Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 20, 1969, p. 1

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prepare bylaw to erase arena pool community centre boards the first move to abolish the present board of parte mana gement arena the communi ty centre board swimming ol and the cedarvale com ity centre board and to set up a seven member munic- ipw recreation committee in kbf place was taken monday night when council passed a jnoqoh to prepare such a by- latar i these steps were endorsed 1 onanimously at a recent recre ation conference at cedarvale cx em hyde the only ponent to the motion -u- k sad day fordgeorgetown and all in the name of prog ress he claimed be people 3ho are doing tremendous jobs in recreation are going to be replaced by a paid recreation director at a xakiy high sal ary its the first step in a very costly recreational program for the town continued cr hyde while we turn our back on the people who have been do ing a great job for years for nothing cr ric harrow vigorously de fended the proposed change o town has suffered from termed jack of coordination in recrea tion for years he statett he emphasized that the able ing and qualified people who have volunteered their services over the years wib still be need ed to carry out the programs he reminded council the town would receive more grants under this system and pointed out the recreation conference was very well attended they unanimously passed a resolu tion asking this be done he added civ morrow admitted this could be foreshadowing of hiring a recreation director but claimed a town of 15000 needed one if this- is a step toward more spending on recreation ttwn im for it he remarked in conclusion be claimed recreat ion had been left in the back ground for years commenting on cr hydes statement that this was a sad day for georgetown cr harry lievy admitted it could be sad but only in the sense that it was a change the very peop le who have been doing all the work are the ones who said lets have a change claimed cr jjtvy the town is no lon ger 5000 people we need a director continued cr levy we- have so many- willing and able workers but no one to co ordinate it sad when we get so big volunteer organizations are not considered adequate com mented cr hyde now some body will say the same thing about the firemen and ambul ance then well do away with all volunteer groups td like to reassure cr hyde and the public in general that there will be lots of room for volunteers asserted cr donna denison the fact that we are reducing the administration from 28 to 7 will make it more efficient and easier to retain volunteers she went on to ex plain that advisory councils will be retained probably made up of the people who have been running the various groups continuing cr denison maintained that recreation would be strengthened rather than weakened by giving lea dership to those who have been doing the job deputy reeve art speight said he bad talked to the heads of various organizations regarding this drastic change and clai med they all felt it was the proper approach to the prob lem reeve w hunter said he would vote for the motion but reserve his opinion till he saw what exactly would be in the bylaw he wondered aloudi here the town was going re- i bope this move wiu garding taxes and claimed that the new system of assessment to go into effect next year would raise taxes making- the curtailment of spending more necessary- than ever admitting he had voted ag ainst the motion in committee cr w smith said he had changed his mind if the peo ple on existing boards okay it i guess i should go along he remarked he cited georgetown as a well organised town as far as athletics are concernedqfaut fetrecreation waju bigger than take in the people who are not athletically inclined l mayor emmerson stated that various boards will he dis banded anyway under regional government so we might as we change accordingly i see no reason to oppose this since- the complete change is only a question of time he coo eluded j the motion passed 8 to 1 with cr hyde opposing adsfliarpavl yaw can place an ad in mm ljtheral classified pages- by henlna 4772201 buying or effing tle htrakt is whare yaw will final the result you the home newspaper for georgetown and disfrict printing publishing the georgetown herald hat served georgetown arid district an printers end publishers for ewer a century ot the best in fine printing and newt coverage u d class mao kofl number 0943 kehirn postage guaranteed georgetown ontario thursday november 20 1969 500 per yean copy wee tain cents halton county boardof education chairman fred armitage talks with commence ment valedictorian doug stephens claims sewer charge discrimination against private home owners appearing before council monday night colin blight 250 delrex bid objected to paying the 50 sewer surchar ge on water which does not enter the sanitary sewer such as water from lawn watering or rcar washing basing his argument on the bylaw which reads the sur charge is for sewage received treated or disposed of by a sewage works project mr blight pointed out that water from lawns and gardens was never received treated or dis posed of in fact did not even enter the sanitary sewer he insisted he did not object to paying for water discharged from his home into the sanit ary sewer but strenuously ob jected to paving for water which did not enter the system t all he claimed discrimination in the fact industrial and com mercial users may apply for adjusvment of their water bill- l tag for water not discharged into the sanitary sewer while residential users cannot he claimed further that residential users were to some extent sub sidizing industry 1 respectful ly request that i be granted equal rights to claim adjust ment he asked he said he was prepared to meter the hose water at his own expense to enable the water commission to calculate the amount of water discharged into the sanitary sewer system cr sandy mackenzie stated it would be difficult to figure just what water was going into the sanitary sewer he claimed that without the sewer service charge 2 mills would have to be added to the general mill rate there may be inequities but it puts the onus on the people who use the water he opined he admitted it was worthy of looking into but felt it was too complicated for an immediate answer cr em hyde explained he was a member of the council pollution is public enemy no 1 speaker tells campers money -spent- on antipollu tion measures is our best invest ment today a million dollars put into conservation today will be worth a billion dollars in the future so said canadian family camping federations conservation chairman claude hebert who spoke to the geor getown cfcf branh the fire flies at their november meet ing at cedarvale tuesday nov 11 he defined conservation as the act of preserving natural resources and put the finger on pollution as the number one enemy of conservationists he blamed uncontrolled in dustrial waste car and truck exhaust washing detergents and pesticides for the sharp decline in fresh air fresh wat er and animal life they have even found ddt in the bodies of animals in the arctic and antarctic he told his audience claiming the general public have adopted the attitude that they can do little as individu als to combat pollution he stressed they can indeed influ ence the struggle write letters to your mem ber of parliament ma e sure that in the next election there are conservationminded men in the race and practice cons- ervation in your personal life said mr hebert and support existing conservation authorit ies theyre doing a good job but they need the backing of the general public he deplored the setting of astronimcal fines for indus tries contributing to pollution which were apparently made only to appease the concerned public since practically no pen alties have been levied he added the medical pro fession seem to be subdued in their public comments on the pollution crisis possibly becau se they are afraid of people panicking this is becoming a very serious situation and the more the public become aware and the more they demand anti pollution measures the more the politicians are likely to fo cus their influence in further ing conservation he conclud ed he was introduced by mrs eileen booth and thanked by john booth accompanying mt hebert to the meeting was another member of the bramp ton ramblers branch stan woodhouse during the business the fire flies finalized plans for their christmas meeting in december and agreed to enter a float in the santa claus par ade when the system was established there were other methods considered but this was felt to be the fairest he stated he reminded mr blight that a great deal of industrial water used in washing down did not go into the sanitary sewer drivers escape serious injury in car crashes robert melanson 12 george street suffered a cut on his nose and stephen arthurs 8 bairstow crescent a bleeding nose bump on his head and sprained right band in one of three accidents involving in jury investigated this week by georgetown police this one happened on guelph street east of albert street at 1105 pm saturday police said the car driven by arthurs was going east on guelph st when the brakes failed he swerved hitting the back end of a car operated by roy hansen of 47 maple ave west and then coming to rest against a hydro pole total damage to the cars was 650 raphael c burke of rr 1 guelph suffered neck injuries in a three car collision at the corner of guelph- and water streets monday morning his car and another driven by john beverly eves of rr 1 georgetown were stopped on guelph street for a car making a right turn into canadian tire parking lot when a car driven by ken leslie of 41 victoria avenue collided with the back of one bumping it into the oth er damage here was placed at 725 another three car accident at the guelph street entrance to georgetown market resulted in mrs betty holbrough of 5 roydon place suffering a bump on her forehead she was a passenger in a ear driven by leslie holbrough of car driven by james albert 5 roydon place which was eastbound when a westbound car driven by james hunter of rr 2 georgetown turned left to enter the plaxa they collided and the hunter car continued on to hit a third car- about to leave the parking lot it was driven by helmut scheidhauer of 03 eleanor crescent nine hundred dollars was the property damage in this collision which happened fri day esquesing resolution termed irresponsible principal mike furlong critical of twp proposal at commencement ministers see facts of life films proposed for schools films on family life educa- tion intended for school child ren in grades seven and eight were viewed last week by 15 ministers from halton county following the presentation rev keith hawkes of hillcrcst united church near ashgrove and his wife a former school teacher were asked to express their views on the films both mr and mrs hawkes agreed that the entire program was excellent and indeed should be available to young people he told the herald the films viewed arc being used in the schools but similar films aihv e at youngsters from kinder garten to grade five are not yet in use rev and mrs hawkes said they did not believe the films on sex education were too can did for exposure to young minds they agreed that in most cases the opposition to show ing the films to children arises not because the parents intend to expose the childrh to sex education at a later time but because the parents would like ly be afraid to discuss the mat ter with their children at any time nick volpe coordinator of physical and health education in the county who presented the films and outlined the program at the school boards administration building had aaid earlier that the films are needed because of the lack of health education for children up to grade 6 the films dealing scientific ally with the subject of reprod uction leading to human birth form biaf ra group to arouse concern a group of people concerned about the civil war i nigeria- biafra and about the hunger and starvation there is being formed in georgetown it is planning some activity for thursday nov 27 which will be a national day of re membrance sat the suffering going on in ntjjbrla afidsiafra this peace biafra day is spon sored by interpax a group started by former cbc announ cer stanley burke interpax seeks to arouse and express public concern about the war with a view to having the canadian government press harder for a peaceful end to it many local churches have held special collections for re lief ami will be presenting the situation on the sundays ar oundnovember 27 lajt sunday a special collec tion it the christian reformed church raised 850 for famine relief and their deacons appor tioned a further 300 from their mercy fund this money is being sent to canairelief a canadian organ ization which has just acquired its fourth plane to fly food into biafra sharp criticism of esques ing councils move to freeze teacher salaries cut school board members pay and reduce senior administration salaries by 25 was expressed by m j furlong on friday speaking at the commence ment exercises the high school principal termed an esquesing motion passed three weeks ago as irresponsible in almost ev ery respect i would fail in my position as principal if i didnt respond to this tonight he told a lar ge audience of students and parents mr furlong defended the school board as one who sits in on salary negotiations i can tell you they are watching expenditures and his tea chers i deeply resent de rogatory criticism of a staff which as a group ranks with aircraft employee david haigh one of three accident victims a former georgetown resid- ent was widowed in a two car crash near barrie on november 12 which took the lives of three men david haigh 23 a douglas aircraft employee and driver of a south bound car died in royal victoria hospital barrie a few hours after the accident also killed was his passenger aaron hall streetsville also a douglas employee and gerald burson of sudbury driver of the other car mrs burson re ceived minor injuries mr haigh who lived in downsview was married to bonnie stuttard daughter of mr and mrs george stuttard 22 cleaveholm drive in st johns united church here in 1967 they lived in town in the hilltop apartments on queen street for a year then moved to downsview mr haigh had been visiting his parents in parry sound and was en route home when the accident occurred weather conditions were poor at the time a native of peterborough he was the son of mr and mrs harold haigh of parry sound he leaves his wife his par ents and two sisters mrs jos eph laviola ida of richmond hill and mrs terry christen- son anita of toronto funeral service took place in parry sound on saturday with burial following in hillcrcst cemetery there emmerson name for west end park the five acre park in moore park will be named emmerson park after mayor emmerson council decided mondays night cr era hyde disagreed with the suggestion not on personal grounds but rather because he felt some of the earlier mayors might be remembered or the moore family on whose land the park is located there is nothing personal in this he said but i feel it should be moore park after the people who held the prop erty for years turning to mayor emmerson he said i hope a park will be named aft er you but not right now it could just as easily be mack enzie park after sandys grand father a former mayor or cleave park another former mayor mayor emmerson acknow ledged there was nothing per sonal in cr hydes remarks but admitted tit makes a fellow feel pretty good to have a park named after- him when the vote was taken cr hj said he changed his mind entation at the gdhs commencement at the conclusion of the program rile pproached thestage snatched up and would make the voteunan- any school in the province i thank them as a principal and as a parent he said mr furlong in his second year as principal here said ho looked on the nights gradua ting class as my graduates and i love all of you he asked if they considered themselves trained or educated for the latter must show a sense of judgment tf you are a protester do you have alternatives until you have the ability to test de cisions and their consequences then you arent fully educated he said he stressed mat young pec pie entering the working world should reserve some of their energies for some sort of public service i will follow your careers with interest he concluded i know you have ability put it to the best use school board chairman fred armitage a platform guest al ong wth local board member ernest bodnar and squesing member william lawson also referred to the esquesing mo tion we can defend our position against financial critics he said as long as we are mak ing an investment in the future were doing the job you elected us to do and this graduating class represents the greatest potential our country has the board is not averse to beneficial criticism however he added and is constantly striving for impuvement in every sphere sixtysix received honour diplomas marking completion of their five year high school course mary armstrong robert bar ber gordon barclay craig barkhousc charles biehn mary mcclintoek frederick brown continued on page 16 posies for the principal georgetown high school prinefpal mike furlong and student john riley cant restrain broad smiles after the final ryes- basket of flowers from the floor tucked his tongue in his cheek and present only comment was a coy oh you shouldnt have to the beaming principal whose imous that the park be called emmerson park f

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