Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 18, 1969, p. 4

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i georgetown herald plswsjmd bythamaan mawspasw urnrra 22 main st south georgetown ontario w c iiihri hilhr page 4 thursday december 18ih 1969 editorial comment jtig municipal service j george currla has had on distinction jn his lengthy career in municipal politics jjie has twice- been county warden first jn 1936 and again this year in 1969 1 and if present plans go through as scheduled by the provincial government he will add one mora uniquity that of being he last reeve of esquesmg township mr curnes two year term as reeve continues into 1970 and this week jim inowmpp told the press that he expects frte new metro type- community which will turn halton and peel counties into a metro type region will become a fact on january 1st 1971 i in the shuffle esquesing township will disappear parts into georgetown and parts into milton j and georgetown itself will also be in fpr a radical change the initial proposal combines georgetown acton and a part if esquesing into one large municipality that esquesing will cease to exist as separate municipality is foreordained whatever comes in the way of regional government in mr curnes time he has seen a ru ral community shrink to one in which urban assessmefff exceeds rural communities like glen willtarnst stewarrtown and norval have continued to expand rapidly and there has been mora fringe development on georgetowns outskirts along no 7 highway toward acton the umehouse sideroad the 5th una almost everywhere you look many farms have been optioned for future residential development esquesiing lost soma 1 100 acres whan georgetown had its rapid expansion in 1954 urbanization has been less dramatic but utt as relentless since then if regional government operates any where near as efficiently as has esquesing wo will have no worries generations ef men like mr curne have beep good bud- geters good administrators they have op erated the township predominantly on a payasyougo policy with a minimum ot debenture debt they have given residents reasonably good roads good public buil dings and facilities the new metro government could us men of this type on its council good idea gone wrong l the company of young canadians a brainchild of lester pearson when he was prime minister has fallen on evil days conceived as a way to encourage boung people in isolated communities to better themselves and in this way make a better canada and to rehabilitate soma whose potential is not being fully realized it was theoretically sound but didnt work out j sunday the cbc public affairs televis ion program revealed ust now bad things have become a young american in a pos ition of responsibility revealed that he is lenin communist follower that he oined the cyc because this was the best place for him to operate and that he has no par ticular interest in the cyc program as such rje was followed by a lady hothead a member of the governing committee who observed that the young radicals are the real part of the group and the establish ment is at fault for not giving them their head saner voices on the directorate have asked that the government take over we think the group should be immed iately disbanded written off as an experi ment gone wrong monday the daily press informs us that the cyc has been fostering a group of oddballs living in a communal setup on one of the toronto islands help ing an underground publication in the city to spread obscenities through the mail etc etc were this being done with private funds we would not condone it the fact that tax money is being used brings our blood to a boiling ppmt now that our federal government knows what is going on we should expect an immediate termination to such foolishness a special christmas gift another robin hood and merry men halton mp rudlwhitag reports keeping natural beauty l it is to be hoped the ontario govern- rfient will act on a recommendation that parkland be acquired along the niagara escarpment we are already seeing the effects of quarrying operations in this part of the pro vince with unsightly bald spots appearing en the beautiful mountain at milton this natural heritage is too valuable to be destroyed by commerce if one has taken the skyline drive in virgrma you can realize the possibilities of using nature t bounty ontario has a sim ilar type of beauty and could develop a tourist attraction similar to virginia in years to come 14 the mail bag says dragstrip noiseless afe community asset l 87 weber drive dear sir jl with to make a few com bleats regarding the proposed dragstrip on the dan katth eftm farm near georgetown lor te use of young adults on weekends as a secondary echocl teach efi a participating drag racer ard farmer car club executive lieel i can speak with a certain degree of authority about young peoples activities and the sport of drag racing itself the greatest cause of juvenile delinquency is the lack of some thing constructive to do with ones time and energy this seems to be one of the major complaints beard from those who oppose this project on the founds that it v uld attract socalled hoodlum gangsters ate such u net the casensmce this type of person abhqrs any thing that is organized drag ricing u an extremely profes sional and organized sport i suggest that the disbelievers consult the rule book published b the national hot rod asso ciation the sport attracts a gjreat deal of people id the age gsuf 18 30 mally and these ate of the age group where a keen sense of competition is prevalent for a single days racing many hours at preparation are necessary in o24er to ensure success would tta opponents of this project jawfar to see the car buffs ruu- uikc around she streets with stftunj to dov rathe thai fin- cnaf fitn barning the mid- ajft oil in their garages- get- vjg thslr auchtae ready for he mar i auflmttnat these sahufcal assjhrkie will do much to teach a person mech anical skills how to budget time and money and to acquire s sense of responsibility and a keen compet l sens which is ever so necessary in later life many of the racers are trua professionals in tha sport ha ving invested many tens of thousands of dollars in their equipment on the subject the sport throwing a party if youre throwing a party this holiday season it can be more successful if you spend less time planning row to get it going and concern yourself more with how to end it pro perly if alcoholic b verages are part of the party menu it is imperative that modern mot or age hosts consider their guests who will be drivinz holiday entertainers should plan the party from the end not the beginning with these ten steps in mind 1 make contingency arran gements for accommodating overnight any tipsy guests who otherwise would have to drive 2 devise means for tact fully making passengers out of guests who may have qver- imbibed r e taxi service available or prearrange for anothor driver who has ab stained to transport them home 3 stop serving liquor alto gether at least an hour be fore guests will be leaving time sway from the toasting is most important element for those who must eventual ly get behind the wheel of sn auto 4 gradually substitute ach desserts and coffee for high ball glasses as the ev ening wear en 5 midway through the party serve s tempting meal food especially stsrchy ty pes helps to moderate ef fects of alcohol while dec reasing desire for additional liquor 8 pace tha party make or ganised game and other act ivities the focal point of en tertainment not the bar o 7 emphasize food place lota of attractive and varied shadk lfyr throughout the party area and replenish them often 8 set up a selfservice bsr featuring lots of nonalcoh olic or low alcoholic content beverages such as exotic fruit juice mixtures and other soft drinks 0 after serving the first cocktail let guests help themselves guests who pour their own usually mix fewer nd -less- potent drinks than does the host 10 never push drinks on guests who sre driving the admonition if you drink don drive is still the bast rule but too few persons fol low h h is more realistic to expect the host to follow a few guidelines which can stabilize the celebrating and literally assure his motoring guasu many kappj returns since the second session of the 28th parliament opened on 22nd october my mail has been increasingly heavy much of it has reflected the great concern we as canadians feel 6ver the nigerianbiafran sit nation my help and support have been asked in an effort to alleviate the suffering and starvation which has resulted from this tragic civil war other letters have come from the national pensioners and senior citizens federation this group presented a brief to the government last october asking for an increase in the old age security to 150 per month and the full cost of liv itself i make the following points 1 11 is one of the safest sports in stence safer than al body contact sports accid ents rarely happen between two cars running side by side in a straight line in four years of racing myself i have yet to witness any mishap except for the crash of a dragster due to the driver s own error in fail ing to properly pack bis para chute 2 contrary to popular belief the sport is not noisy i have driven right past some drag strips while looking for tlem hoping to hear some noise to direct me the fact is sound simply does not travel iji g distances over land 3 besides being a competi tors sport i is also a spectator sport consider cayugs 13220 dragway for example a typi cal saturday night event traws some 300 400 competitors snd 3000 5000 spectators at 3 4 apiece i she d think sry mun icipality would find good use for the corporation tax revenue from such a venture not to mention the money spent in establishments near the rtrip ask any resident of the town of cayuga if their local drag- strip hasnt brought money in to the town as well as put it on the map internationally in conclusion i support the idea of the proposed dragstrip in principle as long as it is run by solid experienced per nncl id that fsir agreements reached between the muni cipality and the proponents such things as food concessions and sanitary facilities should not be overlooked there is no doubt lr my mind as t the worthvbilencss of this project yours truly g tc thompson ing to be added to the old age pension dealing with these letters has become for me a top prior ity as certainly no one m my position can be so callous as to sit idly by some encourage ment was felt here in ottawa last week when word was re ceived that the federal gov eminent of nigeria had agreed to permit daylight relief flights their statement now permits the biafrans to agree also the biafran leaders have rejected a land corridor on the ground that it could be exploit ed by the federal side for mil itary purposes they regard it as a trojan horse tactic aimed at camouflaging the real goal of overrunning biafran territory the second alternative of day light flights into existing air j strips has also been rejected daylight flights have been ag reed to only on the condition that relief organizations build a new airstrip in a location which would block the nigerian offen sive this of course was un- accepfable to the nigerians who regard it as an obvious at tempt to reinforce biafran strength at the heart of both biafran rejections is the plaus ible fear that relief arrange ments might be turned into military advantage by the nig erians but this is now ended closer to home canadi ans everywhere have grown to appreciate the great contribu tion made to canada by its se nior citizens and are very sym pathetic l the plight facing some of our senior citizens at the present time many canad lans realize how dififcult it is for those who have to live solely on their old age pension snd supplement the government is now undertaking an exhaustive re view of all social legislation and in particular the old age pension benefits from whst can gather the words of our muchrespected senior citizens did not fall on deaf ears when they made their presentation to the government the district at a glance dont know how things are around your way but theres little doubt that were going to have a white christmas around here winter came in like a polar bear with a toothache and i went of to work on de cember 1st as though it was midjanuary that is wade through six inches of fresh snow pray fer vently as i try to start the car breathe another little one of thanks when it goes dose my eyes and bomb backward down the driveway muttering anoth er supplication that til make the road and then send up an other few words of gratitude because rd got my snow tires on the night before on creature whs despises his whole business as much as i is our cat it was tad enough far her before the snow came huge tomcats black vhlts and piebald littered tha yard and shad sit on tha picnic tsbl spitting and snarllhg at tfiam with an air of chastity and vir tue that is seldom seen these days she was in command of that situation but when i chucked her out into half a foot of snow her first experience of it she almost went out of her head skiers are delighted of course and that other insidious new ibreed the snowimobilers are beaming all over their big tat red faces its not enough that we should have our summers ruined by halfwits in motor boats and on motor cycles tearing around polluting the water end tha air destroying the peace and endangering not oiy their own lives who cares but those of everybody else within ramming distance no we have their vnter counterparts i can tolerate the snowmobile as a handy tool for work or for getting fom one place to another under dif fjcult conditions but i haven t much time for those idiots who merely revel in the noise the sense of power and the stink halftrained and often half stoned a meriace to everything in or out of sight the poet would wind up in a snowdrift i suppose i ntubtnt get enur- lish with christmas approach ing but if any snowmobile manufacturer thinks he ean bribe me into reversing my stand by sending me one of these infernal machines for christmas hes mistaken ti send it right back in april hope you are in better shape with your christmas preparaf1 bona than we are every year at our place the last week or so is about as organized as an irish cattle sale but ru bet you despise as much as i do those aseptic souls who buy their presents in a i september have their colored lights ut in j november and mail their cards on the first of december theres something about people like that that irks me theyre of the same species as ft those who work with s clean desk never lose their rubbers and smirk no thanks i dont smoke when you offer them a fag perhaps the reason i canh stand them is that i hate myself my desk looks like a bargain counter rafter a sale i lose gloves rubbers hats and impor tant papers i forget important things and remember triviali ties on of these is buying clo thes id rather go into tha iungl than a clothing shop i have one suit for all occasions en two year old lacker one pair of flannels with a hoi in hum i hav an eld tranclvcoct about as warm as a silk nightie omabody is rubber boots a pair of gloves with holes in both thumbs and golf cap for winter headgear til bet poet robert frost is glad he s dead imagine trying to write a beautiful haunting thing like stopping by woods on a snowy evening today some moron would come charg ing out of the woods on a snow mobile frighten the horse and so i shall leave this column lying about ostentatiously until christmas maybe rnny fanuy will rehabilitate me at least outwardly however m have about the nicest christmas present i can think of and it wont be wrap ped ih have my dearly loved daughter home for the holidays did vol know fire damsge snd forest pro tection costs canadians sixty million dollars annually business directory georuetown herald published by thomson newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c buhn publisher garfield mcollvray production superintendent advertising manager frank mullln news editor accountant tarry barley alleen bradley valerie caruso i anna currie reporter leslie clark dave hastings mylesgilson john mcclements georga yeung rap light finger acton a very serious increase in cases of shoplifting has re sulted in acton police infor ming all local shopkeepers of the correct procedure in ma ng a citizen s arrest du ring the past week 7 local ju veniles weo charged with shoplifting goods recovered came from stores in acton milton guelph and george town were going to clamp down on this acton police insist helicopter service orangeville the canadian transpo t commission has approved an application from caledon he licopters limited to operat a service from a base at or- angeville the company prop- poses to use helicopters to carry on flyer training aer ial photography aerial in spection and advertising and recreational flying the air transport committee sa t was satlafi d that it would be in the public interest to grant the application grand old man mlton miltons grand old yman john maxted reached his look birthday on sun day he has been a res- tent of milton for the past 74 years he was 3 masonry con tractor all ws life and built over 100 homes and public buildings in the milton area he didnt retire from active work until he was 80 and that year built a new home for himself and his daugh ter winter carnivat oakvilli oakville recreation com mittee approved plans last- week for a winter carnival complete with snowmobile raes net- e 1 town council- members and service clubs and a hud41jn for young people the program nas- been scheduled for february 21 and 22 events rould in clude a snow queen contest ice sculpturing family skat ing party snowmobile races winter camp out tug of war toboggan and snow shoe ra ces sleigh rides brooiubal tourneys and figure skating demonstrations cpr station closed brampton bramptons canadian pac ific railway station has off icially been closed no soo ner had the railways new customer service in londpn opened than the works crew descended on the station they quickly removed its semaphore signal blades en ding its hundred year history which started when the credit valley railway laid its narrow gauge through tba town in the 1000s 10000 unit housino mississauca an application by bruce mclaughlin and associates ltd to allow the develop ment of a residential com mercial complex that will bouse 31500 persons v s approved lr principal last week- by the planning board the project is a phase of mc laughlins plan to develop 4000 acre s5 billion city in jmtsslssauga it will ba called wississauga valleys charge death trap huttonville charges that county coun cil has created a death trap at tha intersectibn of the 4th line west and huttonville sideroad were heard last week when council candidates took their campaigns to hutton ville dr robert williams dslmedthe death trap coa ted by reconstruction of the intersection there was caus ed by peel good rosdjicom- mittce being more interested in aaphslt than people l c millesse ontario land surveyor 65 duncan driv gorgtown 8776275 residence sbsk repair jewelry g clock accutren service centra john b0ught0n jewellers certified watchmakers 5 main st n 1774313 c0rbett chiropractic clinic spinal xray service available by appointment 3774631 4 mill st old pest offlc optometrist l m brown r0 47 main st n suite 1 pr appointments phone 774671 plaas present ith insurance card optometrist rr hamilton ro 116 mountainvlew south carreul building for appointment 773971 please present health insurance card ae r0bs0n registered physiotherapist massage heat treatments electro therapy 06 rexway drive 774670 w h cam professional engineer consulting englnear e ontario land surveyor office 1772211 773300 home wallace thompson 3rd division court 775943 clark a commissioner monuments pollock a campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 6217580 83 water street north o a lt barragers ckanrsshlrt launderere 772279 18 vain 166 guelph all work dene en premises for all your insurance needs ufa anal bwines consult john r lewis w

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