Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 20, 1969, p. 4

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vvicr v etown herald tomhheel by thomson newspapers ijmitod 22 iyiain st south georgetown ontario w c mmn publisher page 4 thursday november 20th 1mb editorial comment sff pros cons in voting lowering the votfng age to 1 8 yearjs which seems ro be in the cards federally is like anytorher subject one which has its pros and cons it would seem that in this country we say a man is ready for marriage for the working world for driving- an auio- mobile for serving in the armed forces yet we deny him the right to help choose is government the government which sets many of trie regulations by which he must legally abide one can argue that many 18 year olds are not yet mature enough to have sensible views on matters of public con cern one can also argue that some are wiser then than many of their seniors for age does not lecessariiy jibe with maturity in todays troubled times with so much talk about generation gaps and youthful protest it would be easy for the adult world to brush off a lower voting ge to say lets wait till things simmer down but do things ever really simmer down perhaps the major differences be tween a youth who grew up in the twen ties or forties and the 1969 version s that adults tend to pay too much attention to a generation gap which was always there to play up youthful indiscretions instead of taking thenri with a grain of salt and looking at the disturbers of twenty yeafs ago now comfortably ensconed in the establishment as we are inclined to call the workday world we dont think lowering the voting age will have any harmful effect on our way of life too few adults in canada appreciate the privilege of free elections as statistics show perhaps a lower age will be enervating to adults if youngsters tend to be too radical to make bad judg ments then the adults may pay more heed when voting day corrjes and make sure they use that precious franchise we graduated too there was nostalgia for this writer in attending the commencement exercises at the high school last week it marked our iinal break with ele mentary and secondary school education as our number three young hopeful re ceived his certificate this fall for the first time in 23 years we have no personal reason to attend a school function to visit a school on parents night attend a christ mas ccncert hear news of what went on at school today as students filed by to receive their diplomas as various speakers appeared on the platform as the orchestra performed our thoughts wandered through those years and a procession of teachers and pupils passed before our eyes they were good years good for us and good for our three children and our gratitude goes to a country which provides such a fine educational system and to the teachers who guided them through the doesnt seem to be workutc at either eto k important formative years of their lives at times we hava been critical when we feel that teachers are putting dollars too much to the fore no one expects them to return to the days when much of their pay was in status and security and they were grossly underpaid in relation to others with similar and many with much less education t the pendulum has swuncf and today teachers are organized and never again will be subject to pennypinching trustees they are receiving salaries commensurate with the job have advantages of pension plans longer vacations and salary sche- j dules which provide automatic yearly in creases would if not be possible then for teachers some year to agree that their salaries are adequate and to give the tax payer soma relief from the crippling edu cation taxes which seem to be going no where but up haltonmp reports from could use more awards one thing which could be used in todays high school is more awards to be presented at commencement there was a day when awards and students were almost equal in i n and almost every graduate received some sort of recognition the number of students has multipli ed and it is possible now only to acknow- lege the few at the top with awards avail able there are many new business firms in town who would be happy to oblige if they were asked and many perhaps who have just never thought of it school authorities would be overjoy ed if they were contacted and offered a prize many donors specrfy the field in which their prize is to be awarded oth ers leave it to the discretion of the school administration either way you will do a service to the school system and help a deserving student in a tangible way our economy some tax changes but capital gains sure thing by prank flahsrty special to the herald thanks to finance minister bensons paper on tax reform most canadians can now figure out the way they will be taxed over the next decade some people are sure to pay more than they hive in the past es pecially those who make cap ital gains on the short run at least a lot of amall income people are going to pay less some a lot less in relation to the amount of income they have been ac customed to have left after paying their taxes these are the moderate and low income earners who will benefit in dollar terms at least from the raising of exemptions the big fellows in the 50000 and up income tax brackets may also pay less because of a lower percentage levy on the top brackets of the big incomes many of them however will pay more in actual dollars be cause of the decision to tax capital gains no longer will taxpayers have an incentive to work and plan for profits ra ther than a steady flow of in come from wages salaries in terest and dividends this may mean leas business for the brokerage business the fact that canada remain ed without a capital gains tax for m long while other advanc ed countries used it has intrigi for the next budget to see just ucd many foreigners some at- how large the capital gains taxj tribute it to conservatism ca- is expected to bulk in the gov- nadian reformers tend to blame ernments total intake as of i it on an undue dominance of i now its clear the minister ex- 1 wealthy individuals in the lib eral and conservative parties most business organizations in the country have consistent ly opposed it their argument which apparently carried weight with successive govern ments was that a yeung and un developed country needs capi tal and should reward the peo ple who accumulate and in vest capital another popular argument was that capital gains are highly unstable and since governments need a steady flow of income they shouldnt rely on them no capital gains tax is con ceivable without allowing for capital losses the benson tax will do that this means that in boom times like the present the finance minister willgcla lot of revenue from capital gains taxes in slack times when prices are dropping his reven ue will fill rapidly and hell have to boost the rate of tax on earned incomes at a time when employment may be de clining that argument is probably finished now because whether good or bad no government is ever likely to let go of a source of revenue i canadians will have to waitj pects it to more than cover the revenue loss stemming irom increasing the exemptions and thereby lower the tax load on low and medium incomes bensons statisticians say thatj had the new tax plan been in operation last year 750000 few er canadians would have paid ny income tax 3100000 would have paid- less tax 820000 would have paid about the same and 3030000 would have paid more one of the biggest disap pointments this year has been the ilure of the top leader ship of the trade union move ment to support the drive for wage and price stability it leaves the recently created prices and incomes commission out on a limb john h young the vancouver economics prof- esaor who heads the board how ever says hes not giving up addressing a labour relat ions conference at montreal he rebutted suggestions that the commission had suggested lab or should bear the whole load the board had in mind a for rrruls or set of criteria defining what constituted a justifiable price increase in present cir cumstances and a cqrrcspnnd- contintied on page 5 from tiie phone calls and letters received since mr ben son the minister of finance released his white paper on tax reform many people in my opinion believe that the contents of this document are to become law the white papj cr contains proposals only and while proposals represent the thinking of the government nevertheless none of them can become law until hey are in- corporatcd into legislation prej sented to parliament and appro ved by that body the purpose of a white paper is to evoke discussion especially on the part of the public and it la from such dis cussion the sovernment gels the feelings of the country to guide them in planning legislation they wish to introduce the benson white paper as a document did not contain many surprises as such almost every proposal had its origin in the carter report published in 1967 which received wide publicity and discussion at that time and since the carter report has been acclaimed throughout the world as the most compre- henaive study of taxation ever attempted it was the first ser ious effort to study methods of taxation used by governments as sources of revenue the purpose was also to seek ways and means of spread ing the tax burden more even ly than at present and to plug the many loopholes that have been unearthed over the years by astute students of taxation or as some call themselves tax experts the carter report was found to be too severe in many of its recommendations its ba sic premise was a buck is a buck is a buck no matter its source and should be subject to taxation this basis for equit able taxatipn is fine in theory but it lacks practical realism in many areas hoover the car ter report contained a wealth of information and was written with a great depth of thought it was from this report that the benson white paper had its origin and while the carter report was the result of ave years of extensive work the white paper added nine months of study to the task now the minister of fin ance is asking canadians to give it further thought be fore preparing legislation if you have any thought or op inions wherthor approving or disapproving he is asking you to write to him and make him aware of thorn i will be plea sed to receive your letters and will see that they are forwarded to the minister of finance the honourable mr benson i have been appointed a parliamentary observer with the delegation of canada to the 24th regular session of the general assembly of the unit ed nations in new york i will be in new york for the period 17th november to 29th november i am looking forward to this experience and i will be reporting on the ev ents and issues which come be fore the united nations during this period in a future column leaf changed when worn by those who called themselves patriots dur ing the 1837 rebellion in low er canada the maple leaf was regarded as an emblem of dis loyalty in thi mail rao not personal policy is councils concern r it 8 milton ontario dear mr editor in regard to the eaqueslng township resolution asking the halton county board of edu cation for certain considerat ions in various areas as it pre pares its estimates for 1970 i find it regrettable that mr armitage in his press release has seen fit to deflect the rea- ons for suggesting staff salary reductions and maintaining teacher salary schedules at existing levels to a personal at tack on the boards employees and teachers these suggestions are concerned only with board policy the interests of the taxpayer may be served further by sug gesting to the board that the publics romance with educat ion is over the hard facts of the costs of an educational pro gram that is based on the idea nothing is too good for my child are causing many to wonder if perhaps wa should have only the bast program we can afford and to concentrate on seeing that w get it the public response- to the esquesing resolution has been both unanimous and gratifying i thank all those who have ta ken the trouble to telephone and to stop me on the street to express their views which are that it is time someone sugges ted to the board exactly what esqueaing council has your truly kan marshall news echoes from the heralds of 10 20 and 30 years ago georaetown herald published by thornton newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c biehn publisher garfield mcgilvray production superintendent advertising manager frank mullin news editor accountant terry harley ailecn bradley valerie caruso anne currie reporter leslie clark dave hastings mylcsgilson john mcclements gcorgb young 1959 a speaking at the north halton urban board dinner in erins hilltop lodge saturday haltons aapp stanley hall spoke of the growth of halton county and his hope that one day the entire county might be an amalgated municipality a city of halton with each of the present municipalities forming a part of the unit aj close to 4000 in scholarships has been awarded nine georgetown high school students who achieved suc cess in the academic standings last term the recipients of the awards were wabe baker pauline watson tom forgrave douglas sargent betty avery rodney hyde john varlis and virginia walker 1949 a the water shortage which has been serious at several times during the past year became critical on sunday when it was discovered that streams which fed the si i- vercreek reservoir had almost completely frozen an em ergency council meeting was called in the afternoon and a sound truck was sent around telling that water was to be used for drinking only and asking housewives not to do their washing industrialists were invited tova second meeting in the evening a resolution has been passed advising canadian national railways that the town would be unable to supply water for the locomotives until the emergency was over the arenas ice plant has also been cut off 1939 a due to war conditions and the demand for socks for the soldiers brill hosiery mills- georgetown find their present factory accommodations inadequate to meet the demand of orders placed with them due to this rush of business another storey is being added to the factory and when completed will add greatly to the appearance of this building veil as making room for mote mach ines and workr d brill georgetown and w schenk glen willian he proprietors bill smiley yes madam times change do you know what the up- choking back hit natural eonunjt generation canadianljury father said he would men is going to marryt rotten wives and do you know why because the mothers of these potential wives have spoiled them rotten they have over protected tfcenr tried unsuccessfully to impose their own dubious taste on them and refused to allow their daughters to learn any thing practical tike sewing or cooking this is not a blanket damnation but it certainly ee- ilea fe many people l knew war must i maine ft all i mothers many fathers aid and i apeak nrom experience these middleaged spoilers are driven bx several motives most of them were growing up when things were tough all over and they are ruthlessly determined that their kids are going to have all the advan tages they couldnt have thuswe have a plethora of lessons is music ballet figure skating we have the very lat est fashions and fads regard leu of coat we have cars for kids who would be dangerous on a tricycle another motive is fear by shielding their children from any and all unpleasantness in- eluding work they hope to keep them straight and out of the clutches of drugs sex and hlppiedom more often they drive them into trying something out of sheer bore dom with their diet of pab- lum another reason for the eo- coonllke over protection is love you dont like to see someone you love in trouble whether its emotional finan cial or legal and a final motive is plain laxiness mothers say id rath er do it myself than have to nag at her or him so do fathers thus many of the things which ralddleiged peo ple consider virtues punctuali ty diligence courtesy cleanli ness go by the board but when you have to tell an 18 year old girl to wash her feet theres something wrong my neighbor whose son is st college was wakened early sat urday morning by a long dis tance collect turally call from said son his ear had collapsed and he wanted to buy another one think it over result ha and his wife drove about 900 miles to see the kid and get some- thlng settled example two our daughter u at college my wifrr writer about three times a week and her tetters consist meetly of do this and dont do that the kid needed winter boota and a winter coat this of course la very unusual hi cut ada and demands urgent act ion and of course at i la shes much too young to euy them for herself and of course she might be vsntij in that big city with no friends so we drive through 480 miles of that fog and rain counting hotel bin tips gas and a couple of dinners out those boota and that coat cost about four times what they should have and then the brat says the isnt lonely at all thats the only reason i went and i told her so however and despite we had a pleasant weekend dining out we sat beside a young couple he was s caech not long out very smooth vers handsome she was new foundlander very friendly very open then a sikh indian turban and beard came in and sat nearby looking daaperately lonely i asked him over the chef a young ctech who was a friend of the other one joined us and said hed like to take my daughter out kim spilled something on her mothers best blouse we adieumed to e ream far a couple e hours the n olrl asked kim if shed ilka to share an apartment i wouldnt be sap prlsad if a cnch did foe my wife werrlad about the u czech the jlkh tost ma mat ancholy dont think ive strayed from my theme our kid is spoiled rotten she cooks like a one- armed paperhanger and couldn sew- two burlap bags together my deepest sympathy is extended to her future hus band moons area the area of canadas areas regions is the same ss that of the moons entire surface business directory ae r0bs0n registered physiotherapist 98 rexway drive 774470 iehui 10hn b0ught0n jewellers certihtd watchmakers 5 main st n b77431j c0rbett chiropractic clinic spinal xray service available by appointment b776631 a mill st old post office optometrist l m brown r0 47 main st n suite 1 per aaeelnrmants phone 773671 optometrist rr hamilton ro 116 mountalnview south carretal building per appointment 77w71 please present health insurance card w a cam professional engineer consulting engineer e ontario landsurveyer office 8775211 773300 home lc millesse ontario land surveyor os duncan drive g 8770375 residence wallace thompson 3rd division court 773963 cleric a commissioner monuments pollock a campbell designs on hfcquist inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone m175m 62 water street north oalt barragers cuanarsshtrt laond 773279 18 main 1m guelph all work atone on rot per an your insur ne auto hwhalliwil life end eonsirtt a john r lewis 459052 m

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