Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 27, 1969, p. 13

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u a 1 yiars old x visitor from holland in th1 mail bao scores teachers remarks about member of council home town studio mis van der toorn eightyone year old mr van der toorn of scheveningen holland a resort town on the north sea is visiting with her daughter whose name is also mrs van der toorn at 115 park street glen williams spry and alert for her age mrs van der toorn said if she was 10 years younger she would stay in this country she was particularly thrilled with the beauty of niagara falls despite the shut- dow of e american falls she plans to return to hol land in the spring in th mail bao whats wrong teacher says new education system excellent 12 mclnfyre crescent dear sir a recent resolution sponsor- ed by ken marshall councillor for esqueaiiig township aounds as if lie has a personal axe to grind with educational people in this county rather than vent his ire on the entire county system cr marshall would be well advised to let somebody know what exactly is bothering him everyone who works for the halton county board of edu cation realizes that the system has its drawbacks but consider- i ins the wide differences in procedures anthfbutines which existed- in january 1869 i be lieve the trustees director as sistant director administrative offiirials principals and teach ers have done an excellent job of uniting our county schools if mr marshall is dissatisfied with its efficiency after only nine months of operation 1 am sure that he cannot be aw are of the complexities involv ed to suggest hat trustees sal aries be cut by 00 shows the small town thinking which must inevitably produce regional government if the halton county board of education is to continue to attract the well- qualified people who now com- pose it we as taxpayers must be prepared to pay them the spending of the millions of dollars involved in education today cannot be left to the in- experienced but must be car ried out by wellqualified bus iness minded people unfortun ately these people are usually the busiest in the community surely our trustees are worth every penny they receive if they are willing to spend the time to successfully expedite our most important national requis ite education as a teacherprincipal i have never had so much backup help from a school board with psychological services now av ailable as well as the assistance of a host of subject coordin ators and consultants teachers can snore successfully meet the needs of individual pupils the suggestion of slashing salaries of sny employees is absolutely unacceptable because in the long run it would be the boys and girls of our schools who would suffer this would ultim ately defeat everything our county board has done to try to equalize educational opport unities if some other segments of the canadian economy were ac cepting wage freezes then im sure its school teachers would respond accordingly but when prices and wages continue to spiral it is folly to ask the teaching profession to hold the line the vast majority of tea chers work long hard hours preparing lessons teaching boys and girls supervising pu pils at noon hours and recesses marking books and tests and attending courses workshops and meetings to further their professional development the mental fatigue experienced by teachers in our quicklychang ing society is sn immeasurable quality while many teachers and principals study during the summer to increase their qual- itcstton for their chosen pro fessions there is a large group who really require the rest which they get in july and part of august teachers are so flog ged out by the end of june our busiest month that they simply collapse after the last school child leaves in june most teachers and nearly all principals are back in their schools by midaugust prepar ing for the september opening mr marshall has administered a stinging slap in the face to those of us who work hard to produce a favourable educat ional climate in conclusion may i reiter ate my original statement there are things wrong with education in halton county but there are a great many more things which are right i am sure that mr marshall could find proof of those things ab out education which are caus ing him concern he must not however see only the bad for then his resolutions become not constructive but destructive respectfully yours jack reed 128 rexway drive dear mr fedltor i would like o comment on the response of the teachers and halton county school bd members to the resolutions passed by the esquesing coun cil ok the whole the argu ments in the controversy were much below what- one might expect from educators of youth as s member of the teach- big profession however 1 would like to refer specifically to the letter written by mr mann in referring to a coun cil member he says this idiot who h5 been chosen to j represent the people on coonl oil also some knotheaded councillor whatever that means the electors of es quesing will take a dim view of these comments the lan guage is unbecoming a respon sible teacher one of the of ten expressed aims of a teach er is to train youth to analyse question and participate in dia logue in the society how can a teacher using such abusive language be exemplary in this regard mr mann states that he must resort to cajolery to help the kids get a better understanding of life my concern is for the children who fall helplessly under the influence of this type of teachir mr editor i would also like to comment on the press re lease of mr armitage chair man of the halton county bd of education he expressed concern over the salaries of teachers ie high school test ers at 98500 and public school teachers at 6200 etc ho might have clarified the issue by further reference to the salaries of board members ex pense accounts included and especially to the salaries of their employees on the admini strative ctaff mr armitageg comparison of the per capita costs of members of council versus the per capi ta cast of board members is ut ter nonsense the services and numbers of persons involved are different one might just as well compare the per capita cost of a part time dog catcher with the per capita cost of the prime minister and the presi dent of the bank of canada the same illogical approach was recently made by one of our georgetown councillors to justify a salary increase the argument is born in desper ation due toa lack of more valid reasoning i believe that the resolution by mr ken marshall was pre sented to bring into question the- spiralling costs of educa tion in some respects the resolution contained comments i believe that were only in tended to elicit dialogue from those involved use neighbourhood as learning aid the neighbourhood should be used to help provide a child with a sound foundation for language and learning an edu cational specialist says elaine matthic program con sultant for the ontario depart ment of education says taking children out of classrooms and into the neighbourhood encour ages youngsters to participate in learning situations by using vital everyday experiences this is preferrable t6 impos ing artificial and foreign ideas on the student in the classroom she explains miss matthie who is also a specialist and in language and speaking to a convention of thbj- oe0rgitown herald teachers sqpa sch thursday nov 27th 1969 logical result she advised the 120 teachers and 20- student teachers that oral language experiences logi cally lead children to better written language any short cut imposed in oi- al language could result in slo venly written language she says miss matthie also recommen ded the reading of prose and poetry in the class every day the teachers meeting repres ented only about qne third of the sep domic other torn werialangpsrt in pi elopmcatiyactl jous parts of the page 13 notice dr t richards wishes to announce change ok address from 3 maple avenue to young st as of december 1st give the good news for christmas millions of new readers want to read the good news of jesus for themselves the bible society provide scriptures in 1400 languages the demand has never been greater your gift will pakistani lad to share in- the of christmas help someone like this love that is the heart will you help to send 20 gospels 2 to send 5 new testaments 5 to send 1 bibleamonth in 70 24- for work in 1969 the canadian bible society has pledged 800000 send your gift now to i 18 guelph it georgetown canadian bible society co mr d cola local executive president dr robt gaskir secretary mr thos parry treasurer mr doug cole receipt will be sent for income tax purposes

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