Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 13, 1969, p. 4

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published by thornton newspapers limited 22aaain st spiith georgetown ontario w c mehn publisher page 4 thursday november 1 3hs 1 96 editorial comment ice tofbe missed r a couple of holiday weeks and were back in the editorial chair we en- joyed a breather from the weekly chore and nice to know that we were missed w several readers remarked at our ab sence this time we decided to have a look by train and bus at a part of the states new fo us the midwest and west coast we saw miles of cornfields in idaho miles of wasteland in utah arizona- and the created oasis in california where fruits and vegetables grow in abundance a glimpse of the grand canyon and the huge hoover dam werehighlights san francisco and os angetes are tourist cities nice to visit but not for us to live in and we paused at lascfvegas to join the contributors to what must be the lar gest collection of gambling machines wer devised by man jf train travel in either canada or the states is the best way to get a panorama of the vast land in whifsh we live one sees more from a scenic tdojrrie car than from an automobile some of the dreary landscape is avoided when one is snugly tucked in a bunk at night it is an en- forged rest and one comes back much more refreshed than from any other type of vacation best of all one comes home with an appreciation of our own beautiful part of ontario for truly we in this part of the province live in the garden of eden the changing seasons varied landscapes pros perous farms and industries ajft something one finds in few other places in the world san francisco a warning v those who would let marijuana and other drugs become part of our society should visit the west coast befort they make their final judgment our stay in this beautiful city was marred by the hordes of unkempt glassy- eyed halloween garbed youngsters roam ing the city like packs of gypsies to them opting out of the establish ment as they are wont to call people who still believe that you must work for what you get means living little better than animals begging hitching rides selling dirty newspapers some of them must get a handout now and then from the 4 november is a nightmare it doesnt require a ugh iq to realize that the tfortd is go ing to hell in a hurry an you ibave to do u read look and listen vietnam that great cankar continue to suppurate thar is an explosion imminent in tha middle east china and russia are snarling at aach oth- er in outer mongolia or soma- whara thar are a dozah brush wars in progress then theres pollution and inflation and dlscranlnatm and mgb taxes and shortage of housing and student riots and sexual freedom and drugs am ong the kids just to mention a few other jollies top this off with eoronaries and constipation lung cancer and livers turning to stone ab ortions and acne andit is hard to believe the ragged old hu man race can keep its finger in the dyke much longer as h that isnt enough its november in canada a thought to chill the spirit curdle the blood make the bonps ache and turn ones thoughts to hamlet to be or not to be that is the question we behembeb but do we leabh halton mp 4rudkwhiting firom parents jhey have rejected certainly they cant be gainfully employed looking the way tiey do the argument that drugs are no more curse than alcohol is not valid for releasing another menace on society we have learned to live with alcohol and the problems it brings as one authority has said can we afford to saddle manitirxi vifh yet smother vice instead of loosening drug laws we should be talking about strengthening them a druq dealer is worse than si v i the qebatte am tie speed as the amount of legislation m murderer he can number hundreds from ttae tororae raided last creased over the years the kilmer again heads pc executive for county have disappeared from the un iverse its a time for huddling by the fire except that youve for gotten to get jour winter wood in a time for reading depres sing poetry a time for grumh- ling and grouching a time for watching thirdrate tv and des pising yourself for wasting the time a time for aas to fall off the wagon but we mustnt despair most we chaps we must be a man for all seasons surely there untst be something good about november just as tha human race tack les pollution inflation popula tion and an the other ailments tackle november well prob ably be too late just as w are with these items but ve got to give that old human try lets see well theres rem embrance day to brighten things up there are the christ mas gift advertisements six weeks early but very colourful theres the annual wallow of the grey cup game i must admit that something bright happened to me this no vember i had slept in saturday i morning for a bit got up loo- personally td prefer not to feed at my lawn shuddered and be in november but i havent to the morning paper the guts to commit suicrde and coff a substitute however anyone whod care to finish me off is welcome november is a month that should be deleted from the cal among his victims to the latter one- meanwhile back at the ranch john kilmer or oakville iwas reelected president of halton and ualton east prog ressive conservative association at the annual meeting last wednesday night kilmer 45 will head the local tones for his second tqrm renamed first vice president was robert reed of milton there uere only two new na- sreech became more general mos on tne ex for cream doorbell rang dam paper boy collecting i muttered but answered four freshfaced stu- we got home just in time for a local hurricane when esquesiog council passed a lengthy motion last week demanding a freeze on teachers salaries a cut in trus tee fees and a reduction in salaries paid top actrmriistrators they made a heavy contributor o the heralds mail bag in frits issue the school administration grves its side of rhe picture and several teachers also ar their views we have been critical at times of both adrrinistrators school board and council members and teachers we agree wifri much of the esquesing motion salaries paid to top officials are out of line with those paid in industry it is a moot point whether teachers receive a fair salary today certainly they have benefits not enoyed by many other pro fessions guaranteed yearly raises longer vacations an ironclad union which in cludes principals we have often wondered if setting a university degree as the criterion for high- years tuesday vtur bjai a jocal dio bruaahter said parliajn- and dealt more in broad nut- noxt nne y urm mrs rlu tat cam now jsfl anas tn the lines listing relatively few bills mackinnon of oakville elee- real busnwrss off aaes session to come before the house ti second vice president and william humphreys also of basjca1ulv tton is aw par- k tlfe spkkth this rear oakville who was named secre- lumrat a now esckfleid m the the governorgeneral in mak- t er salaries is valid in tha teaching pro- u cutnrfnrost deftna as one ln the presentation referred to tession summer courses designed to im- moto cnracirtral tao sots i of the bills the govern- prove teaching skills which used to be the on in the banse 9en ormsdder- ment would present for consid- ation is bec g s lie leg- eration the list was tabled in tslatre pcoa3jninjr people th house the following day by ihearmg ta traffioi mnrainoer thc prime minister it conlain- sometimes it seems to us that teach- nijht be tad to briber oat the ed 74 titles case have gone by the boards years recent mrs mackinnon succeeds ruth trustrum and humphreys takes over the office held last fear by george nome norman nixon of erin was aain named to fill the posi- discountma academes deh ob ia s fram it look5 as thouch we are l of lhu vuc president ing is in reverse u tnroi xrntit jmde pnrpoae j for a long and interesting elementary teachers receive the most beyond recocnseavc and perpel- 1 session ahead training as teachers high school less and uatinz pacttaabemlait tradi- university none at all and one can gen- j j- 0j ddlaflce eralize that the best teachers could be in f dijai acnaijlr s artist pro- lose buageting that order iduces a be off atamiafiu m- meeting it is part of todays world that today ment ami tnaay paffl f ww t halton and halton fast i on many smbnkfc won- hum- rvogressive conservative awoe we have established a monetary value on 92 p ution clearly does john depew of oakville was reelected treasurer and kelly new oakville was named vice- president in charge of finance a good number of george town 1vs were present it the 1 answi endar by act of parliament if dents equipped with rakes necessary wanted to know tf rd like my its given a perfect sendoff raked they were raising by the horrors of halloween ti ake 0cai t this is kind of fun when chidren on couple of jyour kids are little they arei excited and youre delighted somehow that little not of but when theyve grown up and warmth in cold worm did you have an entire evening ofj wonder fo m thy rkd answerinr the doorbell and smi- th uwn after a fashion nng ling heartily at surly urchins j doorbell very fiv minute who sneer at your mcintosh ap- hr a dh or tho mm pies and snarl havent ya got and it eojt m- imn dock any chocolate bars its charm fades a little but it was worth it some body was doing something lor then there s everything else some it gave me enough that november brings snow strength to hang on for that tires neglected until too late most we day of the vear storm windows ditto freezing november 30th and the end of winds rain that turns to snowlp annua nightmare iast years rubbers leaking dirt tracked in did y know 1 the glories of autumn have one in four canadians think vanished the pleasures of win- cancer is never cured in act- ter are not yet all you have ts ual fact slightly more than 50 a grey ulcerous dirty sodden i of all cancer patients are alive spiritless thirty days of gloom and well five years after treat- in which the sun seems tomenl public office and municipal councillors tar are haracd coax s amy other power in dollars and cents themselves with their own brush when time in tike ebksbp a lnt 1 the local tory group current they protest that school board members jf lff cm h j balance of 6 75 this deoatr ffl is iwfl necessary t annual meeting was told are getting too much pay to ronfnn mrs uotorks to a last wednesday night if esquesing had voted themselves specific sicis vuv crffen a the balance at last years an- r sir salary cut to fifty or a hundred dollars a 5 nual k was s251 63 peectt ttwa me tuinrme anil the annual pc picnic held at not figure thanks herald for conference coverage in the mail bag business directory no ember 3 1969 mail bag views drag strip safely measure for teen drivers member wte nui w i on behalf of the i cdarvale i lie annual iv piemc nein ai year at the same time as their blast at take tins appactnrnay j ertoll hornby in the summer set them tcmrc the school board we would have been i uujkies tn- back but was worth it local as- more inclined to support them if thev t tl soriation p joh u hh m brnoe mxatisom told tht m there had voted to have a university degree re- poa exampile heard of was no poutics at the picnic placed with specialized courses for teach- the eansams saaswoarv wneber- i foo and hc ai ers we would have agreed ita arsocdtac tka sasne people two auditors were aprxunted tworftne iemnjes aw enough at h annual meeting although to mate a pr tawili hrlifaipit was generally agreed there it said the me tram that wont be too darn much for region a saajje sjestry as en- the to do 004th the urmftwj a came out wrtft tne pasase ihe cut and thrust at itwaaoe also told the bocose bap 5rft detuor was often aaiiiji m wdk old rus ty iwka aod sam of the swords wefie n4 qajana onl of the srahhamfi board i wish tn thnk you for the fine eoverae iiven tn the community conference on re creition held on october 2r all members of the board oppreciate your help in making this a very successful evening yours very truly allen r drake chairman ae robson reoist rd physiotharapist 56 rexway drtve 77470 tjie editor i by the younger generation i have just read two articles drivers the optosptoax parties of f the november 6th issua of the herald which i would like to comment oh the first is a small article aying that the intersection ai mountainview road and river drive is a hazardous road con dition arid should be repaired before someone is badly injured or killed this is a good idea and afhould have immediate action before something does happen i guess a person could say we would be locking the stable- door before the horse is stolen if there is action immediately the second article concern the possibility of a race track of some kind being built in this area i assume that by the am ount of land which has been purchased n quarter mile drag atrip has been planned instead of hearing a lot of j opposition concerning this pro posal 1 think it might be more intelligent- to take a wider view on this thing lt get off the aubject for minute and look at a few very alarming situations the big four car manufac- arw pending millions of luart to advertisement each ftu 50 byron st year to promote their hot cars drag area some in attendance georgetown j these cars are bought mainly like to watch the beginning a tiaf jj j jj end when tvro of these hot wm g rf machines come down that yery the somca ftraob oe itome a problem because most of the narrow very dangerous instant a jj- ai nr fgrm- people that buy them drive drag strip it can mean sudden b a afc a has ef bones these cars are not necessarily them sensibly and with realization of the power are handling 1 but what happens when a the death for the drivers and the they i onlooker if anything happen to go wrong for instance hntq and doc ni barsa suppose a ear omgevaixt from tn tfaramr news echoes from tha heralds of 10 20 and 30 years ago accutron service cantra john boughton jewellers cartlfltd watchmakars s main st n 8774313 oulri veer right or left and hit group of these drivers get toge ther on a paved sideroad and have a drag race 2 what happens when the news of this gets to the ears of the young generation 3 what dangers exist in this a p a group of people form of racing or the otflcr ral 4 what chance do the police have of charging drivers for racing offences maybe i can inform you of some of these things when the word is out- that there are going to be drags the news travels fast the lime place and main competitors arc named and most of the inform ed attend these illegal drag races i have attended these races and have examined some of the grim possibilities which arise every time the cars are coming down the strip afcf speech a qnite a i nfling 1he hit a ptiddiaor pothole at abontjffflpt two thirds of irtwa down u i strip and went out of control j t l at roughly ninety miles per saam bfll hour in a split second it if there is a good crowd at tending there are cars parked on both sides of the road in the herald fiu sseanisttendeat advvn 6mis3c sbaiacer frasdc t scries of reactions could cause led not to mention forty or fif ty badly injured or killed spec tators plus six or seven piles of junk for a local wrecking yard suppose the police get wind of a race going on usually they radio for other units to come in from the opposite direction and try to catch the whole group at this play the fact is that these uhi usually break tip within thirty nay minutes and the police dont 1 have a chance of getting a ann onnrat wtepatirr single charge laid in regard to racing usl hasun they could charge the onloo- jfjjieaiaiiofa jaata jfcoepicnu continued on page 12 i gcease yamag n news bfcfiar afjufiuulant aflseea bradley 1959 a public school teacher here for 28 years until her retirement in june of 1953 miss beatrice hume of ficially opened park public school in a ribbon cut ting ceremony thursday evening the public was invited to tour the school following the ceremony the centre of controvresy for many months park school opened its doors to district pupils on novem ber 8 the original august completion dale was not met because of bad weather conditions and labour problems principal harold catling chaired the even ing avnd introduced miss hume and speaker edwin wilson chairman of the public school board mayor jack armstrong and area inspector w l mcneil 1949 after the regular morning worship was conducted at georgetown united church a vote was taken on a new name for the church a large majority of those voting favoured st johns as the new name rev j m smith will officially name the church next sun day awid will speak on the significance of the nama st johns 1939 a new coating and drying machine which has been called the hundred thousand dollar watchdog has beeh installed in the provincial paper mill it stretches for almost an entire block along one side of the mill on the northwest side of the cnr yard it is tha largest and most uptodate machine of its kind in the country the neyy coater and drier can turn out 50000 pounds of uniform paper evenly coated on both sides and the coating is dry in less than 20 seconr c0rbett chiropractic clinic spinal xray service available by appointment b774631 69 mill st old post offflca w h cam professional engineer consulting engtrwar ontario land surveyor office 877 2211 773300 home lc miuesse ontario land surveyor 65 duncan drive georgetown 8776275 cresidence optometrist l m brown r0 47 main st n suite 1 for appointments phone 773671 optometrist rr hamilton ro 116 mountainview south carrctal building for appointment 1773971 please present health insurance card wallace thompson 3rd division court 772963 clark a commissioner monuments pollock a campbell designs on bequest inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 62175i s3 water street north cal t barragers cleanorashlrt laundarera 772379 18 main s 166 guelpk all work done on pramtaaa for f n your insurance needs javaaaw aaftaaaaalsaaaaaafaaalbllafe lite end tualntw consult john r lewis 49053 ps5s 0

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