The inauguration of natural gas in Georgetown. Front: Mayor Jack Armstrong and Rex Heslop on his left. Background (left to right): Herald Publisher Walter & Mary Biehn, Reeve Stan Allen, Mrs. Jack (E
The inauguration of natural gas in Georgetown. Front: Mayor Jack Armstrong and …
Inauguration of natural gas in Georgetown. Left to Right: Mary Biehn, Delma Heslop, Walter Gray (rear), John D. Kelly, Mrs. Ruth Allen, Len Ward - Delrex Foreman (rear), Edna & Mayor John T. Armstron
Inauguration of natural gas in Georgetown. Left to Right: Mary Biehn, Delma …
Lea, David, Oakville Beaver, 11 May 2012, 1 cont'd on p 5,13 & 18 ...
Lea, David, Oakville Beaver, 11 May 2012, 1 cont'd on p 5,13 & 18 ...
Oakville Public Library
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Halton Images is created and maintained by the public libraries of Halton Region, the Burlington, Esquesing, Milton, Oakville and Trafalgar Township Historical Societies.