Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 13, 1969, p. 2

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brownies in force boost remembrance parade numbers t hawes the mala topic this week j unit- be the remembrance p- nd and the most conspicuous ph of the parade as far as we i arew concerned was the brown- lie there must have been over la hundred of these brave little girls with their many leaden strating to everyone young and old that georgetown bronies are definitely civic inded citizens of the future cp of the hat to every one them parade marshall david bow- had good reason to feel leased for it was the biggest de there has been tor ma- years over i one hundred lei embers marched to the otaph georgetown fire de nt was well represented was the lome scots girl suides were there along with he branch sponsored air cad ets sixty nine of them plus guelph air cadet bugle nd while the vips dashed along 1th the bugle band the second lection of the parade was auch more casual behind the nch pipe band when the parade returned to he branch there was coffee j randall clint hughes jinr murphy joe poirier hank rus sell had been busy preparing this since 10 oclock in the morning jack fingers ferguson rose to the occasion as always when called on by the branch but this time jack also supplied the organ which he played with his velvet touch at the cenotaph service harry bottoms colour party werebutstanding with their smartness i thru presentations this week we move back wards by referring now to the friday night remembrance supper which we are sorry to have to state sterns to have be come unimportant to many of the branch members we can recall not too many years ago that if you did not purchase your ticket on the general mee ting night your chances of ob taining one later were very slim chairman les dark remark ed that over the years the aux iliary have continually subscrib ed so much to the branch and that the members should never forget this- les spoke on uie apathy of the general public towards re membrance day and that the members of 120 as a group could do something about it- one way is a full turn out on remembrance tjay five hund red members on parade would make the public take notice mayor emmerson proposed to mrs merv allen who super vised the guides to mr conns for the scouts and mr colin oousens for the cadets every child of school age in george town and district should have worn a poppy regardless of their ability to make any fin ancial contribution for poppies were taken by branch members to every school winners of draw no 18 were jim randall c doyle a tuck d chamberlain d herringtoa dont forget dart shoot uus friday joe has a special night planned for nov 28 will keep you posted on this glen news the united church women had a booth at the mayflower auction sale on saturday nov c 1 nd i dampness and f tk coffee and hot dogs the efforts the branch put into welcome community work there were three presentat ions at the dinner president hsnry hale presented the forty year badge to his father harry and twentyfive year badge to herb arnold presid ent hale was the recipient of the third presentation which 1 the grown ups and hot choc- was made by president jean ate pop and chips for the reid of the ladies auxiliary it fotmgsters art roberts and was a cheque for 1000 to the ilunteers jessie hayes mrs branch poppy campaign chairman reid is quite hap py with the poppy campaign there were still some canvas sers to come in when we were speaking to him at 8 pm on saturday he had been superv ising the campaign since 9 am that morning there were so air cadets 33 scouts 45 guid es 12 to 15 teenagers covering the town plus drivers and sor ters and many grpvn up vol unteers gord was extremely grateful mr and mrs john jed of main st have moved to ottawa recently our good wishes go with them mrs mabel cain beaver st b a patient in georgetown memorial hospital and we wish her a speedy recovery we send get well wishes to mr william bennett of the 8th line who is a patient in ge orgetown hospita mrs c barth clergy comment cime to church tub church op god georgetown district arttown community hall sunday 10 am sunday school 111 am worship pjn evangelistic servico pastor r w it kierstead 1772710 christian reformed church 7th lin georgetown ai j vandenpol minister rices every sunday 930 and 4 pm 11 am sun- school visitors welcome sten every sunday to the to god hour radio ster dr joel nederbood r 390- 830 am cfgm s10 1030 am fm 1007 he chin 4 pjn ithb anglican church of canada st george 60 guelph st sunday november trinity 2 16 urn holy eucharist am choral eucharist choral eccharisf st pauls baptist church mountainview road south minister- w r cairns 10 ajn sunday school 11 ajn morning worship everyone welcome maple avenui baptist church bibu preaching sunday 11 ajn and 7 pjn st johns unitbd church 11 gualph st 777531 minister rev robert o scnvens organist mrs k schuldt 030 am church school grade 1 and uk 11 ajn service of worship church school nursery to grade 1 junior congregation infant baptism november 16th everyone is welcome knox presbyterian church i main and church minister 8772848 rev f n yqung 1000 am church school 1 1 00 am morning worship nursery care organist mrs e- gowland georgetown lliance church telephone otwle l000 ajn sunday school ll00 jn morning worship 1700 pjn evening service cidarvali communitvxintkb first baptist church main and ouelph 8775491 minister rev l e wilton 10 am church school dlscipleahip class 11 a m morning worship 7 pjn evening worship organist mrs w townend choir director miss brenda mcneil norvol presbyterian church minister rev r d duncanson organist mrs win mulder worship service 10 am sermon topic when i came nursery facilities n anniversary services st andrews united church mountalnvlew road jay novimhr mth 1045 am and 700 pm speaker rev russell horsburgh director toronto youth anonymous autho of director toronto youth anonymous author of viewpoint by fr gerald craig ofm cap holy cross church last august an event took place which drew a lot of comment and from which some interesting observations can be drawn the woodstock rock festival or the big woodstock rock trip as it was called by one magazine held court for three days on a 600acre dairy farm in the catskill mountains of new york state the acid and rock music played almost continuously through the weekend as five hundred thousand young people arrived and survived the happening watching television reports of the festival not a few expected trouble at any moment the scene had all the ele mentsa throng of young people drugs alcohol a desper ate food shortage plus a healthy dose of bad weather con ditions calculated to stretch even the coolest of temper- ments the trouble the public authorities expected never materialized potential crises arose but were averted by cooperative action the kids lived elbow to elbow in the most exposed crowded raindrenched uncomfortable kind of community and there wasnt so much as a fist fight perhaps society can learn something from events like the campin and rockm at woodstock young people and trouble are not always synonymous unfortunately society is quick to apply the actions of a few immature selfish rad icals to an entire age group a generation reared in dif ferent times is sometimes too quick and too general in clas sifying people with long hair elephant pants beads and bongoes as valueless irresponsible weird and maybe im moral society is not entirely at fault though it reacts to what it sees it is generally conceded however that the notorious few of any group generally receive most of the publicity todays young people hava ideas about themselves others and the world in which they live as every genera tion of youth has had before tnem they have valid propo sals for making this world a better place for all their pro test indicates that they want an end to global quarrelling discrimination and insincerjty they are willing to go to some length to make their point an admirable quality in these days of noninvolved anonymity and apparent ap athy but the outward image comes into conflict with the socalled way things are done presumptions lead to judg ments on both sides phraseytheeturned off tuned out cop out and opt out fill ftrfe air where there shoujd be a willingness to listen and an attempt to respect and under stand when this happens the generations miss the oppor tunity lo learn from each other and build together if the phenomenon of woodstock arid the flower chil drens ideals of peace real caring for one another and unity are indications of what is to come in years ahead the fut ure looks hopefully brighter perhaprthe age of aquar ius will match the prodigious technological advances of the last thirtyodd years with giant strides forward in social jus tice genuine equality and brotherhood among all people and an equitable distribution of the worlds wealth there are two detours which could delay the arrival of the time these signs give promise to on is the route some take to make their point they have chosen to opt out of the society they once hoped to influence and improve this is unrealistic avoiding a problem does not solve h any change involves being in touch with those one wishes to influence worthwhile ideas shouted in a vacuum end up being exercises in futility improvement will come much faster if each knows the other and accepts hit feelings secondly protest and demonstration give powerful witness and help awaken social consciousness to conditions crying for solution thr surgeons scalpel a tool to heal can become the instrument of death if used improperly or with imprudent force when protest results in property destruction rioting and lawlessness its intent and projected impact however laudable is lost more often than not the backlash is severe when this happens the favourable in fluence of events ilka woodstock the oxfam marches and the unicef project at- halloween is negated one final observation when you hear statements like there are a lot of us here if we are going to make it you had better remember that the guy next to you is your brother you cannot help but think that in spite of the way some appear and others react young people are real istic and ere building on the solid foundation of brotherly trust a concept some of their elders seem so listless to en courage carnation talls 2 33 royal gold butter qj 21 iga sliced bread 24 oz loaf iga lucky shopper mrs t stevens 27 delrex blvd 2750 hornby eleven tables in play at ypscrokinole party the eden united church yps held a very successful cro klnole party at the home of mr and mrs jack fries on friday evening november 7 there were eleven tables of crokinole in play with the pris es coins to the following win ners mrs garnet hamilton lira wilmer mason mrs ted walter wilmer mason bui marshall and joan mcgregor following the crokinole per iod jack fries led ia a sing song with ronald break accom panying him on his guitar pol lowing the sing song ronald sang and played several reques ted numbers lunch was serv ed end social hour enjoyed the sixth meeting of the hornby meat balls was held at the home of mrs john cord- ingley on monday evening october 27 at 7 pm in the kitchen mary bakker and debbie rankin made stuf fed squash and shepherds pie was made by dale cordlngley and christine kreuts the north trafalgar euchre club held their weekly euchre patty on saturday night nov 8 at the north trafalgar rec reation centre there were 10 tables of euchre in play with the prises going to mrs cora snyder mrs mary hunt mrs mary bradley clare wilson mrs edward robertson and charlie brown the lucky draws were won by mrs ola robin and otto marshment the next euchre will be on saturday night dec is get well wishes are extended to mrs spencer wilson who is a patient in the peelmemorial hospital belated anniversary greet ings to mr and mrs george galbraith who celebrated their wedding anniversary on sun day november 8 mr and mrs roy south of brampton visited on friday owning with mr and mrs gar ry hamilton and family larry rutledge of clinton spent the weekend with his par ents mr and airs leslie rut ledge of the 0th line birthday greetings to mrs lillian hamilton who will cele brate her birthday on thursday nov 13 to ronald break and cecil mecarron on nov 15 yvonne brown on nov 17 and mrs earl mcmillan on nov 1 little friends of kent ham ilton will he pleased to hear he is improving tt his home fol lowing a case of pneumonia and hopes to be back at school soon the ladies of hillcrest unit ed church held a very success ful bazaar and tea on saturday november 8 with a good crowd of anxious buyers attending the children were very busy at the fish pond which is in teresting fun mrs jim hamilton have you a doctors prescription for glasses let us fill it accurately ami you can checwe from our wide selection f the newest and best in frames and they are moderately priced brampton dispensing opticians 1 main st n irampton ontario phone 459477

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