eve of all saints day by doing what they love to do best dressing up sent level it is time to con sider that teachers and board employees in many cases seek employment in these fields to avoid the competition of privata business and to avoid any pos sible unemployment in some cases the reasons for teaching are june july and august continued the document the school board was urged to aim for a sharp reduction in the number of consultants and others who only advise this can be effected by de manding a higher standard of teacher training and a morator ium on teaching innovations until times are more stable stated the resolution the use of existing buildings for temporary classrooms where there is a chance that pupil enrolment may decline in the next five years was ad vocated cr marshalls proposal sug gested that buildings are being built for the present number of pupils rather than the future number which may be declin ing the last two suggestions ask ed the school board to confer with councils before setting their financial estimates and to publish the estimates and hold a public meeting where they could be discussed the few comments volunteer ed as the resolution passed un animously were deputy reeve tom hill a lot of other councils in halton have been thinking the same thing now maybe theyll do something reeve george currie a well written document and a lot of sense cr ken marshall the peop le just cant afford to keep paying higher taxes would make stores of former garage a plan for stores in what was the masson motors garage at ujc edward street corner wilt be studied by the planning board at the request of george thomas who is interested in developing the nowvacant pfo pcrty council on mond gave him permission to present his proposal directly to the plaft- ning board a zoning change would bw necessary to allow stores on the site

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