Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 6, 1969, p. 8

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wv- t wtw tft x friends of museum is nqw group of hal ton boosters governing georgetown kinettes the above kinettes were recently elected to the club executive for the new term in the back row from left are carmelita howells lorna michcwiw fcarol leyes lois walker and marilyn sunnucks in the front row from left are nor- een aaiehm president karen harrison and donna diegel sharp eye needed mail contains many comeons most of us receive mail we do not want such as adver tising leaflets magazine sub scription forms and record or book club offers sending this kind of mail is a perfectly leg itimate way of doing business and it isstrictly up to us whe ther we want to read it or not but what do you do if you rec eive a credit card you never asked fur a cod parcel you ne ver ordcird or a package n christmas cards you did not request unsolicite mail is an noying and in some cases it ls illegal here arc some bus iness mailing practices which you should know about record and book clubs the common complaint here i getting records or books that were not wanted in the case of those advertising a free trial or free offer the first shipment contains a message saying in effect if you dont want more send a card saying so if you would like more do noth ing often the recipient docs not read or understand these conditions and fails to return the card in some cases when the consumer has cancelled hi membership the record or bopk club fails to stop sending merchandise usually due to clerical errors in other cases pranksters have sent in coup ons and orders in another per sons name deceased persons a particularly objectionable prac tice ls that of sending merchan dise by cod to persons who have recently died a survivor in the household often accepts the goods believing they were actually ordered by the decea sed before death it ls against tholaw to send any article by cod which has not been order ed or requested charity mailings item such as christmas and easter seals key us service etc are sent to households unsolicited with a request for a donation in some cases or a definite sum j others vhls ls a generally accepted method of raising funds for chartable purposes and therefore results in few complaints clip and paste this scheme involves sending a bus- mess firm a document which looks like a bill or an invoice hut which is actually a solicita tion or an advertisement for the operators service these documents can be mistaken for legitimate bills and paid in error the post office now re quires that any invoicetype doc ument must clearly indicate it is a solicitation that it la not a bill and that payment is not required unless the offer is ac cepted credit cards there is nothing illegal about sending unsolicited credit cards through the mail but you should note an important condition that al most invariably accompanies each cprd jn words such at these the cardholder named hereon agrees to pay for all purchases made by any per son using this card until the company has received i written notice of its loss i or theft it is entirely up to you to decide if you should keep tie i card if you do not want it then destroy it so that no one else can use it keep in mind your ability to meet monthly j payments if you use the card in some cases a credit card may be stolen before it reaches you you will be hilled if someone i else uses it if so notify the i company immediately greeting cards pack ages of cards are mailetf to the home and the recipient is re quested to mail his payment to the firm often the request fori payment subt y hints that it will i benefit handicapped persons it this case however the post office now requires that a not ice be included with the ship- ment stating that you do not have to pay the return postage i and in fact you are under no legal obligation either to pur chase the cards or to return i them other unsolicited good reported range from religious music sent to churches to min iature cameras sent to names chosen from local telephone di rectories the canada pest office de partment does not have legal i authority to interfere with ordinary business carried out j by mail certain mailings hxw- ever are considered offenevs under the criminal code these j include for example mailing j anything that is obscene indec- ent or immoral information regarding bookmaking belting or wagering false or fraudul ent advertising any article concerning schemes to deceive i or defraud the public or to ob- tain money under false pret- ences the post office investi gates all complaints dealing with illegal or objectionable use of the mails and has the auth ority to discontinue mailing privileges where there is cvirl j ence of illegal use the following important j points should be kept in minti dj read all offers carefully ej understand the conditions of acceptance of anv unsol icited proposition i ej you are not required to pay for unordered merchandise dh it li against the law to send displays plowing trophy won fifty years ago a big silver trophy on display at the recent international ploughing match in pans ont was won by oscar ierch 43 ewing st at the same plotijh ing match in the same town 52 years ago in 1917 he won it again two years later in 1919 at chatham ont tario and thus became the proud owner while he was only nineteen when he on the first interna tional ploughing match he al ready was the winner of 28 1st place trophies ploughing since he was 12 years old he never tentered a match without emerg ing in first pice those match- i es of couisc used horses not i tractors from lfiu to 1h3 he farmed the area on which lits present i house sils the farm covered what is now llewson crescent elizabeth st and one side of ewins st in 1h3 says mr ierch he sold the whole eigh teen acre farm plus house for roughly the price of one lot to day after farming in ialt and harnston areas he retired to his present home in 19fi5 sales earnings jump for gf sales and earnings of the equipment manufacturer said general fireprooflng company the increased sales volume re- for the nine months ended on i fleets a continuing high vol- september 30th increased subiume of office building construc- stantially over those of the j tion and modernization pro- comparable period in 1068 jects can resfuse mail from the individual consum ers point of view the post of fice act states that once an ar ticle is posted it becomes the property of the addressee how ever any individual hat th privilege of refusing tnatv just mark it refused sign it and return it to the post office where it will he disposed of in accordance with postal regula tions it is tntircly up to the consumer to decide whether he should keep or return unsolicited material in your own best in terest however it would be wisest in most cases to return the material to the post of fice for the first nine months of this year earnings rose 22 per cent to 77 cents a share over the 63 ccnls last year sales ad vanced 11 to 64492218 over the 57934300 in 1968 third quarter earnings am ounted to 25 cents a share on sales of 21299923 compared with 18 cents on sales of 18- 89454 in thesatne quarter last year john a saunders president of the business furniture and a firming of prices is begin ning to be discernible in our markets this would increase profit margins that have been affected by higher labor and materials costs mr saunders said wc also have instituted cost improvement programs in all operations to achieve the same goal i did you know there are only 32 more shop ping days till christmas jims steering service complete brake service wheel alignment wheel balancing general repairs park street cun williams s7745s4 tenders the halton county board of education will receive ten ders for the equipping and furnishing of the addition to georgetown district high school tenders for each classification will close at 4 pm est on the date shown in the following schedule drafting dec 1 1969 business machines v dec 11961 secretarial room rrt dec 1 19if comm practice lab dec 1 1910 comm directors office dec 1 1969 classrooms dec 8 1869 laboratory pec 8 1869 library dec 8 1969 exercise room dec 8 1969 cafetorium dec 15 1969 health unit dec 15 1069 guidance dec 15 1969 administration dec 15 1969 audio visual dec 15 1969 detailed tender list and other perticulari for each of the above classification may be obtained at the central admin istration office 166 south service road east oakville nt the lowest- er any tender will not necessarily be accepted the friends of ijalton coun ty museum a brand new or ganization with nebulous- plans was formed monday oct 27 at a gotliering in the county museum in kelso conservation area four of those present ag reed to sit as a committee to arrange an executive and form ulate suggestions for possible projects sitting on the committee are mrs gordon agnew mrsll wal ter parker and mrs len an drews all of campbellville and hon harris ol milton nassa- gaweya was best represented at thd meeling interested men and wbmeiwalso attended from mil ton and acton mrjfarris acted as chairman for the informal meeting in front of the blazing fire the name for the group was unani mously agreed upon the group felt the name auxiliary might gjye the impression onlv wom en were welcome in fact as museum curator dr h j- new man explained there are many things men could do to assist with the backing of the new group initial plans were made for this years annual christ mas teas at the museum which will be from thursday decern bcr 11th uy sunday december 14th volunteers were lusted for sewing baking decorating and helping serve many sug gestions for future help were quickly forthcoming some of those present just wish to work at home some volunteers could tend gardens explained mr harris at the beginning of the meeting this couldnt possibly be like an ordinary auxiliary people- will work as individuals at their own pace and their own time auxiliary work beneficial despite government subsidy the crying need for the con tinuance pf the north ilaltan association for the mentally re tarded despite the fact the de partment of education now sup ports schools for the retarded was stressed by speaker pete gomery at last weeks mee of the association at sunshine school near hornby he pointed out that the exis tence of the sunshine school and its support by the depart ment of education depends on the fact there is an active as sociation according to the leg islation without such an as sociation the school could be closed he added he claimed parents have be come complacent since the provincial government assum ed support of the schools and have tended to ignore the needs of mentally retarded adults who receive little subsidy the association is still look ing for property on which to build a residence for the ad ults but it must be approv- the georgetown herale 696l h9 page 8 i wasonhi cd by the department of wel fare who demand an excellent water supply rf at the same meeting judi shaver a director of theprov incial association adyised thai group on the april conference in hainilton at which the north i haltoir association will be one of the host groups she alsol stressed the need for parents tot take executive posts in the as- 1 sociation i arc industries at the mo- ment have twelve adults work ing in the workshpp but could i accommodate more and are i eager to contact them an open i house nov 18 will show that j work done by the trainees for prompt and expert service on sheet metal work eavestroughing heating call russ dickson phone 8777455 i v unordered merchandise by cod check all invoices carefully if you do not wish to retain unsolicited material mark it refused and return it to the post office report any suspected mis use of the mails to the post office dept ottawa dramatic savings on the 70 line of natural gas appliances from moffat the trimstyled standard featuring spill- proot cooking surface for usy cleaning eutorrutic clock willi minute mindar cook ind hold clock control circle simmer burners higfisimmerkeep wirm dick position control automatic ovan ignition recessed ovn ligtjt with lens oven door with 16 window- silent glide broiler drawer continuous flema smokeless broiling colours white antique copper avocado harvest model 60m4 specificationsoverall heighl 4614 width 30 depth 2h height to cooktop w the mallae d faaturing deluxe styling rnchidirie glass coalrol penal spiltproof cooking surface for aasy cteani ng i luorascent aghling automatic clock with mtnutei minder- deuy cook andhold dock control aide simmer burners highsimmerkeep warm click position control automatic oven ignition recessed oven tight with lens oaea fiodoor wnlh 16 window silent glide brotler drewer con tinuous ffaeie smokeless broiling colours while avocado anuqimcopeerllodel60lts5 speaficitiodsorerall heigkt 4jv width 30 i 2tt batgtlocooktoo34h- from hardvvick moduuneaw special feitming propjmi cooking deluxe bjekguard with fluorescent light heavy insulation oven window tritemp burner reenevabla oven bottom closeddoor broiler lowefleclrvebroilinf completely removable broiler assembly urpiuvcjoekphis timer wtupyiiliort cooktop dnpprool irmchrenji burners large oven capacity colouistrvhita coppertone avocedortarvrhgoldmodelpa963bl9a seaarjcatiam overall height h width 30 fop atbeiimcooltop36v from moffat fromlnglis from maytag riviera 1 featuring heayy duty design ideal tor per manent press largest capacity 8 cu ft cylinder eitra large door opening extra large lint filler at door height heavy duty 14 h-p- motor porcelain enamel work suilacc timed cycles for regular and permanent press 5 drying cycles colours while only model jdgkm810n specifications overall heighl 43 depth 27 width 31 the uierator featuring permanent press care tumble press control flexible timed drying 3 temperature selections last quiet drying system uptop lint screen automatic rtoor safety shut oft- porcelain enamel lopcolour while only modelk07moo specifications overall height 41 depth 2 54 width tt the custom faaturing porcaliin enamel top dyrumrcdlac lint liltersifety door swifchporcainenamel drum adjustable leveling legs m hp thermo pnmctae motor circular air how pattern pre warmed incoming air a cycle control dial colours white avocado shaded copper specittcatrora overall heighl 43h depth 2r width afeoidg30s 209 70 just look for the new look 70 values when you shop update your kitchen and laundryroom while you save on salenow through novernber29lh all appliances cg a approved also available matching waiherfrom997q modetrawkm810 available front 199 70 just atsoavaiublemaicmrai wttertromj2sjj0 noemflujttool 70 abotoailebtoikmi waskerfnmsi39n tomahsp l no down payment dsy credit terms payment on yoor irroniivlft rl j miftiff viimcalsi aj- si 71- rsf -fz-

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