Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 27, 1969, p. 4

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a i s georgetown herald v published by thornton newspapers untiled 22 main st south georgetown ontario w c biehn publisher page 4 thursday november 27th 1969 twt04uauoxmmlll advantage in cenfralizafjon 1 v whua wa do not always agree that centralization is better than smaller units we support councils move to put george towns racraaflon facilities under one board for yaars it has seemed an incon gruity 1hst the arena should be under operation of on appointed board the swimming pool another tha cedarvale centra another and the old town park under councils guidance wlih s council plans one board m- ministering all these public facilities should be eossible to do an even better job with no more or possibly less tax money if costs do rise it will be with the hiring of a recreation director but this is separate question and one which a new board and council will have to discuss with a ymywca well established it would seem that a y director could well to be be the man for the ob if such is created past experience does not indicate that a recreation director would have an easy time of it the postwar georgetown re creation cornission had tough sledding and eventually ground to a hair put part of its failure was the stumblinjj block of being ust one of a multiplicity of or ganizations with no control over any of the facilities which it had to use and one cannot compare a town of 5 000 a we were then with an area which wil soon approach the 20000 population mark we don t think georgetown should rush into any fast action on engaging a recreation director consolidation of the ex isting board is a- big step in itself and should be given several months to work out the ki ks and get into smooth operation spreading our problem a rewarding profession most teachers become very fond o c s and pollution is public enemy no 1 said headline in last weeks herald the news item reported a speech by the family camping federations conserva hon chairman warning that uncontrolled 9 exhaust from motor veh- s and dss are c r jral hen a creating j f j il problems which will u sugsing for future generations it seems that man with a tremendous brain power to devise intricate machines aotva mathematical problems create veh icles which can travel on and below the teas and high in the sky has not the irtgsn- march for biafra the tragic biafra nigeria civil war has caused untold suffering particularly for children in these african countries who are literally starving to death canadans have joined other world minded people in con tributing privately to shippng food into these countries with particular emphasis on airlifting food to biafra and georgetown has a special interest in this as two of the crew members of a relief plane are town resident today thursday a group of people yrith becking of some of the community s churches will bring biafra into sharp relief when they march through town from the unity or the mass desire to keep nature in an unspoiled sta e we clear the laid only to defile it with harmful chemicals dam rivers to pour harmful waste into their waters pour smoke and fumes into our pure air and now when man has topped every scientific discovery and literally rexched the moon we continue on this reckless path while marvelling at tne moon shots and the instant radio aid television com munication between the space ship and ear h one little scene sticks in our mind as the astronauts were preparing to land on the moon they were busily packing garb age nto coitainers the garbage was left on the moon george own maket centre to the moore park plaza their idea is to make georgetown more aware of the problem they hope to make senior governments more aware that there is a segment of the canadian public which wants our federal government to take action and they hope to persuade more district people to be concerned to add their voice to the appeal and their dollar to continuing relief as long as it is needed the march will move off from the mar ket centre at 7 30 p m and organizers are hoping for a large turnout trouble ih the reducing studio our economy capital gain tax news low yield bonds slump the district at a glance nolo tmst uni acton acton hydro com sodasloa is coins to make s oo4 try at holding hydro rates jn spite of the fact there hasnt been a rate change then in is tears use acton commission sad all others in the province have been notified of a ju per cent gate increase from ontario bren to take affect auaary 1 though this will mean an in- r ef approximately 1600 per month in actons power vu they feel they can hold the line flimm in oimanos anxourgh wellington county school board has ep- prevad s 4100000 addition to jtett it mckay school in hills- aurgh which will include a tneral purpose room two cheats rooms a stage a teach ers team storage r on kit hen and entrance foyer an edition at brisbane school aerth of balliaafsd s similar reject will cost kftvooo niw mcmation board erin a recreation paries and community centre board jbss been farmed in erin they have already nude a survey to determine the recreational seeds of erin and last week bald their first meeting to start planning recreation for fidents of all ages on the is smssber beard are two former ceorgetewn residents paul sad cordon aleott tm niw homes mutoa a plan to put more than 1000 new homes in north iftmen was unveiled before in aachosiatflc council lust week sta eertlejment on beo acres will provide housing or ap proximately 6170 persons the area is bounded by ontario street base line road third lane and main street east the plan includes miltons first high rise apartments three schools two churches and 33 acres of parkland a shopping centre on 3 7 acres is also plan ned three developers arc in vojved wimpey homes bay light investments and torpop ltd american motors uncertain brampton uncertainty was everywhere at american motors canada ltd thursday morning as the first s t re turned to work after a week s layoff both management and u oncers were doubtf how long the new apollo yellow cars wlil roll from the buyoff sta uon the men had worked only georoetown herald published by thomson newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter v blthn publisher gsrfiekf mcoltvrsy production superintendent advertising manager frank mullln news editor accountant terry hsrley aiieen bradley v valerie caruso anne currle reporter leslie clark dave hastings styles gllson john mccrements george yourig four days following a three cek strike for a new contract then a strike by 10 000 mm at th company s kenosha and milwaukee wise plants result ed in parts shortage here and the 1 000 brampton area work ers were laid off plant mna gcr l vincent said wc 11 take each day ai it comes ik the mail bag claim street vendors hazard for children gcoigetown ontario gentlemen it has come to the attention of tho undersigned that street vcndors arc frequenting the immediate aioj around george kennedy public school during before and after school hours we the undersigned as home owners and residents with chll drcn in daily attendance at this school foil ifiaf a hazard to the safety and welfare of our cnftdrcais created by the pre icnccnjf these street vendors in view of this we respectful ly request that the duly elect cd representatives of the poop lp take necessary action to re move this hazard by whatever means they have available to them yours rcspoctfully mr and mrs d s brownlee 23 moultrey crescent mr and vtis a st laurent 19 moultrey crescent ian barclay 27 moultrey crescent p frlskney 9 moultrey crescent l cazabon so moultrey crescent mr and mrs t rcis 28 moultrey crescent george and myrna brsyley 21 moultrey crescent by prsnk flaherty although enactment into law is more than a year away and still not assured the go vernments tax proposals are already affecting the markets prices of lowyield bonds are off market ex perts expect them to slump still further as buyeri look ing for capital gains shy away from them up to now a low coupon bond soiling at 75 could be counted as an attractive in vestment having regard to the capital gain available if held to maturity or on re sale before maturity if in tercst rates fall if the buy er happens to be in a 50 per cent tax bracket however it s a lot less attractive if hls capital gain as well as his interest is to be taxed investor decisions based on anticipation of a new tax law however remain highly speculative the law hasnt yet been passed and the fi nal form of the tax has not been settled in general it would appear that investors who hold low yield bonds now selling at a discount have good reasons for hold ing them to maturity rather than selling for a capital loss the case for buying them even if prices go still lower is questionable the present holder will be almost sure of getting more for his bond at matur ity than he can now chanc es are he will have no capit al gains tax to pay tho non- holder who buys a bond now intending to hold it to mat urity is almost certain to face a tax on his profit finance minister benson may have more trouble sell ing tax reform to his own liberal party than to conser vatives new democrats and the general public the first and by far the strongest ob jections registered against it came from liberals other liberals of course will heavy agenda finds 100 seeking divorce an ontario supreme court judge continues to wade through the 100 or so div orce cases on the list for the current assites being held in the halton county court house the divorce actions both contested and uncontested arc being heard before sup- re e court justice parker without a jury the current sitting bejan tast monday and will run two weeks court officials feel there is little hope all the divorce cases will be heard in that time the number of divorce cases coming before the court has tripled since new and more liberal laws came into effect over a year ago more than 1o0 divorces were heard at the previous supreme court sitting in halton in the summer claim these people dont re present the party but for the time being at least they are determined to make themselves heard benson s first of many speeches on tax reform was delivered before a liberal fund raising dinner in cal gary and by all accounts there were strong objections registered by party faithful who had paid 90 for a din ner and a speech about tax reform the objectors in the audience were a minority but their feeling were strong they didnt like the idea of a capital gains tax and they didnt want any curtailment of present tax exemptions on profits from mining and petroleum one party loyalist is reported to have commented that the ob jections merely reflected the fact that the liberal party in alberta bad become a rich mans party which wss the reason for its low stan ding at election time other objections however came from ross thatcher liberal premier of saskat chewan who has had no trouble winning elections in recent years thatcher was in ottawa last week dining with prime minister trud- eau and fraternizing with old friepds in the house of commons where he once sat as a new democrat and la ter as independent descri bing himself as a practical socialist before joining the liberal party hes against a capital gains tax and ag ainst cutting down on the special tax treatment of mi ning and oil companies thatcher is ready to arg ue the tax changes will be unfair to the west and to saskatchewan m particular ontario and quebec built up i ast mining industries on the basis of special tax treat ment now the west has a chance to build up its indus tries in the same way and is in the process of doing so he says there are some 200 companies actively exploring for minerals in saakatchew an now he fears new tax rules could send them else where some canadian manufact nrers will face competition from foreign countries not now actively selling in the canadian market the gov ernment has agreed to re duce tariffs on goods from under developed countries outside the commonwealth the move is a response to a program lanched by the un ited nations conference on trade and development held in india last year the purp ose is to help the poorer countries build up their ex port business and so gain sufficient foreign exchange to purchase more machlnerv and equipment for internal development the canadian tariff cuts arc moderate and so far seem to have arousod no al arm in canadian industrial circles the intermediate or most favoured nation rate on goods from countries ofli daily classed as underdevel oped will be cut by a third but not lower than the pres ent british preferential rate the rate cut however will not apply to goods recognli- ed as sensitive and the im port of which from certain countries such as japan is subject to quota news echoes from the heralds of 10 20 and 30 years ago 1m9 completing his eighth term as georgetowns mayor and his 13th as a member of the town council jack armstrong announced his retirement in a speech at a public meeting which followed nominations thursday in the auditorium at wrlgglesworth public school he inti mated that some day ho would again like to seek munici pal office e completion of carrier boy service for tho heraid will be made by next weeks issue and after that date all homes in georgetown will be served by the new system from now on it will no longer be possible for residents of town to subscribe by mail subscriptions will still be available of course to out of town points 1949 9 capacity crowds filled the new st john auditorium last wednesday and thursday nights for the presentation of a public school concert mrs ernest hyde made the costumes mrs w r s douglas was in charge of make up and miss marion hepburn was music supervisor and pianist in the cest of thorn rosa were juno oliver cur tis owyer end june lyon in scrooges christmas were gerald scott dcjnald cleave william gibbs carl hill mary barber george webster gretchen bradley yvonne long john debeaolleu leon conn arthur mcgulgan donald livingstone george hoare and john winfleld m trcvble in toyland were tommy dobble peter sinclair glenna dozily douglas wrigglesworth george andrews beverly hyde erol benhem end jean engleby pat will- son claudia mllnc jacqueline graham and sandra scott believe it or not some stu dents become very fond of cer tain teachers this was made painfully clear to me over the weekend i became involved wlty a vera- table spate of my former stu dents theyre all at university now and each was going through some part of the par ticular hell that that involves it btganon friday after noon gerry appeared et my classroom door looking like a rabbit that hat- fust had a run in with a wolf while the class was about to teach chartered bout what they were going to do tonight chewed their gum waved their miniskirted lags qr dropped into a deep slum ber gerry told me his trou bles he is one of the nicest boys and one of the weakest english students it has ever been my fate to encounter hes thenqd who rushed about last june and bought me a bottle of bur gundy and six golf balls after receiving the incredible news that hed passed in english his only problem friday was that he had three esayys to write in six days he was look ing for a life belt i was fresh out of them but gave him some reference books some sympathy and some ideai on how to tackle his essays i don t think he has a hope in heaven of passing his semes ter under those conditions but hes learned something you don t wait until an essay is breathing down your neck be fore you write it that very night another for mer student called her mum who lives across the street from us she wanted to know if the smileys were going to be home for the weekend if so she was coming home because she had to ice mr smiley she has graduated and is attending a college of educa tion purportedly learning to be a high school teacher her problem was a little different she had to teach some poetry this week as part of that 20th century form of the spanish inquisition known as practice teaching this involves facing a class of strange students with an eagle eyed professional teacher watching from the back of the room harrowing is the world so i spent saturday after man going over the poems with her and getting her all muddled up but she left with s-ptleof- notes and rhe feeling that she could survive the or deal i sunday afternoon i met two more former students under different circumstances i couldnt help them with their work imyas in a funeral home and tfiefftnother was dead tragically after a brief illness i kissed the girls and huggeej them there wasnt anything else to do or say sunday night one of them liz closest friend of our daughter since grade 7 came around and spent twnhours talking with my wife and ma not weeping just talking in her sensible sweet 1ft year old way and last of all there was another former student my own kid kim staggering around in that horrible chao of first year university beh telephone stock took another good shot in the arm when her mother called her sunday night she had just discovered that shed been missing two biology lectures a week all fall cause they werent on hi timetable and maybe this was the reason she wasnt doing so i ell tn biology and she has an exam in it this week and she knows shell fail and shed like nothing better than to quit the whole silly business and get a job as a waitress and thats the way it foee if youre a teacher ive bean at it for only ten years but in that time ive found vary few youngster who ere vile or des picable thar are some bus most of them are funny con fused lost brash shy aggres sive kooky its only when they become adults that they seem to turn into pompous bores nagging wives stuffed shirts shrews gossips and all manner of uqft pleasant creatures of both sex es perhaps there s a great uni versal truth in there some where but i cant find it how ever it makes up for a lot of the frustration and nerverend ing days oi teaching when tho blase sophisticated teenagers come back to see the old man when theyre in trouble business directory lc millesse ontario lerid surveyor 65 duncan drive georgetown 8774275 residence m jewelry clock repair service accutron service centre a e r0bson registered physiotherapist massage heat treatments electro therapy 58 rexway drive 774670 john b0ught0n jewellers certified watchmakers 5 main st n 8774313 corbett chiropractic clinic spinal xray service available by appointment 8774631 69 mill st old pott of ice da optometrist l m brown ro 47 main st n suite 1 for appointments phone 8773671 optometrist rr hamilton ro 116 mountalnview south carretal building for appointment 8773971 please prese health insurance- card w h carr professional engineer consultlngbngineer ontario land surveyor office 8772211 8773300 home wallace thompson 3rd division court 8773963 clerk commissioner monuments pollock campbell designs on rlsquest inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 6217580 62 water street north g a l t barragers cleanersshirt launderera 8773279 18 main s 186 guelph all work done on premises for all yaur insurance needs auto hemeewnera life and business consult john r lewis 4599052 t h hi f tl fetmf4uv5- v b

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