Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 20, 1969, p. 14

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1 1 v f i p addition ferro coowner jim randall with 15 torn- of fabricated girders construction on georgetown high schools current addition may have ground to a hal by now becase of the recent steel strike but for the vncfil of having a local structural steel on armstrong avenue was ask- evident ed to build three fabricated company when it became beams originally to have been i girders working overtime and used in the steel structure weekends they had them com would be delayed due to the pie ted in short order strike ferro structural steel the 74 foot long girders weighing five tons apiece were loaded on a float and hauled to the high school with a pol ice escort they have since been install ed and the job is proceeding let s play bridge jjc i had the pleasure of direct ing at the be ljl telephone brid ge club in torontorecently as a director you dont get i chaj nee to see h hands but occas- tonally you see an interesting hand which yyi can then keep your eye on as it travels around here is the hand with north dealer and neither side vulner able north sqj 4 h q j 9 b it c 5 3 v west s void s a9 8 7 6 3 fh a 10 2 h 8 4 uvj 9 6 5 3 b 10 8 7 c a q 10 4 2c 9 8 south s k 10 5 2 h k d a q 4 3 c k j 7 8 the bidding north east south west 3h pass 3 nt all pass opening lead four of clubs i have no quarrel with norths opening bid in fact the trend today especially at duplicate bridge is to preempt with almost any seven card suit by bill coa1s uuatuaam even seven to trie jack v mosf souths just couldnt re sist doing something most tri ed 3 no trump north must leave the final contract up to south once you have made a preem ptive bid you have described your hand your partner knows what you have you dont nec essarily know what your partner has any north who returns to four hearts is due to go down at least two on a club lead south however has a fighting chance at three no trump the opening club- lead is won by declarers jack declarer is j 3 east norval norval minister plans move to norwich church norval residents are sorry toon tuesday nov 4 the guest hear that rev r duncansoni speaker was mrs lillian dixon has accepted a call to norwich a missionary for 42 years in ont and will bo leaving nor- j formosa val union presbyterian charge at the end of november both the couples club of norval i sw to such questions as why ir and mrs duncaoson will united church met at the home there are no qualified music be greatly missed in the com- of mr and mrs bill laidlaw on teachers teaching the pupils munity thursday evening november 6 why pay music consultants and better credit education the opinion that there is not competition in the present school system and this is onej reason why we have so many jt f jt young people opting out when 5 fl qt ivgw l otiltif i lc by arnold blachford your telephone manager they have to face up to the harsh realities of life which is competition anyone can be a good winner but it builds char acter to be a good loser mrs howard chester and mrs e me- local finance company man agers in the brampton- george townacton area met at the shield and sword inn in bram- pton recently to set up a con- lean were appointed to look in- l sumcr credit education commit- to the matter more fully and to j tee to promote a better under- report back to the wl the an- with mr and mrs john dunlop music coordinators when the thompson union preibytcrian church and committee in charge of the m taught to the pupils by wms met at the home of thei evening the highlight was lis- onc 0 the teachers- in the president mrs clarence and- tenin to a record made by dr school is insufficient for a fest- erson recently assistant host- murray banks a teacher of- jval in what way are the con esses were mrs harvey puck- j psychology in the usa on how sultanls and coordinators bet ering and mrs c g bishop i to live with yourself and howt than the qualified music the theme of the meeting to stay away from a psycholo- teachers at the school i level was love and the program gist this was a very amusing j where the children are actually was a discussion period land informative 1 3lk after- taught and how do their salaric standing of the consumer cre dit in the communities and to encourage an understanding of sound money management named were chairman bui of niagara finance company assistant chairman bob thompson of household finance training chairman j pat rennick of transcanada publicity chairman norm tal and adult groups will be set up the program is jointly spon sored by the canadian consum er loan association and the federated council of sales fin ance companies national fin ancing accociations subject matter is sound mon ey management and the wise efficient use of consumer cred it a buyers economic tool which has bolstered canadian consumer purchasing power by something over 96 bilion thats the current estimate of the total outstanding consumer debt in canada it represents 20 per cent of annual dispos most fortunate to find some lspade and- diamond honors in worths hand if east has both major suit aces declarer is likely to go down if west has both aces declarer will prob ably make his contract the only real concern then is divid ed aces ieclarer leads the heart king which the defense of course lets win now if east has the spade ace declarer must lead a diamond in order to reach dummy if however east has the heart ace declarer must lead a spade declarer should try the spade but not for the obvious reason if east wins and returns a club declarer must duck if west does not overtake then declar er is safe for east has- no more clubs if west overtakes and clears the club suit declarer forgets all about hearts he now has three spade tricks three diamond tricks two clubs and one heart for his contract west may well duck east club hoping that both east and declarer have three clubs in this case declarer proceeds with the establishment of his heart suit conceding at the most two clubs and two major suit aces acton bridge club mondays winners 1 tie frank mullin and bob dixon frank and midge hampshire 2 tie kay campbell and tom wames betty ashley ond gloria coats mrs eric leslie read the which a lively discussion was compare scripture lesson followed with i enjoyed prayer by mrs bishop mrs i during the business it was dc lee campbell gave the dedica- prided to have a new years par- tor- prayer and mrs casselmarr ty in stcwarttown hall as usual save the closing prayer this year plans were made for the bake lunch and a social hour end- sale and tea room at the bajed the evening zaar i the home helpers and the norva womens institute wms of union successful baz- and tea in the salurciav afternoon church held a3r bake sale church n ii was decided to bring items for a christmas food hamper to ilh mrs gordon laidlaw pre- the next meeting and to send a siding cash donation to assist our ad- mrs peter pomeroy and mrs opted girl in hong kong at ron moffat gave the devotional christmas after which mrs lawrence may showed slides and told about mrs l may historical r- her recent ujps meiico k convener was in charee hawaii barbados morida and presbyterian mien- regular monthly mee- 0 the program she displayed v i i-i- he tweedsmuir history book which is a history of norval antl district and told about the work she had done in the book on the history of the rrn tury farms ip the district and hot or household finance and able income special projects chairman j ilh that kind of money at mike hosier of iaurentide i stake a program on how to a consumer education proj make cash and credit dollars go for high school students the full distance was deemed of paramount importance in gram ring at the home of mrs rcnee may on thursday law- even- mrs ing november 6 with niov 1 the home helpers wrrcl joe murray presiding in charge of the bazaar and the thc r11 cah uas tpi1 wms in charge of thc bake sale r tnmg our younger feneration and the tea room gave the courtesies mrs paul johnson and mrs gordon itrid assisted the host ess with lunch and a social time was enjoyed consumer education the guidance and informat ion which the program makes available is presented in a for mat of films and literature backed by a teachers guide which provides suggestions on a plan of lessons and projects which explore the subject in more depth missing com ired to 50 a he fiftieth wedding they lie tearh they would he greatly apprec iated for the history book mrs j may and mrs a har- rop assisted the hostess in ser ving lunch uhilr pictures for the cold the history b- ok were enjoyed keep the anni- years ago and manv enjoyable j versaries complete wth pic- nrnvtl guides and fonies limes were recalled such as ures if you have pictures of enjoyed a trip to the maple riding in a horse and buggy and ppople or places of the district leaf gardens toronto on sat- house parties vith everyone urdny nov 8 to afnd the 1 j joining in a sing song around pm matinee of thg ice capadi thc organ or piano es the lenders of the guides mrs don murray and mrs ard brniii and one ranger howard chester displayed rush- acini nid the iris miking a ions thev had midc it the re toal of 4i attnliig lh shm rert quilt mking roiirse thy cliicrrd a tins for the had tilcn thy will trin and report a very rnjoj- ing the course later to anyone ahe afternoon j interested it is not necessary to be a w i member to join gt1 well wihcs ire rxlended the class it was decided th it to mrs speacer wilon who each one make a block for a spent a week in peel memorial j quilt to display on achievement day in march a letter rcgardng the future mrs clarence anderson and of the north halton music fes- mfs leslie young of union tival was read and the mem- presbyterian church wereibers voiced concern over the guests at a luncheon zi knox possibility of no music festival presbyterian church toronto in the future most expressed an auction sale of the fur niture and contents of the home of the late mr and mrs w j mcclure on guelph st in the village was held on satur day afternoon nov 15 with a good number attending many were interested in the antiques weather helped to bidding brisk as no one wanted to stand around a unit tuq of norval united bid of s250o0 did not conic up church ucw held thr regular to the reserve hid for the house monthly meeting at the homo and property so it was not sold of mrs bill uiidhw on wed at the auction nesdiy evening november 12 mrs ed mclean reprints of most 1h0tos appearing in the herald may be ordtrcd at th office 23 main st s or by phoning 1772201 for a printing georgetown herald phone 772201 l everybody with a telephone has a special telephone address that is different from any other anywhere ifs the area code that makes your nurnber unique thats why- its so important to check the area cod before calling long distance if you use the wrong one you could end up tfalkinq to someone hundred onahousands of miles away from 1he place you in tended to call if you should ge a wrong number on a long distance call dial o right away and fell- the operator what happened shell make sure youl arent charged for the call and if you want to check a long distance number just dial 1 12 then the area code if its different from yout own then 555- 1212 heres a little gem of trivia from south of the bor der by the end of 1969 3000000000000 thats three trillion telephone conversations will have been completed in the united states the total is a tabula- tion of calls made since 1880 when alexander grtyl ham bell first offered telephone service to the public and speaking of mr bell i came across a state ment he gnce made which i think some of you might find interesting he said when one door closes another opens buf we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us finally a few bell canada facts last year we had 5451000 phones in service in our operating terri tory ontario quebec labrador and parts of th northwest territories in the same year our custom- ers originated sorrie 10 billion local calls and 243 million long distance calls bell canada is one of the nations largest taxpayers and the largest tax payer in most of the communities in which we operi ate more than 97 per cent of all our equipment and material is produced in canada by ourselves and by some 5000 other canadian suppliers hospital recrtlv santa ilvers in downtown georgetown carries the largest selectiq of boys fine apparel in the district ideal gifts 51 a main st north telephone 8775845 announcement from nino at maru coiffure nick ferraro am proud to announce that sally brannan has joined me as a part ner in maru coiffure already wellknown to ladies in georgetown sally brings with her 10 years experience both in canada and great britain her allround abilities as a hair stylist and wig technican will further make aaaru coiffure the place to fill your hair styling eeds to celebrate the partnership a hair goods sale our largo election of qaulity falls wigs and hair pieces will be offered at special partnership prices phone for your appointment today or drop in and see- our wig selection anytime hours tuesday to friday 9 am to 9 pn saturday 8 am to 6 pm 4 top halk styiists tc serve you rca modular stereo the modernist model sf72 here is the last word in versatility a stereo that adapts its size to meet the space available without sacrificing sound or quality how is it don simple the speakers and base are detachable so you can use it 3 ways as a normal console as a console with detachable speakers as a modular type unit the chassis solid state with 41 lockin faa stations and chrome finish solid stale devices am fm and fm stereo with afc to stereo indicator light lighted dial panel in silver separate onoff tone balance tuning function controls speaker and cabinet the detachable speaker units 6 duocone speak- ers with mechanical crossover network at 5000 hz scuffresislant black vinyl finish the cabinet compact contemporary record storage space hinged smoked translucent lid only 199 95 mifticic phone 8773465 sales and service 14 wesleyan street just off main street from eatons order offiew tntea- hm

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